
Month: 2020-07


ael 18:18:55
Then we go for July 18?
👍 3 1


Mamie_c4jpn 20:48:10
25 is ok for @enomoto and me. so, 25 jonthon is OK!!! sorry to confuse.


ael 19:46:50
So what time is better for you @mami.takesada @enomoto @mee ? July 25 is g0v hackathon. July 18th also works for me


ael 21:36:28
Let’s try 1 pm TW/2 pm JP&KR on July 25? @mami.takesada @mee @enomoto @always5smile @pei4.cats ?
🙆‍♀️ 3 👍 2
Afra 23:07:30



ael 22:36:22
@always5smile @pei4.cats we can borrow ConCall equipment from Jothon


Hi 大家,下周六就是第肆拾次實體大松啦!揪松團一樣提供線上參與的選項,除了以往一定會有的直播外,還有 ↓↓↓ 1. <https://meet.jothon.online/|線上揪松>會議室提供各坑主自行線上開坑,遠端討論,線上參與的朋友也如同前幾次,錄下自介,這次我們會在大松實體現場播放唷!想要佔領會議室請 @ichieh,我會幫忙修改會議室名稱及共筆連結! 2. 揪松團準備了幾組視訊會議器材,可以於大松現場提供各組借用,詳情請看<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/HJa7mAcyD|借用共筆>


Mamie_c4jpn 09:20:42
Can I try to use UDtalk for nextweek meeting?
by using it, the people who want to join but not good at speaking English can try to join.
3 ❤️ 3 🗾 3
Mamie_c4jpn 09:22:02


What is UDTalk? (English)



ael 21:08:43
I just realize that Google Meet now has cc caption feature, which show the scripts of the discussion.
Does it mean that we can use the Google Meet cc on tomorrow’s meeting?
👍 4



ael 09:40:17
Hackfoldr of today g0v hackathon
kaizumaki 09:58:29
@kaizumaki has joined the channel
👋 1
John Huang 10:43:01
目前除了之前出版的UI mockup 之外
John Huang 2020-07-25 11:52:07
John Huang 2020-07-25 12:18:20
John Huang 2020-07-25 12:18:32
John 你好,今天開過會後才發現我有點誤會,我們一直都沒有要做App,之前提出的UI稿是for mobile 的網頁,造成誤會真是抱歉。

我們今天開會後有訂出幾個 deadline,不過主要是在內容上的更新和翻譯,以及網頁的進一步設計與開發。我們應該會在下週開一次線上的文字會議,屆時如果你有想參與的部分,歡迎直接加入討論~(詳細的會議時間等一下會開投票)
John Huang 2020-07-25 23:03:22
yori_ouo 11:46:12
@wendy.lin.121500 has joined the channel
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 11:49:31
@sampeterrobbins has joined the channel
Project intro: https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both >>共筆
Collaboration spreadsheet: https://bit.ly/2SsOPSU >>翻譯人才請進
Site: https://herstory-of-east-asia.netlify.com/ >>以前的prototype


Herstories in East Asia - HackMD

Google Docs

Herstory in East Asia

Sheet1-i18n Slug,Country/Region,Title_en_us,Comment / Proceed(QA) ,Title_zh_tw,Title_zh_cn,Title_ja_jp,Title_ko_kr,Description_en_us,Description_zh_tw,Description_zh_cn,Description_ja_jp,Description_ko_kr,Start,End,Image,Place,Location,Location_Original,Source h62dN,Japan,Seitou,月刊雜誌「青鞜」發行,希...

Mamie_c4jpn 11:56:50
zoom? meets? jisti? @mee
Maybe we can use google meeting since it has CC caption?
HsinJuLi 12:11:12
@b03208008 has joined the channel
thea.liang 12:15:27
@thea.liang has joined the channel
fluidto 12:54:11
Hi, I'm fluid from NullFull 🙌 Coud I know a start time of today's meetup?
1 pm TW/2 pm JP&KR
Thanx to Pei-: , NullFull people from Korea can join this meetup at PM 2:30. See you soon!
fluidto 12:57:41
Thanx to Pei-: , NullFull people from Korea can join this meetup at PM 2:30. See you soon!
👍 1
Mamie_c4jpn 13:00:15
I cant find meets URL... @pei4.cats
wait a minutes sorry
Mamie_c4jpn 2020-07-25 13:03:15
It's OK:) @kaizumaki and @enomoto will also join



Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.

❤️ 1
LisbethW1130 13:23:03
@uuuyyttu has joined the channel
lexifdev 14:30:31
@pei4.cats Hi
🙆‍♀️ 2
lexifdev 14:33:08
Screen Shot 2020-07-25 at 3.32.51 PM.png
3 👍 2
purpleheart484 14:37:23
스크린샷 2020-07-25 오후 3.36.32.png
1 👍 1
tjruddl26521 14:44:06
@tjruddl26521 has joined the channel
constmoon 14:46:00
I’m curious about the meaning of `坑主`
LisbethW1130 2020-07-25 15:00:17
The person who dig a hole and let other people jump into the project 🙂
fluidto 14:51:59
I just wrote my ’Self-introduction’
fluidto 14:52:16
長女, Graphic Designer, Feminism Activist
what do you mean 長女~ You are the oldest person in your siblings?
YES... First daughter. There are some meme about K-長女 between feminists. Women who was born and raised up K-長女 are usually too much hard work, and get angry easily...
Wow! That's a really new information to me! I've never heard about 長女 in Korea. Thanks a lot for sharing this word ☺️
There’re some similar memes about the first daughter in Taiwan but mostly in my parents’ generation. The first daughter is expected to take care of housework and her siblings especially her brothers no matter older or younger, in the same time those 長女 are also seen to be “the second mom”, old school, grumpy, busy body and sometimes can’t get married.
That’s the different explanation for the same word! I didn’t link these two explanations before, but now I know it and I think it’s cool 😎
If Herstory can bring more similar examples to people, it would be very impressive ~
HuangFu 15:01:35
@aoisoranoko has joined the channel
HuangFu 15:01:35
@aoisoranoko has joined the channel
fluidto 17:36:14
YES... First daughter. There are some meme about K-長女 between feminists. Women who was born and raised up K-長女 are usually too much hard work, and get angry easily...
👍 2
fluidto 18:10:50
Korea teams translated Korean description to English, all. Just done!
😍 3 1
fluidto 18:10:56
And we made some hashtags. Plz use these, or let us know more proper keyword. 

# System Reformation 
# Legal Case 
# Protest  
# Sex Trafficking  
# Asia Women 
# Mee Too 
# New Feminist Group 
# Feminism Art 
# Workplace Sexual Discrimination 
# Digital Sexual Crime
BarryYu 19:21:51
@doung1118 has joined the channel


BarryYu 08:42:35
Hello , 我有位朋友想暸解這邊組織的內容
BarryYu 08:42:52
BarryYu 08:43:39
他本身是做英文雜誌編輯的校正. 美國人.
BarryYu 11:29:49
我把連結都給她了, 請問需要怎麼介紹給您們呢?
ael 13:21:28
請他加入 Slack 喔
Soon to back Taipei , and than Join slack
profession Eitor


wildjcrt 19:16:02
hi all

@pei4.cats makes the first version scratch. Welcome any feedback.
Also feel free yo use your Language! 😁
Pei4 will start to do prototype in tomorrow night. Please provide your ideas before that time. 🕢 Thanks.
Please feel free to give any feedback❤️
어제 Pei4는 스케치를 그렸으며 새로운 UI에 대한 당신의 목소리가 필요합니다. 예를 들어, 각 스토리에 대한 태그가 있으며 사용자는 태그를 클릭하여이 태그에 대한 더 많은 스토리를 볼 수 있습니다. 그 디자인은 괜찮습니까?
Sorry I’m still very beginning in Korean so I use google translate. haha…
Here is the original.
Yesterday Pei4 drew a sketch, and we need your voices about the new UI. For example, there are tags for each story and user can click tag to see more stories about this tag. Is that design ok?```
my feedback!

```<1> about hashtag

-I saw new hashtags like 'comfort women', 'family'. We may add those to Korean contents, too

-Another new tag 'LGBTQAI' may be necessary

<2> draft

-Illustrated pictures may be the most powerful way to explain those contents although in different languages...

-But I can't imagin that there will be illustration in every each contents, not yet. I concern that some of those would be too much complicated or ambiguous for illustrating.

-We (Hyejung or SL could) could give you other feedbacks after 1-2 days (maybe??)
thanks for reading my broken English-:
I heard that we removed the images because of copyright issues. Has the copyright issue been resolved?
And... I think the shape of the tag and the select box should also be distinguished.
For now, the tag and the select box look the same, so the select function doesn't stand out. If it has multiple tags in the future, the box may increase... so how about going more like a badge or text?
We don't provide url for tags now(e.g. `/tags/feminism`), then should we make a page for each tag later? (Originally, I was only going to make a selection box for each tag.)
🙌 3 👍 1 ❤️ 1
Mamie_c4jpn 19:17:01
https://forms.gle/KhFomXAu7m1yNGaG6 C4Japan summit!

Google Docs

Apply for Online Session for Code for Japan Summit 2020 [August 10 Deadline]

We would like to collect online session programs for Code for Japan Summit 2020, which will be held from October 17th to October 18th. Initially, Code for Japan Summit 2020 was being prepared as an offline event in Aichi Prefecture. However, as COVID-19 infectious disease measures, we will Re:DESIGN it to be held online while careful response is required when holding large-scale events.This will ensure a safer environment for all participants. Reference: Code for Japan Code of Conduct <https://github.com/codeforjapan/codeofconduct> Therefore, we would like to broadly collect online session programs and create Code for Japan Summit 2020 with many people. Please apply. [ Theme ] This year's theme is "Re:DESIGN". Changes are occurring in our daily lives and in various fields, including measures against COVID-19 infections. In this situation, we want to share what we have been working on through CivicTech and various activities, think again together, and want to be a trigger where we can take a new step. We put this thought into the theme of "Re:DESIGN". We aim to be a place where all the participants' efforts are driven and new ideas, challenges, interactions, collaborations, and new initiatives are created from here. Please keep the deadline of August 10. [ Event outline ] Date/Time : On Sat, 17 October, 2020 at 13:00-18:30 (online exchange meeting 18:30-20:30) On Sun, 18 October, 2020 at 13:00-17:50 Place : Online Access : Zoom + YouTube Live Organizer : Code for Japan Co-Organizer : Code for AICHI, Code for Nagoya, Code for Mikawa, Code for Toyota, Code for Gifu, Code for ふじのくに [ Notes ] - The person who applied should act as a session chair, and contact the speakers and set the session details. - The session time will be 50 minutes. - UD talk subtitles will be included in all session deliveries. - In the Session overview column, please describe the contents of the session you are currently assuming. - For international sessions, please inform us of the language used in the session. - We will not pay any rewards to the session chair or speakers. In addition, due to budget limitations, you will be required to bear other expenses. Please make an application after adjustments. - Please note that due to the distribution environment and budget, it may not be possible to conduct all the sessions requested. After consideration, we will contact you regarding whether or not to hold and the time etc. - If you have any questions, please contact us. [ Reference ] Last year's program <https://summit2019.code4japan.org/> [ Contact ] <mailto:code4aichi@gmail.com|code4aichi@gmail.com> * Please note that the content and schedule are subject to change without notice.

I open the link and it shows “no longer accepting responses”. 🤔
👍 4
Please feel free to give any feedback❤️
4 2


wildjcrt 09:34:24
어제 Pei4는 스케치를 그렸으며 새로운 UI에 대한 당신의 목소리가 필요합니다. 예를 들어, 각 스토리에 대한 태그가 있으며 사용자는 태그를 클릭하여이 태그에 대한 더 많은 스토리를 볼 수 있습니다. 그 디자인은 괜찮습니까?
👍 2
RAYEN 21:23:13
@jennie97111 has joined the channel


fluidto 00:05:38
my feedback!

```<1> about hashtag

-I saw new hashtags like 'comfort women', 'family'. We may add those to Korean contents, too

-Another new tag 'LGBTQAI' may be necessary

<2> draft

-Illustrated pictures may be the most powerful way to explain those contents although in different languages...

-But I can't imagin that there will be illustration in every each contents, not yet. I concern that some of those would be too much complicated or ambiguous for illustrating.

-We (Hyejung or SL could) could give you other feedbacks after 1-2 days (maybe??)
thanks for reading my broken English-:
👍 3 🙌 2
wildjcrt 01:42:25
There is no broken English at all! The most important thing is that we collaborate to do good things. 🙂
If you need, speaking your own language is very ok. Don’t be afraid to provide your voice.
🙏 2 3 🙌 2 👍 1
Thanks for all your feedback! Here are some points I'd like to reply to.

Firstly, about the illustration, the one in the draft is just a demonstration. What we (Taiwanese) want to do is to make our own illustrations for all the stories, so @jiiw.kang it won't have any copyright issue.
Besides, I agree that it's hard to illustrate all the cases, so @kjh.appro I will also draw another version for cases that don't have an illustration. Also, I'd like to invite @kjh.appro and @purpleheart484 to work on illustration part with me since I saw your self-intro, saying that you two are designers. Of course, inviting more people in the illustration field to join us can be a good option.
Secondly, about the tags, I agree with @jiiw.kang that the tag should be distinguished, so I'll make some adjustments tonight. And speaking of the page for each tag, originally I want to put them into the searching function, but I haven't drawn that part yet, so I'll also update this section tonight. Thank you for pointing this problem out~
👍 2
모든 의견에 감사드립니다! 답장하고 싶은 몇 가지 사항이 있습니다.
먼저, 그림에 대해, 초안에있는 그림은 단지 시연 일뿐입니다. 우리 (대만) 가하고 싶은 것은 모든 이야기에 대한 우리 자신의 삽화를 만드는 것이므로 @constmoon에는 저작권 문제가 없습니다.

또한 모든 경우를 설명하기가 어렵다는 것에 동의하므로 @fluidto는 그림이없는 경우에 대해 다른 버전을 그릴 것입니다. 또한 @fluidto와 @gyujin을 초대하여 자기 소개를 본 후 나와 함께 일러스트레이션 부분을 작업하고 싶습니다. 물론 일러스트레이션 필드에 더 많은 사람들을 초대하여 가입하는 것이 좋습니다.

둘째, 태그에 대해서는 태그를 구별해야한다는 @constmoon에 동의하므로 오늘 밤 조정을하겠습니다. 그리고 각 태그에 대한 페이지를 말하면 원래 검색 기능에 넣고 싶지만 아직 그 부분을 그리지 않았으므로 오늘 밤 에도이 섹션을 업데이트 할 것입니다. 이 문제를 지적 해 주셔서 감사합니다 ~

台湾の方がやりたいのは、すべてのストーリーに対して独自のイラストを作成することです。そのため、@constmoon では著作権の問題は発生しません。
すべてのケースを説明するのは難しいので、@fluidto は、イラストがないケース用に別のバージョンを作成します。また、お二人はデザイナーだと自己紹介を見ていたので、@fluidtoさんと@gyujinさんにイラストの部分を一緒に作ってもらいたいと思います!もちろん、イラスト分野にもっと多くの人を招待して参加するのも良い方法です。
👍 1 1 ‼️ 1 🤔 1
I drew a no-picture version layout (draft1), and I found that I need to make some adjustments in order to put "related stories" into the with-picture version.
Besides, I've also tried some different types of tags layout (draft2 with # mark, and draft3 with underline), and I wonder which one would be better?
If I choose one, layout including related stories is better. I guess that It is better to use layout without pics. I can use lay out with pic when we need pic or have pic. Thank you \Pei4/
I like tags with hash version. 🙂
👍 4


Here's the update today 🤩

1. The tags page: I think it would be clearer if we separate the tags into different categories. Therefore, users can find their topic more easily. Besides, I found that the tags are a little bit long, and I wonder if we can shorten them?

2. Related stories_click yet: I add the "related stories" page into the with-pic version, and I also add the scroll bar in the content.

3. Related stories_clicked: The version after "related stories" page been clicked

4. Without-pic adjusted version: Add the scroll bar in the content.

Please feel free to give any feedback~
Good 🙂 It is Agile working way! \Pei4/ do we need to use zeplin dashboard for collaboration?
@mee I have Zeplin but haven’t used it yet; and also, I only have PC so I can only use Adobe Xd but not Sketch.
I used to use Figma since it’s easier to make comment for everyone (no need to install anything), and specs will renew as soon as I make any change. Is it okay for everyone (especially @sl and other developers ) to use Figma? If not, I can still use Zeplin.
👍 3 3


gj 15:25:24
#herstory in Seoul!
Image from iOS
3 3 😲 3
wildjcrt 15:41:20