Hi 大家,下周六就是第肆拾次實體大松啦!揪松團一樣提供線上參與的選項,除了以往一定會有的直播外,還有 ↓↓↓ 1. <https://meet.jothon.online/|線上揪松>會議室提供各坑主自行線上開坑,遠端討論,線上參與的朋友也如同前幾次,錄下自介,這次我們會在大松實體現場播放唷!想要佔領會議室請 @ichieh,我會幫忙修改會議室名稱及共筆連結! 2. 揪松團準備了幾組視訊會議器材,可以於大松現場提供各組借用,詳情請看<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/HJa7mAcyD|借用共筆>
Herstories in East Asia - HackMD
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Sheet1-i18n Slug,Country/Region,Title_en_us,Comment / Proceed(QA) ,Title_zh_tw,Title_zh_cn,Title_ja_jp,Title_ko_kr,Description_en_us,Description_zh_tw,Description_zh_cn,Description_ja_jp,Description_ko_kr,Start,End,Image,Place,Location,Location_Original,Source h62dN,Japan,Seitou,月刊雜誌「青鞜」發行,希...
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Google Docs
Apply for Online Session for Code for Japan Summit 2020 [August 10 Deadline]
We would like to collect online session programs for Code for Japan Summit 2020, which will be held from October 17th to October 18th. Initially, Code for Japan Summit 2020 was being prepared as an offline event in Aichi Prefecture. However, as COVID-19 infectious disease measures, we will Re:DESIGN it to be held online while careful response is required when holding large-scale events.This will ensure a safer environment for all participants. Reference: Code for Japan Code of Conduct <https://github.com/codeforjapan/codeofconduct> Therefore, we would like to broadly collect online session programs and create Code for Japan Summit 2020 with many people. Please apply. [ Theme ] This year's theme is "Re:DESIGN". Changes are occurring in our daily lives and in various fields, including measures against COVID-19 infections. In this situation, we want to share what we have been working on through CivicTech and various activities, think again together, and want to be a trigger where we can take a new step. We put this thought into the theme of "Re:DESIGN". We aim to be a place where all the participants' efforts are driven and new ideas, challenges, interactions, collaborations, and new initiatives are created from here. Please keep the deadline of August 10. [ Event outline ] Date/Time : On Sat, 17 October, 2020 at 13:00-18:30 (online exchange meeting 18:30-20:30) On Sun, 18 October, 2020 at 13:00-17:50 Place : Online Access : Zoom + YouTube Live Organizer : Code for Japan Co-Organizer : Code for AICHI, Code for Nagoya, Code for Mikawa, Code for Toyota, Code for Gifu, Code for ふじのくに [ Notes ] - The person who applied should act as a session chair, and contact the speakers and set the session details. - The session time will be 50 minutes. - UD talk subtitles will be included in all session deliveries. - In the Session overview column, please describe the contents of the session you are currently assuming. - For international sessions, please inform us of the language used in the session. - We will not pay any rewards to the session chair or speakers. In addition, due to budget limitations, you will be required to bear other expenses. Please make an application after adjustments. - Please note that due to the distribution environment and budget, it may not be possible to conduct all the sessions requested. After consideration, we will contact you regarding whether or not to hold and the time etc. - If you have any questions, please contact us. [ Reference ] Last year's program <https://summit2019.code4japan.org/> [ Contact ] <mailto:code4aichi@gmail.com|code4aichi@gmail.com> * Please note that the content and schedule are subject to change without notice.