
Month: 2020-09


BarryYu 21:32:19
My face book of feed.js not connect firebase..


ael 14:14:29
螢幕快照 2020-09-12 下午2.13.10.png
@pei4.cats @wildjcrt @kjh.appro @mami.takesada @mee

we will ask the committee whether we can add or remove speakers as I kind of not active in the project
Then I will confirm the session by Sunday


ael 01:09:16
Then I will confirm the session by Sunday
Lily Hess 17:23:23
Hi, I just lightly edited the English descriptions of Sheet1-i18n. Please let me know if something is unclear of if you'd like me to edit anything else 🙂
🙌 2


Mamie_c4jpn 07:55:09
@wildjcrt We add 10 more stories and fix some stories we add before.
`10/18 Code for Japan Summit online` @enomoto ,@kaizumaki and I will have session about Code of Conduct and one of the discussion will be about gender. is it OK for you guys to share a little about this project?


Hello all 👋
I’ve raised an online discussion about herstory project future in our Meetup Notes.
@mee @mami.takesada Could you please remind others in your country to leave their opinions below before 9/30?
Any thoughts, ideas, informations, comments or opinions are all welcome!
Also, everyone is welcome to use your own language! :raised_hands:


Herstory Meetup Notes - HackMD

Thanks @pei4.cats ♥️ I will deliver it.
Mamie_c4jpn 2020-09-29 19:48:06
Thanks !!
Hi herstory friends! Sorry for late. I wrote this on hackmd too.

_fluid from nullfull(nullfull.kr), Shadow Pins (weareshadowpins.com), Femilog(femilog.dothome.co.kr

<1>next work

-About Promotion

Groups in Korea:
• -Civic Hacking Community Nullfull
• -Democracy Activists Group Parti
• -Feminist Group FemilogShadow Pins

-About project future

(1) As an East-Asia issue platform

Maybe, it’s gonna be possible. (Not regular but irregular way). I think we can construct DB together about bunch of powerful issues like Nthroom, Wartime Sexual Violence, MeToo Movement… Those things has a common ground that each woman in East-Asia had suffered pain 
because of Patriarchy, Colonial Masculinity, Confucianism at.   

가능하지 않나 싶습니다. (정기가 아닌 비정기적 방식으로). 저는 우리가 N번방, 전시성폭력, 미투 운동같은 강력한 이슈들에 대해서 함께 DB를 만들어 나갈 수 있다고 생각합니다. 그 같은 주제/이슈들은 동아시아의 여성들이 가부장제, 식민지남성성, 유교 때문에 고통을 받는 공통의 지대를 형성하고 있습니다. 

(2)As a Feminist-issue sharing platform

I agree. (If there will be the promise for source mark, safety.)

출처표기와 안전 문제만 해결된다면, 이같은 방법도 좋다고 생각합니다. 

<2> about website

I wish there are some front page that are mapping the DB, not just listing. (I liked the black globe before. What would be nice next, sea?)

리스트형 말고 한번에 맵핑되서 보여지는 첫 화면이 있었으면 좋겠습니다. (저는 지구본도 괜찮았어요. 다른 건 무엇이 있을까요, 바다?)

타임라인의 각 항목을 클릭했을때 창이 오른쪽 상단에 고정된 위치에 뜨는 것이 아니라, 각 항목 바로 오른쪽 옆에 떴으면 좋겠습니다. 지금은 내용을 보려면 커서를 위로 한참 올라가서 봐야 하는 어려움이 있습니다. (edited)
@kjh.appro I like the idea that we can construct some DB for specific topic together, and I will think about how to show it on the website UI.

Besides, about the map function, our current website is designed to have a smaller globe which is only used to choose countries (as a filter). However, I agree with your opinion about showing selected county on the globe, so I will make some adjustments to the next version because I would need SL to confirm with me about the feasibility first.
Big thanx you, Pei-: I'm gonna deliver this comment to SL for your work progress.
슬님 페이가 뭔가 더 작업하려면 님의 컨펌이 필요한 부분이 있는 모양임니다... @sl
@mami.takesada こんにちわ!Do JP friends have time to comment ideas and thoughts? 🙂
Mamie_c4jpn 2020-11-09 12:49:11
@wildjcrt sorry that I couldnt come back to this workplace... We can share our thoughts!! 11/28 will be the next hackday and because we had session on cfj summit 10/18, we can share about it @enomoto @kaizumaki
3 👍 2 1 ✔️ 1

