
Month: 2020-05


bess 02:30:00

Currently, Taiwanese citizens are only allowed to marry same-sex partners from countries where gay marriage is legal. Gay rights activists in Taiwan have launched a crowd sourcing project to push for the legalization of same sex unions between Taiwanese nationals and people from places that ban the practice.

Malaysian singers Fish Leong (梁靜茹) and Taiwanese singer Eve Ai (艾怡良) joined up to cover a Mandarin song “Sea You Soon,” (飄洋過海來看你) for the campaign. The music video, based on a true story, features a Taiwanese-Japanese couple in a tough, long-distance relationship because they are not legally permitted to get married.

Taiwan News

3,500 marriages mark Taiwan's same-sex ma... | Taiwan News

Crowdsourcing project promotes same-sex unions between Taiwanese and partners from countries that ban them

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bess 02:32:38
MV here: https://youtu.be/LzCPcJHx5y8
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bess 20:26:02
Japanese artist Sputniko! introduced about her project `Tokyo Medical University for Rejected Women`



ael 16:33:51
<!channel> To register g0v hackathon on May 23, please add your three keywords here
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Mee 16:39:08
Also, FtO will collaborate with g0v, c4j, c4k hackathon. we need to proposal each hackathon, and choose a channel. Maybe c4j and c4k will use zoom, so what about use g0v channel and inform the link to other hackathon?


Mee 16:20:34
<!channel> Could anyone do 3 mins proposal in g0v, c4j, c4k hackathon? I can do proposal in c4k hackathon. Hope to meet in this Sat🙏
@mee I can do 3 min proposal in g0v hackathon. Or @pei4.cats @always5smile do you want to try? you can present it in Chinese
I already booked a time slot at 10:29 TW time
I think I’m not familiar enough to present herstory’s work 😂 ael would be great👍
@pei4.cats you can do it 👍
maybe....next time😅


ichieh 16:26:47
@aelcenganda 大松的投影片或是共筆要請你趕快補一下~~~~


ael 00:18:35
@mee @mami.takesada are we going to arrange a talk in tomorrow afternoon?
Actually I should work to host a event until 3pm, so I can join freely after that. What about do share our hack today goal and result by individual? Then talk in slack. Pleasure to do new way and freely use g0v hackathon channal :-)
Mamie_c4jpn 2020-05-23 13:43:37
I also handling the edu project for kids who stay at home "study at home" in Social hack day... sorry...
Mee 03:25:51
Actually I should work to host a event until 3pm, so I can join freely after that. What about do share our hack today goal and result by individual? Then talk in slack. Pleasure to do new way and freely use g0v hackathon channal :-)
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Would anyone be on g0v's channel?
Afra 10:43:35
humm.... I wonder... where is our meeting room😅
ael 10:43:38
@pei4.cats @always5smile Let’s finish what we didn’t finish last time
Afra 10:43:52
I'm already in~
Is anyone there?
Penny H 10:49:48
@penny.huang.pw has joined the channel
Dixon Siu 10:55:51
@dixon.siu has joined the channel
We will discuss the content part today, and I'd like to discuss the UIUX part with you guys next month
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Dixon Siu 11:05:05
Thank you for your introduction. I will share Japan's info later on.
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lulucheng 11:14:22
@yilu1113 has joined the channel
Dixon Siu 12:27:57
I'm also familiar with UI/UX since I used to develop GUI but not an expert. Glad to help anytime.
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Hello everyone~
I'm not sure whether it's a good time to discuss this issue, but since I find that there is no one can discuss with now, so I just key my concept in here and hope you guys can give me some feedback when you see this message 😂
Since Herstory was a short-term project that originally proposed for International Women's Day, our current goal seems to be vague and inconsistent. Thus, I came up with three directions about our future target.
1. Target to those who are not familiar with feminism issues. Use a more interactive interface to introduce these issues to people.
2. Target to feminism issues' researchers. Being a database, helping researchers to collect data from East Asia.
3. Target to those who have already interested in feminism issues. Being a news reporter, presenting information in a more readable and comparable way, to give readers more insights.
I personally prefer the 3rd one, because I think it fits our original goal the most.
What do you guys think? Since it's important for our upcoming UI design and this afternoon's presentation, hope to get your feedback 🙏
Cool! I agree that. Thanks @pei4.cats We started to update more Korean case. whenever we need to discuss issue, please talk freely as 🙂
@mee Mention to Korean case, last month I've leaved a comment ( in raw 14 ) about the information. Does anyone see it?
I also agreed with you on the 3rd idea. Actually, large enterprises in Japan are setting up social group internally to promote diversity including female rights. It'll be the sources of info they need and then they in turn share local news with your community.
Is it okay to share your spreadsheet with Fujitsu Japan/Europe?
I'm not sure who own this spreadsheet, maybe it's @aelcenganda?
@pei4.cats Oh sorry I checked it now. when I researched it, I also read about her. we will updated it, that notice to you all. good point Pei. thank you. Pei Could you give me email address?
@pei4.cats @dixon.siu Feel free to share this spreadsheet to anyone that wants to help
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Mee 14:33:42
As talking with @pei4.cats, I got a point to communication via google spread sheet. We need to leave comments and tagging someone by using email address. *What about make contributor list including name/contribution/contact point(slack, email, gitub)? I just write draft format on hackmd*https://g0v.hackmd.io/EYSWYz8ZRB2oN6RHrVNf5g?both


Herstories in East Asia - HackMD

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justintu 15:34:52
@j.justin.tu has joined the channel
@mee how's everything there?
I'm preparing the final report for today's g0v hackathon, do you guys have anything want to update?
Mee 16:55:24
We already updated Korean and English herstory 10 contents.
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Mee 16:55:43
Thank you @pei4.cats ♥️
ael 17:01:23
@pei4.cats go go go. Looking forwards to your presentation~~
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ael 17:32:54
@pei4.cats ++ nice presentation
Sorry I didn’t prepare the draft, and I spoke not fluently at all😅
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wildjcrt 18:01:12
發現 @pei4.cats cue 到女人迷,我是網站工程師小蟹~
不確定今天 herstory 有討論到什麼合作方式,有需要的話可以跟我說,或是我同事 @fuchihkuo 也在 channel 裡 🙂
哈哈前面聊的是跟 UI 有關,謝謝 @pei4.cats 持續推進這個專案在 UI 面的發展!
如果是其他合作想法歡迎再跟我說 一起討論
Mee 18:21:55
OOh~~~ Goood! I just laid off. I missed the presentation on flight. Watching now! @pei4.cats ++ @aelcenganda @always5smile ++
next time I will contribute and discuss more.
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lbrett558 15:41:18
@lbrett558 has joined the channel
tyl 19:59:06
@taiyinglee has joined the channel


jmonk 14:26:58
@jmonk has joined the channel


wildjcrt 09:42:54
Taipei, May 29 (CNA) Reaction to the Constitutional Court's ruling Friday that said adultery as a crime was unconstitutional was mixed, ranging from disgust to delight.
20200529 台灣通姦除罪


Opinions on adultery decriminalization ruling mixed - Focus Taiwan

Taipei, May 29 (CNA) Reaction to the Constitutional Court's ruling Friday that said adultery as a crime was unconstitutional was mixed, ranging from disgust to delight.

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bess 19:48:35
I joined Women Tech Leads Virtual Summit tonight, they invited 30 females from different communities to join discuss session.
Image from iOS
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