
Month: 2019-12



chihao 20:01:30
@fockerlee there is a link to hangout in your google calendar 🙂
bruce 20:03:02
chihao 20:05:38
@fockerlee 需要連結嗎?
bruce 20:06:34
chihao 20:06:41
bruce 20:18:37


pm5 11:38:31
@fockerlee @ayw255 @chihao updated db schema for FB posts & comments https://g0v.hackmd.io/lMQO37z6SbWNWo3R4-X_EA?view#%E8%B3%87%E6%96%99%E5%BA%AB%E6%9E%B6%E6%A7%8B


零時檔案局技術文件 0archive Technical Spec - HackMD

主要幾個安排:FB posts & comments 都是 Article(它們都有 url),用 article_type 區分;抓下來的內容放在 FacebookPostSnapshot or FacebookCommentSnapshot;按讚數等等資料存在 reactions JSON column
1. FacebookPostSnapshot → FbPostSnapshot 覺得讓他短一點
2. 感覺沒問題,但隱約覺得 comment 的 snapshot 好像可以綁在 article snapshot,不用獨立,不確定,想討論
comment snapshot因為有回覆哪一篇文章以及reaction等有別於article的架構, 可能獨立出來會比較好
我也覺得 comment 感覺獨立出另一個 table 比較方便。方便了解是屬於哪篇文章(post)下的留言,透過每個comment有一個 article_id,來知道屬於哪一篇article。如果comment跟article放在同一個table,感覺不容易分辨從屬關係。
我也覺得 comment snapshot 分開比較好(當然)。不過 comment snapshot 的 article_id 是這個 comment 的 id。reply_to 才是指向它回覆的那一篇。而且 FB comment 可以是回覆另一個 comment,所以 reply_to 所指向的另一個 Article 可能也是個 FB comment,要看 Article.article_type 決定
可能還是看我們蒐集資料的對象吧。假訊息主要出現在 post 還是 comment?如果 comment 也是常見傳播假訊息的管道之一,那獨立出來比較好。當然如果要 post & comment 綁在一起的,這也可以在後面的 pipeline 做。
❤️ 2
poga 16:10:05
0archive 有要爬主流新聞媒體嗎?
poga 16:10:29
因為 AILabs 這邊已經有人在爬了,看要不要合作一下
👍 1
poga 16:15:07
看到 airtable 了,看起來是有爬
嗚喔 有在爬~
wenyi 23:57:31
`drop_unused` merged with branch `master` — ‘init_site.py’ is dropped from repo


wenyi 00:24:47
因為時常面臨找不到相關hackmd文件的窘境所以加了[NOTES.md] @ `master` 統整文件 歡迎@chihao 再補其他文件進去
🙌 1
pm5 11:24:27
@ronnywang 我們現在 db 用掉多少硬碟空間啦?
ronnywang 11:25:03
我等等中午看看,應該是還沒佔多少…如果硬碟吃到 70% 以上我會收到警告信
ronnywang 12:51:32
目前用了 20G
ronnywang 12:51:41
主要都是 ArticleSnapshot
ronnywang 12:52:51
我把 ArticleSnapshot 啟動壓縮看看
ronnywang 12:59:53
我之前 newsdiff 的 raw html 只會保留三個月,因為原始 HTML 量真的會太多,但會永久保留解出來的title 和 body 資訊
pm5 13:01:29
Snapshot 也是件麻煩事。我之前看了一下,應該有很多文章重新 snapshot 但是文章內容其實沒有改變,改變的是 sidebar 裡最新文章列表這一類的資料。
ronnywang 13:02:35
newsdiff 那邊是解出 title, body ,title, body 有變才會存新的 snapshot
ronnywang 13:02:48
但是要 title body 就要針對每個網站都要寫 parser
ronnywang 13:03:18
現在已經收集了不少 snapshot 了,可以來實驗看看 readability 解 title, body 的效果了?
pm5 13:05:30
@ayw255 這禮拜會測試看看
🙌 1
ronnywang 13:05:35
snapshot 的部份我在 newsdiff 是一個月存一個 table ,然後超過三個月就 drop table
ronnywang 13:05:47
壓縮完了,剩 5.6G
ronnywang 13:06:03
ronnywang 13:15:20
ronnywang 13:17:01
目前 disinfo 專案在 middle2 上面的 mysql 硬碟空間還剩 40G ,但到 80% 時我就會處理加大空間了,所以 disinfo 大概還可以多用 25G 左右是我可以先不管他的
ronnywang 13:17:32
等到用到 25G 時,我們就要討論把 disinfo 獨立一台資料庫了
pm5 13:22:31
粗估一下大約可以用到⋯⋯12 月底?
pm5 13:23:33
readability 夠好的話就可以多撐很久
ronnywang 13:24:12
snapshot 的部份也可以實驗看看戳 archive.org 讓他們那邊來存
pm5 13:24:19
不然也可以發佈兩個禮拜以上的 Article 就停止 snapshot
ronnywang 13:24:44
現在 Article 會每天都 snapshot 沒設定停止日期?
pm5 13:26:31
ronnywang 13:27:23
如果沒設 snapshot 日期,這樣用量不是會 O(N^2) 成長 XD
pm5 13:29:01
喔,現在一篇文章最多 snapshot 7 次
wenyi 13:29:27
我有已經寫了一版解title, body 但不是用readability,所以需要每一個site存一個css selector for main text body。readability 的部分 我有看python api (https://github.com/buriy/python-readability) 但是基本上解不出來body



fast python port of arc90's readability tool, updated to match latest readability.js! - buriy/python-readability

@ayw255 你遇到解不出來 body 的情況是怎麼樣?我今天試了一下,他有點 unicode 的問題,修掉以後我試了幾篇爬下來的文章,看起來可以解出還不錯的 body
@pm5 👍👍可以了,把parser更新成使用你forked的這個readability了,結果看起來不錯,明天討論一下資料要存哪裡
wenyi 13:30:19
新的code在branch `parse_article`
ronnywang 13:31:17
有的網站很討厭,會把廣告版位塞在 main text body 中,造成每次抓因為廣告不同而 main text 不同
ronnywang 13:31:23
ronnywang 13:40:09
另外之前 table name 好像是用第一個字大寫,像是 Article ,不過習慣上好像 table name 都會用小寫
像是 ArticleSnapshot 在 table name 會用 article_snapshot ,在程式的 class name 才用 ArticleSnapshot
😆 1
chihao 14:15:09
今晚 8pm-9pm 有 disinfo community hangout 哦(好像什麼假訊息製造的社群)忘了事先在 #general 上宣傳了 😆
chihao 14:15:22
chihao 14:16:03
視訊工具的話,如果選 jitsi 不知道進入門檻會不會太高?
hcchien 14:47:23
@hcchien407 has joined the channel
deeper 15:14:00
@cstsai has joined the channel
yukai 17:13:25
@yukai has joined the channel
ael 17:39:48
@aelcenganda has joined the channel
kiwi 19:10:52
@auroral.13king518 has joined the channel
loooffy 19:42:45
@loooffy has joined the channel
cwkung2016 20:08:02
@cwkung2016 has joined the channel


Anping 02:19:04
@zhaoanping has joined the channel


fly 15:41:28
> 與真人用戶不同,假帳號可能由一個人或一個集團控制,他們通常一起行動,一部分人負責發出宣傳訊息或者假消息,其他人贊同然後轉發,合成一個消息動向,吸引真人用戶加入網絡討論。
> BotSlayer 的系統收集所有符合這些條件的推文,然後儲存到一個數據庫,以供日後偵查。此外,它還連結到 Hoaxy 系統,可以得知 Twitter 帳號在一段時間內的互動情況,辨識最有影響力以及最有可能散播假消息的帳號。



如何挖出並殲滅假帳號 - *CUP

由電腦系統操縱的假帳號(bot)干擾言論自由、帶動政治宣傳風向的普遍現象,日益引起美國互聯網研究員的關注,美國印第安納大學兩位博士生研發出 Botslayer 軟件系統,專門為媒體記者和公眾討論區服務,幫助他們找出網絡假帳號大軍,清理門戶。



LoraC 17:36:18
@shadowcrow594 has joined the channel


chihao 19:50:23
@pm5 @ayw255 @fockerlee 再十分鐘 dev meeting 😄
kiang 21:40:04
@kiang has joined the channel


gugod 23:06:53

我開始漸漸將 CSS 規則加入自己做的爬蟲 NewsExtractor.pm
打算先依網址區別,一個站做一組 CSS 規則。
用來對付那些無法以 Readibility 演算法處理的網站。
gugod 23:08:11
雖然剛剛只做了一組規則 😛 不過… 歡迎拿去用。(或送 PR 來)
gugod 23:09:48

目標是把在這裡的列出的新聞來源都能對應完畢 (好多 orz)



公眾人物新聞的追蹤. Contribute to g0v/people-in-news development by creating an account on GitHub.


pei 15:11:11
@stronghead.wu has joined the channel
pofeng 16:34:39
@pofeng has joined the channel
can 17:12:48
@can has joined the channel
gugod 20:11:33
剛發現 chinatimes.com 的新聞網頁 DOM 中有 JSON-LD 資料可以利用

``` <script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "https://schema.org",
"@type": "NewsArticle",
"articleSection": "生活",
"mainEntityOfPage": {
"@type": "WebPage",
"@id": "https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20191211004429-260405"
"headline": "作曲、繪畫難不倒 AI也能玩藝術",
"image": {"@type": "ImageObject","url":"https://images.chinatimes.com/newsphoto/2019-12-11/900/20191211004430.jpg","height":369,"width":656},"author": {"@type": "Person","name": "王寶兒" }, "url":"https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20191211004429-260405",
而且 “description” 欄基本上就是新聞全文了….
自由時報也有。但 description 不是全文,並且 “author.name” 不是記者名,而是「自由時報」四個字

嗯。看來就是 Slack 抓到的這一段字。(或許 Slack 就 是抓 `script[type="application/ld+json"]` )
喔,也有可能是 og:title + og:description
ctwant.com 也有,果然是同一家的
其實 Nooho 也有。從這裡抓 datePublished 可能是個好辦法
㊙️ 3
tmonk 20:35:40
@felixtypingmonkey has joined the channel


gugod 16:14:11

好像可以跟這個專案交關一下 😛


传统媒体 | RSSHub

:cake: 万物皆可 RSS

作者 github id 是 `DIYgod` 😆
chihao 19:26:19
萬物傑克 RSS
chihao 19:26:26
@gugod ++++
chihao 19:28:48
等一下 8:00 就是 disinfoRG community hangout 囉,歡迎來玩!


Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge


disinfoRG meeting notes - HackMD

reason1130 23:59:47
@reason1130 has joined the channel


pm5 12:14:02
上次 @fockerlee 講到可以用 airtable 來釋出一些資料。因為 airtable API 確實蠻好用的,我想可以用釋出部份資料的方式來解決資料量的問題。這個「部份資料」的篩選可以想一下對資料分析比較有意義的方式,像是針對一個新聞事件,釋出事件後 3 天內所有網站的發佈文章資料,或是釋出所有內文有特定關鍵詞的發文資料
作個詞與詞之間的 pagerank table 之類的
❤️ 3 1


gugod 18:54:15
來丟個問題:先不論事實成份多少與立場問題,各位覺得一篇新聞的「製作品質」,該怎麼來定義? (thread)
我在寫爬蟲 ( NewsExtractor / people-in-news ) 時一面也在想這個問題。但只想得一些隨意的評量標準。

1. 要有「標題」「日期時間」「記者名」「內文」這四欄位。
2. 內文 與 標題 所闡述的主題應相符 (否則就是「名不符實」,偏向 disinfomation 那一側的寫作法)
3. 內文所闡述事件的時間不應與目前時間相距太遠。(舊聞)
4. 內文與標題不應出現「網友」兩字

限定在新聞的話,可能寫作格式?前 3 個段落的長度、句數、全文裡驚嘆號或某些特殊符號的數量
> 我覺得製作品質是一個技術性的東西,與真實不真實、有沒有操控的意圖,不大有關係。
我個人的直覺與此稍有不同。 「不精良」的東西,製做過程通常不耗時力。而「事實成分低少」的新聞文字,製做起來也比較不秏時力[*]。


[*]: 這一點是我個人假設

> 假若一篇長篇文章配圖來源不明(可能是盜圖)或是花一點小錢買來的圖庫內容(很容易辨識),這篇文章多半有問題;
大家覺得像這樣的新聞 品質上有什麼問題呢? https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20131022/278921/


🙌 2


pm5 09:56:27
@ayw255 how is it going? After some thoughts I believe it'd be better if we put parsers in the same git repo, at least for the current stage of the project.
We can probably add a `ArticleParser` dir under project root for the parsers. They can have their own db settings and migrations there. We can also just rename `codes` dir to `NewsScrapper` to better reflect its functions, and move news db settings and migrations to some subdir.
This "semi-gigantic repo" project structure would make it easier to deploy to middle2.
@pm5 parser is almost done now in branch ‘parser’ in codes/parser.py. waiting for @chihao for new db and/or elasticsearch for it to be fully functional.
Umm the code structure sounds fine to me
But, I wonder why parser needs a sub dir, why don’t we just put env settings in the same .env folder and maybe named them as, for example, ‘PARSER_DB_URL’
Since parser only has need 1 code? Unless we are looking to develop more codes for post-processing the parsed results (and decided to put them in the same repo)
oh we can use `PARSER_DB_URL` and shared `.env` and Python dependencies. It's just that I am anticipating more post-processing code for FB, Twitter, maybe YouTube etc.
@ayw255 sorry I’m lagging behind on the middle2 front. Will pick that up!
I think it will be some time before we have 2 mysql db? Guess we will have to put scrapper and parser data in the same place for now.
I’m not sure if we can have 2 mysql dbs in the same middle2 project yet. (I should have started this process earlier. My apologies.) I could just start a new middle2 project and a new db in that project?
OK starting one now
That was fast.
We could also do that. Then we need a new repo for parsers.
Here we go.
Done 🙂 new db for parsed content in new middle2 project `taoyuan-chu-975484`
I’ve added @pm5 @ayw255 @fockerlee to the new middle2 project as well
Turns out you can switch between mysql dbs in phpmyadmin across middle2 projects 🤔
Again, I should have done this earlier. Sorry 😞
Well, for a project like this to build a data pipeline, in the end it is better if we own the infrastructure to some extend. But we probably are not going to *really* need that in the first 6 months.
Because a data pipeline consists of a set of data storage/files/db connected with many processing lines in between, each db might be accessed by more than one codebases with different purposes in mind. So it's usually better if a db is not *owned* by anyone of the codebases but is maintained individually.
And so deploying that kind of projects is a bit more involved, usually employs Puppet or Ansible or some infrastructure-as-code tool.
And when the data volume is getting really high or when the pipeline topology gets complicated, dbs would start to restrict their access with APIs, so that changes to their internal schemas don't propagate through the project so quickly that it breaks.
But we are not at that stage yet. We can let the scrapper project owns a db, the parser project owns another. Either a gigantic repo or two separated projects would do, since middle2 projects can share dbs among projects.
gugod 10:18:25

突然發現這家收費 crawler api 有支援一些台灣新聞媒體

News API

Taiwan news API - Live top headlines from Taiwan

Get live top and breaking news headlines from Taiwan in JSON format.



chihao 11:20:40
Done 🙂 new db for parsed content in new middle2 project `taoyuan-chu-975484`
Ping Lin 18:14:57
@ping.lin has joined the channel


cookie_dog 17:21:01
@iverylikedog has joined the channel


chihao 23:29:39
Just finished tonight’s live fact-checking session for the presidential policy presentations.
chihao 23:30:03
Note for the data set: remember to decide on the license.


Chen 01:28:20
@iping.ch has joined the channel
wenyi 06:12:38
@chihao @pm5 @fockerlee 大松投影片 第一版
1. [英文] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10dlv6ouTGGKbJSR6xWAendaCP_D3UFRK2fowz5F_V0o/edit?usp=sharing
2. [中文] https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1G8LN9jXWYjEQc95XAXkIE4ynXow65ahxwK5GtvL6Gjg/edit?usp=sharing
@chihao @pm5 @fockerlee any comments or things to add? Should we use the chinese or english version?
@ayw255 it’s been a hectic day here in Tainan. Hold on let me see!
@ayw255 ++ I think it looks really good :) I’ll update some text tomorrow. I’m not sure if we should use Mandarin or English version... slides aside, would you like to speak in Mandarin or English for the 3-minute pitch?
Gotta get some sleep now... I’ll come back to this early morning :)
sure sure! night night
I can do the pitch in English, and also if there are ~20 audiences who don’t understand mandarin I think it’s better to use English?
Anyways, I’m on the dev meeting google hangout
one moment
Np! I’ll log in ~ 10 am
Let's pitch in English, since we registered as one of the FtO projects.
Filled in the links to the datasets and minihackathon schedule.
1 ❤️ 1
Relax 19:17:15
@healthya2776 has joined the channel


chewei 03:43:30
@chewei has joined the channel
paulpengtw 08:53:21
@paulpengtw has joined the channel
chihao 13:11:23
@ayw255 ++ for the pitch!
hkazami 13:15:33
@mail.hkazami has joined the channel
ronnywang 13:47:08
昨天跟 Bruce 提到我要開源我這邊爬檔案廣告庫的程式,https://github.com/ronnywang/fb-ad-lib



Contribute to ronnywang/fb-ad-lib development by creating an account on GitHub.

ronnywang 13:47:50
主要是用 nodejs 的 casperjs 抓 HTML 下來,然後用 PHP parse
fly 15:04:20
looked cool https://github.com/festum/anti-bias-media/blob/master/README-zh_TW.md



A block list for ublock and other adblocker / 純公益阻擋共媒跟內容農場 - festum/anti-bias-media

既然有這個名單…. 建議可以一併做成可餵給 hohser 的格式。


(hohser 也是個 browser ext.)
酷,原來可以在 search engine 擋下
pm5 15:58:25
看起來是同一篇文章在怒吼 https://nooho.net/2019/11/DPPfraud27471/
應該可以用 text diff 連起來
喔... 怒吼是轉 Yahoo,Yahoo 是轉上報


pm5 07:35:17
我們的中時電子報可能沒有抓完整。從政治版首頁看起來估計一天有個 160~180 篇,但 scrapper db 裡只抓到 4206 篇
pm5 08:42:11
其實 Nooho 也有。從這裡抓 datePublished 可能是個好辦法
pm5 09:22:07
qiqi.today 大概十一月底開始沒有抓到
我們抓到的最後一篇是 http://www.qiqi.today/show/882067
😮 2


chihao 19:29:02
@pm5 @ayw255 @fockerlee dev meeting in 30 mins 🙂
gugod 21:23:46
https://zht.globalvoices.org/2019/11/29/30049/ // seems revelant

Global Voices 繁體中文

推特揭發中國對香港反送中運動大打資訊戰 · Global Voices 繁體中文


🤔 1
chihao 22:03:16
We just finished this week’s dev meeting 🙂
👍 1
pm5 22:11:26
@fockerlee 平常要方便看網頁裡的 JSON-LD 詮釋資料的話,也可以裝這個 addon http://osds.openlinksw.com/


chihao 09:28:49
\@mail.hkazami/ 0archive airtable 目前僅開放給確定加入開發的開發者編輯 🙇 不過有 read-only 版本 https://airtable.com/shrKvjXMO7GaUg1vd 😄


零時檔案局 0archive - Airtable

Explore the "零時檔案局 0archive" base on Airtable.

沒事沒事,我只是看到它問我要不要request access就先按下去再說XD
好 😆
👍 1
Victoria Welborn 17:46:53
@vwelborn has joined the channel
chihao 17:47:18
Hi @vwelborn 🙂 welcome to #disinfo. This is where most discussions about 0archive happends 🙂
Victoria Welborn 2019-12-27 09:01:29
Thank you @chihao and everyone else!!

I wanted to ask the group two things:

1. I am hoping to spend some time with one of you for an interview on g0v and more specifically information on 0archive (as an example of g0v's work) https://g0v.hackmd.io/@kVqWpZq8R12VCa4i1N68UA/SJiTyGyJ8/edit. I will be in town the 6-12, and wanted to see if one person might be available and willing for an on camera interview for the video (who is comfortable speaking primarily in English)? I hope it will only be about an hour of your time (we are also happy to conceal identity if folks would prefer).
2. I wanted to see how this group would feel about a camera attending the mini-hackathon on the 4th to take some b-roll for the video.
Happy to provide more information, thank you all for your time and help :)) We are SO excited to tell the amazing story of the amazing work you all are doing!
Hi Victoria! There are four of us (@chihao @ayw255 @fockerlee and me) working on 0archive now, with help from others in this channel. I for one would be happy to talk about the project and g0v. As for filming the mini-hackathon, personally I am fine with that, but I imagine we should see if most of the people coming to the hackathon are okay to be filmed, since we haven't mentioned that in registration?
@pm5++ I could join as well 🙌 also +1 on asking participants before filming during hackathon.
@vwelborn do you mind registering to the hackathon on 1/4? This way I can send you the location just like other participants 🙂
Victoria Welborn 2019-12-28 11:14:37
Of course! The only thing is that I will unfortunately be arriving on the 5th so the camera crew (which will only be two other people) will attend without me on the 4th, but I will still register! How would you suggest seeing if people going to the hackathon would mind be filmed?

That would be great about the two of you being filmed and interviewed! Will there also be another hackathon on the 8th? If so, we could hold your interviews there (before, during, or after) at the event.
(1) Either you register or the camera crew register. Either way, might be best to link me, pm5, you, and the camera crew together in the same email thread.

(2) Ask the participants on site. If they refuse, don’t film them.

(3) Events on the 8th are hosted by other projects. I personally am not sure if I’m attending yet. I usually decide on that night if I’m swinging by and bringing beer 😛
Victoria Welborn 2019-12-28 11:39:07
Perfect - that all sounds great! I will register them and link you all in the same email thread.

As for your interview and @pm5's interview - would either of you be open to perhaps us meeting up separately from the hackathon to do the interview? Maybe just let me know a few dates/times that work (and a preferred location - I can find one if you prefer).
Victoria Welborn 2019-12-28 11:41:02
And just to clarify - on the 8th the only events that are happening are these two?: (I'm still working on this list - https://g0v.hackmd.io/HaIQVQpLQ8i-ixUDyXtBCQ)

• 1/8 (Wed) vTaiwan mini-hackathon
• Location: Social Innovation Experiment Center, Room A9, 99, Section 3, Ren-ai Road, Taipei
• 1/8 (Wed) disfactory mini-hackathon
• Location: Citizen of the Earth (Taipei Office), 9F 28 Beiping East Road, Taipei
Thank you!
Wow this seems like a lot of work! Are there alternative ways to do the interview on 1/4?
Victoria Welborn 2019-12-30 12:03:20
Unfortunately I won't be in Taiwan on the fourth and am the only person conducting the interviews, I'm sorry! However, I'm happy to come to a location that is convenient for you during the 5-12!
Victoria Welborn 2019-12-30 12:06:57
Otherwise, maybe I can just interview one of you, if that would be less stress :)
Not sure what’s a good solution here, but I think missing the 1/4 event is indeed unfortunate 😩 I’m a bit worried about the camera crew on 1/4. Would they be self-guided? 🤔
Victoria Welborn 2019-12-31 01:49:31
It would just be one or two people with one camera taking some broll video, which they know how to do in a non intrusive way, but if it's a problem we can just get broll footage on the 8th instead!
Victoria Welborn 2019-12-31 01:51:24
What do you think about me interviewing you and/or pm5 on a separate day and location?
Victoria Welborn 2020-01-02 02:34:11
Hi @chihao and @pm5 happy new year! I spoke to the production company and Luke - my POC there - said he’d happily interview you both on the 4th at the hackathon, without me (if that still works for you both)! I will introduce you both to him via email shortly. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
📧 sent 😉
🙂 1


fly 09:46:40
https://github.com/danny0838/content-farm-terminator 有沒有一個類似這個又能讓群眾共識決擋下農場網站的服務呢,這個用 G form 中心化管理,我覺得這樣管理員太辛苦



「終結內容農場」瀏覽器套件 / Content Farm Terminator browser extension - danny0838/content-farm-terminator

那就要來設計共識決的機制囉 😁
👍 1
chihao 10:24:03
@pm5 @ayw255 @fockerlee disinf0thon 報名表做好了,你們覺得呢?https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeo4vsBzAXGUPYW2_grAuf_Gr9hCe3eIcaaL3tDP_asgVnJ9g/viewform
加一個「所填寫的資料僅做為 g0v disinfoRG 舉辦不實訊息松使用」?
Looks good!! 小提議 “exact location will be emailed to you once registration info is verified” 改成 “We’d email you the exact location once the registration is confirmed.”
我是想避免 `We` 😆
不知道還有沒有需要加別的欄位 🤔
然後 @bil 就搶先報名了 😆
可惡@mrorz 私訊我「這裡有一個松」我就愉快的報名了XDDDD
好我幫你加 😆 @mrorz 不要逃避(?)
揀日不如撞日,人算不如社群算,那就開放報名囉 😆 等一下來寫文案
🙌 1 ❤️ 1
chihao 10:36:02
另外 0archive 的 HackMD book https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chihao/0archive/ 😄


0archive 零時檔案局 :closed_book: - HackMD

# 0archive 零時檔案局 :closed_book: ## 想跳坑嗎 - [跳坑指南](<https://g0v.hackmd.io/cdctnMJWQpKWQYhSxB8sCw>) - [Roadmap](/L1

👍 1
pm5 11:07:43
第一份資料集釋出了,可以來重新盤點一下期待與 roadmap?我先丟了一些想法在這裡 https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chihao/0archive/%2FL1l9m6joRhCWhmGFZYAO5A


0archive 零時檔案局 :closed_book: - HackMD

# 0archive 零時檔案局 :closed_book: ## 想跳坑嗎 - [跳坑指南](<https://g0v.hackmd.io/cdctnMJWQpKWQYhSxB8sCw>) - [Roadmap](/L1

@mail.hkazami @tkirby 來 tag 有說想跳坑的 Steven 和 kirby 😛
🙌 4
gugod 13:04:32
[知識好好玩] 【哲學S03E06】民調都是假的啦!? 談歸納論證幾個需注意的推論 #
https://podplayer.net/?id=89999317 via @PodcastAddict




{{ title }}

{{ description }}

fly 14:01:43
fly 14:03:51
目前的標示方式,只有是非,新生出來的 domain 無法馬上反應顯得較沒效率
fly 14:06:10


建議建立去中心化地回報列表及標識 · Issue #34 · danny0838/content-farm-terminator

有沒有一個類似這個又能讓群眾共識決擋下農場網站的服務呢,這個用 G form 中心化管理,我覺得這樣管理員太辛苦 若只是標示農場,那麼以顏色濃度來表示回報是農場的人數,來提示農場等級,或許就沒有這麼「絕對」 目前的標示方式,只有是非,新生出來的 domain 無法馬上反應顯得較沒效率

gugod 14:19:50
我印象中這個 browser extention 可以直接從指定網址抓網址名單下來。是個有點類似 adblock 的做法。
👍 1
fly 15:42:24
> 只要有人願意架伺服器寫程式,把結果輸出成網路黑名單放在特定網址即可,不過建置和維護都有成本,做這個也不容易營利,就看有沒有人願意做了……


chihao 16:14:13
不實訊息到底長什麼樣子呢?🤔 下週六 1/4 是 disinf0thon 第零次不實訊息松,一起來研究吧。
報名由此去 → https://forms.gle/kqffyonCYWTdeUgk8

Google Docs

disinf0thon 第零次不實訊息松

不實訊息到底長什麼樣子呢?一起來研究吧。 :alarm_clock: 時間:2020/1/4 10:30-17:30 :round_pushpin: 地點:台北市(報名確認後以 email 通知) :wave: 主辦單位:g0v disinfoRG 不實資訊研究組、0archive 《零時檔案局》團隊 :alarm_clock: Time: 2020/1/4 10:30-17:30 :round_pushpin: Location: Taipei City (exact location will be emailed to you once registration info is verified) :wave: Host: g0v disinfoRG &amp; 0archive 你所填寫的資料僅做為 g0v disinfoRG 舉辦不實訊息松使用。Info you submitted is only used by g0v disinfoRG for the purpose of hosting disinfo hackathons.

❤️ 2


wenyi 06:49:25
@pm5 kknews & 壹讀 在middle2上面跑被擋了(週一dev meetings時提到用selenium但抓不到東西的兩個網站),看起來是ip的問題,試著幾個proxy 但拿回來空白的html,有什麼可能的解法嗎?@ronnywang
他們前面有用 cloudflare ,然後被 cloudflare 擋的?
kknews 好像是擋了 aws 和 linode IP ?
看看要不要在 hicloud 租一個最小機器架 proxy 當跳板 XD hicloud 應該不至於被擋
hicloud 最小台的每月 360 NTD
如果連 hicloud 也被擋的話,最保險就是花錢拉一條實體中華電信 ADSL ,然後用個 raspberry pi 來當 proxy ,只要 ip 被擋就自動重新撥接換 IP
想說開個 hicloud 來試試看好了,結果 hicloud 的機器開通竟然是人工作業….
ronny 各種 solution 參上 😆
hicloud 開主機一個小時還沒開好…..
“擋了 aws 和 linode IP ?” 那 gcs 呢
gcs 我還沒試,想說直接試個最不可能被擋的 XD
有人手上有 gcs 的 server 可以直接試的嗎?
```curl https://kknews.cc/story/ov3pljp.html```
得到 302
然後就會拿到 `正在驗證您的訪問請求` `系統偵測到您的電腦網路發出了異常流量,您需經驗證才能訪問我們的網站。`
我手上的 GCP vm
DigitalOcean 也被擋
我放棄 HiCloud 了….我來貢獻我家的 光世代動態 IP 好了
HiCloud → ByeCloud
終於開好 hicloud 了 XD
hicloud 沒有被擋
ok, 我這邊可以提供兩個跳板支援
1. HiCloud
2. 我家的光世代 + raspberry pi
前者成本大概 300 NTD / month ,速度比較快一些(一定比 raspberry pi 快),但缺點是換 IP 不方便,假如 IP 被擋需要手動去網頁界面換 IP 或換新機器

後者不需要額外成本(可能有極少的電費 XD),IP 被擋只要重連 PPPoE 就好,這部份可以做到 API 化,缺點是 raspberry pi 本身速度慢,還有一個是用了我本人的 Hinet 帳號,這點不確定會不會有什麼問題
@ronnywang 用 raspberry pi 的話,你最近有時間弄嗎?大概多久可以架好?
我是想說 raspberry pi 可以包好容易安裝的話,就可以多找幾個人裝起來 round robin
把後段架構加入 roadmap \o/
isabelhou 11:28:39
disinfo小松如果要用NPO HUB場地,我可以當key holder.
🙌 1
chihao 11:30:31
@isabelhou ++ 我們目前暫時訂了一個秘密的場地(?)
🖖 1
isabelhou 11:30:44
chihao 15:33:27
來了來了 ⚠️ 《報導者》的報導 https://www.twreporter.org/topics/information-warfare-business


風向戰爭與它的推手:揭開台星馬中「資訊戰商人」的神祕面紗 - 報導者 The Reporter


❤️ 5


Victoria Welborn 09:01:29
Thank you @chihao and everyone else!!

I wanted to ask the group two things:

1. I am hoping to spend some time with one of you for an interview on g0v and more specifically information on 0archive (as an example of g0v's work) https://g0v.hackmd.io/@kVqWpZq8R12VCa4i1N68UA/SJiTyGyJ8/edit. I will be in town the 6-12, and wanted to see if one person might be available and willing for an on camera interview for the video (who is comfortable speaking primarily in English)? I hope it will only be about an hour of your time (we are also happy to conceal identity if folks would prefer).
2. I wanted to see how this group would feel about a camera attending the mini-hackathon on the 4th to take some b-roll for the video.
Happy to provide more information, thank you all for your time and help :)) We are SO excited to tell the amazing story of the amazing work you all are doing!


g0v interview for civic tech video - HackMD

1 😎 1
fly 09:54:41
> 如同一般內容農場,「密訊」的內容五花八門,包含最能吸引點閱的寵物文章和心理測驗;但點開文章列表,卻可發現其組成幾乎9成都是標註為「新聞」分類的文章。
> 《報導者》根據事實查核平台「Cofacts」的資料庫來進行比對,發現所有檢舉內容中,光是針對「密訊」,就提出過39篇待查證要求,而其中正確訊息僅有4篇
> 為了追尋「密訊」流量的去處,《報導者》更使用CrowdTangle工具進行分析,發現它的文章主要都是流入成員萬人以上的泛藍粉專和社團,包括「2020韓國瑜總統後援會(總會)」、「青天白日正義力量」、「監督年金改革行動聯盟」、「靠北民進黨」和「反蔡英文聯盟」等社群內;其中,「青天白日正義力量」這個擁有10萬人粉絲的專頁,更直接將密訊網址列在自己的介紹欄位中。
> 屢敗屢戰的「密訊」沒有輕易倒下。事隔一週不到,就出現了新的網址「pplomo.com」(註),截至12月24日前,這個網站依舊可以在Facebook上被使用者轉載。層層封鎖中,「密訊」不倒。
> 在關注資訊戰的台北大學犯罪學研究所助理教授沈伯洋眼裡,「密訊」猶如一台「宣傳特定政治意識的宣傳機器」,即便所有人都有自己的立場, 但如果幕後是特定國家伸手利用特定資訊來干擾認知,那麼在這場「改變認知」的戰爭中,台灣就會是輸家。


打不死的內容農場──揭開「密訊」背後操盤手和中國因素 - 報導者 The Reporter


chihao 10:20:00
嗯,剛剛有人寄信到 g0v-talks,二月有一個叫做 US-TW tech challenge against disinfo 的活動,供大家參考 https://disinfocloud.com/taiwan-tech-challenge
@mail.hkazami 是美國國務院,來信貼在這裡了 https://g0v.hackmd.io/AHY4VqrkSbWrl9-zjX4Mdg
mengting 14:01:15
@mengting has joined the channel
bruce 17:24:46
想問1/4的第零次松可以公開在不止是disinfo 的地方宣傳嗎?像是粉絲頁或個人限時動態
chihao 17:39:43
chihao 17:40:16
不過就像我們開會討論的,會根據大家報名表填的資料來決定參與者 😛
👍 1 🙌 2
chihao 17:58:47
另外想跟 @pm5 @ayw255 @fockerlee 公開討論的就是 1/18,會覺得需要選後小松,還是想要休息?因為剛好是第一個 deadline 附近,也許 cowork 也不錯。另一個資訊是 1/18 jothon 預計舉辦基礎松,有跟 @besslee 談到併松,但又覺得有點擠 😛
我目前覺得cowork +1
Cowork ++
哦嗚好 \o/ 那麼,我有請 @besslee 幫我們預留1/18 NPO Hub 獨立一間會議室,我們可以直接用(bess++)當天白天在 4F 公共區域會是 g0v 基礎松,晚上則會有一個分享會(還不要爆雷好了),大家覺得這樣如何,或者想另找場地也沒問題。 @ayw255 @fockerlee @pm5
bess 17:58:51
@besslee has joined the channel
Sofia 20:51:34
@sofia has joined the channel


pm5 16:59:31
@fockerlee 你問的留言的 reply_to 內容,應該可以用 MySQL 的 `LAST_INSERT_ID()` 在 INSERT post 的時候就拿到,就不用再 query 一次了 https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/getting-unique-id.html


pm5 08:18:48
@fockerlee 我好像吃壞肚子了,今天下午無法
allenlinli 16:18:41
@allenlinli has joined the channel
pm5 18:33:21
@ayw255 proxy 的問題看起來是 requests 用的 urllib3 有問題 https://github.com/urllib3/urllib3/issues/1520


Accessing HTTPS sites through proxy · Issue #1520 · urllib3/urllib3

Why is it that urllib3 doesn&amp;#39;t allow proxy access to HTTPS sites? See poolmanager.py#L416. This limitation seems to be also reflected in the requests library as well. poolmanager.py#L416 def co...

scrapy 不用是 urllib3,它也有一樣的問題嗎?
@pm5 Scrapy沒有試欸,都在用selenium,因為kknews & 壹讀都是需要用selenium開的網站
selenium需要用extention (因為需要帳密authenticate), 用Chrome 有成功過,可是在headless的情形下無法使用(等於死路一條因為在linux不用headless就會crash),看起來Firefox是可以用extension in headless mode,但目前還沒成功Q
@ronnywang proxy 可以用 token 認證,不要用 basic auth 嗎?
對耶我們需要的是 selenium,我都忘了
我現在 Proxy 是用 apache 來做
```<VirtualHost *:443>
ProxyRequests On
ProxyVia On
<Proxy *>
AuthType basic
AuthName "private area"

AuthUserFile /srv/passwd
Require valid-user

Order allow,deny
Allow from all
(I read it by Google Transalte. if translator works correctly~)
if you want to access web resources that behind ‘Basic Authentication’, you can do it easley by requests (without complex configurations of Selenium.)
```requests.get('https://api.github.com/user', auth=HTTPBasicAuth('user', 'pass'))```
@sl thanks ❤️
We are trying to crawl a few of the web sites and facebook that requires selenium, though. Otherwise they do not response with meaningful contents.
yeah. many websites are cannot crawl without real browser based tool.
but I always try this once.

every time I crawl Facebook, I use mobile website (https://iphone.facebook.com/ or https://iphone.facebook.com/). it has also ‘noscript’ version.

some sites that blocked by ‘User-Agent’ or ‘Referer’ are can avoid by
```session = requests.Session()
session.headers.update('Referer', 'https://~~~') # or
session.headers.update('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 ~~~~')```
(maybe you already know)


ronnywang 09:41:20
@ayw255 大約兩小時前開始主機就有記憶體被吃完的情況,是不是有在做什麼更新呢?
@ronnywang 除了昨晚加幾個site進去跑之外沒做什麼改變耶,會是新網站的原因嗎🤔
每一個 site 都是獨立的 process 在跑嗎?
有一支程式會幫每一個site開一支spider跑,用multiprocessing 所以同時會有幾個spiders一起跑
我幫 disinfo 開一台獨立的主機好了 XD 看來現在記憶體用量會比較大了
有可能是新的網站東西太多抓得沒完沒了,我來設定一下depth limit
ronnywang 10:15:48
ronnywang 10:15:59
看起來 hourly cron 都跑不完,一直累積著
ronnywang 10:17:56
要不要加一個判斷,如果 hourly cron 發現自己跑超過 60 分鐘的話,就立刻結束自己
ronnywang 10:18:33
然後我手動把超過一小時的 cron 先 kill 掉
mrorz 10:21:05
這個圖裡的連結好像壞掉了 QQ
chihao 10:21:52
著火了嗎 😢 感謝 mrorz 回報,我晚點修
修好了,目前 airtable 只開放專案成員編輯,其他人是 read-only https://airtable.com/shrd0utGHlTWmQsYt
ronnywang 10:23:17
我幫 disinfo 開了一台自己的 Linode 了
1 1 😂 1
ronnywang 10:35:47
使用上不需要改變什麼,之後 middle2 會自動把 disinfo 新的 request 都用那台專屬的 Linode 處理
pm5 15:13:05
大家覺得 dcard 要不要來爬?
🙌 1
chihao 15:13:39
爬爬爬 🐛
pm5 15:14:33
可以針對人來爬 https://www.dcard.tw/@young1632054129


微生物學小渣渣 的公開頁面  | Dcard

廣受年輕人喜愛的 Dcard 是台灣最大的匿名交流平台,舉凡時事話題、感情心情、吃喝玩樂、學習工作等,都有卡友陪你聊!

ronnywang 15:33:53
batch_discover.py 現在還是有跑不完的問題喔
那來加 --run-time-limit 的檢查好了
現在我們有辦法自己從 shell 砍掉跑不完的 cronjob 嗎?
不行 XD
XD 那現在在跑的先幫我們砍掉吧,然後我先設成 daily run
不對,我現在改成 daily 它又會跑下去 XD
我先把那個 cronjob 刪掉好了
先簡單粗暴地加上 58 分鐘後 killall,放回 hourly cronjob 去跑
昨天晚上重新開始 hourly 跑 batch_discover 了。看 log 感覺都有順利被砍掉,不知道 memory 情況如何?
特別是 selenium 有沒有順利 kill 掉
感謝 🙏 新年快樂
pm5 16:30:13
@fockerlee fb 欄位開好了https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chihao/0archive/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2FlMQO37z6SbWNWo3R4-X_EA


0archive 零時檔案局 :closed_book: - HackMD

# 0archive 零時檔案局 :closed_book: ## 想跳坑嗎 - [跳坑指南](<https://g0v.hackmd.io/cdctnMJWQpKWQYhSxB8sCw>) - [Roadmap](/L1

`Site` 加了 `site_info`,`FBPostSnapshot` 加了 `fb_post_info` 和 `author_info` 減了 `fb_post_id`,`FBCommentSnapshot` 加了 `fb_comment_info` 和 `author_info` 減了 `fb_comment_id`。新加的都是 JSON 欄位
ronnywang 17:37:03
啊 sorry ,不小心 kill 掉某人的 bash
chihao 18:32:02


反滲透法》「大師鏈」批政府濫用法令 急宣布放棄台灣市場 - 政治 - 自由時報電子報


chihao 18:32:21
來爬《大師鏈》?😆 https://www.masterchain.media/


大師鏈 - 全球華人價值內容平台

大師鏈旨在構建一個以AI技術為基礎的,全球華人價值內容平台。 匯聚全球各地頂尖大師與專家輸出高質量內容, 打造全球華人深度媒體新能量。 基於AI技術的「大師孵化器平台」,人人都是自己領域的「大師」。 這是一個相互賦能的AI價值生態!

tkirby 18:38:50
大師鍊的首頁源碼有簡體註解, 這是中國人架的網站? 不是聽說是台灣公司?
🧐 1
tkirby 18:40:21
他們有用 GA, Hotjar, kissmetrics, 搞不好可以從 ID 挖出些什麼關係? XD
🙏 1
hcchien 18:41:39
現在大家都開始看 trace id 了嗎 lol
pm5 18:53:21
先簡單粗暴地加上 58 分鐘後 killall,放回 hourly cronjob 去跑
ronnywang 19:59:08