
Month: 2023-09


ael 02:41:00



Empire Dragon Accelerates Covert Information Operations, Converges with Russian Narratives | Recorded Future

Insikt Group has identified and analyzed a network named "Empire Dragon," which is believed to be a coordinated and inauthentic operation likely aligned with the Chinese government and based in China.

研究者很有興趣再接再厲做一月台灣總統大選,有興趣的話我再介紹或等他們進 Slack
paulpengtw 2023-09-10 11:47:38
他們的 podcast 超好聽的 ><
🙏 2
ael 02:41:00

研究者很有興趣再接再厲做一月台灣總統大選,有興趣的話我再介紹或等他們進 Slack
paulpengtw 2023-09-10 11:47:38
他們的 podcast 超好聽的 ><
T 13:50:48
@cyhp24680 has joined the channel



Bofu 00:37:51
@bofu has joined the channel
chihao 16:31:21
Dear friends in Code for Japan and Parti - How have you been? I’m just wondering if you want to share anything on your disinfo/fact-checking projects :))
chihao 16:31:21
Dear friends in Code for Japan and Parti - How have you been? I’m just wondering if you want to share anything on your disinfo/fact-checking projects :))
@null 16:44:11
@chihao ping
@null 16:44:36
@rest515 pong
@null 16:44:44
it's great.
@null 16:44:56
@null 16:45:14
@트리 tree @바다 Bada can you share the recent progress ?
@null 16:46:37
Let me first share this :)) https://twitter.com/fact_check_jp/status/1698795468455547288 + http://iorg.tw/da/47

X (formerly Twitter)

日本ファクトチェックセンター(JFC) on X

中国SNSで「岸田首相が福島の魚を食べて入院」という偽情報が拡散しています。中国語の偽情報監視のノウハウを持つ台湾IORGが検知してファクトチェック。検証に協力しました。 <https://t.co/ntbakvKdTB>


錯誤訊息「岸田首相緊急送醫」在中國跨平台傳播,移花接木安倍遇刺照片,農場粉專集團式分享,在台暫無大規模傳播 – IORG 週報第 47 期 2023.9.1-4 – 台灣資訊環境研究中心 IORG

@null 16:50:22
hi, chihao! we made a group. the name is [K.F.C.(Korean Factchecker's Community)](https://mix.campaigns.do/g/factcheck/) and we did some factchek about japan's wasted water. https://mix.campaigns.do/g/factcheck/news/455/1704, https://mix.campaigns.do/g/factcheck/news/455/1727



시민들의 참여로 팩트체크를 함께 하는 'K.F.C.'입니다.


[팩트체크] 후쿠시마 오염수 속 삼중수소, EU 기준치보다 100배 많다?

일본 정부의 후쿠시마 원자력 발전소 오염수 방류가 현실로 다가오고 있습니다. 오염수의 안전성에 대한 의구심이 사그라들지 않고 있는데요. 동...


[팩트체크]한국 수산물 방사능 안전 기준은 미국, 유럽, 국제기준보다 높다?

일본 정부의 후쿠시마 원자력 발전소 오염수 방류가 현실로 다가오고 있습니다. 오염수의 안전성에 대한 의구심이 사그라들지 않고 있는데요. 동...

❤️ 1 1
chihao 16:51:40
K.F.C. - that name is amazing!
chihao 16:51:40
K.F.C. - that name is amazing!
chihao 16:52:27
Let me read your articles with translation!
chihao 16:52:27
Let me read your articles with translation!
@null 16:53:46
now k.f.c. check this video. https://www.tiktok.com/@nangezaici/video/7271043697582656769


일본 핵오염 배출 연상#核废水 #오염수방츌 #핵오염수 #上热门🔥 #上热门要流量 #후쿠시마

@nangezaici &#51068;&#48376; &#54645;&#50724;&#50684; &#48176;&#52636; &#50672;&#49345;#&#26680;&#24223;&#27700; #&#50724;&#50684;&#49688;&#48169;&#52748; #&#54645;&#50724;&#50684;&#49688; #&#19978;&#28909;&#38376;&#128293; #&#19978;&#28909;&#38376;&#35201;&#27969;&#37327; #&#54980;&#53216;&#49884;&#47560; &#9836; &#21407;&#22768; - &#44480;&#50684; &#44272;&#46181;&#51060; - &#44480;&#50684; &#44272;&#46181;&#51060;

chihao 16:54:49
From listening to the video, the person is speaking Spanish
chihao 16:54:49
From listening to the video, the person is speaking Spanish
chihao 16:55:11
I would download the video and use Good Tape to transcribe it
chihao 16:55:11
I would download the video and use Good Tape to transcribe it
@null 16:59:27
From listening to the video, the person is speaking Spanish
@null 16:59:35
I would download the video and use Good Tape to transcribe it
@null 17:00:47
oh we find that place in Google Earth! [https://earth.google.com/web/search/La+Joya+Condominiums/@16.84440159,-99.85154262,9.[…]ata=CigiJgokCRah6uUmtUJAERl9LHcmskJAGZwuoplFoWFAIcFl067ToGFA](https://earth.google.com/web/search/La+Joya+Condominiums/@16.84440159,-99.85154262,9.47535344a,415.07223701d,35y,-118.12631664h,21.32610428t,0r/data=CigiJgokCRah6uUmtUJAERl9LHcmskJAGZwuoplFoWFAIcFl067ToGFA)

Google Earth

La Joya Condominiums

Explore La Joya Condominiums in Google Earth.

Google Earth

La Joya Condominiums

Explore La Joya Condominiums in Google Earth.

chihao 17:02:21
That’s the location? Cool!
chihao 17:02:21
That’s the location? Cool!
@null 17:02:27
That’s the location? Cool!
@null 17:03:53
fyi. we thought that the fact and data is crucial for more good discussion about wasted water.
@null 17:04:02
If this information is spread in Taiwan, I think it would be good to use this data together and organize it 😄
@null 17:04:28
I Agree with both ohyeon and bada 🙂
@null 17:35:58
Thank you for the information! The security authorities of the Japanese Government also told us in a meeting with us that the topic of treated water from Fukushima is an important issue. Code for Japan doesn’t have fact-checking skills, but would be happy to collaborate🤩
❤️ 1
@null 17:53:09
I think this would be a great case to test our JP-KR-TW connections! Even if we don’t know what to collaborate, I think it would be a good start for us to share what we see and think here as we build each of our projects in our own countries :)
@null 20:02:04
@null 20:06:23
pm5 20:14:11
pm5 20:14:11


chihao 07:30:43
test test
🙌 2
chihao 07:30:43
test test


Crystal 宛真 20:15:18
@apokoios has joined the channel


@null 15:22:24
Please let me know if there are any other disinformation themes in East Asia that we should focus on besides treated water in Fukushima.
@null 18:10:29


@null 21:56:34
It’s eggs in Taiwan now. But it’s so much mixed with local politics. Perhaps not so much a regional issue?
@null 21:57:19
Idea: I want to compare manipulative narratives in TW JP and KR about Fukushima waste/treated water!


@null 08:09:39
I think its interesting idea!


Eli 20:37:08
@tomy7912348 has joined the channel