
Month: 2022-11


chihao 22:46:07
給這裡關注台灣資訊環境的沒有人:歡迎參加 IORG 12 月 3 日的《民主韌性論壇》,論壇會有台灣公民社會的研究及具體行動成果,也可以一起討論解方,讓資訊環境重新成為民主助力。這裡報名 https://forms.gle/RicyCmqWSRPXrW9E8

Google Docs

IORG 2022 民主韌性論壇 – 報名表

從歐洲到西太平洋,從台灣到烏克蘭,世界各國的民主正受到挑戰。境外的影響,國內的分化,各種資訊亂象,影響公共討論,讓公民們無法基於可信的資訊,好好討論真正重要的事,好好投票。 面對挑戰,台灣公民社會群起應對,從合力闢謠到數位人權倡議,各方努力,希望讓資訊環境重新成為民主助力,而不是阻力。2022 年 IORG《民主韌性論壇》將從國際脈絡、選舉結果、科學研究、資訊判讀教育 4 個面向切入,發表最新研究及具體行動成果,共同探討持續強化台灣民主韌性的解方。 台灣資訊環境研究中心 IORG 成立於 2019 年,是以資料科學研究、資訊判讀教育、在地社群連結,強化台灣資訊環境,改善民主體質,反制威權擴張的民間研究組織。

chihao 22:46:07
給這裡關注台灣資訊環境的沒有人:歡迎參加 IORG 12 月 3 日的《民主韌性論壇》,論壇會有台灣公民社會的研究及具體行動成果,也可以一起討論解方,讓資訊環境重新成為民主助力。報名連結 https://forms.gle/RicyCmqWSRPXrW9E8


chewei 17:59:02
有一位法國記者朋友,近期來臺,想採訪 cyber attack and disinformation 主題,其中想採訪從 civic hackers 的角度怎麼看這樣的議題

我有先推薦他 寫信至 IORG、Cofacts 的專案聯絡信箱
chewei 17:59:02
有一位法國記者朋友,近期來臺,想採訪 cyber attack and disinformation 主題,其中想採訪從 civic hackers 的角度怎麼看這樣的議題

我有先推薦他 寫信至 IORG、Cofacts 的專案聯絡信箱
🙌 3 🇫🇷 1


canadian_aaron 00:01:13

The China Journal

Praise from the International Community: How China Uses Foreign Experts to Legitimize Authoritarian Rule: The China Journal: Vol 87

Abstract Authoritarian governments cultivate an image of popular support to legitimize their rule. One such strategy is to create the impression that their rule and policies are widely supported by the international community. In this study, I systematically explore how the Chinese Party-state uses foreign experts in its propaganda to provide extra legitimacy to Chinese government policies. I collected data on non-Chinese-national intellectuals cited in 31 major news outlets in China, from which I compiled a list of 723 foreign experts who were cited to provide positive evaluations of China. The experts were from 67 different countries but showed a clear US-centric focus. I identified five major issues that they most frequently were cited about and summarized their opinions. The findings of this study show a mixed picture of China’s propaganda strategy: It is sophisticated but also stilted in conforming to existing power structures. It enriches our understanding of how an authoritarian regime like China’s cultivates its image and shapes public opinion. It also draws attention to the social and ethical implications of the possible distortion and fabrication of expert opinions in the propaganda process.

Yu-Fen Lai 18:09:17
@yu-fen.lai has joined the channel


canadian_aaron 11:47:47


Taiwan: Opportunities and Challenges in Times of Geopolitical Change | 5. /6.12. | Berlin | Reinhard Bütikofer

Taiwan: Opportunities and Challenges in Times of Geopolitical Change | 5. /6.12. | Berlin – +++ English version below +++ „Taiwan: Opportunities and Challenges in Times of Geopolitical Change“, das ist der Titel der 1. Berliner Taiwankonferenz, die am 5. und 6. Dezember im Europäischen... Weiterlesen »


Pyrolena 00:56:25
@hello600 has joined the channel


ronnywang 10:24:50
現在 OCR 應該又比以前更強了,這種專案可行性越來越高了
ronnywang 10:24:50
現在 OCR 應該又比以前更強了,這種專案可行性越來越高了