
Month: 2021-11


Galaxian85 15:51:30
@gasbomb_tw has joined the channel


antonio.argote 23:44:04
@antonio.argote has joined the channel


minexo79 19:28:09
@minexo79 has left the channel


chihao 22:35:10
Some notes for tonight’s chat with Tattle @ronnywang @mglee @yitzu7 @ronnywang :))


Denny George 14:47:11
@denny.george90 has joined the channel


chihao 12:53:40
via @isabelhou https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/11/20/1039076/facebook-google-disinformation-clickbait/

MIT Technology Review

How Facebook and Google fund global misinformation

The tech giants are paying millions of dollars to the operators of clickbait pages, bankrolling the deterioration of information ecosystems around the world.

chihao 12:59:02
昨天晚上受 FNF Taiwan 的邀請,和南非、土耳其、摩爾多瓦 3 國的講者一起討論 disinfo,各自分享彼此在國內的工作。FNF 說影片會在剪輯後公開 😄 https://twitter.com/FNFGIHub/status/1463813616591724551
chihao 12:59:28
其中一位講者說他是一個叫做 Real Facebook Oversight Board 的成員⋯ XD
mrorz 13:04:41
real 開頭有共和黨的感覺 (強調個人自由、言論自由、右派)
chihao 13:04:57
mrorz 13:05:43
有個叫 Real clear politics 的網站就做了 fact check review 專門評價左派 fact checker XDDD


RealClearPolitics - Fact Check Review

Each week we review top fact-checking outlets. Fact checks not relating to civic and public concern are discarded, and the remaining fact checks are broken into the individual claims they assess.

chihao 13:06:38
chihao 13:06:47
趕快 ^C
mrorz 13:08:08
其他 fact checker 還沒有針對 real clear politics 作 fact check
畢竟就是用 metric 對 fact checker 進行評比的平台
所以目前還是個 acyclic 的 directed graph (?
chihao 13:09:01
希望被 real clear politics fact-check 的那些 fact-checker 可以來 fact-check real clear politics
chihao 13:09:19


Tarunima P 12:54:02
@tarunima has joined the channel
chihao 19:19:50
@tarunima welcome :)
Tarunima P 20:37:13
Thanks @chihao! Glad to be here. I'll get the profile pic and everything set in a couple of days