想把後端的 branch merge 到 master 都會噴 500
Let's say you want to contribute by adding a live demo to a github project. You fork the upstream repository, you create a gh-pages branch, you push it to your fork, then you try to open a pull re...
正規化表馬上匯入資料庫失敗 · Issue #146 · sih4sing5hong5/tai5-uan5_gian5-gi2_phing5-tai5 · GitHub
一個是資料庫問題如下 log 一個是正規化表裡面沒的流水號 49469 居然還是會去做@@ /工作/正規化表馬上匯入資料庫 #142 #134 [2016-08-06 22:55:53,600: ERROR/MainProcess] Task 臺灣言語平臺.tasks.半瞑自sheets掠轉資料庫[b47a30df-595d-4e60-b6db-844dbc8e50c8] rais...