「g0v Summit 2020 零時政府雙年會」於 2020 年 12 月 4 日在台南拉開序幕,以往三屆都在台北舉行的 g0v 雙年會首次移師台南,由「開放政府」的台灣數位政委唐鳳、「開放國會」的立法委員林昶佐與超過 20 位國際講者,共有上百位公民科技講者同台。首日籌畫 9 個議程圍繞「自己的學習自己來」與「東亞齊揪松」兩主題,邀請文化背景相近的東亞三國台灣、日本和韓國講者,分享公民科技社群應對社會困境的創新思考方式。
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2008年開始寫部落格,以讀書心得跟時事心得為主,寫著寫著十幾年就過去了。 個人研究興趣是戰略思想研究,戰略運作模型以及實務運作經驗,對產業界跟教育界都有點經驗,喜歡觀察社會,發發個人牢騷。 歡迎舊雨新知交流
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Show Hope in Crisis | Rights, Democracy and Technology, Ep #8 Tim Chen on More Education Choices | Hope in Crisis - 20 Dec 2020
Tim Chen is the Chief Organizer of Taiwan Homeschool and founder of Taiwan Homeschool Advocates, he has been promoting home education since 2003 in Taiwan and has also been advocating education choice since 2007.He started home education when his daughter was only 5 in 2003. In this episode, we talked about what homeschooling is, the problem of education, and the choices of future education. ------ New music, new cover art - Hope in Crisis is ready for 2021! Follow us on Twitter for more information: <https://twitter.com/HopeInCrisis>
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