PDF17: To Beat Trump, Dems Must Become “Peer Progressives”
Progressives are turning to peer networks to organize the resistance against Trump. But how prepared is the Democratic Party to be…
PDF17: To Beat Trump, Dems Must Become “Peer Progressives”
Progressives are turning to peer networks to organize the resistance against Trump. But how prepared is the Democratic Party to be…
To increase citizen participation and political responsiveness, today new civic tech claims to be ‘hacking' democracy. Going beyond their immediate appeal, can these technologies deeply transform politics? What project do they propose? The diagnosis is now widely accepted: democracy, at least in its representative form, is ‘ill', and exhausted. It is said to be overwhelmed by the distrust expressed by citizens who have taken refuge in abstention, and are ready to take to the streets to contest (...)
<@U3Z5P8V5E> 抱歉剛在做雜事,我剩下三篇還沒時間處理,下午五點前應該可以給你
Civic Hall
To Beat Trump, Dems Must Become “Peer Progressives” | Civic Hall
Progressives are turning to peer networks to organize the resistance against Trump. But how prepared is the Democratic Party to be transformed into a “peer progressive” political party?
Open Knowledge International Blog
Are Indian laws really ‘open’?
Opening up India’s laws – the journey of <http://Nyaaya.in|Nyaaya.in>, a non-profit legal tech organization in India India seems to fare reasonably well on ‘open data’ and ‘open government’ indicators. However…
原文: Les Civic Tech: feu de paille ou révolution démocratique? *科技能夠推進我們陳舊的民主體制嗎?這次的大選結束後,法國公民科技的靈魂人物盤點了這場社會運動的成果,回顧在過去幾個月遭遇的成功與困難。
The Ghost Blog
About four years ago we launched Ghost on Kickstarter as a tiny little prototype of an idea to create the web's next great open source blogging platform. In the early days we really just focused on just making everything work. Ghost was one of the very first open source Node.
公民科技助攻,第一張前瞻軌道視覺化地圖誕生 – g0v.news
Google Docs
工作表1 發言者, 發言身份, 立場, 內容網址, 文字摘選 林全, 行政院院長, 說明, http:// www. businesstoday. com. tw/ article-content-80392-163290-% E7% 8D% A8% E5% AE% B6% E5% B0% 88% E8% A8% AA% E6% 9E% 97% E5% 85% A8% 20120% E5% 88% 86% E9% 90% 98% E5% 9B% 9E% E6% 87% 89% E5% 9B% 9B% E5% A4% A7% E8% B3% AA% E7% 96% 91? page...
Ketagalan Media
Open Source Data: Just How Open Is Taiwan's Government? - Ketagalan Media
As governments worldwide stall or even backtrack on their commitments to open data, Taiwan remains an oasis of open data, which is a diplomatic strength.
99.08.10. 完成 有著作權 侵害必究 <mailto:service@copyrightnote.org|service@copyrightnote.org> 「著作人格權(Moral rights)...
The g0v.news Civic Tech Weekly: Preview – g0v.news – Medium
Starting this week, the g0v.news team will be providing a weekly roundup of what’s hot in civic tech news. This Monday, we’re releasing a…
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