Medium CEO 伊凡・威廉斯(Ev Williams)宣佈裁員50人,並關閉Medium位於紐約和華盛頓的辦公室,究竟Medium到底出了什麼問題呢?
3 min read
We’ve decided to make some major changes at Medium.
2017 and its civic tech / open data challenges.
(This is a summary of the challenges we see in New York City. To see 2016’s year in review, visit our blog at Beta.NYC.)
支持 React Native 的 Swift 模块 - 可译网
React Native保留了平台中原生的属性,所以React Native可以作为成熟的跨平台开发架构,当然也包括iOS。但是React与Swift的结合开发仍未是主流,而且在Github中,也鲜有这方面的开源库。 React Native是一个Objective-C的应用框架,使用Javascript,并在iOS的JScore中执行程序。React Native的底层是通过使用原生的组件...
DipSpace 文字工作者的聚落 - g0v 公民科技創新獎助金
Dippen(沾水筆) + Space(空間) = DepSpace(暫定)從「單向傳輸」進入「雙向互動」的時代, 我們希望讓每一個閱讀者的貢獻都有價值.
DipSpace 文字工作者的聚落 - g0v 公民科技創新獎助金
Dippen(沾水筆) + Space(空間) = DipSpace(暫定)。空間裡有一罐墨水,任何人拿起文具,沾墨水都可以提筆寫字,這是一個以協作為核心理念出發的CMS專案。從「單向傳輸」進入「雙向互動」的時代,我們希望讓每一個閱讀者的貢獻都有價值。過去會在每一篇文章最下方有零散的 commit 這樣消極的對話並不符合我們需求。
wysihtml5 - Open source rich text editor based on HTML5 and the progressive-enhancement approach. Uses a sophisticated security concept and aims to generate fully valid HTML5 markup by preventing u...
Dropbox Paper
設計: 知澔 設計Reference累積 坑主兼前端: 宇庭、蕭a 後端: Charlie、家偉、雨蒼、蕭a 前端:react 後端:nodejs rails 維運: 每三週一次 小黑客松 API規格: article (sample): <https://gist.github>.
CMS for News 專案命名提案!!! 1/23 - 提案結束. 2/27 - 投票結束.
Open-ended question
Trump removes “Open Government” from White House website
The US open government initiative could be in jeopardy, as newly inaugurated President Trump removed all mention of “open government” and…
See the President's daily schedule, explore behind-the-scenes photos from inside the White House, and find out all the ways you can engage with the most interactive administration in our country's history.
Trump removes “Open Government” from White House website
The US open government initiative could be in jeopardy, as newly inaugurated President Trump removed all mention of “open government” and…
plate - A KeystoneJS Project with various configurations for development and testing purposes
The Missing Continent at the Open Government Summit
The open government movement has gone global, but large-scale open government-related events still predominately feature attendees and…