街頭帳篷裡的年輕人,把新民主送進西班牙全國 – g0v.news
2011 年,一場數百萬人上街的抗爭在西班牙持續了一個月,震驚世界的不是抗爭規模與議題延燒,而是2014年後,抗議群眾決定組黨,甚至在2015年喚起西班牙各地成立地方政黨,隨後拿下馬德里、巴賽隆納等100多個城市,成為執政者。
Data-Smart City Solutions
Alleviating Flooding in San Francisco With Civic Tech Volunteers | Data-Smart City Solutions
Adopt a Drain is an app that enables residents to find their closest storm drain, claim it, and agree to clear any debris in advance of storms, tapping into San Francisco’s greatest resource – civic-minded residents.
Knight Foundation
20 projects will address the spread of misinformation through Knight Prototype Fund
Chris Barr – In March Knight Foundation, along with partners the Democracy Fund and the Rita Allen Foundation, launched an open call for ideas around the question: How might we improve the flow of accurate...
Civictech Weeklydigest 參考來源 - HackMD
[2017.06.25 支援與修正情形更新] 大家好,今天晚上花了一整個晚上,將屏東縣和花蓮縣也修正完成了,另外,若是有桃園的朋友欲使用的話,要請桃園的朋友要填上身分證字號才可以正常發送喔,APP端還沒有阻擋,所以如果直接送過來的話會造成檢舉失敗喔!最後,我也將台南市的部分一口氣接上新的檢舉入口了,台南的朋友要記得去收信點選確認以後才會成案喔!。...
Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data