
Month: 2022-04


chihao 15:33:56
Hi HackMD team :)) 那個,國際交流小組想要在 g0v.hackmd.io 有一個以 `int` 為 handle 的 team,不知道是不是可以在這裡向各位提出申請? cc @isabelhou @pm5 @ipa

Should g0v international have a “team” on g0v’s HackMD? <@U02TNG5TP> <@U0384RCFD> <@U02L0C4KF> :smile: this might relieve some of the discomfort pm5 (and myself a bit) have that HackMD adds a `@id` in the url of a HackMD book / page when published. (for example `<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chihao/ukraine/>`) If we have a “team”, some of these in the future could have `@intl` in the link. Although I kind of want `@int` instead of `@intl` because it always sounds like `intel` in my mind when I read it :stuck_out_tongue:

• Team name
• Url path
• Member
@chiehg0v 感謝回覆,是在這裡提供嗎?Member 是需要提供 HackMD 帳號嗎(?)
可以私訊我~~~,對 member hackmd 註冊時的 email(怕id很像加錯)
• Team name = g0v international
• URL = int
• Members = @isabelhou @pm5 @ipa @chihao 4 位,email
@chiehg0v ++ 已經開好也加好囉
🙌 1
chihao 15:33:56
Hi HackMD team :)) 那個,國際交流小組想要在 g0v.hackmd.io 有一個以 `int` 為 handle 的 team,不知道是不是可以在這裡向各位提出申請? cc @isabelhou @pm5 @ipa

Should g0v international have a “team” on g0v’s HackMD? <@U02TNG5TP> <@U0384RCFD> <@U02L0C4KF> :smile: this might relieve some of the discomfort pm5 (and myself a bit) have that HackMD adds a `@id` in the url of a HackMD book / page when published. (for example `<https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chihao/ukraine/>`) If we have a “team”, some of these in the future could have `@intl` in the link. Although I kind of want `@int` instead of `@intl` because it always sounds like `intel` in my mind when I read it :stuck_out_tongue:

• Team name
• Url path
• Member
@chiehg0v 感謝回覆,是在這裡提供嗎?Member 是需要提供 HackMD 帳號嗎(?)
可以私訊我~~~,對 member hackmd 註冊時的 email(怕id很像加錯)
• Team name = g0v international
• URL = int
• Members = @isabelhou @pm5 @ipa @chihao 4 位,email
@chiehg0v ++ 已經開好也加好囉
Ying 15:43:10
@averyying2022 has joined the channel


韓愈 22:40:26
@a78d1x has joined the channel


jackymaxj 16:40:09
嗨大家好,HackMD 最近在開發搜尋的功能,想收集一些使用者產生的資料來評估運算用量與最佳化搜尋結果,想請問 g0v.hackmd.io 的公開資料是可以使用的嗎?還是可以怎麼跟你們申請使用嗎?謝謝~
cc @besslee @averyying2022
經過 24 小時,也就是今天下午 4:40pm c.4那麼我們就開始對 g0v.hackmd.io 上面的資料開始做收集與使用喔,
3 😮 2 👍 1 1 ❤️ 2 1 3 🎯 1
jackymaxj 16:40:09
嗨大家好,HackMD 最近在開發搜尋的功能,想收集一些使用者產生的資料來評估運算用量與最佳化搜尋結果,想請問 g0v.hackmd.io 的公開資料是可以使用的嗎?還是可以怎麼跟你們申請使用嗎?謝謝~
cc @besslee @averyying2022
經過 24 小時,也就是今天下午 4:40pm c.4那麼我們就開始對 g0v.hackmd.io 上面的資料開始做收集與使用喔,



Teemo 09:11:08
@teemocogs has joined the channel


lemming 旅鼠 20:21:12
@nemo3868156 has joined the channel