
Month: 2020-09


kyo 13:35:14
@odinxp has joined the channel
@null 15:04:45

<> is down

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@null 15:04:46

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Ming-jun Lu 23:38:28
5903271148,重慶美得康藥局,臺中市西屯區重慶路139號1樓,(04)23111789,5562,450,2020/09/07 23:35:46
5917063609,重慶美得康藥局,臺中市西屯區重慶路139號  ,(04)23164898,5796,460,2020/09/07 23:35:46```



@null 15:44:38

<> is down

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@null 15:48:20

<> is up

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@null 17:14:55

<> is down

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@null 17:16:45

<> is up

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eopXD 23:37:09
@yueh.ting.chen has joined the channel


katharin 02:06:58
@katharin.tai_g0v has joined the channel


ccl_emt 03:32:34
@ccl_emt has joined the channel


Caroline Smith 09:40:52
@caroline.smith has joined the channel
Caroline Smith 09:41:18
Hi everyone! It's so nice to be here and part of this community! Thank you @thebestsophist for the invite!

My name is Caroline Smith and I'm a Design Strategist with the US Digital Service. I'm supporting the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid with a mutli-year effort to modernize. Part of that is enabling Interoperability. Another part of that is transforming the fee-for-service technical infrastructure to allow for paying for Value Based Care.

It's no secret that the USA's health care system is massively dysfunctional. I recently finished this great book by T R Reid called "The Healing of America" where he went to countries with great healthcare systems around the world. The stories he told of France's Carte Vitale or Taiwan's complete and successful overhaul of their healthcare system in the very recent past made me drool!

I was wondering if there was anyone on here who might have contacts of people who work at Taiwan's Ministry of Health, specifically who work on the technology side. We at USDS would love to learn about your technical environments and design decisions and best practices as we look to transform our own tech to support different ways of paying for care, at scale, and also support Interoperability.

While our country might not have the political appetite to move to universal healthcare just yet, we at USDS are hoping to build the tech infrastructure to enable it, should the day eventually come :slightly_smiling_face:

Feel free to reply to me here, to DM me or to send me an email to! Also, if you want to learn more about USDS or our work at CMS, happy to chat! This work is so important and we're just trying to do our best!!

United States Digital Service

The United States Digital Service is transforming how the federal government works for the American people. And we need you.

Caroline Smith 2020-09-16 09:41:57
I loved this article by Chen Shih-Chung that spoke about: "the MediCloud system, which was launched to enable healthcare providers to query patients’ medical records within the NHI system, while the PharmaCloud system provides prescription drug information to physicians and pharmacists. Currently, through digital cloud tools, community-based primary care providers in Taiwan can retrieve test reports — including CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, gastroscopies, colonoscopies and X-rays — from secondary and tertiary institutions and receive prescription information."

Anyone who might work on those systems and talk about how they're constructed would make our engineers very happy!!
🙌 2 2
pofeng (ocf) 15:58:45
@pofeng240 has joined the channel


子言曾 01:12:54
@a5932016 has joined the channel


Kai 09:56:20
@chungkai1029 has joined the channel


df12V4sd 01:44:08
@vincent.mia.edie.verh has joined the channel
df12V4sd 01:44:10
台湾 ’衛生福利部中央健康保險署’NT$5的口罩是根据哪些标准制成的? 在欧洲,我们需要具有   EN 14683:2019    和   EN 149:2001 + A1:2009   。请你告诉我或分享一个链接到标准。


Vincent Verheyen 的首席执行官
FYI, here is my latest article on how the Belgian government has failed to provide safe masks for its citizens and inhabitants: I compare the Belgian failings to the succeses of Taiwan, which ramped up its production of certified medical masks from 1.88 million per day in January, to 20 million per day in May.
Most NT5 mask is general medical mask, but general medical mask is not always D2 mask
But I think the quality with mask is not critical problem with normal citizen, specially health people, those who need standard mask is the first line medical person, including doctor, nurse, clean person in hospital and taxi driver who may send sick people to hospital, not politician or business owner, but if they wearing mask on the media, that will be a good demonstration effect.
df12V4sd 21:19:07
FYI, here is my latest article on how the Belgian government has failed to provide safe masks for its citizens and inhabitants: I compare the Belgian failings to the succeses of Taiwan, which ramped up its production of certified medical masks from 1.88 million per day in January, to 20 million per day in May.


caleb 07:22:43
@caleb has joined the channel


prustar 13:30:00
@prustar has joined the channel