
Month: 2019-05


@null 19:29:22
Speaking of it, secretly knocking on the dictionary of the word of the bowl

<|source>: _說起來,偷偷敲碗萌典的異體字字典(捂臉_

@null 23:33:46
@tkirby Drawing Competition Yeah #

<|source>: _<@U02RRGMJ9> 畫圖比賽耶 # <>

@null 23:33:46
g0v-bridge's url: [2019 - John Hunter Excellence in Plotting contest]

@null 23:44:12
It turns out that slack has strange features to share color: #FFFFFF,#FF0004,#FF0004,#000000,#FF0004,#000000,#2BAC76,#CD2553

<|source>: _原來 slack 有奇怪的功能可以分享配色: #FFFFFF,#FF0004,#FF0004,#000000,#FF0004,#000000,#..._

Wow~ my UI is white.
Studying how to get back
carry out!
@null 23:54:49
Your legs

<|source>: _你腿了_


@null 00:21:46

@null 00:23:19
g0v-bridge's url: [Slack Themes]

@null 03:25:39
Wow~ my UI is white.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _哇~我 UI 變白了_

@null 03:26:22
Studying how to get back

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _正在研究如何變回來_

@null 03:39:09
carry out!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _完成!_

@null 11:49:31

Lukas 16:07:00
In the coming days I’m in Bonn at #SDG

Global Festival of Action

SDG Global Festival of Action – Home

The SDG Global Festival of Action is a ground-breaking event, positioned to gather and inspire SDGs campaigners and multi-stakeholder partners to scale up and broaden the global movement to take action for the SDGs. Taking place in Bonn every year, the Festival provides a dynamic and interactive...

@null 16:07:08
g0v-bridge's url: [Global Festival of Action – Global Festival of Action]


@null 02:10:14

source: _ 乾_

@null 02:10:32
Is there any information warfare lazy bag R now how yun is yun

source: _有沒有資訊戰ㄉ懶人包R 現在尼悶到底是怎yun_

@null 02:10:49
Cat question mark RRRR

source: _貓咪問號RRRR_

@null 02:11:22
There are two gugods for Shenma because one is a mobile phone ㄇ

source: _為神馬有兩個 gugod 因為一個是手機ㄇ_

@null 02:13:43
Then now how the Shenma channel has to register R because there are too many neuropathy like me.

source: _然後現在怎麼神馬頻道全都要註冊R 因為像我這樣的神經病太多ㄇ_

@null 12:57:11
Human Rights Watch released a report on the use of APP monitoring in Xinjiang yesterday on github open source (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 US), which includes their digital forensics, research methods, etc. They hope to have more technical community attention:

<|source>: _Human Rights Watch 昨天發布跟新疆用 APP 監控有關的報告上 github 開源(CC BY-NC-ND..._

@null 12:57:16
g0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - HumanRightsWatch/Integrated-Joint-Operations-Platform: Documents and forensic artifacts from 2018-2019 HRW investigation reported in ”China’s Algorithms of Repression” (available at:]

@null 12:59:18
And it seems that there is a part of the android app inside the data is thrown out

<|source>: _而且好像是有把部分 android 的 app 裡面的資料丟出來_

@null 14:45:43
Hello everyone, because I am going to run for the 2020 legislature, because my participation in the main axis will be related to the open government. Maybe many election activities will have some relationship with the g0v community, so I would like to discuss with the community friends first, if g0v If members of the community want to stand for election, are there any things to pay attention to?

<|source>: _大家好,因為我要參選 2020 立委了,因為我參選主軸會跟開放政府有關,可�..._

@null 14:45:48
G0v-bridge's url: [Community Participant Participation Considerations - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [社群參與者參選注意事項 - HackMD]_

@null 14:46:03
I am writing a pen first, I will write about what I thought of first.

<|source>: _目前先寫一個共筆,我先把我想到的東西寫一寫_

@null 20:02:41
g0v-bridge_'s url (2/3): [Greenhouse social technologies - for public organizations]

source: _g0v-bridge_'s url (2/3): [Теплица социальных технологий – для общ..._

@null 20:02:43
g0v-bridge_'s url (3/3): [What if all government services were this good? - Code for America]

@null 20:05:29
Hey everyone <!channel>,
I hope this mail finds you well.

My name's Julien Carbonnell I'm actually having a PhD research on Civic Engagement in Smart-Cities. I published last month this well appreciated article on 100 Civic-Tech Case Studies, shared by g0v news some days ago.

I'm contacting you today as volunteer in g0v organization.
I'm actually driving a comparative analyse between three digital communities acting for civic transformation, in Asia, in Russia and in United States of America.

This new study will tend to analyse the motivation of volunteers who implicate in Bottom-Up initiatives: self-fulfillment, goal achieving, up-skilling...

Your opinion is important to me! and to the worldwide readers of the final report.
It would be very significant if you could find the time this weekend to fill this short questionnaire (only 18 answers to tick)
=> <=

Executives and managers are much more welcome in spreading it to their volunteers networks.

All the best !

Google Docs

Grassroots Volunteers

This survey is conducted by Julien Carbonnell regarding to his PhD Research on Civic Engagement in Smart-Cities. It tends to analyse the motivation of volunteers to involve in Grassroots initiatives. This study will compare the results between three communities raised in different cultural and urban contexts in Asia, USA and Russia. Results will be analysed and be published anonymously as an accessible report on : <>

Just two reminders. First, we kind of avoid tagging whole channel in #general. Second, g0v is a community without entity rather than an organization. Just want to know if it will make a difference in your research.
not any difference at this level of study. Later if I can go deeper in analyses, it would rather be all the more interesting to analyse
@null 20:05:51
g0v-bridge_'s url: [Bottom-Up Volunteers]

ael 20:11:54
Just two reminders. First, we kind of avoid tagging whole channel in #general. Second, g0v is a community without entity rather than an organization. Just want to know if it will make a difference in your research.
🙏 1
@null 22:42:27
not any difference at this level of study. Later if I can go deeper in analyses, it would rather be all the more interesting to analyse


@null 01:43:14
More than 72hr no objection and two people accompanies 啰

<|source>: _超過 72hr 無異議且有兩人附議囉 <>

Second opinion~
@null 01:43:19
g0v-bridge_'s url: [Connect to by MrOrz · Pull Request #25 · g0v/domain · GitHub]

@null 15:03:00
Second opinion~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _附議~_

tw0517tw 20:47:24
@tw0517tw has left the channel


@null 09:32:56
[5/25 (six) g0v Dasong from 5/6 (one) from 12:00 to open registration] Thanks to @chihao ㄏㄅㄅ's main map support :fire:💪

<|source>: _【5/25(六)g0v 大松自 5/6(一)12:00 起開放報名】 <>

@null 09:33:04
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | Taiwan's zero-time government picks up and reopens the empty hackathon]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | 台灣零時政府第參拾肆次再開放空總黑客松]_

@null 09:33:56
\It depends on dreams / \ not as good as empty / \ May 25 / \ empty total hackathon /

<|source>: _\與其靠託夢/ \不如來放空/ \五月二十五/ \空總黑客松/_

@null 09:34:50
English is good

<|source>: _英文翻得不錯_

@null 12:32:12
Dear friends, the COSCUP call for submission is due tomorrow, and g0v has an agenda track for everyone to join! Https://

<|source>: _各位朋友啊,COSCUP 徵稿就在明天截止了,g0v 有一個議程軌大家一起上啊! h..._

@null 12:32:21
G0v-bridge's url: [COSCUP Open Source People's Annual Conference strongly appeals, missed another year! ]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [COSCUP 開源人年會強力徵稿,錯過再等一年!]_

@null 12:34:34
At present, the number of submissions feels a little worse, don't hesitate, you are the ankle.

<|source>: _目前投稿的數量感覺還差臨門一腳,不要猶豫了,你就是那隻腳 🦶_

@null 20:27:38
Already invested

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _已投_

@null 20:35:01
Changed the text without us XD, but we are friends in the parliament who care about citizen technology😉

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _改內文沒有我們了 XD 不過我們就是議會內關心公民科技的朋友們 :wink:_


@null 12:05:51
<Https://> The last day of submission today

<|source>: _<> 今天投稿最後一天哦_

@null 12:05:56
g0v-bridge's url: [COSCUP 2019 CfP is now open, submit your proposal before May 6th, 2019.]

@null 14:29:12
@hsiao-a So mysterious XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U0388LH6C> 這麼神秘 XD_

@null 17:31:34
The Times Power Party is the main XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _時代力量黨團為主啦 XD _

Someone (across chat bridge) 18:05:02
File from chihao (general@g0vtw)with comment: 資安叮叮嚀
Screen Shot 2019-05-06 at 6.03.33 PM
@null 18:06:12

@null 18:06:15
G0v-bridge's url: [Internet taxation into the mainstream 3 major mistakes to be careful | Sankei | Key News | Central News Agency CNA]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [網路報稅成主流 3大可能失誤要小心 | 產經 | 重點新聞 | 中央�..._

@null 18:21:33
No one has to file tax returns:

<|source>: _沒有人來報稅囉: <>

@null 18:21:36
G0v-bridge's url: [unknown website]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [不明網站]_

@null 18:23:32
Unsafe URL XD

<|source>: _不安全的網址 XD_

@null 18:28:07
Awesome XD

<|source>: _好棒 XD_

@null 22:09:55
actually https works too

@null 23:16:23
I have recently talked about the old project in the Zijing District: :bookmark_tabs: The comparison table between the positive and negative opinions of the Jingjing District At that time, @nchild coordinated the National Development Association to help organize the anti-party information, and then The make-up is made because the table is too much and too complicated, so with the sub-theme communication meeting of the self-region, the sub-tables of the following three sub-topics are launched: 🍌 Agriculture-related http://beta.hacktabl. Org/fepz-agriculture ⚕️ Medical Related 👩‍🏫 Education Related

<|source>: _最近在講自經區讓我想起古老的專案: :bookmark_tabs: 自經區正反意見比較表 <http://fepz>..._

@null 23:16:56
But now the source of it is almost ineffective.

<|source>: _不過現在裡面的出處幾乎都失效了呢_


@null 01:13:03
G0v Is there a blockchain application in the poll or election project? I am very interested in the blockchain. I saw the news of the DPP’s mobile phone polls. I think it might be possible to use the blockchain to solve the problem of inaccurate mobile phone polls.

<|source>: _g0v 有區塊鏈應用在民調或選舉的project 嗎?我對區塊鏈很有興趣,看到民進�..._

@null 11:07:03
How does @nikki blockchain solve the problem of inaccurate mobile phone polls?

<|source>: _@nikki 區塊鏈如何解決手機民調不準的問題?_

@null 11:09:23
The problem solved by the blockchain should be that it will not be tampered with afterwards, and that the data can be decentralized. But it seems that I can't solve the problem of inaccuracy when the data is generated.

<|source>: _區塊鍊解決的問題應該是事後不被竄改,以及資料可以被去中心化儲存。但�..._

@null 11:49:34
I think so too, so I wonder if I missed something.

<|source>: _我也是這麼想,所以好奇是不是我漏了什麼_

@null 11:57:13
I didn’t think too much when I was playing, but I mean that the information is not compared with the other side, and it’s not a literal meaning.

<|source>: _我打的時候沒想太多但是我是指資料不對比方說投過又再投,不是字面的不�..._

@null 11:58:44
I looked at the g0v website and it seems that there is no blockchain project yet?

<|source>: _我看了一下g0v 的網站好像還沒有區塊鏈的專案?_

@null 12:25:10
How does the blockchain solve the problem of "selling and investing again"?

<|source>: _區塊鏈怎麼解決「投過又再投」的問題?_

I don't know too much about the implementation details, because it hasn't started yet, but basically bitcoin solves the problem that a coin is repeated. The bottom layer is the blockchain. And as some people have said before, the feature of the blockchain is that you cannot delete entries, but you have to use other methods to log out.
It does solve the problem of double spending. But this premise should be based on the first time to start voting, to mint a fixed number of tokens (tickets), and send them to voters on average. The question of the extension is: 1. How to define these voters 2. How to solve the anonymity problem 3. How to vote for the defined voter 1 & 3 will involve how KYC does it, how the private key is generated & managed. 2. Some wisdom contracts in the impression attempt to solve this problem
@null 12:25:28
@nikki Do you want to come to the Dasong proposal? XD

<|source>: _@nikki 要不要來大松提案?XD_

I am very interested in the technology of the blockchain, but I am not an expert, and I have a full-time job, so I hope I can participate in the project.
@null 12:28:54
The blockchain solution is a mistrust of the polling center. Is their data really unworked?

<|source>: _區塊鏈解決是對民調中心的不信任,他們的數據真的沒人工調整過?_

@null 12:31:09
I don't know too much about the implementation details, because it hasn't started yet, but basically bitcoin solves the problem that a coin is repeated. The bottom layer is the blockchain. And as some people have said before, the feature of the blockchain is that you cannot delete entries, but you have to use other methods to log out.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _實作細節我現在也不知道太多,因為還沒開始,但是基本上bitcoin 解決了一��..._

@null 12:33:13
As far as I know, of course I am not an expert. As far as I know, the blockchain is indeed not weak. For example, if someone can control more than half of the nodes, then you can put a false entry.

<|source>: _就我所知,當然我還不是專家,就我所知區塊鏈的確不是沒弱點,比方說如�..._

@null 12:34:24
However, the blockchain solution proposed by various software companies is doing a layer of abstraction on the existing blockchain like ethereum, which is convenient for developers, so the existing blockchain is quite many nodes.

<|source>: _但是目前各家軟體公司提出的區塊鏈solution, 都是在既有的區塊鏈像是ethereu..._

@null 12:36:14
But basically the blockchain can be applied where you need a single source of truth, such as a ballot or an accountant.

<|source>: _但是基本上區塊鏈就是可以應用在需要single source of truth 的地方,比方說選��..._

@null 12:40:44
It can't be tampered with because it preserves the uniqueness of each entry by recursive hashing, and then recursive so retains the relationship between the entries, which becomes history, as far as I know.

<|source>: _它不能被竄改是因為它藉由recursive hashing 來保有每一筆entry 的獨特性,然後r..._

@null 12:44:52
I am very interested in the technology of the blockchain, but I am not an expert, and I have a full-time job, so I hope I can participate in the project.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我對區塊鏈的技術很有興趣,但是我還不是專家,而且我有正職,所以是希�..._

@null 12:49:17
@au said that he had done prototype in 2011. No work, because the parties will not believe.

<|source>: _<@U02L29KSW> 之前說 2011 年他做過 prototype 了。 不 work,因為各黨不會信。_

[citation needed]
@null 12:51:12

Voting Software

[Title text] "There are lots of very smart people doing fascinating work on cryptographic voting protocols. We should be funding and encouraging them, and doing all our elections with paper ballots until everyone currently working in that field has retired."

@null 12:51:16
g0v-bridge's url: [xkcd: Voting Software]

@null 14:08:57
It doesn't matter, open source is that everyone can do it, maybe the substitution effect is different.

<|source>: _沒關係,open source 就是大家都能做做看,說不定換人執行效果不一樣_

@null 14:10:33

<|source>: _沒有人?_

@null 14:10:37
Admit that you are no one

<|source>: _先承認你就是沒有人_

@null 14:38:55
[citation needed]

@null 15:02:11
It does solve the problem of double spending. But this premise should be based on the first time to start voting, to mint a fixed number of tokens (tickets), and send them to voters on average. The question of the extension is: 1. How to define these voters 2. How to solve the anonymity problem 3. How to vote for the defined voter 1 & 3 will involve how KYC does it, how the private key is generated & managed. 2. Some wisdom contracts in the impression attempt to solve this problem

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _的確可以解決 double spending 的問題。 但這個前提要建立在開始投票時,先 min..._

@null 16:19:53
There is an app that wants to supervise politicians? <Https://>

<|source>: _出現了一個要監督政治人物的 app?<>

@null 16:19:57
G0v-bridge's url: [啧啧×The future of Taiwan, we are our own masters]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [嘖嘖 × 臺灣的未來我們自己作主]_

@null 17:55:40
Hi Hi, everyone, we asked Kirby to do a new official website design I would like to ask everyone to help complete the text version of the official website, so that Kirby can submit the draft. Because some of the original content may be too old, or need to fix the update, but also see if you think that those who want to add up, you can first add to the text version of the official website, in principle I will copy the old content first, please help us to see if you want to add OWO//. Text version of the official website:

<|source>: _Hi Hi 大家,我們請 Kirby 做了新的官網設計 <> 想請�..._

<Https://> I think the first thing I want to fix is that the media reports XD. The way it is now is to change it by hand, and then change it to another format to reorganize it all at once.
I wonder if there is any way to compare it (?
@null 17:55:44
G0v-bridge's url: [Taiwan Zero Time Government Portal]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [台灣零時政府入口網]_

@null 17:55:51
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v official website text version - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v 官網文字版 - HackMD]_

@null 19:05:31
The grant team information is applied to the workshop of the little helper! <Https://>

<|source>: _獎助金團隊資料申請小幫手的工作坊直播中! <>

@null 19:05:35
G0v-bridge's url: [Data Application Helper - Private Application Government Information Experience Design Workshop | Facebook]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [資料申請小幫手 - 民間申請政府資料經驗設計工作坊 | Facebook]_

@null 19:56:51
<Https://> I think the first thing I want to fix is that the media reports XD. The way it is now is to change it by hand, and then change it to another format to reorganize it all at once.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<> 覺得第一個想修的就是媒體報導XD 現在的方式就是�..._

@null 19:56:56
G0v-bridge's url: [media coverage]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [媒體報導]_

@null 19:57:05
I wonder if there is any way to compare it (?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _在想有沒有什麼比較的方式處理(?_


@null 14:39:17
Hi Hi everyone, Kirby made a new official website design 揪松团 here wants follow up to continue, after discussing with kirby, I would like to ask everyone to help complete first Text version of the official website, so that Kirby can submit. Because some of the original content may be too old, or need to fix the update, but also see if you think that those who want to add up, you can first add to the text version of the official website, in principle I will copy the old content first, please help us to see if you want to add OWO//. Text version of the official website:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Hi Hi 大家, Kirby 做了一份新的官網設計 <> 揪松團..._

@null 14:39:22
G0v-bridge's url: [Taiwan Zero Time Government Portal]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [台灣零時政府入口網]_

@null 14:39:27
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v official website text version - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v 官網文字版 - HackMD]_

@null 14:43:47
I would like to ask everyone how to pronounce g0v Chinese how to mark XD

<|source>: _想問一下大家 g0v 中文要怎麼發音應該要怎麼標示XD_

@null 14:44:22
Clever V

<|source>: _機靈V_

@null 14:44:46
Sound: The snack government (?)

<|source>: _音同:零食政府 (?)_

@null 15:01:18
The Hong Kong community is interviewed by the media

<|source>: _香港社群受端傳媒訪問 <>

@null 15:05:42
paywall QQ


@null 05:24:38
g0v-bridge's url: [Devin Balkind on Twitter: "Next gen #civictech needs to be fun!… "]

thebestsophist 05:32:09
Anyone from the g0v or PDiS team submitting case studies for the Global Leap book? because I think y’all should!

Global Leap Book

A survey of design for social innovation around the world. Submit your project today!

I can help to write the case study. Just open a new doc on HackMD. The deadline is May 15. Anyone interested can write on it.
thebestsophist 2019-05-20 21:55:37
@aelcenganda in case they didn’t tell you, a few designers at 18f asked and they extended the deadline to may 31
thebestsophist 2019-05-20 21:55:48
so you have more time!
ael 19:21:00
I can help to write the case study. Just open a new doc on HackMD. The deadline is May 15. Anyone interested can write on it.

g0v Case Studies for the Global Leap book - HackMD

🎉 1
@null 19:21:04
g0v-bridge_'s url: [g0v Case Studies for the Global Leap book - HackMD]

@null 22:01:13
嗨 Here is a neighboring, recruiting a variety of gender dresses. The enquiry can be placed directly in the hackmd at 5 o'clock at noon or at 10 o'clock in the hackmd or by any means of slack, facebook, or what more suitable cyberspace.....

<|source>: _嗨這裡是比鄰,募集各種性別的裙裝照。徵件到5/10中午12點 可以直接放在ha..._

@null 22:01:20
G0v-bridge_'s url: [male skirt week@板桥- HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge_'s url: [男裙週@板橋 - HackMD]_

@null 22:02:48
I want to go to Fuchu to buy a high school uniform skirt that I wear tomorrow (I don't know if I can buy XD). If anyone wants to buy it together, I can also buy XD.

<|source>: _我明天想去府中買條我穿的下的高中制服裙子(不知道買的到買不到 XD) 如��..._

@null 22:03:43
I hope I can receive some photos of the dresses, otherwise the photos that are shaken by my own skirt look super boring.

<|source>: _希望可以收到一些裙裝的照片嗚嗚不然只有我自己裙擺搖搖的照片看起來超�..._

noneck 22:29:38
Are you going to the Code for America Summit or the Open Government Partnership Summit? If so, my colleagues at BetaNYC are building a few solidarity networks for first timers and returning customers. DM me for more details. BTW, we're looking to have a report back session some time in June.
thebestsophist 2019-05-09 22:34:12
i’ll be at CfA running a workshop on decolonizing [American] civic tech!
canadian_aaron 2019-05-09 22:35:15
I’ll be at OGP, there’ll be a handful of Code for Canada peeps there.
canadian_aaron 2019-05-09 22:35:59
It looks like most of the g0v folks will be at OGP as opposed to this year’s Code for America summit. (they happen in the same week, right?)
thebestsophist 2019-05-10 02:18:14
annoyingly, i may have grumped at CfA about that
thebestsophist 2019-05-10 02:18:48
I know PDiS is sending a contingent to OGP, so say hi to them!
canadian_aaron 2019-05-10 03:10:23
Will do! @thebestsophist 😄
I'll be at CfA and doing a keynote and lightning talk at the International Design in Gov Day on the 29th.
🇨🇦 1


@null 10:32:07
嗨嗨 嗨嗨 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集 收集Or don't wear it, it doesn't matter if you simply wear the dress of the skirt, I hope there are many different photos :)

<|source>: _嗨嗨比鄰收集各種裙裝照還有1.5小時,男生女生中性其他大人小孩各種穿上�..._

@null 11:26:39
No skirt QQ

<|source>: _沒有裙子 QQ_

lend you.
It’s too late
There are still 33 minutes hahaha
There are rainbows or any big flags that can also be used as a skirt 喔XD
If you use the rainbow scarf that you bought in the last parade, you should become a short skirt.////.
Can give it a try, but I remember that the scarf is translucent.
Wrap it up, as long as there is a cloth (or bath towel) on hand, who can say that you don't have a skirt! ! ! ! Surrounded
in those days! <Https://>
@null 11:27:02
lend you.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _借你。_

@null 11:27:28
It’s too late

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _啊 來不及_

@null 11:27:36
There are still 33 minutes hahaha

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _還有 33 分鐘哈哈哈_

@null 11:28:06
There are rainbows or any big flags that can also be used as a skirt 喔XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _有彩虹或任何大旗也可以圍起來充當裙子喔XD_

@null 11:28:55
If you use the rainbow scarf that you bought in the last parade, you should become a short skirt.////.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _如果用上次遊行買的彩虹圍巾應該會變短裙 .////._

@null 11:30:26
Can give it a try, but I remember that the scarf is translucent.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _可以試試看,不過我記得那條紗巾是半透明的:joy:_

@null 11:31:16
Wrap it up, as long as there is a cloth (or bath towel) on hand, who can say that you don't have a skirt! ! ! ! Surrounded

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _圍起來,只要手上有條布(or浴巾),誰敢說你沒有裙子!!!!通通圍起來_

@null 11:31:42
Otherwise chihao can give me a photo of a sock, I think it can (?

<|source>: _不然chihao可以給我穿著襪子的照片,我覺得可以(?_

@null 11:52:00
in those days! <Https://>

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _想當年! <;theat..._>

@null 11:52:07
G0v-bridge_'s url: [ Taiwan's zero-hour government - I heard that hackathon is a "home"? ... | Facebook]

source: _g0v-bridge_'s url: [<|> 台灣零時政府 - 聽說來黑客松的都是「宅宅」?... | Face..._

bess 14:05:58
@besslee has left the channel
@null 14:30:07
@chihao came to Moz, now there is XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U03CX883V>來摩茲,現在有XD_

@null 14:35:44
Everyone is going to wear it. If you want to cover your face and want to cover it, you can tell me! ! ! ! I want to repair my body.....I ask orz to help you liquefy (because I won't...) I just recorded the recording, the photo was received at 9:30 in the evening.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _大家快穿,想遮臉想遮哪裡都可以跟我說!!!!想修身材的我…..我請orz��..._

@null 14:36:41
Let me first say that there are actually nearly 30 skirts in the XDDD average one will not be two seconds der, shy people do not have to worry, come soon

<|source>: _先說我這裡其實有將近三十張裙裝照了XDDD平均一張不會到兩秒der,害羞的人..._

Hello everyone, XD
@null 14:38:20
@chihao I will bring a skirt in the evening, do you want to take a picture? XD

<|source>: _<@U03CX883V> 我晚上會帶裙子過去,你要穿著拍一張嗎 XD_

@null 14:38:32
I am wearing the next, you must also wear the next XD

<|source>: _我穿的下的,你一定也穿的下 XD_

@null 14:51:02
Can the face be blocked by the adjacent doodle? XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _遮臉可以用比鄰 doodle 擋住嗎 XD_

@null 14:53:29
@ronnywang 好 XD

@null 14:58:47
Hello everyone, XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _大家好踴躍XD_

joseph2068 17:01:54
@joseph2068 has joined the channel
@null 17:39:42
When will the OCF office be there? Finally, I have to go and take the extension cord for a long time.

<|source>: _OCF 辦公室到幾點會有人啊? 終於要去拿放好久的延長線了:joy_cat:_

Remember who will help you collect it?
Finally, it should be Gavin's receipt of the OCF office. It should be the last year. Please ask @沙dowcrow to help me ask if I have to take the book with her.
Look for @daisuke and ask again.
On the shelf of the pine, there is a paper bag with an extension of the orange hair.
@null 18:37:31
Remember who will help you collect it?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _記得誰幫你收著嗎?_

@null 18:53:13
Finally, it should be Gavin's receipt of the OCF office. It should be the last year. Please ask @沙dowcrow to help me ask if I have to take the book with her.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _最後應該是 Gavin 收到 OCF 辦公室 應該是去年的事了:joy_cat: 請揪松的 <@U02L3KEE5> 幫..._

@null 19:08:02
Look for @daisuke and ask again.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _再找 <@U0TKSE36J> 問問好了_

@null 19:08:55
On the shelf of the pine, there is a paper bag with an extension of the orange hair.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _在揪松的架子上,有個寫著橘毛橘毛的延長線的紙袋_

@null 22:27:46
Hello everyone at g0v, I opened a project myself, "What will happen to be unified?", I hope to find someone to let the public know: What will be unified? This project is mainly intended to make the general public more imaginative and understand that if it is unified by China, what changes will be made in life, in order to improve the sense of crisis, I will use the editorial method to accumulate articles, here https://hackmd. After io/VdW-NEO7TrCyGwVRnkXafg?edit, the materials were promoted and they were intended to be provided as free materials to groups such as the Journal of the Times and the Power of the Times. Before that, I would like to ask for some comments on g0v to provide a reference for this project.

<|source>: _g0v 的大家好,我自己開了一個專案,叫「被統一會怎樣?」,希望找人一起..._

Put forward an idea: In addition to reposting all kinds of news, you can start to discuss the current "progress" of "unification". Imagine a final state of unity, and then assess how far the current state is from there, how many steps, how many key issues, and so on. This can also be not limited to the government. Finally, it is necessary to include some people's livelihood and economic aspects...
It feels really important to do this. I opened another HackMD "Two-part: China's unified Taiwan schedule" Thank you! :party_parrot:
@null 22:27:57
G0v-bridge's url: [What will happen to be unified? - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [被統一會怎樣? - HackMD]_

@null 22:28:13
Because I feel that the issues that some fan groups concerned about politics care about are too broad for the average person. I have no strength to care about the many issues that the legislators pay attention to in terms of trade, elections, anti-nuclear, self-management, etc. Therefore, before 2020, I only want to care about the only issue, that is, "unification." If they are unified, these issues can only be discussed at a "reasonable" level. And I also learned from the experience of the last election. The voting power of the non-Facebook colloquial layer (Line stratum) is so strong. The news reports of X-ray TV are so deeply rooted in people's hearts and restaurants. In addition, most people who are in line with the situation now want to be unified. I believe that the general people can see that the reunification will be very miserable. Naturally, they will not believe that the groups and media that support unity can solve many problems.

<|source>: _因為我覺得譬如一些關心政治的粉絲團關心的議題對一般人太廣了。我自己�..._

@null 22:29:21
Therefore, I hope that this project can be done well, and people who are warm-blooded are welcome to come up with ideas. You can edit it directly on HackMD or you can drop it to me. Thank you: boogie-penguin:

<|source>: _所以希望可以把這個專案做好,歡迎熱血的人們一起來想辦法。可以在 HackMD..._

If it is an example of Ukraine that has been unified?
It seems that it is not bad. It can be included in the reference. I also want to know the difference between Russia and China.
@null 23:30:50
I have no recordings. So you can judge this as misleading information.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我沒有錄音。所以可以自行判斷此為 misleading information。_


@null 01:36:22
If it is an example of Ukraine that has been unified?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _如果是烏克蘭這種已經被統一過的例子呢?_

@null 03:12:10
Put forward an idea: In addition to reposting all kinds of news, you can start to discuss the current "progress" of "unification". Imagine a final state of unity, and then assess how far the current state is from there, how many steps, how many key issues, and so on. This can also be not limited to the government. Finally, it is necessary to include some people's livelihood and economic aspects...

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _提個想法:除了轉貼各路新聞之外,也可開始討論「統一」這件事情目前的�..._

@null 10:54:01
It seems that it is not bad. It can be included in the reference. I also want to know the difference between Russia and China.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _好像不也不錯,可以列入參考 我也想知道俄羅斯與中國統一他國的差別_

@null 10:56:14
It feels really important to do this. I opened another HackMD "Two-part: China's unified Taiwan schedule" Thank you! :party_parrot:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感覺這點真的也很重要 我開了另一個 HackMD 「二部曲:中國統一台灣的進度..._

二部曲:中國統一台灣的進度表 - HackMD

@null 10:56:26
G0v-bridge's url: [Two-part: China Unified Taiwan's Schedule - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [二部曲:中國統一台灣的進度表 - HackMD]_

@null 23:21:43
I saw that there is a big open to record this matter. I want to say that this kind of pro-China media can do what this small people can do. I think we can After refusing to watch these media, the media should just want someone to look at it and ask the workers to list the domain names of these group media (or push them to a git repo) to let the people in need add the relevant websites to the block of the browser. In list

<|source>: _看到有大大開了一個 <>

@null 23:21:54
G0v-bridge's url: [2019 Cross-Strait Media People Beijing Summit Taiwan Media Visiting Delegation Complete List - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [2019 兩岸媒體人北京峰會 台灣媒體參訪團完整名單 - HackMD]_


@null 00:49:07
g0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - os369510/media-block-list: The list of media that are pro-China.]

@null 15:26:44
g0v-bridge's url: [Slack]

@null 15:26:57
If you combine this idea with the above link, do it?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _如果把這這個想法跟上面的連結合併一起做呢?_

@null 15:41:35
If you are a website from the perspective of reverse string? There is a progress bar in the middle, there are to-do items, unified execution content

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _如果是從反串的角度來做個網站呢? 有個進度條放在中間,還有待辦事項、..._

@null 15:43:06
Hey, are you doing well on Mother's Day? 🌷🌷🌷 I want to update with you: g0v May Dasong `Already full!!! Hey!! Hey!!提醒 Remind everyone: 1. `Cannot be present` Remember to cancel the registration of KKTIX order. 2. `Determining the presence'. The pit owner welcomes the pen to "Publish a proposal! See the proposal". Registered to the stage, people who want to enter the pit can go to the pit to preview what they want to enter. Welcome the pit owner and no one to steal in advance, brewing the big and small things in the pit, discuss it together at g0v Slack! Finally, participate in Dasong remember to bring tableware, Mother Earth thank you 😍😍😍 Related links: - KKTIX registration page - May Dasong co-writing https://

<|source>: _嗨嗨嗨,大家母親節都過得好嗎? :tulip::tulip::tulip: 想跟大家更新:g0v 五月大松 `�..._

@null 15:43:26
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | Taiwan's zero-time government picks up and reopens the empty hackathon]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | 台灣零時政府第參拾肆次再開放空總黑客松]_

@null 15:56:48
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | Taiwan's zero-time government picks up and reopens the empty hackathon]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | 台灣零時政府第參拾肆次再開放空總黑客松]_

@null 18:25:10
It may be used as "What do we have to do if we don't want to be unified?" In the era of information explosion, I think many people understand and don't want to be unified. If we don't want to sit still, what can we do?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _可能可以作為 「若不想被統一 我們有能力做到做到哪些事?」 在資訊爆炸�..._

@null 20:33:33
It seems to be good, but I will not do the website Orz. I should still use HackMD to supplement the content. I hope that more people can see, value, and even edit together.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _好像也不錯 不過我不會做網站 Orz 現在應該還是以 HackMD 補充內容為主 希望�..._

@null 20:55:07
Ok~ After that, if I have to write a program, I can help. I am a data engineer and will write some WEB.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _好啊~之後如果有要寫程式我可以幫忙,我是資料工程師,會寫一些WEB_


bangyu 09:00:54
@bangyuwen has joined the channel
@null 11:54:28
Hello my name is Sunit from Thailand, working on an civic tech group, we are facing lots of fake news problem in our country , I spoke to @au and she mentioned I should join your cofact meet up on Wednesday and learn how might we apply it in thailand. Would you guys let me know where and when it would happen ? I understand it’s afternoon right ? Thank you 🙏🏼

Hi @sunitshrestha,
I am co-founder of Cofacts project.
Cofacts meetup is hold 8pm - 11pm every Wednesday, including this Wednesday. We will also participate in g0v hackathon on May 25th, if you are still in Taiwan at that time, maybe we can meet in the hackathon 🙂

Feel free to ask us any question in #cofacts channel!
@mrorz thank you so much, definitely could go Wednesday in the morning, really hope to learn more and apply the learning into thailand, where it this happen ? Would you have perhaps little bit of time to talk to me as a co-founder ?
Thanks for your interest! You may find something useful in this info:

Our weekly meeting actually happens in late night (8**PM** - 11**PM**) because all our members have day jobs. We do have some routine work to discuss during the meeting, I will consult other members and hopefully we are able to have in the meeting
@null 12:06:37
Hi @sunitshrestha,
I am co-founder of Cofacts project.
Cofacts meetup is hold 8pm - 11pm every Wednesday, including this Wednesday. We will also participate in g0v hackathon on May 25th, if you are still in Taiwan at that time, maybe we can meet in the hackathon 🙂

Feel free to ask us any question in #cofacts channel!

@null 13:06:02
@mrorz thank you so much, definitely could go Wednesday in the morning, really hope to learn more and apply the learning into thailand, where it this happen ? Would you have perhaps little bit of time to talk to me as a co-founder ?

@null 13:22:33
Hi, I’m the founder of Blowtrumpet from India. My name is Arjun. We have strong tie-ups to garner youth interests in motivating entrepreneurship, skill development and inclusion. Our vision is to contribute value in the connected world, making it smaller, knowledge efficient and peaceful. Looking to connect with professionals for scaling our projects, team building and associations for collaboration. Connect with me for more.

@null 13:27:03
Thanks for your interest! You may find something useful in this info:

Our weekly meeting actually happens in late night (8**PM** - 11**PM**) because all our members have day jobs. We do have some routine work to discuss during the meeting, I will consult other members and hopefully we are able to have in the meeting

Someone (across chat bridge) 21:05:14
File from Aiya (general@g0vtw)with comment: Hello 我是阿雅(揮手),今年3月我跟 g0v 社群的 Isabel 和 Ttcat 一起前進巴黎參加了國際知名的 「公民科技動能推升研討會 TICTeC」,5/17 這週五晚上我們將舉辦此行分享會,好奇 TICTeC 和動能推升的國際趨勢,歡迎來聽我們分享!!
>活動頁面 >>
>時間:5/17 (五) 19:00-21:30
>地點:Trust Café 創咖啡 (臺北市民權東路三段60巷7號)
@null 21:06:30
Hello, I am Aya: skin-tone-2: 👋🏻 In March of this year, I went to Paris with Isabel and Ttcat of the g0v community to participate in the internationally renowned "Citizens Technology Kinetics Promotion Seminar". TICTeC", 5/17 This Friday evening we will hold this sharing session, curious about the international trend of TICTeC and kinetic energy, welcome to share with us! ! >Events page>> >Time:5/17 (5) 19:00-21:30 >Location:Trust Café Coffee (No.7, Lane 60, Section 3, East Section of Civic East Road, Taipei) > Contributor: Isabel, Ttcat, Aiya

<|source>: _Hello 我是阿雅:wave::skin-tone-2::wave::skin-tone-2:,今年3月我跟 g0v 社群的 Isabel 和 Ttc..._

@null 21:06:34
Hello, I am Aya: skin-tone-2: 👋🏻 In March of this year, I went to Paris with Isabel and Ttcat of the g0v community to participate in the internationally renowned "Citizens Technology Kinetics Promotion Seminar". TICTeC", 5/17 This Friday evening we will hold this sharing session, curious about the international trend of TICTeC and kinetic energy, welcome to share with us! ! >Events page>> >Time:5/17 (5) 19:00-21:30 >Location:Trust Café Coffee (No.7, Lane 60, Section 3, East Section of Civic East Road, Taipei) > Contributor: Isabel, Ttcat, Aiya

<|source>: _Hello 我是阿雅:wave::skin-tone-2::wave::skin-tone-2:,今年3月我跟 g0v 社群的 Isabel 和 Ttc..._

👍 1 👋 1
@null 21:06:37
G0v-bridge's url: [Forward TICTeC & Internet Freedom Festival ( IFF )! Sharing session]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [前進 TICTeC &amp; Internet Freedom Festival ( IFF )! 共同分享會]_


@null 00:29:51
Hello, I am Bangyu. I am currently a software/data engineer. I know a little about the program. I am very interested in how to choose good candidates in 2020, issues related to the United Front, and how to persuade the high-aged people. Because I have seen a lot of news about the results of the next year, I am a little nervous about what I can do. See if I can do something. Will the voting guidelines for 2020 be reopened?

<|source>: _哈摟,我是邦宇,目前是軟體/資料工程師,對程式都略懂略懂。 對2020如何�..._

May Dasong has some proposals that you might be interested in. If you can't get to the site, welcome to live: 252Fd%252F1BpBNsxvyEYb1cDddUlU3m6ciXddeM0nWoYWJXr2OV5Y%252Fedit
Thank you, then I didn't grab the ticket and watch the live broadcast!
👋 1
@null 01:25:46
Hi everyone. I am from India.

@null 10:42:15
Russia is "swallowing up" other countries, and "swallowing" is a verb used between different countries. "Unification" is used in the same country. It is better to replace China's "unification" with "combination."

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _俄羅斯是「併吞」他國,「併吞」是不同國家之間使用的動詞。「統一」是�..._

@null 11:45:12
May Dasong has some proposals that you might be interested in. If you can't get to the site, welcome to live: 252Fd%252F1BpBNsxvyEYb1cDddUlU3m6ciXddeM0nWoYWJXr2OV5Y%252Fedit

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _五月大松有一些你可能會有興趣的提案,如果無法到現場,歡迎跟直播:http..._

@null 12:34:43
Thank you, then I didn't grab the ticket and watch the live broadcast!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _謝謝,那我沒有搶到票的話再看直播!_

@null 15:25:27
[5/25 Dasong is going to ask for a small helper! 】 This time in the air, so I don’t have to worry about it, but I need the same: ``` 1. A friend who assists in reporting and guiding in the morning (to the time of proposal) 2. A small helper who assists the food group in handling food and beverages (all day, You don't have to worry about it at any time. ~ ``` Need 5/25. It will be served before 8:40 in the morning. If you have signed up for hackathon, and you are willing to help, please scream~ Thank you for your help. //

<|source>: _【5/25 大松又要來徵求小幫手啦!】 這次在空總所以不用顧門了,可是一樣�..._

@null 20:54:20
Just as there is a personal question on Facebook, I want to say that the target audience is a group that supports the status quo and is not independent (I guess this group is the biggest), plus a group that supports the unity. Therefore, the word "unification" mentioned on most TV stations is used first. The number of people who have already added to the "Ideas and Suggestions" column of HackMD has increased. We will come back to XDD.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _剛好臉書上也有個人問,是想說目標讀者是支持維持現狀、不獨不統的族群�..._

Steve Reed MP 21:21:35
@steve.mark.reed has joined the channel
@null 21:23:41
Help you tag legislators vote guide pit master @johnny

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _幫你 tag 立委投票指南坑主 <@U03859W2Z> _

@null 23:01:01
Because of the relationship between the villagers watching TV, I studied the Youtube API today, and then I pushed all five news stations (Zhongtian, Sanli, Minshi, Dongsen, TVBS) back to today's youtube news of 2018/7. The title and description list climbed out

<|source>: _因為做鄉民看電視的關係,今天研究了一下 Youtube API ,然後就順手把五家新..._

@null 23:01:09
G0v-bridge's url: [youtube News List - Google Spreadsheets]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [youtube 新聞列表 - Google 試算表]_


@null 01:11:34
@ttcat (not_staff) re - the link has come to my attention. please kindly correct the outdated information, as both OCF and jothon decided to terminate the employment in Jan 2019.

@null 01:11:37
g0v-bridge's url: [Wu Min Hsuan(ttcat) - HackMD]

@null 10:30:00
I would like to ask, some people know where to capture the full conference video of the Legislative Yuan Council now? I only found the member clip at

<|source>: _想請教一下,有人知道現在哪裡可以抓到立法院院會的完整會議錄影嗎?我�..._

@null 10:30:11
G0v-bridge's url: [Legislative of the Legislative Council Broadcasting Internet Multimedia On-demand Video (ivod) System]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [立法院 議事轉播 網際網路多媒體隨選視訊(ivod)系統]_

@null 10:30:27
Recently, because I am a TV user to watch TV, I have more image processing skills, so I would like to try to take a look at the voting and attendance records in the video from the full conference video.

<|source>: _最近因為做鄉民看電視讓我多了一些影像處理技能,所以我有點想試試看從�..._

@null 10:35:56
Hey, found it, go to, check the "Complete Video" for the movie type.

<|source>: _喔喔,找到了,要到 <> ,影片類型要勾選「會議完整��..._

@null 18:15:44
Thanks, didn't notice there

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感謝,沒注意到那裡_


@null 02:42:01
Is voting and attendance only available in the film? 😵

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _投票跟出席紀錄只有在影片裡才有嗎?:dizzy_face:_

@null 06:50:07
test test (bot)

@null 06:50:39
<gugod> test test (bot)

@null 08:02:12
The bulletin will not be published until more than a month later. If you want to get the first time, you will be able to attend and vote only from the live video.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _公報要等一個多月後才會公布,如果要第一時間就得到出席和投票記錄只能�..._

@null 10:14:32
test test (bot)

@null 10:14:55
test test (bot)

@null 10:15:50
test test (bot)

@null 11:22:11
test test (bot)

@null 11:26:30
test test (human)

@null 11:55:35
meow meow (cat)

@null 12:05:57
<gugod> 😮

@null 13:04:55
<Https://> The official version of the historical data of radiation values is finally out.

source: _&lt;gugod&gt; <> 輻射值歷史資料官方版總算是出了_

@null 13:04:59
G0vtelegrambot's url: [Environmental Radiation Monitoring Information History Data | Government Information Open Platform]

source: _g0vtelegrambot's url: [環境輻射即時監測資訊歷史資料 | 政府資料開放平臺]_

@null 16:19:33
This year g0v has a community agenda for applying for COSCUP! Choose your own agenda, come in and choose the agenda you want to hear this year! For detailed voting instructions, see the document voting time to 5/19喔

<|source>: _今年 g0v 有申請 COSCUP 的社群議程喔!自己的議程自己選,快點進來選你今年..._

Also PO to logistics?
Po, that is, the format is +0 +1 +2 XD
@null 16:19:39
G0v-bridge's url: [community agenda vote g0v @COSCUP 2019 - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [社群議程投票 g0v @COSCUP 2019 - HackMD]_

@null 16:32:53
Also PO to logistics?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _也 PO 到後勤?_

@null 17:22:20
Po, that is, the format is +0 +1 +2 XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Po了,是說格式是 +0 +1 +2 XD_

@null 22:13:04
Who is managing the web interface of logbot now? It seems that it is not stable recently.

source: _現在 logbot 的網頁介面是誰在管理? 最近好像不太穩_

@null 22:23:59
Yes? I will see you later.

source: _&lt;caasih&gt; 是?晚點我看看_

@null 22:24:14
What kind of instability

source: _&lt;caasih&gt; 怎樣的不穩法_

@null 22:48:09
Often see 500 Internal Server Error

source: _常常看到 500 Internal Server Error_

@null 22:48:28
Or not even

source: _或是連不到_

@null 22:49:22
Starting around 05/10

source: _大約從 05/10 開始的_

@null 22:50:43
I am using uptimerobot to monitor

source: _我是用 uptimerobot 來 monitor 的_


@null 00:18:32
Kcwu: I see the crontab reopening record is concentrated in 4/25, after 5/10 should be jruby can't handle it.

source: _kcwu: 我看 crontab 重開的紀錄集中在 4/25 , 5/10 之後應該是 jruby 處理不來,_

@null 00:18:41
But I don't know Ruby, I can only ask for help...

source: _但我不懂 Ruby ,只能求助..._

@null 00:19:00
The parameters I ran were: JRUBY_OPTS='-J-Xmx5120m'

source: _我跑的參數是: JRUBY_OPTS='-J-Xmx5120m'_

@null 00:19:27
Using jruby-1.7.11

source: _用的是 jruby-1.7.11_

@null 00:19:47
The instruction is just rakeup

source: _指令就只是 rakeup_

@null 08:37:33
Maybe the app daemon is dead in the middle of the run? Is there an error log for reference? Or maybe the GC has become more frequent after a certain day..?

source: _也許是 app daemon 跑到中途就死了 ? 有 error log 可以參考嗎? 又或許是某日之�..._

@null 10:43:48
Stdout + stderr probably lasts like this, repeating all day

source: _stdout + stderr 大概長這樣,重複一整天 <>

@null 10:43:53
caasih's url: [logbot.log · GitHub]

@null 10:44:40
Now is to grab the pid file and then look at this pid. I am not deciding whether to restart, but I have not restarted the mail recently.

source: _現在是抓 pid file 然後看這個 pid 在不在決定要不要重啟,但最近沒重啟的 mai..._

@null 10:58:25
It seems that I have received SIGQUIT... Then jruby has lost a warning. (Not sure if it is relevant) But if there is a log all day... Maybe it’s actually not dead... Say there is no message before and after status code 500.

<|source>: _看起來好像有收到 SIGQUIT... 然後 jruby 丟了個警告出來。(不確定是否相關)..._

@null 11:09:38
Logbot and nginx didn't see 500 欸/_\

source: _logbot 跟 nginx 都沒看到 500 欸 /_\_

@null 14:39:43
@ky 5/25 The hackathon will have to hold another discussion session, and other organizations will be invited to add more venues (there are currently no tables, chairs and all other equipment). Maybe a planning book is required? Jothon will treat you as a pit, please @bess to discuss with you today. The number of people we enroll now does not count as the number of people in this seminar.

<|source>: _@ky 5/25 黑客松要在另外拉討論會,還要由其他單位廣發邀請、多加場地(目�..._

@null 14:41:17
There is no place to write error_log in nginx.conf. If you don't have it, you may save the global settings (/var/log/nginx/error.log). If you don't have it, it's better to add it... XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _nginx.conf 裡面沒有寫著 error_log 的地方嗎。沒有的話有可能會存去全域設定 (/..._

@null 14:48:53
Nginx access log and error log are not available, look for it after work..

source: _nginx access log 和 error log 都沒有,下班再找看看.._

@null 15:22:00
Hard work... XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _辛苦啦... XD_

@null 16:29:49
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v Community Speech or Education Training Auditor Registration - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v 社群演講或教育訓練旁聽登記 - HackMD]_

@null 17:13:52
Thank you, I am talking to bess later.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _謝謝,我晚點跟bess聊_

@null 17:31:21
🖐️🖐️ Hello ~~ g0v Everyone, I am Lulu of the Open Cultural Foundation, there is an important statement to be announced here, that is: to be renamed!!! has always been the Open Cultural Foundation Planning operations, although included in the community, can not be said to be the platform of g0v, in order to avoid continued confusion, it is expected to begin the process of renaming in mid-June, 7/1 officially renamed. There are two options for renaming the program. Those who want to care about this matter must read this description:

<|source>: _:raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed::raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Hello ~~ g0v 的大家,我是開放文化基金會的 Lulu,有一個重要聲明在這�..._

@null 17:31:54
G0v-bridge's url: [ Rename Description - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [ 改名說明 - HackMD]_

@null 23:22:01
Caasih: FYI Taiwan time

source: _caasih: FYI <> 台灣時間_

@null 23:27:42
Hello Hello, everyone, I am a semiconductor-related engineer. I am used to writing programs in Python. I have written C++. I also wrote about front-end web pages. I am interested in open materials, information sharing and data visualization. I want to participate in this empty hacker. Can you directly participate in the ticket with sesame oil? Because it seems to be really limited this time? thank

<|source>: _Hello 大家好 我是昱德 在做半導體相關的工程師 平常習慣用 python 寫程式 有 ..._

I will release the next week, I can wait for next week.
@null 23:55:23
I will release the next week, I can wait for next week.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _下週還會釋出喔,可以等下週_


@null 01:08:40
That's it

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _原來如此 _

@null 01:53:50 Two days of discussion

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<> 這兩天的討論紀錄_

@null 01:53:55
g0v-bridge's url: [vTaiwan @ 5/25 Daimatsu proposal-HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [vTaiwan @ 5/25 大松提案 - HackMD]_

@null 11:13:26
Hi everyone, I am PTU's Yu Ting. Mr. Ma Jinhua, a social innovation entrepreneur in Hong Kong, will come to Taipei on 6/18 and the Hong Kong Youth Service, the Salvation Youth Service and the Hong Kong Playground Association to learn about the development of social innovation in Taiwan. When au introduced him to g0v (such as the following verbatim link), Mr. Ma is looking forward to this opportunity to communicate with friends of g0v. Therefore, this event hopes to invite everyone from g0v to participate. The following is the event information. Please register with interested friends (with snacks~) Activity related information (including registration address): Tw/shared/9eXIGVTk6pTRsvZY5Kh1PBN5ZcJIDBtF1Y5YPrPq1_g The verbatim draft of Ma Jinhua and au on the conversation: B8%AD%E5%BF%83-%E7%AC%AC%E5%9B%9B%E5%8D%81%E4%B8%89%E6%AC%A1-office-hour/%E9%A6% AC%E9%8C%A6%E8%8F%AF

<|source>: _Hi大家好,我是PDIS的筱婷。香港社會創新創業家馬錦華先生將於6/18和香港青..._

@null 11:13:33
g0v-bridge's url: [Sandstorm]

@null 11:13:33
G0v-bridge's url: [View Section: Ma Jinhua :: SayIt]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [View Section: 馬錦華 :: SayIt]_

@null 15:21:29
Kcwu: Switch to MRI and see if Logbot will stop

source: _kcwu: 改用 MRI 跑看看, Logbot 會停擺一下_

@null 15:36:17
Change it, then look at it

source: _改好了,再觀察看看_


@null 15:50:48
What happened before the CCP ruled Taiwan? One of them is to eliminate the Taiwan independence ideology. The method is to use the concentration camp. The current way of dealing with Xinjiang’s independent thinking is to use this method. <Https://>

<|source>: _之前有人提過中共統治台灣會怎麼樣?其中一個就是要消滅台獨思想,方法�..._

@null 15:50:54
G0v-bridge's url: [The Chinese authorities have been vigorously implementing stability operations in the northwestern Xinjiang region in the past few years on the grounds of countering terrorism. It is estimated that there are more than... - Vision Global In-Depth Weekly Report / Roaming World | Facebook]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [中共當局近幾年來以對抗暴恐為由,在西北部的新疆地區大力..._

@null 17:14:32
added an integration to this channel:

@null 17:14:35
g0v-bridge's url: [Slack]

@null 17:15:12
This is posted to #general and comes from a bot named webhookbot.

@null 17:17:34
This is posted to #general and comes from a bot named webhookbot.

@null 17:19:39
This is posted to #general and comes from a bot named webhookbot.

@null 17:28:41
This is posted to #general and comes from a bot named webhookbot.

@null 17:29:52
This is posted to #general and comes from a bot named webhookbot.

@null 17:34:57

@null 17:43:01
@patcon Is webhookbot your bot?

@null 18:01:58
Tickets are released, welcome to continue to register

<|source>: _票卷釋出,歡迎繼續報名 <>

@null 18:02:04
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | Taiwan's zero-time government picks up and reopens the empty hackathon]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | 台灣零時政府第參拾肆次再開放空總黑客松]_


@null 00:24:03
Just updated the planning book & new invitation in the same document

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _剛剛在同一份文件更新了規劃書&amp;新版邀請_

@null 23:20:48
This year's tax return is convenient~~~~~

<|source>: _今年報稅好方便啊~~~~~_

@null 23:23:04
The country has helped me calculate it, and it is very convenient to pay taxes..........

<|source>: _國家都幫我算好了,繳稅金也很方便.........._

@null 23:27:06
If the income is only salary, the country will help you every year.

<|source>: _如果收入只有薪水的話每年國家都有幫你算好啊_

@null 23:28:15
From the time I went out to the society, the tax return is the same as installing Windows. The next step is to end the XD.

<|source>: _從我出社會到現在報稅都是跟裝 windows 一樣,下一步下一步下一步一直點到�..._


@null 09:49:52
Is an interface that can fully (?) provide a sense of participation

<|source>: _是個能夠充分(?)提供參與感的介面_

@null 15:27:13 @chihao Can you help me with community governance - task group - g0v intl introduction?

<|source>: _<> <@U03CX883V> 可以請你幫忙補一下社群治理 -..._

g0v 官網文字版 - HackMD

Everyone is free to help us to see what the new official website text or content has to add!
Ok, let me cc the current task force member @pm5 @isabelhou
@daisuke Is this urgency? Want to go to the previous version before 5/25? 😏
In principle, there is no, but you let me think that you can make a big proposal for everyone to help write hahahaha.
@null 15:27:45
Everyone is free to help us to see what the new official website text or content has to add!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _大家有空都可以一起幫忙看看新官網的文字或是內容有什麼要加上去喔!_

@null 15:28:23
Ok, let me cc the current task force member @pm5 @isabelhou

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _好啊,也讓我 cc 目前 task force 的成員 <@U0384RCFD> @isabelhou_

@null 15:29:08
@daisuke Is this urgency? Want to go to the previous version before 5/25? 😏

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U0TKSE36J> 這個有急迫性嗎?是想要在 5/25 前上一版? :smirk:_

@null 15:30:40
In principle, there is no, but you let me think that you can make a big proposal for everyone to help write hahahaha.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _原則上沒有,不過你讓我想到可以大松提案讓大家來幫忙寫完哈哈哈哈_

chihao 15:33:11
@chihao has left the channel
@null 17:15:29
Some people know that in addition to the old g0v (public) google drive link, there are various versions of the g0v Logo and other files, what other public places can be found? GitHub, There seems to be no way to find it directly (or I didn't find it?)

<|source>: _有人知道除了這個舊的 g0v (public) google drive 連結裡面有各版本 g0v Logo 等圖檔..._

I want to say if I can get a repo like this for everyone to find and use, and when I designed the logo and the name, I should have some specifications? <Https://>
Or you can put him on the new You should need Logo in many cases.
It seems to be full of ㄉ
@null 17:16:15
I want to say if I can get a repo like this for everyone to find and use, and when I designed the logo and the name, I should have some specifications? <Https://>

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _想說是不是可以像這樣弄個 repo 方便大家找跟使用,而且當初設計 Logo 以及�..._

@null 17:17:21
Or you can put him on the new You should need Logo in many cases.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _或是可以把他放在新的 <> 上面 應該很多時候大家都會需要用到 Logo_

@null 17:39:47
It seems to be full of ㄉ

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _好像滿棒ㄉ_

@null 18:17:13
Hi Many of you should be prepared to prepare the materials before Saturday. If you want to preview in advance, or find a pit to jump in, welcome to use the Dasong proposal. Shy friends are welcome to come to the `松前哈拉` on the eve of Dasong, we will help you warm up, free registration, direct login, `5/24 21:00` open! Links: `大松共笔' (You can find "Publish a proposal! See the proposal!" in the list. `松前哈拉5/24 21:00 Open the talk` The host is @pm5 🖖 There are some g0v grants for the pit owners who will participate in this big pine, if you are curious what they are doing, Here is a monthly battle report for your reference:

<|source>: _Hi 大家 許多坑主應該會在週六之前卯足勁準備資料,如果你想要事先預習��..._

@null 18:17:32
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v Citizenship Technology Innovation Grant May Report]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v 公民科技創新獎助金 五月戰報]_

@null 18:18:30
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v Citizenship Technology Innovation Grant May Report]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v 公民科技創新獎助金 五月戰報]_

@null 23:56:07
May I ask if is not available now? I can't log in with FB. We want to use for a fake news lecture for college students on Friday.

<|source>: _請問 <> 現在是不是不能使用啊?我無法用 FB 登入 我們想在週五給��..._

Http:// now seems to be a new account to write to Christ manually
To add a new account to this URL:
Then write to
To understanding
If it is a domestic event, please also use (with Join platform integrated login function)
Thanks @au. Try today. It turns out that after the FB login, the mailbox will receive a certificate, and the authentication link will open the account, and then you can use it.
@null 23:56:14
g0v-bridge's url: [Polis]


@null 00:25:29
Http:// now seems to be a new account to write to Christ manually

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<> 現在似乎是新帳號要寫信給 Christ 手動開_

@null 00:28:02
To add a new account to this URL:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _要先去這個網址新增帳號: <>

@null 00:28:59
Then write to

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _然後寫信給 <>_

@null 03:02:38
To understanding

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _了解_

@null 10:31:51
If it is a domestic event, please also use (with Join platform integrated login function)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _如果是國內的活動,也歡迎使用 <> (有 Join 平台整合��..._

@null 10:31:55
g0v-bridge's url: [Polis]

@null 10:46:52
I am going to have a small party for a citizen proposal in New York next Wednesday night. There should be many people who are not very follow g0v. I guess only a small number of participants have clear projects. Do you have any pits that you can recommend for people who don't know what to do but who are interested? I have thought that the villagers watching TV may be a good way to get involved.

<|source>: _我在紐約下週三晚上要辦個公民提案的小聚會,應該有不少人是沒有很follow ..._

@null 11:26:04
Um, this time, Dasong will hope to give birth to the villagers watching TV for three minutes to get started with the teaching package XD

<|source>: _嗯嗯,這次大松會希望能生出鄉民看電視的三分鐘上手教學包 XD_

@null 11:26:11
In this way, everyone can watch TV after using the teaching package.

<|source>: _這樣子大家看完教學包後都可以來用鄉民看電視_

@null 11:26:34
I am also filling in the images of the channels in April, and currently I am driving four XDs in the powerful calculation.

<|source>: _我現在也正在把各頻道四月份的影像補上來,目前開四台主機強力計算中 XD_

@null 12:34:04
Because of the departure of ilya, several g0v participants began to dig into the "unorganized" relics of the Art Association. Yifa found that g0v is not a flying out of the sky, but a continuation of various connections, brewing and trials since 2000. Ilya may not have much participation in g0v, but his deep participation in elixus will bring the beginning of g0v. Yusong in 525 Dasong, will propose to cooperate with ilya to commemorate the pen, please also know his g0v participants, and come together first.

<|source>: _因為ilya的離開,幾個g0v參與者,開始挖掘藝立協這個「非組織」的遺跡。益..._

First helped me with the link syntax, it just broke.
@null 12:36:05
First helped me with the link syntax, it just broke.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _先幫修了一下 link 語法,剛剛壞掉了_

@null 14:34:57
Thanks @au. Try today. It turns out that after the FB login, the mailbox will receive a certificate, and the authentication link will open the account, and then you can use it.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感謝 <@U02L29KSW> 。今天試 <> 原來是 FB 登入後信箱會收到一個認證信,認證�..._

@null 14:35:03
g0v-bridge's url: [Polis]

@null 15:45:22
HiHi Everyone, the Songsong group is making a small note for this newbie task. This time there are more new participants. I am worried that some people will not know what to do after they come, so I want to add a novice friendly proposal to the small note! If you think your proposal is suitable for novices, you can call me and let me know, I will help you write on a small note~

<|source>: _HiHi 大家,揪松團正在製作這次的新手任務小紙條,這次新參者比較多,擔��..._

HiHi 大家,揪松團正在製作這次的新手任務小紙條,這次新參者比較多,擔心有些人來了以後不知道要幹嘛,所以想在小紙條上面加上新手友善提案條目! 如果你覺得你的提案是適合新手的,可以喊一下讓我知道,我會幫你寫在小紙條上~

Like cofacts? @mrorz
@null 15:46:02 I don't pay attention to (?) subethaedit has turned into an open source project since the 5th edition (MIT License)

<|source>: _<> 一不注意(?)subethaedit 從第5版開始 竟然�..._

@null 15:46:09
g0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - subethaedit/SubEthaEdit: General purpose plain text editor for macOS. Widely known for its live collaboration feature.]

@null 15:47:33
Like cofacts? @mrorz

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _像是 cofacts? @mrorz_

@null 15:59:17

@null 20:04:40
Are the people coming from Taiwan or Americans?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _來的人是台灣人還是美國人居多啊_

@null 20:16:37 I just read the word "Han" an hour in Boon live, and then said that the cabinet member he most wants to visit is @au.

<|source>: _<> 剛剛在看博恩實況中天一個小時講多少次韓這個字,��..._


【博恩夜夜秀LIVE?!】中天Drinking Game:韓國瑜到底有沒有退燒?

Yes, welcome to Bonn to create a center office Hour video XD. Otherwise, if the set is willing to license CC, you can also discuss it.
尴尬 cancer cross au 😀 good looking
God, I really want to see how many scenes are there.
As a program member, I must say that this is true.
@null 20:16:42
G0v-bridge's url: [[Bern Night Show LIVE? ! 】Drinking Game: Does South Korea Yu have a fever? - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [【博恩夜夜秀LIVE?!】中天Drinking Game:韓國瑜到底有沒有退�..._

@null 20:24:17
Our proposal is super suitable for novices! ! ! The proposal of the day is also the newbie sister! ! ! Novices come

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我們提案超級適合新手喔!!!當天提案的也是新手姐接喔!!!新手來來_

Is there a link to the proposal? What is the case?
@null 20:25:15
Is there a link to the proposal? What is the case?

<;cid=CDF98K1EJ|source>: _有提案的連結嗎? 是提什麼案呀?_

@null 20:29:46

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<>

@null 20:33:15

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _台灣人喔_

@null 20:40:31
The editor of Cofacts should also be a newcomer to participate in.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Cofacts 的編輯應該也是個新手好參與的方式_

@null 20:40:39
Yes, welcome to Bonn to create a center office Hour video XD. Otherwise, if the set is willing to license CC, you can also discuss it.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _可以啊,歡迎博恩來社創中心 Office Hour 錄影 XD 不然如果那集願意 CC 授權出�..._

@null 20:50:14
Yes, I have a play last night.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _對喔 昨天晚上有玩一下_

@null 20:54:53
National treasures also need someone to help proofread

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _國家寶藏也需要有人幫忙校對 <>

@null 21:15:07
尴尬 cancer cross au 😀 good looking

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _尷尬癌 cross au :grinning: 好期待_

@null 21:21:22
God, I really want to see how many scenes are there.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _天啊好想看現場有多尷尬_


@null 00:59:13
@au It seems like busy? Now can't connect

<|source>: _<@U02L29KSW> <> 好像 busy 中?現在 <> 連不上_

It should be alright now.
@null 01:03:50
It should be alright now.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _現在應該好了_

@null 02:00:24
Great, I saw a lot of pictures yesterday without XD.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _太好了我昨天看 蠻多都沒有圖片 XD_

@null 02:39:34
I think it’s quite good to get started.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我是覺得還蠻好上手的_

@null 02:39:59
Simpler than cofact than political contribution

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _比cofact 簡單 比 政治獻金難_

@null 09:26:30
Is there a picture? Can you give me a date?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _有沒圖片的?可以給我日期嗎?_

@null 09:26:38
Channel and date

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _頻道和日期_

@null 10:12:34
Like ctitv 2019031618

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _像是 ctitv 2019031618_

@null 10:12:52
After ten minutes, the picture is full.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _十分鐘後的畫面就滿不齊全的_

@null 10:14:04
Same channel 2019051817

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _同個頻道 2019051817_

@null 10:14:06
There is no picture after one minute

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _在一分鐘後就沒有畫面_

@null 10:15:14
Is there a convenient way to see if there are a few pieces in each segment? Maybe you can also call the participant query or flag segment with missing photos

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _你那邊有方便的方法可以看每個segment 有幾張嗎? 或許也可以叫參與者 query ..._

@null 10:48:39

@null 15:36:27
As a program member, I must say that this is true.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _身為節目成員我必須說這是真的_

@null 18:44:28
Originally there was a, but I didn’t know what happened.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _本來有個 <> ,後來不知道怎麼了_

@null 18:58:37
Can be integrated

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _可以整合一下_

@null 18:58:47
@酸酸 Would you like to talk about it: rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _@酸酸 要不要幫忙談:rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:_

@null 19:03:24
Please contact @checrates Media Cooperation: cc: Authorization matters, please contact @zach XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _空總社創中心活動請洽 <@U0MM8P23T> 媒體合作:cc:授權事宜請洽 <@U28TMARK2> XD_

@null 20:34:31
<system> file image.png too big to download (1885243 > allowed size: 1000000)

@null 20:34:32
It looks like Pengpai

<|source>: _看起來很彭派(_

@null 20:36:00
<system> file image.png too big to download (1739848 > allowed size: 1000000)

@null 20:36:00
Super venue!

<|source>: _超大場地!_

@null 20:58:49
Dasong’s pines are coming to start 啰

<|source>: _大松的松前哈啦要開始囉 <>

@null 20:58:53
g0v-bridge's url: [Jitsi Meet]

@null 21:28:28
Asked @bess, she still suggested to bring an extension cord tomorrow! Because the venue is a bit big

<|source>: _問了 @bess ,她還是建議明天要帶延長線!因為場地有點大_

@null 22:10:04
Selling @miaoski

<|source>: _出賣一下 @miaoski_

Someone (across chat bridge) 22:10:27
File from caasi (general@g0vtw)
螢幕快照 2019-05-24 22.09.34
@null 22:10:42
@pm5 I will pull him to the science fiction reading club~

<|source>: _<@U0384RCFD> 快拉他到科幻讀書會~_

@null 22:13:46
There is a sheltered workshop under the Jianguo Viaduct next to the empty general mentioned by Matsuhahara, and some people want to have dinner after Dasong 👀

<|source>: _松前哈拉提到的 空總旁邊的建國高架橋下有個庇護工場,有人大松後想吃晚..._

Opening hours: AM9:00~PM9:30 Number of seats: 48
Does the seat have too little?
I feel like it’s full of fun today.
Dasong can't go but dinner wants to follow!
@null 22:13:52
G0v-bridge's url: [Ditty vines machine store │ TINA kitchen │ TINA coffee │ TINA bread tea house │ TINA SWEETS │ Swiss country │ spring farm]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [蕃薯藤生機專賣店 │TINA廚房│TINA咖啡│ TINA麵包茶屋│TINA SW..._

@null 22:21:32
Opening hours: AM9:00~PM9:30 Number of seats: 48

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _營業時間: AM9:00~PM9:30 座位數: 48_

@null 22:29:31
Does the seat have too little?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _座位太少的意思嗎_

@null 22:45:42
I feel like it’s full of fun today.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _今天有經過覺得好像滿有趣的_

@null 22:52:02
G0v-bridge's url: [[Taipei. Daan District】Yucheng Yam-vine---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [【台北。大安區】育成蕃薯藤-忠孝庇護工場嚐美食享健康的��..._

@null 23:16:47
Dasong can't go but dinner wants to follow!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _大松不能去但晚餐想跟!_

@null 23:17:15
(Pre-announcement) The daily Ami language of tomorrow is super stalking, everyone can look forward to ~

<|source>: _(預告)明天的每日一句阿美語超級有梗啊,大家可以期待一下~_

@null 23:35:00
Did not see first guess 748

<|source>: _未看先猜 748_

@null 23:53:44
That's too hard XD

<|source>: _那太難了 XD_


@null 00:02:24
Tomorrow's plugs are all under the table, some can be pulled up, some can't, don't want to bend over and bring an extension cord!

<|source>: _明天的插頭都在桌子底下,有的可以拉上來,有的不行,不想自己彎腰就帶�..._

@null 09:06:22
Hallo! I am Kugelhopf : D

<|source>: _Hallo! 我是Kugelhopf : D_

@null 09:07:58
Hello! I am Hubert.

<|source>: _Hello! 我是Hubert_

@null 09:12:47
G0v hackath34n | Taiwan's zero-hour government's first time to reopen the empty hacker

<|source>: _g0v hackath34n | 台灣零時政府第參拾肆次再開放空總黑客松 <>


g0v hackath34n | 台灣零時政府第參拾肆次再開放空總黑客松

@null 09:12:52
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | Taiwan's zero-time government picks up and then reopens the empty hackathon - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | 台灣零時政府第參拾肆次再開放空總黑客松 - YouT..._

@null 09:16:41
Hello! I am york~

<|source>: _Hello! 我是york~_

@null 09:20:13
Hello everyone, I am a newcomer K.

<|source>: _大家好,我是新人K_

@null 09:20:50
Come to Dasong for the first time, please advise

<|source>: _首次來大松,請指教_

@null 09:24:34
I added the live stream URL to the event page.

source: _我將現場直播網址加到活動資訊頁面了_

@null 09:46:29
Hello everyone, I am Joky.

<|source>: _大家好,我是Joky_

@null 09:51:00
"There are gods in the sky, there is air and sunshine in the middle." #没有了xddd

source: _&lt;caasih&gt; 「有天有地有諸神,中間有空氣陽光水」 #並沒有 xddd_

@null 09:53:09
Hello, everyone, I am taylor, come to Song for the first time, please advise!

<|source>: _Hello 大家,我是 taylor,首次來松,請多指教!_

@null 10:06:14
\发大财 /

source: _&lt;caasih&gt; \發大財/_

@null 10:17:33
I thought that Lin’s committee member also became Wang Xiangrong.

<|source>: _還以為林委員也變成王向榮了_

@null 10:19:27
@ronnywang The link to the list of proposals is the candidate for the guide. The community code does not seem to be found.

<|source>: _<@U038DCDRC> 提案列表的 link 是參選說明書,社群守則的好像沒找到_

I just added the community code.
@null 10:19:29
Does anyone need to go to the stage for 2 minutes?

<|source>: _有人需要上台報2分鐘嗎_

@null 10:19:33
My time is coming out @@@

<|source>: _我的時間多出來了@@_

@null 10:21:53
I just added the community code.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我剛剛把社群守則補進去了_

@null 10:39:14
Lightbox photography library A Ding!

<|source>: _lightbox 攝影圖書館阿定!_

@null 10:46:07
Friends who have not eaten breakfast can go to eat the late bird breakfast. The devil's egg is very good. In the morning, the morning drink will be: Jinchao tea, Wenshan tea, and Luoshen tea Luoshen tea are limited drinks in the morning. Don't forget to put it in the cup~~~~

<|source>: _沒吃早餐的朋友們可以去吃晚鳥早餐囉囉囉囉囉 魔鬼蛋很好ㄘ,早上必ㄘ ��..._

@null 10:48:39
Today, the "Super Agricultural Domain" project is going to be reopened, @a0kman is coming back.

<|source>: _今天「超農域」專案要重開耶, <@U02TZR29L> 捲土再來_

A face!
A face!
@Peace can find a face to see what pesticides he wants to do.
@null 10:48:55
A face!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _阿麵!_

@null 10:49:05
A face!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _阿麵!_

@null 10:49:25
@Peace can find a face to see what pesticides he wants to do.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _@Peace 可以找阿麵看看他要做什麼農藥的資料_

@null 10:51:52
"People who have eaten g0v dinner will never climb out of the pit" - Xiaoban @ael

<|source>: _「吃過g0v晚餐的人就再也爬不出坑了」—— 小班@ael_

@null 10:52:36
I want to experience the feeling of not being able to climb out. Please look for a fish @ky sign up tonight.

<|source>: _想要體驗爬不出來的感覺今晚請找 子魚@ky 報名_

@null 10:53:35
Hello everyone, I am Croy~ I will participate in Dasong for the first time!

<|source>: _大家好 我是克羅依~ 第一次參加大松!_

@null 11:02:40
Elected legislator

<|source>: _選立委正夯_

@null 11:06:27
Even PTT is also coming to grab new participants.

<|source>: _連 PTT 也來搶新參者_

@null 11:09:10
=..= Politically incorrect people see

<|source>: _=..= 政治不正確的人參見_

@null 11:21:01
Hide the hidden space of the project beyond the eating area.

<|source>: _隱藏專案超農域在飲食區旁邊的隱藏空間哦_

@null 11:36:59
It’s not this circle, and it’s not long time to contact ilya, but I still want to sort out the public information I can find.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _不是這個圈子的,和 ilya 接觸的時間也不長,但我還是想把自己能找到的、�..._

@null 11:37:03
The noodles are sesame oil fried noodles, vegetarian friends can eat!

<|source>: _麵是麻油炒麵,素食的朋友可吃喔喔!_

@null 11:37:19
There is also a spicy sauce in the dining area.

<|source>: _用餐區也有辣醬可以自己加_

@null 12:07:14
A little more to eat pizza fried chicken, everyone take a break, wait for another battle, everyone cheer!

<|source>: _一點還要再吃披薩炸雞,大家休息一下,等等再戰,大家加油!_

@null 12:19:58
G0v-bridge's url: [ hackath34n - Opening opening, proposal, levy - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [<|> hackath34n - Opening 開幕、提案、徵人 - YouTube]_

@null 12:38:30
Just pushed the pit Ami language Meng pawn next time Dasong hosted the team, the big pine division of labor and evolution continues..... @lafin @weiting @wildjcrt

<|source>: _剛剛推坑阿美語萌典當下次大松主持團隊囉,大松分工再進化繼續….. <@U03M8SS51> ..._

Hey, the next time I want to bridge the time I can appear, orz orz 7/21 I want to go back to Kaohsiung to attend my brother’s wedding...
7/20 Waiting for you?
It means that I am going back to Kaohsiung for help on 7/20.
That September is also very early and very flexible.
September praise
What is the number in September? I will come to book first.
@wildjcrt hasn't decided yet, you can give priority to XD first.
Yeah, I heard that I can eat a limited tribal meal next time!
@null 12:40:46
Hey, the next time I want to bridge the time I can appear, orz orz 7/21 I want to go back to Kaohsiung to attend my brother’s wedding...

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _呃,那下次要橋我能出現的時間啊 orz orz 7/21 要回高雄參加我弟的婚禮……_

@null 12:55:12
7/20 Waiting for you?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _7/20 等你喔?_

@null 13:21:57
Hey, I am a big help // The new official website is facing the third table on the left hand side of the projection screen! Welcome to OWA

<|source>: _嗨嗨我是大助// <> 新官網在面對投影幕左手邊第三桌! 歡迎來參加..._

I finished eating things and returning to ㄌ (#
@null 13:22:12
I finished eating things and returning to ㄌ (#

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我吃完東西回歸ㄌ(<#C03DM2AHH|_>

@null 13:29:28
It means that I am going back to Kaohsiung for help on 7/20.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _意思是我 7/20 就要回高雄幫忙啊 orz_

@null 13:35:44
I just filled in a pit called a fruit knife.

<|source>: _:pokeball: 剛剛填了一個名為水果刀的坑_

@a0kman wants to change the story of two...
@null 13:39:33
@a0kman wants to change the story of two...

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U02TZR29L> 要一把變兩把的故事…_

@null 13:40:53
That September is also very early and very flexible.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _那九月也可喔 時間還早很彈性_

@null 13:41:53
September praise

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _九月讚讚_

@null 14:12:00
What is the number in September? I will come to book first.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _九月是幾號啊?我來先 book 起來_

@null 14:21:38
@wildjcrt hasn't decided yet, you can give priority to XD first.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U039165F5> 還沒有決定,你可以先給優先順序 XD_

@null 14:28:21
Now the page has a more wizard.

<|source>: _現在頁面多一個 wizard 了 :smile: <>

@null 14:28:24
G0v-bridge's url: [unknown website]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [不明網站]_

@null 14:32:18
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | Taiwan's zero-hour government picks up and then reopens the empty hacker short talk - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | 台灣零時政府第參拾肆次再開放空總黑客松 短講..._

@null 14:38:10
The Asian Court of Human Rights feels very important! ! !

<|source>: _『亞洲人權法院』 感覺很重要!!!_

@null 15:05:42
"If there is no real Asian Court of Human Rights, then we are real."

<|source>: _「如果沒有真的亞洲人權法院,那我們就是真的」_

@null 15:15:02
g0v-bridge's url: [HackMD - Collaborative markdown notes]

@null 15:25:38
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v tw hackath34n - midfielder - Simulating Asian Human Rights Simulation / Xu Yuxiu - Reopening Kong Songsong - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v tw hackath34n — 中場短講 — 模擬亞洲人權法院(Asian Human Rig..._

@null 15:34:44
In the afternoon, Sylvain would like to invite everyone to participate in If you are interested, please contact him at

<|source>: _下午短講Sylvain想邀請大家參加的<>,有興趣的朋友請聯絡他��..._

Especially friends who know Vue.js + Node.js.
@null 15:34:47
g0v-bridge's url: [Introduction to Trust-forum]

@null 15:36:24
Especially friends who know Vue.js + Node.js.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _特別是懂Vue.js + Node.js. 的朋友_

@null 15:37:41
interesting. Some participants are seeing the facebook nearby event in the vicinity of Kongkong.

<|source>: _有趣。有參與者是在空總附近看到 facebook nearby event 晃進來_

@null 15:40:52
Stealing ssbc protocol

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _偷推 ssbc protocol <>

@null 15:40:57
g0v-bridge's url: [Scuttlebutt Protocol Guide]

@null 15:41:56
More introductions

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _更多介紹 <>

@null 15:42:01
g0v-bridge's url: [Introduction · GitBook]

@null 15:42:47
@chihao 🥨

@null 15:43:50
@bess haoㄘ

@null 15:44:15
Soliciting "post-production editing" expertise

<|source>: _徵求『後製剪輯』專長_

@null 16:05:22
G0v-bridge's url: [ hackath34n - midfielder - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [<|> hackath34n - 中場短講 - YouTube]_

@null 16:31:48
"live" 5pm results report

<|source>: _『直播』5pm 成果報告 <>


g0v hackath34n | 台灣零時政府第參拾肆次再開放空總黑客松 成果報告

@null 16:31:52
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | Taiwan's zero-hour government's participation in the re-opening of the total hackathon results report - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v hackath34n | 台灣零時政府第參拾肆次再開放空總黑客松 成果..._

@null 16:52:19
@ task Removed 😛

<|source>: _@ <> task 拆好了 :stuck_out_tongue:_

@null 16:52:23
G0v-bridge's url: [Ptt can't die: community mechanism refactoring and lowering user entry threshold -]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Ptt 不能亡:社群機制重構與降低使用者進入門檻 -

@null 17:25:25
Yeah, I heard that I can eat a limited tribal meal next time!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _耶 聽說下次可以吃到限定的部落餐點!_

@null 17:32:16
Good news on demand ++

<|source>: _好新聞點播器 ++_

@null 17:35:56
The youngest in Banqiao District is 32 years old and the oldest is 81 years old.

<|source>: _板橋區最年輕里長 32 歲,最年長里長 81 歲_

@null 17:37:57
aims! I took the 81-year-old lieutenant to participate in 7/20 Dasong.

<|source>: _目標!把 81 歲的里長找來參加 7/20 大松_

@null 17:42:45
Just now Cofacts results report forgot to help @bil. Thanks to many people today, thank you for responding to the photos of the skirts. Thanks to @ronnywang for the voter service of the skirt~~

<|source>: _剛才 Cofacts 成果報告忘記幫 <@U1HJ8FJJJ> 說 感謝很多的人今天響應裙子照片的活動 ��..._

Thank you very much, I got a lot of help and a friendly response today. Thank you, the boarding party legislator for the virtual candidate, the hacker Rongni, thriving
@null 17:45:03
<system> file Image from iOS.jpg too big to download (1468774 > allowed size: 1000000)

@null 17:45:03
[Lost and found] Whose lunch box ~~~~ I took it to the service desk and put it

<|source>: _[失物招領] 誰的餐盒~~~~我拿去服務台放了_

@null 17:59:17
Thank you very much, I got a lot of help and a friendly response today. Thank you, the boarding party legislator for the virtual candidate, the hacker Rongni, thriving

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _真的很感謝,今天得到很多幫助跟友善回應。 謝謝板橋區立委虛擬參選人,..._

bangyu 21:42:24
@bangyuwen has left the channel
@null 23:40:36
Write to him! He will stay in Taiwan until the end of June.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _寫信給他吧!他會在台灣待到六月底_

@null 23:41:09
Oh, it turned out to be your knife.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _喔喔,原來那是你的刀_


@null 00:16:36
What project to use?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _什麼project要用的?_

@null 00:16:44
G0v-bridge's url: [ hackath34n - Results Report - YouTube]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [<|> hackath34n - 成果報告 - YouTube]_

@null 16:13:37
I can say that I am sick because of my mistakes.

<|source>: _以後可以說是因為自己有病了(大誤_

@null 23:42:14
I was confronted with "2015 to start a discussion with the fb account, but I was unable to log in with this account in the near future." I have written to the platform to wait for a reply; I hope I can log in with this account, because I have the right to export data and import new ones. Discussion comments

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我則是遇到「2015用 fb 帳號發起一則討論,近期反而無法用該帳號登入」有��..._

@null 23:42:21
g0v-bridge's url: [Polis]

@null 23:59:21

I have never understood how to spend time on these market research and spend time designing and creating two things to find the right balance.
@null 23:59:24
g0v-bridge's url: [The Side Project Marketing Checklist]


@null 02:39:27
I have never understood how to spend time on these market research and spend time designing and creating two things to find the right balance.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我一直不太懂 要怎麼在花時間這些market research 跟花時間設計製作兩件事情��..._

@null 06:47:39
It should be the Asian Model Court of Human Rights.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _應該是亞洲模擬人權法院。_


@null 00:33:31
I just saw that I wrote a document on July 7, 2017 for everyone to refer to. //Because this year, @ronnywang took the lead and made a project for a villager to watch TV. The draft is drafted. The TV news channel and talk show can be Analyze which projects

<|source>: _我剛剛看到我2017年7月7日寫過一個文件 讓大家參考 //因為今年開始有 @ron..._

〔草案〕側錄電視新聞頻道與談話節目 可以分析哪些項目 - HackMD

@null 00:33:37
G0v-bridge's url: [[draft] side recording TV news channel and talk show can analyze which items - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [〔草案〕側錄電視新聞頻道與談話節目 可以分析哪些項目 - ..._

@null 01:20:32
Where is "very similar"?

<|source>: _哪裡「很雷同」啦_

meaning is? (not the same or exactly the same)
Still completely different
@null 02:10:00
Don't feel like the same

<|source>: _不覺得雷同_

@null 08:41:19
Everyone can open a party and write a pen without copying it!

<|source>: _大家開聚會共筆可以不用複製貼上la!_

升級完成!現在 g0v HackMD 也提供範本功能摟~

@null 12:19:50

bess 14:01:49
@besslee has joined the channel
bess 14:02:05
@besslee set the channel topic: Next hackathon: 20 JULY @SINICA | Sync’d with IRC | Note: This channel has public logs. | Self-invite: | English #general-en | 日本語 #general-ja | 한국어 #general-ko | 中文...
@null 14:27:43
meaning is? (not the same or exactly the same)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _意思是?(不雷同 還是 根本一模一樣)_

@null 14:28:44
Still completely different

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _還是根本完全不一樣_

@null 15:22:55
This year's COSCv community agenda for COSCUP is announced! I have read it in Dasong last time, and I look at it here!

<|source>: _今年 COSCUP 的 g0v 社群議程公佈囉!上次有在大松快速唸過,細節看這裡! ht..._

@null 15:22:59
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v @COSCUP 2019 Community Agenda - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v @COSCUP 2019 社群議程 - HackMD]_

@null 16:17:18
The first pit of the analogy of the Asian Court of Human Rights came. There are only fourteen articles in the English translation of the court, and it is the first to win.

<|source>: _模擬亞洲人權法院第一坑來了,法院組織法英譯中,只有十四個條文,先搶�..._

@null 16:17:22
G0v-bridge's url: [Analog of Asian Human Rights Court Organization Law (English) - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [模擬亞洲人權法院組織法(英翻中) - HackMD]_

@null 16:44:19
I don't know if someone is familiar with Yating developers?

<|source>: _不知道有人跟雅婷開發者熟的嗎_

@lilian0330 Is it in AI lab?
@null 16:45:05
@lilian0330 Is it in AI lab?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U89R9UHSQ> 是不是在 AI lab?_


@null 05:10:07
I think the theme is the same. But the specific solution is different. You write more emphasis on analysis, less on how to collect information.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我覺得主題是雷同。但是具體的solution 滿不一樣的。 你寫的比較注重分析,..._

@null 05:11:23
Apply upstream and downstream differences

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _應用上下游的差異_

@null 09:03:54
Yes! Very familiar XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _是喔!很熟 XD_

@null 09:04:27
please direct message me if I can help!

@null 14:22:14
Would you like to apply for a subdomain of or apply for a mailbox for a project or task community? Recently, the g0v domain application specification has just been updated to version 1.1, and the application method of mailbox transfer has been added. It must meet four conditions before it can apply: 1. Only transfer to group 2. Group needs Related to the g0v community 3. There is a public governance mechanism 4. The list of group members needs to be public. Currently, you can apply for a transfer letter. Tw.json#L22 Detailed application specifications can refer to Want to participate in the domain specification discussion can be discussed in the #g0v-domain channel喔

<|source>: _想要申請 <> 的子網域或是幫專案或任務社群申請 的信箱嗎?�..._

@null 14:22:28
g0v-bridge's url: [domain/ at master · g0v/domain · GitHub]

@null 14:22:32
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v Domain Guidelines - Google Docs]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v Domain Guidelines - Google 文件]_

@null 15:08:08
Hi, everyone, I am the Product Manager of Sharlene - AILabs Ya Ting verbatim. I am very glad to know everyone. If you have a question related to the verbatim draft, you can directly DM me. Thank you!

<|source>: _Hi 大家好 :wave::wave:,我是Sharlene - AILabs 雅婷逐字稿的Product Manager。很高興認識�..._

@null 15:36:39
What channel should I go for "Ptt can't die?"

<|source>: _What channel should I go for 「Ptt 不能亡」?_

not sure, @chihao do you know if there is online discussion space created by zuyi or okcool
I don’t know of any. I could ask :)
@mitsunchieh zuyi (who proposed this project during the last hackathon) said discussion is taking place in this HackMD
❤️ you guys
Jack 15:38:05
@jackhuang has joined the channel
@null 15:43:32

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _了解了_

@null 18:20:47
not sure, @chihao do you know if there is online discussion space created by zuyi or okcool

@null 18:21:41
I don’t know of any. I could ask :)

@null 18:30:08
@mitsunchieh zuyi (who proposed this project during the last hackathon) said discussion is taking place in this HackMD

@null 18:30:11
G0v-bridge's url: [Ptt can't die: community mechanism refactoring and lowering user entry threshold -]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Ptt 不能亡:社群機制重構與降低使用者進入門檻 -

@null 20:04:09
❤️ you guys

@null 21:40:39
oh this i hackpad not hackmd 😛

@null 21:40:57
@mitsunchieh zuyi (who proposed this project during the last hackathon) said discussion is taking place in this Hackpad

@null 21:42:17
@clkao I stand corrected 🤦

@null 21:44:03
A section of this hackpad is about the apartment rental project ._.? @ddio

@null 21:50:42
my bad.. unexpected paste happened to my mouse sometimes.
Thanks for the info, it's recovered now~


@null 18:21:34
It seems that I have recently been too busy forgetting to explain to the community: I will participate in the RightsCon on 6/11-16, and I will attend the Code for All Executive Committee meeting. After the 5/14 meeting with Code for All, g0v-intl began to participate in some cfall operations, including this ExCo meeting. Related meeting minutes can be seen at

<|source>: _好像最近太忙忘了跟社群說明:我 6/11-16 會參加 RightsCon,期間會參加 Code for..._

g0v-intl + Code for All - HackMD

The basic consensus is that g0v-intl will take the time to participate in cfall's operations and meetings, but not the g0v community. Important resolutions will be brought back to the community for discussion and then with the cfall report.
Or refer to this file A8%E7%90%83%E5%85%AC%E6%B0%91%E7%A7%91%E6%8A%80%E7%B6%B2%E7%B5%A1%E7%82%BA% E4%BE%8B
@null 18:21:36
g0v-bridge's url: [g0v-intl + Code for All - HackMD]

@null 18:24:07
The basic consensus is that g0v-intl will take the time to participate in cfall's operations and meetings, but not the g0v community. Important resolutions will be brought back to the community for discussion and then with the cfall report.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _基本的共識是,g0v-intl 會花時間參加 cfall 的運作與會議,但不能代表 g0v 社�..._

@null 18:26:35
Or refer to this file A8%E7%90%83%E5%85%AC%E6%B0%91%E7%A7%91%E6%8A%80%E7%B6%B2%E7%B5%A1%E7%82%BA% E4%BE%8B

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _或是參考這件文件 <>

@null 18:26:39
G0v-bridge's url: [g0v International Exchange Community Working Group (g0v-intl) Open Governance Mechanism (Draft) - HackMD]

source: _g0v-bridge's url: [g0v 國際交流社群工作小組(g0v-intl)開放治理機制(草案) - ..._