
Month: 2021-07


irvin 17:04:39
The age criteria of vaccine for foreign has down to age 68+, reserve from Thursday on same above site.
isabelhou 17:40:56

Can Taiwan Provide the Alternative to Digital Authoritarianism?

China and Taiwan are becoming digital states in parallel — China as a digital authoritarian regime, and Taiwan as a digital democracy.


irvin 19:03:21
according to the president Tsai's comment yesterday, the current goal of vaccine coverage (first dose) is to reach 20% (up to 25%) on end of July.




irvin 16:21:28
The age criteria of vaccine reservation of Taipei City has lower to age 65+, reserve on Fri and Sat on same above site.


irvin 10:11:02
The new vaccine pre-reservation system is open to age 50+ country-wide now.

Sign-up at with Residence Card number and Health Card number, and will be informed via SMS message if the vaccine is available.

for now, it's only in Chinese, and @au's suggestion is to enroll with help from google translation.

同樣網站,開 google translate~

irvin 10:20:00
• age 50+ or age 18+ in category 9 (medical patients with a particular disease)
• the first round of pre-registration will be settled at 17:00 today (7/12)
• once the vaccine is available, the pre-register will receive an SMS reminder for first-round reservation on 7/13-15
• vaccination begin as soon on 7/16
• type of vaccine will be AZ in next three weeks


ael 12:28:01 now opens vaccination intention registration to all people older than 18 years old. The website is crushed right now, probably because of the traffics. Wait a few hours later to register to be on the waitlist. It is a pool to scanning which age to open at which week not tickets according your registration time. You register your intentions to have vaccines in which city/county first. Once you are qualified for that week vaccination, you will get a SMS from 1922 reminding you or official register the vaccination time and place on 1922

The official suggestion for English user is to use “Google Translation” on the browser. Good luck
irvin 12:31:41
~oh btw this batch is opening til 7/19 so no hurry for now~
irvin 14:08:42
the third batch opens to 7/15 17:00
pku2319 15:53:27
@pku2319 has joined the channel


irvin 14:04:34
Their will be 3M of AZ vaccines offer in next three round, and there is also 3M people who had registered their interest, so it very likely that you can get one in next two weeks if you had sign-up on before 17:00 today.
irvin 19:21:38
the deadline of round 3 sign-up postpone to 7/19 12:00, sms for officially reservation will go out from 7/20

AZ 延後收單了QQ <>



You Tong Shen 15:38:47
@ft.wwe2012 has joined the channel


irvin 04:15:46
If you had enroll the vaccine pre-reserve and birthday before 1973/12/31, you will receive the sms for officially reservation on this morning (TUE) 10am.

第三輪 7/20 早上 10:00 開始會發送疫苗預約施打簡訊通知,本週年齡層開放到 1973/12/31 前

The next round of vaccine reservations will begin tomorrow for pre-registered people whose birthday earlier than 1983/12/31 and had opt-in for AZ. SMS notice will go out tomorrow from10 am.
the vaccine pre-registration is re-open (til 8/2 12:00 this round). It's also possible to opt-in to different type of vaccine, including 高端, the newest domestic vaccine.


Anna M 10:18:32
non-COVID topic: is anyone going to attend? Application is open until 8 August!

APIGA Returns with Revised Format and Applications are Now Open

The Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy (APIGA) will resume in 2021 with a new format that combines virtual participation with a hybrid event day. Launched in 2016, APIGA is targeted at youth leaders in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. Individuals from APAC who are interested in Internet governance issues and aged between 18 and 35 are welcome to apply. Applications are now open until 8 August 2021.

🌏 1


Ernie Tu 00:10:11
@ernie5715 has joined the channel
shaochieh.chiang 05:00:08
@shaochieh.chiang has joined the channel


賴和隆 10:43:18
@lnylonl2 has joined the channel


irvin 15:02:27
The next round of vaccine reservations will begin tomorrow for pre-registered people whose birthday earlier than 1983/12/31 and had opt-in for AZ. SMS notice will go out tomorrow from10 am.


irvin 14:51:44
the vaccine pre-registration is re-open (til 8/2 12:00 this round). It's also possible to opt-in to different type of vaccine, including 高端, the newest domestic vaccine.


caleb 13:48:54
Hopping over to general-en to let yall know that we have a book club running. So far it's been some of the most intellectually stimulating conversation I've had it years 🙂 We meet, Taiwan time, Thursdays at 8pm (tonight!) at and use #books as a discussion channel. More information . Right now, we're reading the Communist Manifesto

Book Club - HackMD

👍 1
irvin 14:16:17
the vaccine pre-registing had open to foreigner without NHI card today with resident permit id and passport numbers
截圖 2021-07-29 下午2.11.24.png


bess 13:54:33
set the channel topic: Next online hackathon: 21 AUG | Sync’d with IRC | Note: This channel has public logs. | Self-invite: | 日本語 #general-ja | 한국어 #general-ko