
Month: 2018-12


@null 02:11:40
@patcon I would say that g0vers are obsessed with taking notes not only during our own meetups but also other talks/events/confs we attend. The problem is that it’s so hard to navigate in the sea of documents (even you can read Mandarin) and find out the topics you’re interested in. I think it’s understandable since the community isn’t just one project, but many projects happening at the same time. You’ll feel what I say when you attend the upcoming hackathon.

@null 02:16:57
As a researcher, my way to navigate through these documents is to start from a project that I’m interested in. I will firstly check the hackfoldr of every hackathon and follow the pitch slides/videos. All hackathon has its hackfoldr, and you just need to change the number of the IP address to switch to a different one (for example:

again, you’ll find that it’s mostly mandarin. “要提案!看提案!” is the place to find all proposals and their links to notes/slides/videos.

@null 02:20:55
however, being there and engaging in the conversation are still important to know what happened since notes are incomplete fragments and many interesting conversations/interactions happen without “live transcript”.

@null 09:17:26
<Http://> Today 10:00-1800 will organize the information community to care about issues such as network neutrality, privacy, blockchain, etc. (or network closure will bring the online community The topic of anger is located in a small tree house near Zhongshan Guozhong. Welcome everyone to join (edited)

<|source>: _<> 今天 10:00-1800 會實體整理資訊社群關心議題,像是網路中立性、..._

@null 12:25:15 ( doi:10.1145/3274378 ) is also worth looking into for academic citation purposes

@null 12:29:46
Https:// is also the use of the invoicing materials of the elections (also added the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Finance information, but anyway, open data, we look, but only Use a computer browser to have an interactive map XD

<|source>: _<> 也是用中選會的開票資料做的東西(也加..._

@null 17:57:41
MIT Technology review reported Vtaiwan here #vtaiwan

<|source>: _MIT Technology review 報導了Vtaiwan 這邊看 <#C2Q1M4N1J|vtaiwan> <>

@null 22:52:46
Hi guys! I am looking for people who have been involved/participated in using Loomio in the Sunflower Movement! I want to visit the experience of using Loomio in the Sun Flower. About 3-5 people. Within 20-30 minutes. Used as a doctoral thesis. Don't know if there are any suggestions? Or is someone voluntarily? thank! :)

<|source>: _Hi guys! I am looking for people who have been involved/participated in using Loomio in the Sunflowe..._

@null 23:33:32
Someone grabbed the problem reported by the voter.

<|source>: _有人抓出投開票所報反的問題了 <>


tume 15:21:13
@idiot_weasel has joined the channel
@null 22:12:48

@null 22:12:57

@null 22:13:05
This is Jude

@null 22:14:29
we need fimware English for DH-IPC-HDW1225C and DH-Ptz11024GN-P and DH-IPC-HDW4431-ASW

@null 22:14:45
BotoX @ freenode | rizon

@null 22:20:54

Unfortunately, Anthony Bourdain seems to have hung up before he has been to Taiwan.
@null 22:21:02
The marathon diet wins hackers loose (?

<|source>: _馬拉松的飲食贏黑客松了(?_


a-chioh 00:12:54
@a-chioh has joined the channel
@null 00:19:06
This is near my house, yesterday (Sunday) morning

<|source>: _這在我家附近,昨天(星期日)早上_

@null 01:18:51
But burning coal is not firepower.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _可是燃煤就是火力不是_

@null 01:20:42
I think this is a good observation, but it is hard to say that no one will be 14, 15 only one. Is it really necessary to verify that this observation can only be verified?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我覺得這是很好的觀察,可是也很難說不會有人就是14,15只贊成一個,真的..._

@null 01:27:25
Unfortunately, Anthony Bourdain seems to have hung up before he has been to Taiwan.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _好可惜Anthony Bourdain 好像還沒到過台灣就掛了_

@null 11:11:23
I ask about the follow-up. In the case of Dasong, is there any intention to use UDTalk or someone willing to assist in interpretation? ~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _嗨嗨問一下後續,這次大松的話,最後是有打算使用 UDTalk 或是有人願意協��..._

@null 11:14:07
[Da Songmen God continues to solicit ~~ There are friends who have already signed up for 12/8 Dasong` are willing to help as a door god? At the door of the information office, someone needs to help pay attention to the people who come in and out. The rest is sitting at the door. ~~ Time is from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. It is divided into 6 time periods and 1.5 hours in a time period. I hope I can take 2 time slots XD at a time. Can leave a message +1 ~~ Thanksgiving 0900-1030 A (V) 1030-1200 B (V) 1200-1330 C 1330-1500 D (V) 1500-1630 E 1630-1800 F

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _[大松門神持續徵求中~] 有 `已經報名 12/8 大松` 的朋友願意協助擔任門神嗎��..._

@Alex Su has time to scream first~
patcon 13:37:54
anyone know where the g0v slang dictionary doc is? I had it at one point, but it's gone missing. (Or some words you _think_ are in it, that I could Google search)
@null 13:40:11

@null 14:30:56
@Alex Su has time to scream first~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _@Alex Su有想排的時間可以先喊~_

@null 20:03:45
Hong Kong has already held two g0v hacks: skin-tone-2:

<|source>: _香港已經舉辦了兩場g0v黑客松了:v::skin-tone-2: <>

<|> Hackathon : Hong Kong Address Parser 坑主Brian認為香港的地址系統存在一定的問題,在將來的g0vhk項目上,如果能有一套能正確的識別地址系統將會能夠增強數據視覺化的效果。 Application: <> Git:...

😍 1
@null 23:39:40
In fact, I am willing to teach people here, but a class is not enough QQ or a small class, the experience of the elders is very personal.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _其實這裡願意出人教,可是一堂課不夠QQ或是一定要小班制,長輩的使用者��..._


@null 04:48:17
thank you!

@null 12:03:03
11/14 seems to have an election bulletin pdf posted in each county. It may be used to convert to general text. Http://

<|source>: _11/14似乎有張貼各縣市的選舉公報pdf。轉成一般文字資料或許可以用在哪。 h..._

Before the election, I saw @ttcat_OCF_jothon_staff doing digitalization of the election bulletin. I am not sure whether it is open to public repo.
I fell to the voting guide website and asked @johnny
This year, there was a bulletin information field at, which was later removed.
@null 13:38:26
Before the election, I saw @ttcat_OCF_jothon_staff doing digitalization of the election bulletin. I am not sure whether it is open to public repo.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _選前有看到 @ttcat_OCF_jothon_staff 在做選舉公報資料數位化,不確定有沒有開放..._

@null 13:39:22
I fell to the voting guide website and asked @johnny

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我倒給投票指南網站了要問 <@U03859W2Z> _

@null 14:27:14
This year, there was a bulletin information field at, which was later removed.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _今年一度有公報資料欄位 <> �..._

@null 15:29:36
#jothon Claiming a food group or a door god

<|source>: _<#C0385B90D|jothon> 認領食物組 或 門神_

The first step is the door god~
@null 15:42:20
The first step is the door god~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _先排門神了~_


@null 13:34:17
Does anyone know how to teach Wikipedia editors? Because I think Wikipedia may be a piece of information that can be used to prove when breaking through the stratosphere. For example, when discussing with elders on Line, you can refer to Wikipedia as a source. So I would like to ask if anyone is familiar with the editing and specification of Wikipedia and can find opportunities to share in Dasong?

<|source>: _請問一下有沒有人懂得教維基百科編輯嗎? 因為我覺得維基百科或許是個在..._

I also want to learn (do not understand)
Have @shangkuanlc
Hey, I have asked the Shangguan, he just happened to have another event that day.
hi! can you provide more information about what you want to do?
@null 14:08:50
I also want to learn (do not understand)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我也想學 (不懂教)_

@null 14:40:06
Have @shangkuanlc

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _有請 @shangkuanlc_

@null 14:41:18
Hey, I have asked the Shangguan, he just happened to have another event that day.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _喔喔,我有問上官了,他剛好那天有另一個活動_

@null 16:48:05
Hiiii Hello everyone, I am ALi. Currently at GITA (Global ICO Information Disclosure Self-Regulatory Alliance), GITA wants to make an ICO information disclosure open platform and define a globally adhered norm, rather than being customized by governments. Small prototype, you can look at the pen in detail! Https:// #UX设计#IPFS #Other interested in understanding or having questions are welcome~~! ! (We also have a registration proposal on the day of 12/8: bow:)

<|source>: _Hiiii 大家好:wave::wave: 我是 ALi 目前在 GITA (全球 ICO 資訊公開自律聯盟),GITA 想�..._

@yhsiang @yurenju This one, help the tag string look
Now that ico feels that it has become too small, maybe you can consider doing STO?
Thanks for the suggestion! I will look at the team and see that the ICO is getting less and part of it also reflects everyone's distrust, which is what GITA hopes to solve.
@null 17:12:10
[Da Songmen God continues to solicit ~~ There are friends who have already signed up for 12/8 Dasong` are willing to help as a door god? At the door of the information office, someone needs to help pay attention to the people who come in and out. The rest is sitting at the door. ~~ Time is from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. It is divided into 6 time periods and 1.5 hours in a time period. I hope I can take 2 time slots XD at a time. Can leave a message +1 ~~ Thanksgiving 0900-1030 A (V) 1030-1200 B (V) 1200-1330 C (V) 1330-1500 D (V) 1500-1630 E (V) 1630-1800 F ( V)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _[大松門神持續徵求中~] 有 `已經報名 12/8 大松` 的朋友願意協助擔任門神嗎��..._

@null 17:22:52
Use action to prop up g0v big pine! <Https://>

<|source>: _一起用行動撐起 g0v 大松! <>

@null 18:22:24
@yhsiang @yurenju This one, help the tag string look

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U02G2SXKR> <@U0385RQB1> 這個這個,幫tag串看看_

@null 18:31:15
Now that ico feels that it has become too small, maybe you can consider doing STO?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _現在 ico 感覺已經變得滿少的了,或許可以考慮做 STO?_

@null 19:12:41
Good choice for tax deduction at the end of the year

<|source>: _年底想抵稅好選擇_

@null 19:15:42
Thanks for the suggestion! I will look at the team and see that the ICO is getting less and part of it also reflects everyone's distrust, which is what GITA hopes to solve.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感謝建議! 會與團隊提看看, ICO 變少某部分也體現了大家的不信任,這也是..._

@null 23:44:09
Oh, I also want to call the code late to buy tickets.

<|source>: _:sob::sob::sob:我也想來打代碼 遲了買票_


@null 10:20:09
@chihao @ronnywang

昨天我在vtaiwan有討論到搬離Slack。有一些像Zulip的聊天室軟體的功能超越Slack,然後他們有給open source community無限使用權 (paid plans with unlimited search)。


> Hi All,
> I hope this e-mail finds you well. I’m writing as a civic hacker in Taiwan. We have a large community of over 4,000 civic hackers working on projects that are open source and in the public domain. We are decentralized and our entire community relies on chat to collaborate.

> I would like to propose to the community that we migrate to Zulip because of your open source hosting plan and also because of Zulip’s threaded nature. Before I propose this, I’m wondering:

> Is Zulip translated into Traditional Chinese? (not Simplified)
> Can Zulip offer a free open source plan to our civic hacker network?

> You can read more about the g0v network here:
> a large list of open source projects we have created is here

> Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you so much for your time!


Re: zulip migration ++

What if we did it in a voluntary, unforced way? We can work to create slack-zulip bridging and add thread support for that, so people can migrate slowly at their own pace, or choose to be wherever they want.

Related ticket:
@null 12:14:10
Hello everyone, the day after tomorrow is the big hit. On the eve of Dasong, on Friday night, there is a "Hangqian Hara", which is actually a g0v late night chat room (?), chatting, healing, and brainstorming. I am Chihao, the host who was pushed this time. I want to talk to the new participants here, don’t you talk about it? A total of pens for "Hamatsu Hara" can be found at the hackfoldr of Komatsu If you have any questions, you can ask me. Finally, I want to say jothon hen, jothon++, everyone will see you at 9 o'clock tomorrow night.

<|source>: _大家好,後天就是這次眾所矚目的大松了。在大松前夜,就是週五晚上,有�..._

patcon 14:57:00
Re: zulip migration ++

What if we did it in a voluntary, unforced way? We can work to create slack-zulip bridging and add thread support for that, so people can migrate slowly at their own pace, or choose to be wherever they want.

Related ticket:


[General] Support thread/reply preservation · Issue #638 · 42wim/matterbridge

Just adding a place to track details for threading support across protocols. Discord (no threads nor replies) Gitter (see below) Matrix/Riot (no threads, but has replies) Mattermost #627 RocketChat...

@null 15:38:59

@null 20:15:35
Hello, everyone, it’s been a long time since g0v Summit 2018, missed Summit, or the friends who want to listen to the agenda. The staff held the event on 12/16 (day) 13:30~21:30. G0v Summit 2018 Review Marathon, welcome everyone to come and relive the wonderful agenda! <Https://>

<|source>: _哈囉大家,距離 g0v Summit 2018 結束已經有好一段時間了,錯過 Summit 、或是想..._


@null 00:01:24
Suspected big pine pen list appeared in English!

<|source>: _疑大松共筆列表出現英文惹!_

Oh no! Did I break anything? :)
no just surprised that we have english title
@null 00:49:22
Cofacts There is a ruthlessness here. We are not able to attend this hackathon. Can we ask if we can make a remote proposal? QQ We have prepared a proposal suitable for remote participation. Currently, we are in the first list of proposals, no need to add more. Introduction, just play `youtube url: project report` and open subtitles (subtitles to be filled)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _cofacts 這裡有個不情之請 這次的黑客松我們不巧都無法出席,請問請問我們..._

@null 01:35:35
CC subtitles done

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _CC 字幕 done <>


g0v hackath32n 提案:我愛家・我解惑 —— 平權社會對話工程

lizbarry 03:48:45
hi! can you provide more information about what you want to do?
@null 04:44:07
Oh no! Did I break anything? :)

@null 09:49:04
The first proposal ++ I am the host to help you show

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _第一個提案++ 我是這次主持人,幫你放映_

@null 10:10:38

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _推推!_

@null 10:50:56
Thanks @ ipa 🙏

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感謝 <@U02L0C4KF> :pray: _

@null 13:41:14

<Https://> There is some discussion here
@null 13:57:52
<Https://> There is some discussion here

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<> 這邊有一些討論_

@null 14:16:15
no just surprised that we have english title

@null 15:37:18
<Https://> It feels quite interesting

<|source>: _<> 感覺蠻有趣的_

💯 yaaaay! and scuttlebutt community is doing really rad experiments with grantmaking.
tl;dr - they don't incentivize product-creation, but instead incentivize commnity-creation. to product will fall out of that, and the community will live longer than the grant funding through the culture created ❤️
@null 16:19:22
Thanks ipa❤️

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感謝ipa:heart:_

@null 16:53:26
I would like to ask about the @kiang political contribution. Before a friend (Ke) scanned a batch of documents, it seems that there is no way or no one has time to deal with it, right?

<|source>: _想問一下 <@U0381JNK8> 政治獻金的事情。之前有個朋友(克均)掃瞄了一批文件,��..._

@null 17:00:58
Handle half

<|source>: _處理一半_

patcon 17:01:24
💯 yaaaay! and scuttlebutt community is doing really rad experiments with grantmaking.



grants-process. Contribute to ssbc/grants-process development by creating an account on GitHub.

patcon 17:01:30
tl;dr - they don't incentivize product-creation, but instead incentivize commnity-creation. to product will fall out of that, and the community will live longer than the grant funding through the culture created ❤️
@null 17:01:42
Slackbot11's url: [103 Summary of the Political Contributions of the Candidates (Profit Business) For the 103 years of information on the political contributions of the candidates, a group of volunteers assisted in entering the Office to print information, scan and follow-up The information was beaten, and although the work has not yet been completed, today the status of the current processing is open, I hope to provide you with reference. Summary URL:

<|source>: _slackbot11's url: [103年擬參選人政治獻金專戶摘要表(營利事業) 針對 103 年擬參�..._

@null 17:01:48
This plan only deals with the partial treatment of the profit-making business in the details of the profit-making account, because the profit-making business information has the name of completion, and can also link more reference materials; the current state has not completed all the scans. The processing of files and the correction of account information are mainly limited by the limited time of volunteers.

<|source>: _這個計畫只有針對政治獻金專戶明細中關於營利事業捐贈的部份處理,因為�..._

@null 17:01:53
In principle, this election should be made public after the election according to the relevant regulations. Only the old information can only be obtained by printing on paper. Therefore, this plan is produced and hopes to be helpful to friends who are interested in research. ]

<|source>: _這次的選舉原則上依據法規相關明細都應該要在選後公開,只是舊有資料還�..._

@null 17:14:58
These materials are not used to cut tofu?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _這些資料不是用切豆腐的方式打的喔?_

@null 17:15:53
Not the same here? <Http://>

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _跟這裡的不一樣?<>

@null 18:10:10
UDTalk for hackathon, tomorrow


iOS & Android
After you access this page, you click "Join Talk" link for your device type.

Win & Mac
After you copy this URL, you click "Add Opened Talk" button and paste URL.

- Application is here


omg i'm so psyched to see how this works! 🎉 🎉 yay! yay! yay! I'm hoping I'll learn things I can bring back to Toronto

(Canada is a bi-lingual country, and Toronto is arguably the most multi-cultural city in the world)
@yutin I will tell you about this system tomorrow
@Michael_li Thanks for the notification, I know this tool, but today the subjective sensory recognition accuracy is not high enough. In addition, the purpose of use 1. Provide instant text translation 2. Mistranslation manual instant correction 3. Projection recognized text Currently these major and minor functions, Ya Ting verbatim draft is not yet supported, may be developed as future Reference
I am still using the web version of the machine learning stage (PM can not be made public), you can use the Youtube website to read the audio track generation.
@null 18:27:40
Because I have no way to free up long-term processing, Ronny is also busy, so please ask a few students to directly file the file, but before they finish processing, they have all been processed.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _因為我沒有辦法騰出長時間處理, Ronny也忙,所以請幾個同學直接建檔處理�..._

patcon 19:47:10
omg i'm so psyched to see how this works! 🎉 🎉 yay! yay! yay! I'm hoping I'll learn things I can bring back to Toronto

(Canada is a bi-lingual country, and Toronto is arguably the most multi-cultural city in the world)
🥐 1
@null 20:41:10
Hello everyone, it is me. Wait a minute, this is the "Songqian Hara" of Dasong, you can use this link to chat online to be seen! Hi everyone, community hangout is scheduled to begin in 20 mins at 9pm Taiwan Time. Use this link to join: See you soon!

<|source>: _大家好,又是我。等一下九點整就是這次大松的「松前哈拉」囉,可以用這�..._

@null 20:51:08
I have booked two tables at 6:30 pm tomorrow in the brick kiln restaurant. I welcome everyone to eat together after the end of the big pine tomorrow. More than two tables are also available. Brick Kiln Ancient Breakfast Restaurant Founding Shop 115 No. 318 Songhe Street, Nangang District, Taipei 02 2788 9040

<|source>: _我訂了明天晚上六點半兩桌在磚窯餐廳,歡迎大家明天大松結束後一起吃飯�..._

I should have no physical strength this time, but unfortunately.
@null 20:55:11
I should have no physical strength this time, but unfortunately.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _這次我應該沒體力去,可惜_

@null 20:56:46
@yutin I will tell you about this system tomorrow

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U03B2AB13> 明天我跟你提一下這個系統 <>

patcon 20:57:47
@null 21:09:02
The ticket has been sold out. Is there any way to participate in tomorrow's event?

<|source>: _票已售完,請問有還有什麼方法能參加明天的活動嗎?_

@null 21:15:19
@Michael_li Thanks for the notification, I know this tool, but today the subjective sensory recognition accuracy is not high enough. In addition, the purpose of use 1. Provide instant text translation 2. Mistranslation manual instant correction 3. Projection recognized text Currently these major and minor functions, Ya Ting verbatim draft is not yet supported, may be developed as future Reference

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _@Michael_li 感謝通知,我知道這個工具,但今天實測主觀感覺辨識精準度不夠�..._

@null 21:18:31
I am still using the web version of the machine learning stage (PM can not be made public), you can use the Youtube website to read the audio track generation.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _還正在機器學習階段,網頁版我用過了(PM交代還不能對外公開),能用Youtu..._

@null 21:31:58
Currently 26 people online

<|source>: _目前 26 個人在線上_

@null 21:32:04
Man and sea

<|source>: _人山人海_

@null 21:47:27
@kahou: Hi~ I may change the far end to participate in XD tomorrow. Is there a ticket?

<|source>: _<@U3LM43ENQ>: Hi~ 我明天可能會改遠端參與XD 有需要票嗎_

@null 21:50:14
Or someone else needs pm, I will first win the XD first"

<|source>: _或是其他人有需要的可以pm我 先搶先贏喔XD"_

@null 21:58:39
Ticket has been sent~

<|source>: _票已送出~_

@null 22:37:37
40 people, can you broadcast a radio show? <Https://>

<|source>: _40 個人,可以開廣播節目了?<>

There are so many people in Europe
@null 22:37:44
Moderator @chihao

<|source>: _主持人 <@U03CX883V> 棒_

@null 22:38:30
Hosting and co-writing

<|source>: _主持兼做共筆腦力分裂_

Seeking a total of pen links!
@null 22:43:40
Now become an online referendum heating hotline

<|source>: _現在變成線上公投取暖熱線_

@null 22:43:44
Actually full of wonderful der

<|source>: _其實滿精彩der_

@null 23:13:37
Taishen la

<|source>: _太神la_

@null 23:42:03
There are so many people in Europe

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _有這麼多人歐_


@null 02:43:27
Suddenly found that the g0v bulletin is simply the g0v National History Museum.

<|source>: _突然發現 g0v 公報 根本就是 g0v 國史館_

@null 06:17:31
Seeking a total of pen links!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _求共筆連結!_

@null 09:45:39
Where can I get UD talk?

@null 09:47:01
Thank you, thank you, etc., there are honey lemons.

<|source>: _謝謝天 謝謝地 等等有 蜂蜜檸檬_

@null 09:51:07
Thank you!

@null 09:58:41
@chihao Do you want to interpret?

<|source>: _<@U03CX883V> 要做口譯嗎_

@null 09:59:14
@kjcl Hey, do you want to be together? Now using UDTalk

<|source>: _@kjcl 嘿啊,你想一起嗎?現在在用 UDTalk_

@null 09:59:24

<|source>: _好啊_

@null 09:59:54
App for macOS

<|source>: _for macOS 的 app_

@null 10:01:46
The information institute is digging a pit and pit

<|source>: _資訊所正在實體挖坑坑坑坑坑坑_

@null 10:01:51

@null 10:10:06 Thank you for joining the project after watching the movie. Remember to write a small question about the company. Because neighbors will not judge who is the robot: robot_face: Thanks

<|source>: _<> 謝謝大家看完影片之後願意加入這個專案��..._


g0v hackath32n 提案:我愛家・我解惑 —— 平權社會對話工程

@null 10:16:36
Heterosexual wedding!

<|source>: _異性戀婚禮!_

And still the church wedding ⛪
@null 10:18:02
Hi I am Ivy, the first time to participate in the newcomer, the green cycle map (environmental reduction). But I thought that even if I created a hackpad, I just registered, but I just found out that I have to register for another file to have 3 minutes of QQ.

<|source>: _Hi 我是Ivy,第一次參加的新人,綠循環地圖(環保減塑)的坑主。 但我以為�..._

You can also publish the results and tell you about the progress and how you can help later.
@null 10:19:56
Please contact me if you are interested. Hackpad Ideas Brief

<|source>: _請大家如果有興趣還是跟我聯絡。 Hackpad <>

@null 10:24:43
I want to help, I have finished UD Talk (I am windows), the next step?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _想幫忙打,載完UD Talk了(我是windows),下一步?_

@null 10:26:07
You can also publish the results and tell you about the progress and how you can help later.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _也可以報名成果發表,跟大家講現在的進度和之後可以怎麼幫忙_

@null 10:26:40



@null 10:27:27
I am the second person to come to the proposal. Please look for me if you are interested.

<|source>: _我是第二位上台提案的人,有興趣的請找我_

@null 10:28:09
Film Verbatim Automation & Organizing System g0v tw hackath32n - Proposal - Film Verbatim Automation & Organizing System / Michael LI - Honey Lemon Pine - YouTube https://

<|source>: _影片逐字稿自動化 &amp; 整理系統 g0v tw hackath32n — 提案 — 影片逐字稿自動化 &amp; ..._

@null 10:31:58
And still the church wedding ⛪

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _而且還是教堂婚禮:church:_

@null 10:33:38
Have you come to the China Research Institute?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _你有來中研院嗎?_

@null 10:35:40
Hello everyone, I am @liz of iTaigi. Today's pit owner is @sing5hong5. Our channel is #itaigi. I look forward to your joining. In addition to writing programs, interested in Taiwanese or want to learn Taiwanese, I will come back at two o'clock this afternoon to provide a variety of Taiwanese language consultation and services.

<|source>: _大家好我是iTaigi的 <@U06NY1CU8> ,今天的坑主是 <@U0N97N2MA> ,我們的頻道是 <#C0N9DK6JU|itaigi> ,期..._

@null 10:37:02
G0v Awards 12/10-1/13 Open proposal

<|source>: _g0v 獎助金 12/10-1/13 開放提案 <>

@null 10:41:52
@chihao @ronnywang

昨天我在vtaiwan有討論到搬離Slack。有一些像Zulip的聊天室軟體的功能超越Slack,然後他們有給open source community無限使用權 (paid plans with unlimited search)。


> Hi All,
> I hope this e-mail finds you well. I’m writing as a civic hacker in Taiwan. We have a large community of over 4,000 civic hackers working on projects that are open source and in the public domain. We are decentralized and our entire community relies on chat to collaborate.

> I would like to propose to the community that we migrate to Zulip because of your open source hosting plan and also because of Zulip’s threaded nature. Before I propose this, I’m wondering:

> Is Zulip translated into Traditional Chinese? (not Simplified)
> Can Zulip offer a free open source plan to our civic hacker network?

> You can read more about the g0v network here:
> a large list of open source projects we have created is here

> Please let me know if you have any questions! Thank you so much for your time!


Hello everyone! With everyone in the proposal: Zulip has allowed us to use their free open source plan (unlimited search, archiving). I will spend some time today to study what the process will look like if I want to migrate to zulip. If you are interested, please come to me! Hi Kevin, Thanks for writing in! We'd be happy to host g0v for free, under our open source plan. We do have a partial translation into Traditional Chinese, but probably not sufficient for someone who didn't speak English. I expect You could get it into a pretty good state with less than a day of work, especially if you skip translating uncommon error messages. To get a feel of what translating is like, you could create an account on https://www.transifex. Com/zulip/zulip/ and try translating a few strings. Best, Rishi
Created #zulip
Or can you build a bridge on both sides? Just let the slack conversation appear in zulip, zulip appears here
This can be slowly transferred to the past
I will study it today.
we are now on zulip’s open source plan.
@patcon can you walk me through matterbridge and deploying a chatbot? never done it before and would like to bridge slack and zulp.
Happy to! It can be done now without any threading feature, but could use some pull-request-love
Also, will be much easier to do for a few keys channels right now. If we want it done for every channel in a dynamic way, it will take some work
I would suggest we hold off on really pushing zulips use until we get at least threading working better. Otherwise, using the key useful feature of zulip will result in confusing disjointed interactions between platforms. Seems like it might be a bad impression? But open to whatever :)
@null 10:41:55
Hello everyone! With everyone in the proposal: Zulip has allowed us to use their free open source plan (unlimited search, archiving). I will spend some time today to study what the process will look like if I want to migrate to zulip. If you are interested, please come to me! Hi Kevin, Thanks for writing in! We'd be happy to host g0v for free, under our open source plan. We do have a partial translation into Traditional Chinese, but probably not sufficient for someone who didn't speak English. I expect You could get it into a pretty good state with less than a day of work, especially if you skip translating uncommon error messages. To get a feel of what translating is like, you could create an account on https://www.transifex. Com/zulip/zulip/ and try translating a few strings. Best, Rishi

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _大家好!跟大家在提案一下:Zulip已經允許我們使用他們的免費open source plan�..._

@null 10:42:28

@null 10:48:54
@yutin Live stopped?

<|source>: _<@U03B2AB13> 直播停了?_

Internet issue, just corrected
@null 10:49:01
Created #zulip

@null 10:49:07
Or can you build a bridge on both sides? Just let the slack conversation appear in zulip, zulip appears here

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _或者可以建立兩邊的 bridge 嗎?就是讓 slack 的對話可以在 zulip 出現,zulip 在..._

@null 10:49:11
This can be slowly transferred to the past

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _這樣子可以慢慢轉移過去_

@null 10:49:18
Internet issue, just corrected

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _internet issue, 剛剛已修正_

@null 10:49:30
I will study it today.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我今天會研究。_

@null 10:53:18
we are now on zulip’s open source plan.

@null 10:54:34
@patcon can you walk me through matterbridge and deploying a chatbot? never done it before and would like to bridge slack and zulp.

@null 10:56:16
Hi @patcon I do really hope Magic Chat Portals works through Line group chat and Facebook messenger.
So the two different mainstreams can be connected.

@null 11:01:39
Hi I am PTT ID Profiling, welcome to join the discussion / use it to see / mouth po / complement function ~ Hackmd: GITHUB: https://github. Com/GundamBox/PttCrawler

<|source>: _Hi 我是 PTT ID Profiling 坑主,歡迎加入討論/拿去用用看/嘴po/補功能~ Hackmd: ht..._

@null 11:03:35
Excuse me: Who is the owner/admin of g0v Slack?

<|source>: _請問一下:g0v Slack 的owner/admin有誰?_

I will make up for it in the community governance.
I am here to make up.
@null 11:04:24

@null 11:04:46
I will make up for it in the community governance.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我補一下在社群治理共筆裡面好了_

@null 11:08:44
I am here to make up.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我補在這邊了_

@null 11:15:25
Hi Hello everyone, I am Allen Li Meishu Memorial Information Group. We are going to deal with an interesting database this time - wikidata solicit all types of interested friends. Unlimited skills tree Welcome to us. Welcome: g#

<|source>: _Hi 大家好 我是Allen 李梅樹紀念館資訊組我們這次要來處理一個有趣的資料庫..._

@null 11:21:06
Hello everyone, my name is Alex. It is also the first time to participate in a newcomer, mainly doing XD in ecological research.

<|source>: _大家好我叫 Alex,也是第一次參加的新人,主要在做生態學研究的 XD_

@null 11:30:36
Morning, have mic, internet & construction issue,
so broadcast and UDTalk cant catch clean voice
So far, thet mic issue fixed, will fix internet issue in the afternoon.
Video will upload to youtube


Maybe, it need some keyword list? we can co-edit this keyword?
“坑主” voice will catch to “公主“, it is g0ver words
And translation problems like “爬蟲” is Taiwanese words it’s “parser”
@null 11:34:56
Maybe, it need some keyword list? we can co-edit this keyword?
“坑主” voice will catch to “公主“, it is g0ver words
And translation problems like “爬蟲” is Taiwanese words it’s “parser”

@null 11:46:21
I am a big help. If I want to find a friend of Novice Village, I am here at the registration desk~~~

<|source>: _我是大助 如果要找新手村的朋友,我在報到台這裡~~~ <>

@null 11:52:59
12:10 Discuss OGP in R101? @ttcat_not_bot_not_staff @isabelhou @yutin @stella @chihao

<|source>: _12:10 在 R101 討論 OGP 吧?@ttcat_not_bot_not_staff <@U02TNG5TP> <@U03B2AB13> <@U02Q8MNNX> <@U03CX883V> _

I’m here 🙂
@null 11:59:48
I’m here 🙂

Someone (across chat bridge) 12:03:15
File from bess (general@g0vtw)
Image from iOS
@null 12:03:17
The flag is weird?

<|source>: _旗子怪怪的?_

@null 12:14:14
I just helped Chen Huiqi to organize a piece of information, by the way, sharing Cai Jiawei, parents are deaf and dumb, design "iHelp" App

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我剛剛幫陳惠琪整理一個資訊,順便分享 蔡佳緯,父母都是瘖啞人士,設計..._

@null 12:16:44
Come and welcome everyone to r101 to talk about OGP, we will go to Canada together in May next year. Chinese Taipei (?) needs you, we may discuss the plan of the open government

<|source>: _來來來 歡迎大家來 r101 聊 OGP,明年 5 月我們要一起去加拿大。 中華台北 (?)..._

@null 12:17:13
R101 next to the bathroom

<|source>: _R101 在洗手間旁邊_

@null 12:19:20
@ I want to ask you questions, wait for a meeting, please? (I am currently sitting next to the TV in the food area)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _@ 我想跟你請教問題,等下碰面一下好嗎? (我目前坐在食物區電視機旁邊�..._

@null 12:27:18
G0v Awards 12/10-1/13 Open proposal! <Https://>

<|source>: _g0v 獎助金 12/10-1/13 開放提案! <>

@null 12:39:30
Itaigi at 108 ~~

<|source>: _itaigi 在 108 ~~_

@null 12:40:51
Looking for the green loop pit master @Ivy

<|source>: _尋找綠循環坑主 @Ivy _

At R101
@null 12:43:42
At R101

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _在R101_

@null 12:43:44
Yitī 101 ê section (he looks like 101)

<|source>: _伊 tī 101 ê 款 (他在101的樣子)_

@null 12:45:26
If you want to participate in the small pit of g0v-banner, welcome to join #banner!

<|source>: _想要參與 g0v-banner的小坑的話,歡迎加入 <#CEN77Q9CH|banner> !_

@null 13:32:16
@kjcl Where are you? I think two things can be done 1) Reference g0v domain Apply draft 2) If you want to put, you can look at the code https://github .com/g0v/

<|source>: _@kjcl 你們在哪裡啊?我想到兩件事可以作 1) 參考 g0v domain 申請 draft <https://g0v>..._

g0v Domain SOP draft - HackMD

@null 13:32:38
Behind the proposal place!

<|source>: _提案地方的後面!_

@null 13:33:17
I will wait for the past

<|source>: _我等一下過去_

@null 13:37:22

@null 13:52:39
Any engineer who has set up a website has not jumped, can chat with me.

<|source>: _有沒有架設網站的工程師還沒跳坑,可以找我聊天_

@null 15:08:57
I want to try to open a children's book, short film creation plan: tell China's bad things in a warm and touching way

<|source>: _想來試著開一個童書、短片創作計畫:用溫馨、感人的方式講中國的壞話 htt..._

In case of bad times, I heard too many bad words. When I grew up, I found that the people are very good and the construction is very advanced. In fact, there is no such bad and big love. XDDDD (Party-state education is also talking about the bad things of the Communist Party. Now many people love it.)
Cool dead
@null 15:11:39
Yes, not a technician, but someone who wants to organize the data can also find me. We use the artificial intelligence system to read the movie, automatically generate a verbatim draft, and then manually correct the wrong text.

<|source>: _對了,不是技術人員,只是想整理資料的人也可以找我,我們用人工智慧系�..._

@null 15:17:19
In case of bad times, I heard too many bad words. When I grew up, I found that the people are very good and the construction is very advanced. In fact, there is no such bad and big love. XDDDD (Party-state education is also talking about the bad things of the Communist Party. Now many people love it.)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _萬一小時候壞話聽太多,長大發現人民都很和善建設很先進,其實沒有這麼�..._

@null 15:18:28
@yellowsoar++ 金句 "The community is not a radish pit, but you must first dig a pit"

<|source>: _<@U04LY8EN9>++ 金句「社群不是一個蘿蔔一個坑,但要先挖好坑」_

🙌 1
@null 15:37:12
Want to know more about wikidata, you can find us in the 101 classroom.

<|source>: _想要更了解wikidata 可以在101教室找我們喔_

@null 15:46:27
Cool dead

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _酷死了_

@null 16:10:14
US East hackathon has a whole file, you can ask @hsiao-a

<|source>: _美東黑客松有一整份文件,可以問 @hsiao-a_

@null 16:24:24
I booked the seat of the brick kiln restaurant in the evening. I welcome everyone to eat together after the end of the big pine. 19:00 Miss Jian Brick Kiln Ancient Breakfast Restaurant Founding Shop 115 No. 318 Songhe Street, Nangang District, Taipei 02 2788 9040

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我今天晚上訂了磚窯臺菜餐廳的位子,歡迎大家大松結束後一起吃飯。 19:00..._

I remember drawing the map, I don’t know if I’m still there.
@null 16:24:48
Wikidata co-writing

<|source>: _wikidata 共筆 <>

@null 17:05:44
I remember drawing the map, I don’t know if I’m still there.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我記得畫過地圖,不知道還在不在_

@null 17:15:34
Originally there is a drone team, my idle dji can be used for use.

<|source>: _原來有無人機小組,我的閒置 dji 可以拿出來用用_

@null 17:26:26
@agameofprivacy @superbil also has oid data cleaned up

thanks, @clkao I’ll get in touch!
I'm interested too, count me in! (I think @agameofprivacy and @superbil already know me ;)
we were attempting to use the popolo spec for government agencies, so we can also establish history changes if there’s agency restructure. but i think there were some issues
@null 17:27:17
thanks, @clkao I’ll get in touch!

@null 17:35:53
I'm interested too, count me in! (I think @agameofprivacy and @superbil already know me ;)

@null 17:38:27
we were attempting to use the popolo spec for government agencies, so we can also establish history changes if there’s agency restructure. but i think there were some issues

@null 17:45:30
Push @ronnywang variant tool (touched)

<|source>: _推 <@U038DCDRC> 異體字整理工具 (感動_

Climbing the pain of the data
Seems to be able to use OpenCC to change?
Here is the comparison table of the Chinese characters in Unihan_Variants.txt in the Unihan Database of Unicode.
I Ctrl+F to find some common characters that are currently used to deal with names, such as 眞真, museums, groups, peaks and peaks can be found, so I will try to use this to generate a conversion comparison tool.
@null 17:45:37
I am going to the brick kiln restaurant in the early morning to eat at the restaurant. I need to take a safe road map when I am in the meeting. I have drawn a copy for you. In/album-72157681607008605/

<|source>: _今天晚上要去磚窯古早料理餐廳吃飯的人,散會的時候需要安全回家的路線�..._


磚窯古早味懷舊餐廳 走到 松山捷運站 安全路線示意圖 V 1.2

@null 17:46:17
Climbing the pain of the data

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _爬資料的痛_

@null 17:47:32
Seems to be able to use OpenCC to change?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _好像可以用 OpenCC 來改? <>

@null 17:48:27
Here is the comparison table of the Chinese characters in Unihan_Variants.txt in the Unihan Database of Unicode.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _這邊是我把 Unicode 的 Unihan Database 裡面的 Unihan_Variants.txt ,補上中文字的對��..._

@null 17:49:44
I Ctrl+F to find some common characters that are currently used to deal with names, such as 眞真, museums, groups, peaks and peaks can be found, so I will try to use this to generate a conversion comparison tool.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我 Ctrl+F 找了一些目前處理人名常見的異體字,像是眞真、館舘、群羣、峰��..._

@null 17:53:40
Test: Komatsu is coming~

<|source>: _測試:小松要來喔~_

@null 17:57:32

Just reported cross-platform emoji @patcon's departure from the farewell party to play ~
@null 17:58:52
Just reported cross-platform emoji @patcon's departure from the farewell party to play ~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _剛剛報告跨平台 emoji 的 <@U4MCXJKNC> 的離台 farewell party 一起來玩~_

chihyuchen28 17:59:07
@chihyuchen28 has joined the channel
@null 18:57:17
Supplement: In the morning, my proposal is "Verbatim & Finishing System", mentioning "Alexander Library" Library

<|source>: _補充:早上我提案是「逐字稿 &amp; 整理系統」,有提到「亞歷山大圖書館」http..._

patcon 20:22:24
Happy to! It can be done now without any threading feature, but could use some pull-request-love
patcon 20:23:42
Also, will be much easier to do for a few keys channels right now. If we want it done for every channel in a dynamic way, it will take some work
patcon 20:25:13
I would suggest we hold off on really pushing zulips use until we get at least threading working better. Otherwise, using the key useful feature of zulip will result in confusing disjointed interactions between platforms. Seems like it might be a bad impression? But open to whatever :)
@null 20:47:17
This is a very important little problem.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _這倒是挺重要的小事情大問題_

@null 21:23:19
I would like to ask you what other Facebook fan pages or Line pages can be recommended to the elders besides "Life Information Like"? I found out that I taught my mother to use Line and wanted to provide her with more correct information.

<|source>: _想問一下大家除了「生活資訊讚」還有什麼臉書粉絲頁或 Line 專頁可以推薦�..._

"News Helper" Facebook page // I will post some information about the fake news "Taiwan reporter IQ 30" (Facebook page) is OK, but the number of editors here is not necessarily my post.
My mom's Facebook book has a few pages on the content farm (fan page), and often runs out of messy nonsense articles, pay attention to this situation not happen to your mother.
@null 21:37:30
@patcon what’s the key word you mentioned before leaving? “xxx hub”? Can’t recall the verb you used which i think was great…..(me --> golden fish brain)

Hmmm... Prob used too many words, but around hub, maybe... Repair? Routing? What was the essense of the xxx part?
@null 21:58:37
It is estimated that there are still about 80 bags of coffee bags until March next year, to see if there is any activity in the middle. Or Komatsu used a XD to put it in March for a long time XD

<|source>: _估計咖啡包還有80包左右 到明年三月的話,看看中間是否辦活動要用。或者�..._

@yutin ogp Komatsu can come and get some, @ky vtaiwan Do you all drink beer and not drink coffee? XD
I knew that I would take 2 more bags, my mom liked it.
No one really said that I want to drink coffee, but it is not so drunk XDD.
@null 22:12:32
@yutin ogp Komatsu can come and get some, @ky vtaiwan Do you all drink beer and not drink coffee? XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U03B2AB13> ogp 小松可以來拿一些, @ky vtaiwan 你們是否都喝啤酒不喝咖啡?XD_

patcon 23:06:37
Hmmm... Prob used too many words, but around hub, maybe... Repair? Routing? What was the essense of the xxx part?
Someone (across chat bridge) 23:25:58
File from yutin (general@g0vtw)with comment: A transcript of g0v hackath32n cc. @patcon
g0v 20181208
@null 23:26:30
I knew that I would take 2 more bags, my mom liked it.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _早知道我就多拿2包,我媽很喜歡_


@null 00:02:29
@yutin Google Speech Cloud API can not register unique words. But UDTalk has a function of replacing words.
If “坑主” is always “公主“, I set it. Of course you can set yourself, but this function page is only Japanese (now I create English page).
If you have some simple replacing case, please give me a list of replacing.

Translating is similar. Now I am creating function of replacing before translating.
If “爬蟲” is always “parser”, I can set it.

1 👍 1
@null 00:30:02
No one really said that I want to drink coffee, but it is not so drunk XDD.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _確實沒有人說想要喝咖啡但也是沒有那麼酒鬼XDD_

@null 11:59:41
"News Helper" Facebook page // I will post some information about the fake news "Taiwan reporter IQ 30" (Facebook page) is OK, but the number of editors here is not necessarily my post.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _「新聞小幫手」臉書專頁 //我會貼一些分辨假新聞的資訊 「台灣記者智商�..._

@null 12:01:29
My mom's Facebook book has a few pages on the content farm (fan page), and often runs out of messy nonsense articles, pay attention to this situation not happen to your mother.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我媽的臉書去按了幾個內容農場的專頁(粉絲頁),就會常常跑出亂七八糟�..._

@null 12:15:08
@niehbaby I told my classmates yesterday that you want to do a video app. He said that he can connect with him. Please use the "Sunglasses" fan group, his assistants will help them to contact. <Https://>

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@UENC2J5M0> 我昨天跟我同學提了你們想做視訊APP的計劃,他說可以跟他連繫,請..._

@null 12:20:22
@niehbaby i-AIM APP's introduction

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@UENC2J5M0> i-AIM APP 的介紹 <>

@null 12:32:57
[Share] "i-AIM APP x Eye RUN" wants to be a good helper in the life of visually impaired friends! - eDonkey girl

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _[分享] 『i-AIM APP x Eye RUN』想成為視障朋友生活中的好幫手! - 電獺少女 https:/..._

@null 15:21:55
Let me digest it later~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _晚點讓我來消化一下~ _

@null 15:22:05
@niehbaby, I am very glad to meet you.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@UENC2J5M0> 很高興認識你_

@null 21:10:17

@null 21:37:37
Thanks for sharing ~~ If there is a robot that can share these Facebook articles to the Line page, it would be great.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感謝分享~~ 要是有能將這些臉書文章分享到 Line 專頁的機器人就好了_

@null 22:34:34
I always feel that the smart speaker should provide a certain level of assistance for the visually impaired...

<|source>: _總覺得 smart speaker 應該能替視障者提供一定程度的協助..._


@null 06:29:06
On that day, I talked about the hand-translators (sign language interpreters) of the 100,000-strong hearing-impaired people in Taiwan. There are only 400 100,000 vs 400 interpreters. The development period is very long. It is basically the basic Xiao Nie said that he has been doing it for 20 years.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _那天聊了一下 台灣10萬人口的聽障人士 職業的手譯員(手語翻譯員)只��..._

@null 10:18:19
Not interesting little knowledge: Taiwan currently has less than 400 audiologists practicing

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _不有趣的小知識:台灣目前執業的聽力師還不到 400 個_

@null 10:34:12
G0v Does anyone have a project related to traffic engineering?

<|source>: _g0v有沒有人在做交通工程有關的project?_

Taiwan Road is flatter
@null 11:25:28
I have to inquire about it by the way, to check whether the hearing is degraded, is it possible to register directly in the "ENT?"

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我要順便打聽一下,要檢查聽力是否退化,是不是直接到「耳鼻喉科」掛號�..._

@null 11:26:08
ㄏ with Simplified Chinese

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _ㄏ跟簡體中文的場_

@null 11:54:20
In principle, it is recommended to first use the medical institution inquiry system to confirm that the hospital you are going to has a licensed audiologist.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _原則上對,但是建議先用醫事機構查詢系統 <>

Someone (across chat bridge) 11:55:19
File from jedi (general@g0vtw)with comment: 例如像這樣,表示這間醫院有 4 位聽力師
@null 12:04:16
<Https://> There are cross-browser and automatic archiving features! Excuse me, how do you do this?

<|source>: _<> 居然有跨瀏覽器且自動存檔功能!請問大..._

@null 12:04:47
Ah, think about it, should it be tied to an account?

<|source>: _啊,仔細想一下,應該是綁帳號?_

@null 12:13:56
Discovered tags are not automatically archived

<|source>: _發現標籤不會自動存檔_

@null 12:34:12
Taiwan Road is flatter

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _台灣路更平_

@null 12:42:57
After the smooth archiving, it seems that I still can't see it? <Https://>

<|source>: _順利存檔後好像還看不到? <>

@null 12:59:17
Yes, the draft function is tied to the account

<|source>: _yes, 草稿功能是綁帳號的_

@null 13:01:20
Hmmmm seems to save failure, I check to see

<|source>: _hmmmm 好像會儲存失敗,我檢查看看_

Someone (across chat bridge) 13:51:37
File from Casy (general@g0vtw)with comment: Hi~想了解一下"請列出這個計畫的目標對象,他們的需求、情境與使用動機(200 ~ 500 字)"的字數限制是500字,不過,在ms word中428字的內容仍然被擋下來了。不知道是不是有什麼樣的解決方式?
@null 13:53:18
Maybe it is blank? How is this calculated? <Http://>

<|source>: _或許是加空白的? 這個算過如何? <>

Someone (across chat bridge) 2018-12-10 13:56:03
File from Casy (general@g0vtw)with comment: 含空白495字,不知道是不是很邊緣的說
Ok solved, by deleting 3 spaces. Thank you very much~🙂
Will it be because the number of words in the system is the number of characters, causing `LGBT` to be counted as 4 words, but in Word he will count as 1 word.
Blame, the word count computer is also a character @@@
Someone (across chat bridge) 13:56:03
File from Casy (general@g0vtw)with comment: 含空白495字,不知道是不是很邊緣的說
@null 13:59:19
Ok solved, by deleting 3 spaces. Thank you very much~🙂

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _ok解決了,by刪除掉3個空格。萬分感謝~:slightly_smiling_face:_

@null 14:09:13
Ok, fix the proposal page. XD added the "Proposer Profile" field to this proposal, but I didn't add this field before the test last week, so I tested ok before, but now I'm blasting XD online. It should be OK now, because There are drafts, so things should not be gone yet, everyone can try the proposal again.

<|source>: _ok, 修好提案網頁了 XD 這次提案加了「提案者簡介」這個欄位,但是上週測��..._

@null 14:15:18
Hey, I am a reporter who is a political donation project. It’s like a scan file to become a tofu. Some process is required. @ronnywang

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _嗨,我是鏡做政治獻金專案的記者又如~掃描檔圖檔到變成豆腐需要一些過�..._

@null 14:35:05

@null 14:54:22

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感謝_

@null 15:01:14
Will it be because the number of words in the system is the number of characters, causing `LGBT` to be counted as 4 words, but in Word he will count as 1 word.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _會不會是因為系統的字數是字元數呀 導致 `LGBT` 會被算成 4 個字,但在 Word �..._

@null 15:02:45
Blame, the word count computer is also a character @@@

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _怪了,字數計算機也是算字元 @@_

@null 18:20:30
Same group of people www

<|source>: _&lt;miku3920&gt; 同一群人www_

@null 18:54:30
Miku3920: No one here

<|source>: _&lt;jimmifly&gt; miku3920: 這裡沒有人_

@null 19:09:42
Jimmifly: I just came to make up the number of people.

<|source>: _&lt;miku3920&gt; jimmifly: 我也只是來湊人數_


@null 03:34:21
I am more crowded, I am less busy, I am more people.

<|source>: _人多我湊熱鬧 人少我湊人數_

@null 04:29:47

@null 16:30:02
Q: Is anyone here familiar with RoR? ! XD

<|source>: _Q: 這裡有人熟 RoR 嗎?! XD_

@null 16:33:42
I want to run this, but it is RoR XD #

<|source>: _想跑這個,不過是 RoR XD # <>

I used to use RoR amateurly! (my home city of Toronto has among the highest density of RoR developers for awhile. Hundreds at the meetups)
Also, I've used the opencivicdata project for a few years, and am pretty familiar with that toolchain, which is based on popolo.
Also, @jpmckinney is in here, and he was a big force in writing the popolo spec, if I understand correctly :)
@null 16:46:30
I wrote that the crab was super cooked a few years ago.

<|source>: _我在好幾年前寫過 小蟹則超熟_

@null 16:50:00
It’s not difficult to run, but I feel that if I want to change it, the threshold is a lot higher than XD.

<|source>: _要跑起來感覺是不難,只是感覺要改的話門檻就高了不少 XD_

@null 16:50:40
I can’t change it in the gem.

<|source>: _綁在 gem 裡面基本上不能改吧_

@null 16:52:25

@null 16:53:30
I am wrong, can change, basically follow RoR engines' override method

<|source>: _我錯了,可以改,基本上就是遵循 RoR engines 的 override 法 <https://guides.rubyonrail>..._

綁在 gem 裡面基本上不能改吧

@null 16:54:42
I want to get a Taiwanese character database, still thinking about reinventing the wheel orz

<|source>: _想弄台灣的人物資料庫,還在思考要不要重新發明輪子 orz_

@null 16:55:58
So if you want to change the view, basically refer to

<|source>: _所以如果你要改 view,基本上就是參考 <>

@null 16:56:56
Rails has a lookup path for the view, you will check your `app/views/popolo/` first. If you don't have one, check the engine.

<|source>: _rails 有個 view 的 lookup path,會先查查你的 `app/views/popolo/`,沒有的話才去查 e..._

@null 16:57:32
So the change is to see if you want to change it and copy it from here to your own `app/views/popolo` Popolo

<|source>: _所以改法就是 看你要改啥就從這裡複製一份到自己的 `app/views/popolo` 底下 htt..._

@null 17:01:00
Popolo seems to have been studied before @superbil?

<|source>: _popolo 之前好像 <@U0388GS64> 有研究過?_

@null 17:02:15
If you want to modify the kit and install your own modified version, you can fork it to your own project and change the gem installation path from to your own repo.

<|source>: _如果要修改套件並且裝自己修改後的版本,可以 fork 到自己的專案下修改後�..._

@null 17:05:35
Last updated four years ago XD

<|source>: _上次更新都四年前了 XD_

@null 17:06:39
So if you don't just change the view, you have to change the model and maintain the exchangeable format. It seems that the scope is not small.

<|source>: _所以如果不只改 view,連 model 都要改,還要維持可交換的格式,好像要做的�..._

@null 17:07:23
Yeah, if you are familiar with Rails, you should not spend too much time, just not familiar with XD.

<|source>: _yeah 看你熟不熟 Rails 囉 熟的話應該不會太花時間,只是熟的人不多⋯⋯ XD_

@null 17:07:57
For people who are familiar with Rails, it will be faster than the head cover.

<|source>: _對熟 Rails 的人來說,會比從頭蓋快_

@null 17:08:16
But still see how much you want to change._.

<|source>: _不過還是看你想改多少幅度 ._._

@null 17:08:57
I don’t want to use rails from the head cover. XD

<|source>: _從頭蓋就不想用 rails 了 XD_

@null 17:09:21
Does anyone make bread by themselves? Can I provide a photo of the bread? G0v Grants want to make friends with bread, you need to make a picture

<|source>: _有人自己做麵包嗎?可以提供一張麵包照片?g0v 獎助金想用麵包跟大家做朋..._

What the heck is "bread" in English? 😆 google is confused
Ooooh! Thanks :) I need to start following PTT ;)
@null 17:09:47
Green onion can also

<|source>: _蔥花的也可以_

@null 17:10:11
Going to the sand cat? ! XDD

<|source>: _去跟沙貓要?! XDD_

@null 17:13:32
What is a sand cat?

<|source>: _沙貓是什麼?_

@null 17:14:19
Oh, haha, I thought it was another circle of yours. Little bookstore owner XD

<|source>: _喔喔,哈哈,我以為那是你的另一個圈子的。就小小書店老闆 XD_

patcon 17:40:22
I used to use RoR amateurly! (my home city of Toronto has among the highest density of RoR developers for awhile. Hundreds at the meetups)
patcon 17:42:11
Also, I've used the opencivicdata project for a few years, and am pretty familiar with that toolchain, which is based on popolo.
patcon 17:42:40
Also, @jpmckinney is in here, and he was a big force in writing the popolo spec, if I understand correctly :)
patcon 17:44:51
What the heck is "bread" in English? 😆 google is confused
@null 17:48:16
bread is today’s meme….

Someone (across chat bridge) 17:48:58
File from bess (general@g0vtw)
@null 17:54:25
Ooooh! Thanks :) I need to start following PTT ;)

@null 18:12:12
@howawong hi! Does g0vhk have a slack team?

A good friend from civic scene in Toronto is from HK as a kid, and will be travelling there soon, and wants to know how the community works
He works on mesh networking, but cares about community and funding stuff too.

Twitters & GitHub:
Also can you share the GitHub repo for website? Chrome android won't letting me translate it for some reason, so I hope to investigate and submit a PR :tada:
Yes of course!
Will update you
@null 18:13:29
A good friend from civic scene in Toronto is from HK as a kid, and will be travelling there soon, and wants to know how the community works

@null 18:14:58
He works on mesh networking, but cares about community and funding stuff too.

Twitters & GitHub:

benhylau (Benedict Lau) on Keybase

benhylau (Benedict Lau) is now on Keybase, an open source app for encryption and cryptography.

@null 18:18:37
Also can you share the GitHub repo for website? Chrome android won't letting me translate it for some reason, so I hope to investigate and submit a PR :tada:

@null 18:21:49
@hcchien hi, Although I haven't seen it for a long time, popolo can solve the demand on Taiwan format, so it should be okay? You want to do that part?

<|source>: _<@U02QK1Z5Y> hi, 上次雖然有點久沒看,不過 popolo 可以解決台灣格式上需求,所以�..._

Now I mainly want to build up the relationship information of Taiwan, but it seems that I need a lot of extra fields.
Like those relationships?
@null 18:23:06
Now I mainly want to build up the relationship information of Taiwan, but it seems that I need a lot of extra fields.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _現在主要是想把台灣的關係資料建起來,不過看來是需要不少額外的欄位?_

@null 19:56:48
Like those relationships?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _像是那些關係呢?_

@null 20:23:46
Yes of course!

@null 20:23:52
Will update you

@null 20:46:13
@hcchien why not wiki data?

@chihao: ??
Use wiki data as taiwan people database
@chihao: It seems that there is a universal exchange format喔
Popolo or wikidata?
Might be able to make some sort of adapter, but popolo already exists and has existing tooling has lots of specific import edge cases addressed. Porting popolo data to wikidata after sounds worthwhile
@null 21:07:12
I just watched a public news report about Ding Shouzhong’s ticket. At present, there is no answer to the election. I have to apply for the national compensation compensation. Does anyone want to know how much Ding Shouzhong spent the national treasury? Ke Wenzhe talked about it a few days ago. 11 million second reserve

<|source>: _剛剛看了一則公視新聞 講丁守中驗票 目前沒有翻盤 接者要提選舉無效�..._

The completion of the Taipei Jubilee election vote will be announced tomorrow.
@null 21:18:15
@chihao: ??

@null 21:19:55
The completion of the Taipei Jubilee election vote will be announced tomorrow.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _台北巿長選舉驗票完成 明天將公布結果   <>

@null 21:24:40
Use wiki data as taiwan people database

@null 21:53:31
@chihao: It seems that there is a universal exchange format喔

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U03CX883V>: 看來有通用的交換格式喔_

@null 22:04:57
Popolo or wikidata?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _popolo 還是 wikidata?_

@null 22:12:52
<Https://> Feel @yutin's reptiles to run a few times to see which changes should be fun

<|source>: _<> 感覺 <@U03B2AB13>的爬蟲多跑幾次看看��..._

@null 22:31:35

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _popolo_


patcon 00:38:21
Might be able to make some sort of adapter, but popolo already exists and has existing tooling has lots of specific import edge cases addressed. Porting popolo data to wikidata after sounds worthwhile
@null 01:42:02
And in case anyone wants to come to my more formal presentation during the daytime, at Taiwan Foundation for Democracy HQ, here's the poster for that below. (Fixed.)

If you do think you might come to for TFD one, pls mark an emoji so I can relay rough numbers (they bring cakey delicious thing) :)

@null 01:44:56
I didn’t see the poster. Is it in the english channel

@null 02:02:16
@niehbaby Pure reference, I just learned that I see the theme is a vulnerable group to share

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@UENC2J5M0> 純參考,我其實剛剛才知道,看到主題是弱勢族群就分享一下 https://..._

Someone (across chat bridge) 03:02:14
File from patcon (general@g0vtw)with comment: Ah odd... Fixed!
@null 09:09:33
Has anyone ever met, the government has issued a software package for the private software company (input method), the government has the willingness to open source (also willing to pay the corresponding amount), but involves the core technology of the manufacturer, so the manufacturer is not willing, this situation Is there no solution?

<|source>: _請問有沒有人遇過,政府發包給民間軟體公司製作一套軟體(輸入法),政府��..._

The case upstairs is mainly the input method of the Taiwanese input method. There are two ways to write the program. 1. Write the program yourself, connect the operating system API 2. Generate the spelling table, use the ready-made frame upstairs should refer to the first situation.
After I simple google, I think that the choice of windows 2 is not much, it should go 1 Mac has openvilla, linux has ibus, fcitx, gcin, scim, ...., so you can go 2
So I think 1, 2 should be bidding separately. 1 involves the issue of the landlord. 2 is to open all the conversion programs in the middle of the textbook xls to the spelling table.
The core package is just fine, the government package package windows with pime
If only the core technology is not open source, then the non-core is open source, the artillery core
Forgot andriod and ios, can @shiami supplement the input method framework? Say your input method actually has open source, in fact, can be regarded as a framework?
<Https://> To stipulate that you can use this cin-tables
@chadliu23 pime like, then all have a framework. What is the format of cin-tables? Should each framework be its own format?
It is the format specified by openvilla. Taiwan can use this format for input methods. Yahoo and natural input methods are supported.
This format is basically the keyin on the word, which is the spelling table.
The core technology, I guess is Lenovo, full sentence correction, header input, or reaction speed, and other additional features.
@liz may have to trouble list, what are the conditions of the ideal input method (add words, word frequency use, according to the text before and after the adjustment words, @chadliu23 talk about the function...), try the new cool sound pime do not get
The conditions are probably all right. I really don't understand the technical problems that you said. Maybe I will convey this possibility first. If you hold a consultation meeting, please ask @sing5hong5 or other friends to attend?
@null 09:31:02
The case upstairs is mainly the input method of the Taiwanese input method. There are two ways to write the program. 1. Write the program yourself, connect the operating system API 2. Generate the spelling table, use the ready-made frame upstairs should refer to the first situation.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _樓上的這個案子主要是台語輸入法 輸入法有兩種做法 1. 自己寫程式,接作�..._

@null 09:32:53
After I simple google, I think that the choice of windows 2 is not much, it should go 1 Mac has openvilla, linux has ibus, fcitx, gcin, scim, ...., so you can go 2

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我簡單google後,覺得windows 的2的選擇不多,應該要走1 Mac有openvilla,linux有ibu..._

@null 09:34:57
So I think 1, 2 should be bidding separately. 1 involves the issue of the landlord. 2 is to open all the conversion programs in the middle of the textbook xls to the spelling table.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _所以我覺得1、2應該要分開招標。1的牽涉到樓主講的問題。2就是公開教典資..._

@null 09:38:52
The core package is just fine, the government package package windows with pime

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _核心另外包就好了,政府發包框架 windows 用 pime_

@null 09:39:09
If only the core technology is not open source, then the non-core is open source, the artillery core

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _如果只有核心技術不開源,那把非核心都開源,土砲核心_

@null 09:41:07
Forgot andriod and ios, can @shiami supplement the input method framework? Say your input method actually has open source, in fact, can be regarded as a framework?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _忘了andriod跟ios,可以請 <@U0ZBH9YJK> 補充輸入法框架現況嗎?話說你的輸入法其實..._

@null 09:42:58
<Https://> To stipulate that you can use this cin-tables

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<> 要規定可以用這個cin-tables_

@null 09:45:31
@chadliu23 pime like, then all have a framework. What is the format of cin-tables? Should each framework be its own format?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U039PE32S> pime讚,那麼全部都有框架。 cin-tables的格式有什麼特別的?各別框��..._

@null 09:47:07
It is the format specified by openvilla. Taiwan can use this format for input methods. Yahoo and natural input methods are supported.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _算是openvilla 規定的格式,台灣做輸入法的都可以吃這個格式,yahoo 跟 自然��..._

@null 09:47:59
This format is basically the keyin on the word, which is the spelling table.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _這個格式,基本上就是keyin 對上字, 也就是拚字表_

@null 09:50:37
The core technology, I guess is Lenovo, full sentence correction, header input, or reaction speed, and other additional features.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _核心技術,我猜是聯想,整句校正,頭碼輸入,或是反應速度之類的,其他�..._

@null 09:52:08
@liz may have to trouble list, what are the conditions of the ideal input method (add words, word frequency use, according to the text before and after the adjustment words, @chadliu23 talk about the function...), try the new cool sound pime do not get

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U06NY1CU8> 可能要麻煩列一下,理想中的輸入法有什麼條件(加詞、詞頻使用高低��..._

@null 10:19:40
The conditions are probably all right. I really don't understand the technical problems that you said. Maybe I will convey this possibility first. If you hold a consultation meeting, please ask @sing5hong5 or other friends to attend?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _條件大概都具備了,各位說的技術問題我實在不懂,或許我先轉達有這個可�..._

@null 11:06:27
Fusion Table wants to receive QQ

<|source>: _Fusion Table 要收了 QQ_

Data Studio is a good use to say
Just not sure if data studio can do batch geocoding
Fusion Table is the most convenient tool for going to the public service or private company to teach the quality of the data.
@null 11:13:04
Data Studio is a good use to say

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Data Studio 不錯用的說_

@null 11:13:45
Just not sure if data studio can do batch geocoding

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _只是不確定 data studio 能不能做批次的 geocoding_

@null 11:14:12
@yutin ogp When is Komatsu?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U03B2AB13> ogp 小松什麼時候啊_

@null 11:14:27
Fusion Table is the most convenient tool for going to the public service or private company to teach the quality of the data.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Fusion Table 是去公務機關或是民間公司教好的資料品質如何簡單產生地圖應用..._

@null 11:17:22
Expected January

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _預計 1 月_

@null 13:24:33
So is it to do windows or mobile input method?

<|source>: _所以是要做 windows 還是手機輸入法?_

@null 13:57:09
You can use the information in the selection of the meeting to confirm whether the information on your hand is wrong (you can also add the fan page XD #

<|source>: _大家有用中選會資料的可以確認一下自己手上的資料是不是有錯(沒有用的�..._

@null 14:23:22
<Https://> There have been two proposals for the grant, and the wish list contains eight examples of wishing! If you don't know what to do as a grant proposal, you can also refer to the wishing pool!

<|source>: _<> 獎助金已經出現兩個提案了,許願池包含範例..._

Someone (across chat bridge) 15:39:03
File from patcon (general@g0vtw)with comment: Hey all! I know daytimes are tough, but if you wanted a chance to see the TFD office and hear a summary of my final research report, I would love to host you at this event:

*Mapping the Taiwanese g0v Movement: A Canadian Civic Tech Perspective*

:date: *Date:* Fri, Dec. 14 @ 10:00-11:30
📍 *Location:* Room 202, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
@null 15:41:18
Hey all! I know daytimes are tough, but if you wanted a chance to see the TFD office and hear a summary of my final research report, I would love to host you at this event:

*Mapping the Taiwanese g0v Movement: A Canadian Civic Tech Perspective*

📅 *Date:* Fri, Dec. 14 @ 10:00-11:30
:round_pushpin: *Location:* Room 202, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy

Please do emoji-rsvp using 🙋, so I can relay numbers.

@null 15:42:34
Also, I will share an alpha version of the report before tomorrow morning, but there's *no need to review*. With that said, I'm very eager for feedback over the next few weeks! (Though a presentation is this week, I plan to revise it over the next month or so before publishing a v1. :)

@null 16:22:56
Wikipedia + wikidata should meet the needs? (still not enough attention)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _wikipedia + wikidata 應該符合需求? (還是關注度不夠)_

@null 16:24:29
That can be source, but it is converted to struct data, and then conforms to the format already defined in foreign countries.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _那個可以是 source,不過就是要轉成 struct data,然後符合國外已經定義的格式_

@null 17:14:34
Speaking of citizen science and technology awards, the following three projects, which is more fun? - 1️⃣ The media read CC0 textbooks and test papers, and the online test scores are sent to the chicken chops - 2️⃣ Open government appraisal report (in the district of the administrative district or unit of the school), the first place to send Limin or students to eat Chicken Steak - 3️⃣ Online bills review tools one by one, come to Komatsu to eat chicken chops

<|source>: _說到 公民科技獎助金 ,下面 :point_down: 三個專案,哪個比較好玩? - :one: 媒體��..._

@mrorz @caasi The fourth is?
It’s an off-by-one smile.
@null 21:22:06
Hi, ocf (I) can help coordinate the open source of i-voting to get the contract that is outsourced to the manufacturer, which can speed up the evaluation strategy.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Hi , ocf (我) 有幫忙協調過 i-voting 的 open source 是否能先取得外包給廠商的合��..._


@null 01:54:55
@mrorz @caasi The fourth is?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U039CG5S7> <@U02L499UT> 第 4 個 是?_

Francucci 07:40:45
@fran.marcucci has joined the channel
@null 07:50:02
It’s an off-by-one smile.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _是個 off-by-one 的笑點:joy:_

@null 11:20:17
Wikidata should be considered struct data, but it is not sure whether there is "conform to the format already defined by foreign countries". If not, it may be feasible to set a transfer output.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _wikidata 應該算是 struct data 了,不過不確定有沒有「符合國外已經定義的格式..._

@null 11:29:43
Note that details for tomorrow's daytime presentation at Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, are also in this thread :)

@null 12:18:58
I remember that EveryPolitician has switched from wikidata to a common format

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我記得 EveryPolitician 已經從 wikidata 拉資料轉成常見的格式了 <http://everypoliticia>..._

yep, true say. and that common format was popolo, too!

(unless i misunderstood the translation, and this is what you were already saying 🙂 )
patcon 13:49:18
yep, true say. and that common format was popolo, too!

(unless i misunderstood the translation, and this is what you were already saying 🙂 )
@null 16:31:55
Hi, ocf (I) has helped to coordinate the open source of i-voting. Can I get the contract that is outsourced to the manufacturer first, which can speed up the evaluation strategy?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Hi , ocf (我) 有幫忙協調過 i-voting 的 open source, 是否能先取得外包給廠商的合..._

Someone (across chat bridge) 22:09:47
File from sing5hong5 (general@g0vtw)with comment: 我有問新酷音ê作者,伊ê意見~
Screenshot 2018-12-13-22-07-44
Someone (across chat bridge) 22:10:12
File from sing5hong5 (general@g0vtw)
Screenshot 2018-12-13-22-07-55


@null 11:48:00
I fixed an issue source code how to submit a pull request or a new branch ←_←

<|source>: _我修復了一個 issue 原始碼該怎麼提交了 pull request 還是新的分支 ←_←_

Which project? Usually sent by PR, but not every project is sent to the main branch, see if the project has contributed?
Itaigi project, I glanced at the hackpad and did not see how to submit -
You can go to the #itaigi channel and ask!
Oh, ok.
@null 12:09:08
Which project? Usually sent by PR, but not every project is sent to the main branch, see if the project has contributed?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _哪個專案? 一般是用 PR 送,不過不一定每個專案都是送到 main branch,看看��..._

@null 13:11:12
Itaigi project, I glanced at the hackpad and did not see how to submit -

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _itaigi 專案, 我掃了一眼 在 hackpad 裡面沒見到說怎麼提交- -_

@null 13:12:37
You can go to the #itaigi channel and ask!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _可以到 <#C0N9DK6JU|itaigi> 頻道問喔!_

@null 13:13:01
Oh, ok.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _:+1: 好的_

@null 14:47:56
Topics include ties to *social physics, group consensus, feminine leadership tactics, and network science.*

@null 14:48:21
I'm excited to see people there!

sunthesi 15:44:55
@sunthesix has joined the channel
@null 17:23:23

@null 17:24:30
Give me the source of 19-1, I can't talk about it first, so I will post this first.

<|source>: _給我 19-1 的消息來源說, 先不可以講, 所以我先貼這個_

@null 17:25:15
The key point is to delete the responsibility before exempting, and other judicial decisions, increase administrative discretion

<|source>: _重點就是要先刪才能免責, 等司法判決, 加大行政裁量權_

@null 17:26:59
For example, I can report the infringement of the article of Wocao, and then report within 10 days, the platform must be removed first, otherwise the platform will bear the joint responsibility

<|source>: _比如說, 我可以檢舉沃草的文章侵權, 然後 10 天內提告, 平台要先下架, 要不�..._

@null 17:32:38
Then if I criticize the anti-epidemic policy of the Welfare Department, according to 19-1 -5, the Welfare Department can force the platform operators to delete my comments within 24 hours. When I finish the case with the Weifu Department, if I win, the platform can recover me. Article, otherwise the platform has to bear joint responsibility

<|source>: _然後如果我批評了衛福部的防疫政策, 根據 19-1 -5 衛福部可以逼迫平台業者 ..._

@null 17:33:59
But if you take a look at the message below, no one will look carefully at the content of the case. How terrible is it?

<|source>: _可是你看看下面的留言, 根本沒人仔細看去看法案的內容有多可怕, 拼命罵 KM..._

@null 17:37:28
Someone has never seen 19-1 and started to take the verbatim escorting. Maybe even 15-2 is what I asked for, but I dare to say that I can’t listen to the facts that others told you. I think so. The discussion is extremely unhealthy. Do you think I am really that kind of person?

<|source>: _某人根本沒看過 19-1 就開始拿逐字稿護航, 說不定連 15-2 都是我提了才去找��..._

@null 17:39:06
Let me first confirm that the above is not the version that has been sent to the Legislative Yuan, but the version that has not been submitted yet.

<|source>: _我先確認一下,上面這些並不是已經送進立法院的那個版本,而是連提都還�..._

@null 17:39:17
To be honest, from the Internet all day, the government wants to control the Internet is not a day or two, but DPP really does not worry, he made a sword to let KMT cut to DPP?

<|source>: _說實話, 從網路全黑日開始, 政府想管制網路也不是一天兩天的事了, 但是 DPP..._

@null 17:40:52
The government seems to deny that there is a draft amendment on the photo. "Luo Bingcheng said that the law of the law is being negotiated by the legislature and has not been passed by the third reading. The Executive Yuan cannot propose a law on the bill that has not been passed on the third reading. The government respects the outcome of the Legislative Yuan review. Will withdraw the Law of Law."

<|source>: _政府好像否認有照片上的修正草案, "羅秉成表示,數通法正在立法院協商,�..._

@null 17:41:08

<|source>: _嗯嗯_

@null 17:41:25
This approach is a bit like increasing control over the platform side, but they don't want the article to appear. The speed of the article only needs to be much higher than the inspection speed. He still can't prevent it, but it will affect the people who speak normally... It seems that the practice is not very effective

<|source>: _這作法有點像是在增加對平台方的掌控權,但是他們不希望出現的文章,出�..._

@null 17:41:30
Maybe this is my source, I hope I don’t post the version of my hand first.

<|source>: _也許這就是我的消息來源, 希望我先不要貼出我手上的版本的原因_

@null 17:41:33
So the current leak is still under discussion.

<|source>: _所以目前 leak 的都還在討論中_

@null 17:42:15
In fact, the version of the second reading of the committee (I remember this?) is this

<|source>: _而實際上出委員會等二讀 (我記得是這樣?) 的版本是這個 <>

@null 17:45:12
Yes, but 15-2 is obviously a loophole.

<|source>: _對, 但是 15-2 很明顯就是有漏洞_

@null 17:45:24
Most of the messages are in closed groups. This type of reporting may not be effective, or it may force these messages to enter a more closed world (?)

<|source>: _大部分的訊息都是在封閉群組,這種檢舉類的方式,可能更沒效果,也有可�..._

@null 17:46:21
Knowing whether the violation is a user report, an administrative guide, or a court decision.

<|source>: _知悉違法到底是用戶檢舉, 還是行政指導, 還是收到法院判決之類_

@null 17:46:49
There is a 15-2 vulnerability, and there is a 19-1 extension.

<|source>: _就是有 15-2 的漏洞, 才有 19-1 的擴權_

@null 17:47:04
The right side of the 15 articles published by the Executive Yuan is written as follows: > or after knowing that the act or information is > illegal (administrative punishment or referee), that is, taking appropriate measures to prevent damage from continuing to expand, then > in the first paragraph, it is determined not to Negative liability.

<|source>: _行政院公佈的 15 條右邊這樣寫: &gt; 或於知悉該行為或資訊為 &gt; 違法後(行政��..._

@null 17:47:22
Administrative punishment is also counted

<|source>: _行政處分也算呢_

@null 17:49:14
19 of 1 This future proposal is indeed controversial.

<|source>: _19之1 這個未來的提案確實就有爭議了_

@null 17:51:43
That's right, but what you posted is the explanation on the right. If it's true, why not write it in the legal text? I think it is necessary to keep the fuzzy zone so that the executive power can be expanded in the future.

<|source>: _對沒錯, 但你貼的是右邊的解釋, 如果真的確定了, 為何不寫到法律條文裡面 ..._

@null 17:52:07
It makes sense. It feels that 15 paragraphs 1 and 2 must be clearly written.

<|source>: _有道理,那感覺 15 條第 1 項第 2 款要寫清楚才行_

@null 17:54:25
In short, I personally care about whether someone will run and say that the controversial remarks on the Cofacts platform call me off the shelf. However, Cofacts should be exempt from the 14 automation clauses, so it should be fine.

<|source>: _總之我自己我比較在意的是會不會有人跑來說 Cofacts 平台上有爭議言論叫我�..._

@null 18:08:19
No, 14-2 means exemption like ISP or cache, cofact/ICP should be 15-2, you still have to delete it first.

<|source>: _不是吧, 14-2 是指 ISP or cache 之類免責, cofact/ICP 應該適用 15-2, 你還是要先刪..._

@null 18:08:51
I have a discussion with an ICP industry, they are also very scared (?) want to find someone to block this bill

<|source>: _我有跟某 ICP 業者討論一下, 他們也是很害怕(?) 想找人擋一下這個法案_

@null 18:53:05
Almost there!

@null 18:55:07
@yutin will there be live streaming?

@null 18:57:04
Yes, wait a moment

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Yes, 稍等_

@null 19:38:15
@gugod : Where can I get the news content I said last time?

<|source>: _<@U02G30WJT> : 哪裡可以拿到上次說的新聞內容?_

@null 19:39:58

@null 22:33:47

@null 22:35:02
Article 15 of the "Digital Communication Communication Law" of China does refer to Article 14 of the EU Electronic Commerce Directive and Article 10 of the German Electronic Media Act, adopting the "knowing the removal mode"; but the 16th article of the Chinese draft The notice is removed, and no such clause can be found regardless of the EU e-commerce directive or the German electronic media law. However, the reason for the revision of the law actually wrote " the spirit of the Manila Intermediary Responsibility Principles and the provisions of the German Electronic Media Law." "

<|source>: _"我國「數位通訊傳播法」草案第15條,確實參考了歐盟電子商務指令第14條��..._

The keyword in the 16th draft is 'one'. The information transmitted by the first safe harbor is initiated or requested by the user, and the information on the infringement exemption is not changed when the user accesses the information. .`. In the case where the middleman has the right to participate in the revision, it is necessary to discuss the second safe harbor.
@null 23:09:16
The keyword in the 16th draft is 'one'. The information transmitted by the first safe harbor is initiated or requested by the user, and the information on the infringement exemption is not changed when the user accesses the information. .`. In the case where the middleman has the right to participate in the revision, it is necessary to discuss the second safe harbor.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _草案 16 條的關鍵字是 `之一`,第一安全港 `所傳輸之資訊係由使用者發動或�..._


@null 00:02:03

clkao 12:24:43
hello from canada 🇨🇦
@patcon thread sync is broken?
Someone (across chat bridge) 2018-12-16 06:33:36
File from kirstenliu (general@g0vtw)with comment: Here are some photo mix if anyone is interested!
@clkao Re: thread sync. Should be working, but cache that links them is not persistent yet, so it "forgets" how to thread when app restarts :) there's a code spike for addressing it, but needs work:
arti 15:35:39
@arti has joined the channel
lukec 16:27:28
Hello g0v! I heard clkao talk tonight and share some of your stories and successes. I continue to be so impressed and inspired by your work. 🙏
I made a thread here to share some of my understandings from g0v from my perspective in Vancouver:
@null 19:13:48
Found here by chance.

@null 19:13:54


@null 00:26:06
Tomorrow there is g0v summit. The film review is loose. Welcome to

<|source>: _明天有g0v summit 影片回顧松唷,歡迎參加 <>

g0v Summit 2018 影片回顧馬拉松(a.k.a.補課松)

錯過了g0v summit 2018 嗎?想聽的 talk 衝堂了嗎?工作人員太忙了嗎? 來來來,通通來補課!

@null 13:47:21
<system> file IMG_20181216_134628.jpg too big to download (1699227 > allowed size: 1000000)

@null 13:47:21
For the friend who wants to participate in the review, the entrance is on the other side.

<|source>: _給要參加回顧松的朋友,入口在另外一側喔_

Someone (across chat bridge) 14:13:00
File from Michael_li (general@g0vtw)with comment: 補課松開場啦!
Image from iOS
@null 17:29:37
i'm late, but omw!

@null 19:40:22
I heard that the role of @au is suspected to have appeared in the previous episode of the Governor’s Island.

<|source>: _聽說疑似 <@U02L29KSW> 的角色,出現在上一集的會長島耕作_

@null 19:41:16
Seeking picture

<|source>: _ 求圖_

@null 21:58:51
It should be this

<|source>: _應該是這個 <>


nickkauf 08:01:08
@nkauf87 has joined the channel
nickkauf 08:02:30
Hi I'm Nick, captain of Open Maine a Code for America Brigade. been joining the code for japan international exchange calls and thinking about doing some translation w/ them. interested in maybe coming to g0v summit and code for japan summit next year
👏 2 2
nickkauf 08:03:17 our group is interested in open civic hardware, transit, campaign tech, citizen science, and historical civic tech
@nkauf87 Oooooo! What sort of civic hardware? I know that betacityYEG in western Canada did fun hardware stuff.
Back in 2012 mostly stuff like open vehicle tracker, open transit displays, diy book scanners( a maine librarian made one with a lobster trap), and some citizen science hardware
Code for miami is also doing a lot with hardware lately
When our bus tracking data came out some folks tried to make a voice box to announce the arrivals audibly.
Haha that all sounds so amazing, nick! Way ahead of us in toronto on hardware. Re: citizen science hardware. Is that ongoing? And particularly if so, curious if those involved had opportunity to be wired into community?
Yes someone was once although our citizenscience stuff is non-existent since they left
@null 09:34:05
@gugod: ping

@null 10:55:23
Hi, everyone can start the topic in the next issue, and vote with the same emoji. 🇺🇸 New York to establish an open source of community services: flag-ph: cheaper than big data systems, the Philippines will use blockchain management procurement from the layman to the leader, how to establish a number of governments in France?拯救 See the details of saving lives through global medical open data: ____ From June onwards, the Open Cultural Foundation (OCF) project g0v .news and "World" magazine in the name of "g0v column", from the weekly newspaper's news library, select the subject matter worth reporting to write a compilation, published every two weeks. Based on g0v's consistent spirit of open collaboration, the writing process will be open to community members to participate and comment. We will let the community select the title to be published in this checklist two weeks before the manuscript is published. Then Ting Yan and Guan Ting will be responsible for writing the draft, and the first draft will also open the community to express their opinions, and then submit it to the editor for the final Integration.

<|source>: _Hi 各位,下期天下可以開始選題了,一樣用表情符號投票。 :us:紐約建立..._

@null 16:40:21
Is @deartotoro still using Paste this slack app~? We want to add Rollbar (error logging), but the Slack app is full of QQ.

<|source>: _請問 <@U0K1FJ656> 還有在用 Paste 這個 slack app 嗎~? 我們想要加 Rollbar (error lo..._

@null 20:31:05
The first g0v character to unlock the comics achievement? XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _第一個解開上漫畫成就的g0v人物? XD_


@null 09:15:47
I am a proprietary figure, a girlfriend letter "Although it is an IT genius boy of example, the name on SNS is sing." The reason why island cultivation is in Taipei is because there are rumors of that boy. Although he seems to have worked as a genius programmer while 14 years old, he seems to have been marked by the police, yet he is a mysterious boy who nobody knows his true face yet. ---- "雖 然 是 是 一个 IT IT genius momentary example, ___ ___ ___ 0 Sing. ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 Romantic Other 14 Years Old 時 乎 是 一 一 genius Extraductor, however, 他 他 乎 乎 乎 被 被 警 警 警 警 標 標,,,, Other,

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _沒有圖,我看了文字 「例のITの天才少年だが、SNS上のネームはシングだ。..._

@null 10:20:35
<Https://> The information provided by the manufacturer cannot be accessed (sigh)

<|source>: _<> 廠商提供的資料無法存取了(嘆..._

@null 10:31:39
Later, the manufacturer’s representative said that it was a misunderstanding.

<|source>: _後來廠商代表說是誤會_

@null 16:59:23
@mrorz Although the government denied that there was a version proposed, I later figured out that the administrative unit and a political commissar should help to coordinate the draft amendment, but only to the legislator to negotiate (test water temperature?), the fire is big. I denied it first, but I didn’t lie, because at this stage, the government can’t

<|source>: _<@U039CG5S7> 雖然說政院否認有提出那個版本,後來我想通了,行政單位跟某政委應..._

Yes, so 1. "This revision does not include the number-pass method" is true. 2. "Looking for platform operators" and "discussing the latest platform-related specifications" is also true.
So is the version containing 19-1 ~ 19-4, is it approved by the legislator?
I thought that even the Executive Yuan did not even have it?
The Executive Yuan version was proposed last year. Now, in the consultation of the party and the masses, according to the regulations, it is no longer possible to propose a law revision. However, I feel that: "The government has no plans to propose a new law." => Lying "Looking for platform operators" "Discussing the latest Platform-related specifications" => Yes, the government should have helped to draft this draft, but the plan is to be negotiated by the party (legislator)
Hmm is so
@null 17:00:21
Yes, so 1. "This revision does not include the number-pass method" is true. 2. "Looking for platform operators" and "discussing the latest platform-related specifications" is also true.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _對,所以 1. 「本次修法沒有包含數通法」是真的 2. 「找平台業者開會」「��..._

@null 17:00:55

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _咦_

@null 17:01:20
So is the version containing 19-1 ~ 19-4, is it approved by the legislator?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _所以包含 19-1 ~ 19-4 的版本,有被立委拿去交付協商嗎?_

@null 17:01:38
I thought that even the Executive Yuan did not even have it?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我以為連出行政院都沒有?_

@null 17:12:09
The Executive Yuan version was proposed last year. Now, in the consultation of the party and the masses, according to the regulations, it is no longer possible to propose a law revision. However, I feel that: "The government has no plans to propose a new law." => Lying "Looking for platform operators" "Discussing the latest Platform-related specifications" => Yes, the government should have helped to draft this draft, but the plan is to be negotiated by the party (legislator)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _行政院版的去年就提出來了, 現在黨團協商中, 照規定應該不能再提案修法 �..._

@null 21:26:07
Permalink of @ronnywang company.g0v seems to be broken

<|source>: _<@U038DCDRC> company.g0v 的 permalink 好像壞了_

Does it refer to the "original data" link above?
Yeah, new edition
Old version ok
The new version seems to be only available to companies, and the business name seems to fail, because the website of the firm has other information besides the editor.
Which one of you can't even connect?
Ok, it seems to be the new website of the business division. The bug XD may be found for the first time without populate cache.
@null 21:26:56
Does it refer to the "original data" link above?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _是指上面的「原始資料」連結嗎?_

@null 21:32:34
Yeah, new edition

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _yeah, 新版_

@null 21:32:42
Old version ok

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _舊版 ok_

@null 21:33:07
The new version seems to be only available to companies, and the business name seems to fail, because the website of the firm has other information besides the editor.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _新版的話好像只有公司可以用,商號好像會失敗,因為商號的網址除了統編�..._

@null 21:33:16
Which one of you can't even connect?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _你是哪一個統編連不到呢?_

@null 21:38:46
Ok, it seems to be the new website of the business division. The bug XD may be found for the first time without populate cache.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _好吧,好像是商業司的新網站 bug XD 可能第一次查到的沒有 populate cache_


@null 10:31:41
Hmm is so

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Hmm 原來如此_

@null 13:32:20
Elvis is the author of this article:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _Elvis 是這篇文的作者唷: <>


@null 03:56:53
Hello~ Recently finished the second article on g0v, mainly taking the digitalization of political contributions as an example to talk about how the materials mobilize the masses and the concept of “politicization of interest”. This article compares "anthropology". It is expected to be submitted in early January (the comments before submission will be revised, and the comments after submission will be included in the submission process), but the article will continue to be placed in this hackfoldr for your reference comments. P/S Sorry again, I am still writing in English🙏

<|source>: _hello~ 最近寫完了第二篇關於 g0v 的文章,主要是以政治獻金數位化為例,來�..._

Have you, and then you can tell me about it? LOL
English is really envious* wrong*
Wow, anthropology has done such a close study: thumbsup:
Oooo I will take a look at this over the weekend @mglee!
@null 12:44:13
Have you, and then you can tell me about it? LOL

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _有上,然後刊出的話可以通知一下嗎 LOL_

@null 13:10:03
English is really envious* wrong*

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _英文好真羨慕 *誤*_

@null 13:41:56
Wow, anthropology has done such a close study: thumbsup:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _哇原來人類學也做這麼切身的研究 :thumbsup:_


@null 14:29:50
@hcchien Of course~ I will share it with you after the publication, but it may be a year later based on experience.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _<@U02QK1Z5Y> 當然~ 刊出後會再分享給大家,但根據經驗可能已經是一年後的事了 (..._

@null 15:06:18
I would like to ask if the application link of g0v does not seem to go in

<|source>: _請問 g0v 的申請連結好像登不進去 <>

@null 15:06:47
Can use instead

<|source>: _可以改用 <>

@null 15:06:58
Where did you see the URL?

<|source>: _你是在哪裡看到 這個網址的呢?_

Sorry, I read the wrong Orz.
You are not mistaken because the end of .today is the old URL.
I want to say where else I have written the old URL, and I changed it to a new one.
Thanks, I changed him.
Yeah, where did you find this page?
google XD
@null 15:08:07
Sorry, I read the wrong Orz.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _不好意思我看錯了Orz_

@null 15:08:23
You are not mistaken because the end of .today is the old URL.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _你沒有看錯,因為 .today 結尾是舊網址_

@null 15:08:41
I want to say where else I have written the old URL, and I changed it to a new one.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _想說還有哪裡有寫到舊網址的,也順便改成新網址一下_

@null 15:08:55
Here, the original is

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _這裡,原來如此 <>

@null 15:09:44
Thanks, I changed him.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感謝,我把他改掉了_

@null 15:18:37
Yeah, where did you find this page?

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _耶,你從哪邊找到這個頁面的啊?_

@null 15:18:55
google XD

@null 15:20:23

nany 15:25:06

The Verge

Slack is banning some users with links to Iran even if they’ve left the country

This morning, many Slack users with ties to Iran discovered their accounts had been abruptly deactivated

😡 this plus the fact that we, as a community, no longer have a record of our chat logs prompts me to raise a call for g0v to consider riot or rocket open source chat alternatives
i think @kjcl is looking at zulips
Hi! has an archive of all of our messages from beginnnig until November. You can test it by going to the zulip and clicking forgot password and using the email you log into g0v slack with.
It is free and they have generously provided us with an open source plan.
If you have any questions please let me know.
This slack has a #zulip channel where I am updating people on zulip progress. Ideally we need a matterbridge between zulip and g0v slack but I am busy moving to the US righ now.


Joe K 02:30:14
Maybe of interest: Sam Ford and I published a piece in Slate about our Bowling Green Civic Assembly

Slate Magazine

Polarization Doesn’t Have to Be a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Polarization is not just an observed fact but also a political agenda that needs to be resisted.

itsmisscs 05:30:32
Oooo I will take a look at this over the weekend @mglee!
@null 21:39:46
@jackymaxj Some of us are experiencing connection issues to Is it just our Internet connection or are there issues at hackmd?

since is a standalone instance other than, we need to investigate separately.
where do you guys visit
Where? We were using this doc specifically
There were ppl from TW, UK, JP
I can see that VM CPU exceed limits, would try to tweak it.
Thanks for looking into that :)
Could you explain more about what the connection issues look like?
@null 21:41:58
@jackymaxj I don’t mean to interrupt your holiday break but thanks in advance 🙂

@null 22:02:05
since is a standalone instance other than, we need to investigate separately.
where do you guys visit

@null 22:02:46
There were ppl from TW, UK, JP

@null 22:07:25
I can see that VM CPU exceed limits, would try to tweak it.

@null 22:21:48
Thanks for looking into that :)


@null 05:37:56
Could you explain more about what the connection issues look like?

@null 13:51:46
(English in below) Add Oil Team The squad will put "The tyranny is over! If you want" on the wall of the politician, make a greeting card from Hong Kong, invite you to give the blessings and support it represents to live. Friends in a country that is not democratic enough, is not free enough, and does not respect human rights. On Christmas Eve 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono displayed the same message on a large advertising board in 12 cities around the world: WAR IS OVER! If you want it, these 12 cities, including Hong Kong. In 2014, a wall at the Hong Kong Government Headquarters was reshaped into a "continuous wall", which is a tribute to John and Yoko. We changed the WAR to TYRANNY, "renewed" the message 50 years ago and sent it to people around the world who are trying to stop the world from collapsing. Near the wall is the beginning of the Hong Kong occupation movement. Four years later, the city is still working hard, just like the citizens of other countries in the world. Download and export this e-card: Add Oil Team projected 'Tyranny is Over! if you want it' onto a wall of the Hong Kong Central Government Complex and produced this e-card. We invite you to send it and the solidarity to friends who are living in countries that are not respecting human rights enough, not most important and not enough enough. December 1969, John Lennon and Yoko Ono rented large billboards from 12 cities around the world to Display the message : WAR IS OVER! IF YOU WANT IT, Happy Christmas from John & Yoko. Hong Kong was one of the cities. As a concrete wall of the Hong Kong Central Government Complex has been renamed 'Lennon Wall' since2014, we come Up with the idea of 'updating' John and Yoko's intervention at the site where we also started the 'Add Oil Machine' project. We replaced WAR with TYRANNY, and projected the message onto this wall of the Hong Kong Central Government Complex, the occupy Four years on, citizens fr Om the city are still fighting for what they believe in – just like citizens from other parts of the world. Download and send the e-card: #tyrannyisover

<|source>: _(English in below) Add Oil Team 打氣小隊將「暴政結束了!若你想的話」投影在政��..._


@null 00:44:20
It seems that the way to take the prize in 100 points is feasible.

<|source>: _看來考試 100 分 拿獎品的方式可行 <>

@null 01:17:57
Taiwan, South Korea and Japan hackathon opened their first meeting last night to discuss possible forms. The meeting is recorded at

<|source>: _台韓日黑客松昨天晚上開了第一次會議,討論可能的形式。會議記錄在 https:..._

@null 01:18:36
Those interested in preparing together can join the Telegram group discussion

<|source>: _有興趣一起籌備的人可以加入 Telegram 群組討論 <>

@null 01:19:16
There is also #tw-kr-jp-hackathons channel, but there is currently no synchronization on both sides.

<|source>: _也有 <#CEZQ2E76U|tw-kr-jp-hackathons> channel,但目前兩邊還沒有同步_

@null 01:24:19
(that is, the Okinawa hackathon that was said before)

<|source>: _(也就是之前說的沖繩黑客松)_

I feel that I have to participate in lol in order to go to Okinawa.
@null 12:14:02
Ha~ I am one of the main corrective actions of this action~ I want to ask for help. After I put this message, many people have written back to have their willingness to work around their homes and spread them all over Taiwan. I would like to say that if there is a platform like a message board, you can stick to each other's area, and then if there is a major correction in the area, you can see the Facebook and LINE of other people in the area to contact, this should be very helpful. I don't know if there are any ideas or procedures that are closer to this.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _哈~我是這個行動的主糾之一~ 趁這個機會想求助一下,我放這個訊息之後有�..._

Wow, I still want to say that I want to throw a kick in the batch kick, even I have it here!!!!
Haha, if you want to respond, you can talk to me directly or PM me~
The minimum required function, I think this way: The registration process will be filled with "name or title", "contact", "location", "main correction or participation (or donation, still considering)" and then register the person who corrects the problem The contact method with the person who registered the registration will give each other the other way. The easiest way is to email the notification.
It feels a bit like a marriage equal rights bee & affirmative dialogue volunteers operating mode marriage equal rights platform before the election is to use Facebook group 揪人 + google spreadsheet registration information in the management of the 唷, then visualized this page to organize the group information, in fact Also directly connected to google spreadsheet:
Oh, yes, I think of the righteous little bee, maybe like that form.
The problems encountered by the big platform are basically not technical problems, but there is no relationship between the no-open group and the no-one group. This has a great relationship with the member structure (office workers). After the election, everyone’s sense of crisis was provoked, maybe the motivation will be different.
The motivation now should be very strong. I am surprised to see that the article is echoing~
@null 12:14:47

@null 12:17:07
Wow, I still want to say that I want to throw a kick in the batch kick, even I have it here!!!!

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _哇哇早上還想說要在批踢踢丟水球,竟然本人有在這!!!!_

@null 12:18:21
Haha, if you want to respond, you can talk to me directly or PM me~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _哈哈,如果想響應也可以直接跟我說或 PM 我~_

@null 12:21:24
The minimum required function, I think this way: The registration process will be filled with "name or title", "contact", "location", "main correction or participation (or donation, still considering)" and then register the person who corrects the problem The contact method with the person who registered the registration will give each other the other way. The easiest way is to email the notification.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _最小需要的功能,我是這樣想: 登記流程會要填「姓名或稱呼」、「聯絡��..._

@null 12:21:51
It feels a bit like a marriage equal rights bee & affirmative dialogue volunteers operating mode marriage equal rights platform before the election is to use Facebook group 揪人 + google spreadsheet registration information in the management of the 唷, then visualized this page to organize the group information, in fact Also directly connected to google spreadsheet:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感覺會有點像婚姻平權小蜜蜂 &amp; 平權對話志工的運作模式 婚姻平權大平台��..._

@null 12:22:28
At that time, the table length was (data is now cleared of QQ)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _當時的表長這樣 <>

@null 12:23:20
Oh, yes, I think of the righteous little bee, maybe like that form.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _喔喔對,我想起平權小蜜蜂了,可能就像那個形式。_

@null 12:25:45
The problems encountered by the big platform are basically not technical problems, but there is no relationship between the no-open group and the no-one group. This has a great relationship with the member structure (office workers). After the election, everyone’s sense of crisis was provoked, maybe the motivation will be different.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _大平台遭遇的問題基本上不是技術問題,而是沒人開團與沒人跟團嗚嗚 這��..._

@null 12:27:46
I feel that I have to participate in lol in order to go to Okinawa.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _感覺要為了去沖繩而參加 lol_

@null 13:27:44
The motivation now should be very strong. I am surprised to see that the article is echoing~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _現在的動機應該很強烈,我看那篇文迴響很驚訝~_

@null 15:55:09

<|source>: _測試_

@null 21:54:47
@mrorz This table structure, which looks like a web page, makes me feel that the need for volunteer integration during the "disaster" can be used with this tool.

<;cid=CDF98K1EJ|source>: _<@U039CG5S7> 這個表格結構,跟網頁呈現樣子,讓我感覺到「災難時」志工整合的需..._

@null 23:51:12
Test test

<|source>: _&lt;gugod&gt; 測試測試_

@null 23:51:51


@null 16:15:20
Does Anan need a bonus? XD? <Https://>

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _安安有需要獎助金嗎 XD? <>

@null 17:10:04
Consider XD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _考慮一下XD_

@null 22:30:42
I want to plan to make it online, and then send it directly to the e-mail... I still want to prepare the textbook. Maybe you can come online and offline.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我想要 計畫做成線上的,然後直接送電子禮卷之類的… 目前還在想要怎麼��..._

Someone (across chat bridge) 22:58:29
File from bess (general@g0vtw)with comment: 烏牛欄大護法!
螢幕快照 2018-12-25 22.54.24
Someone (across chat bridge) 22:59:46
File from bess (general@g0vtw)with comment: 烏牛欄大護法!
@null 23:09:26
The Shining Orchestra seems to have refused entry by the Chinese Hong Kong government.

<|source>: _閃靈樂團好像被中國香港政府拒絕入境了_

According to the "General Employment Policy" of the Immigration Department of Hong Kong, applicants who have "special skills, knowledge or experience that are needed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and lack" have the knowledge or experience of voting for the leaders of the country. Hong Kong There is absolutely no one in person.
Online concert ~ online concert ~~ (passer A) break through the firewall ~ all the way to the mainland to go ~ ~ ~ 喔喔喔 ~ ~


@null 06:24:23


入境處拒林昶佐屬越權兼非法 | 腸 | 香港獨立媒體網

題為編輯所擬。 編按:公開表明支持台獨的台灣立法委員,以閃靈樂團成員身份來港參與何韻詩演唱會被香港入境處拒絕批出簽證。 根據香港入境處的《一般就業政策》,「具備香港特別行政區所需而又缺乏的特別技能、知識或經驗」的申請人,在滿足其他條件(包括其「從事的工作 ... 不能輕易覓得本地人擔任」)後,可申請來港工作。[1] 但好明顯入境處就無睇過Epoch Group Ltd v Director of Immigration [2011] 3 HKLRD H2案。 時任原訟法庭法官張舉能在該案中指出[2],通常用以審批工作簽證的《一般就業政策》並.不.適.用.於[3]有意到訪香港進行短時間表演的演藝團體。   換言之,就這類團體的成員的工作簽證申請而言,他們是否「具備香港所需而又缺乏的特別技能、知識或經驗 (special skills, knowledge or experience of value to and not readily available in Hong Kong)」,或他們的工作能否「輕易覓得本地人擔任(readily taken up by the local work force)」,已非入境處可以合法地納入的考慮[4],否則香港永遠也有本地人才,根本不可能舉辦任何國際性的文化交流活動[5]。   相反地,入境處在決定是否批准簽證申請時,法律上真正須要考慮並給予極大比重的因素,其實是[6]:   1)外地團體到香港進行文化或藝術交流活動對社會的重大價值; 2)到訪演藝團體的成員不是長期來港「搶人工作」,而是特地為了參加文化或藝術交流活動,短時間內就會離開香港; 3)入境處尤其必須以「演藝團體是不可分割的個體」為基礎考慮簽證申請,若對個別成員作區別對待,在法律上即屬不合理(外地著名的演藝團體大概也不會願意接受這種只有個別成員獲准出席的無理邀請[7])。   根據入境處的信件,他們決定拒絕簽證申請,是因為認為申請者無法滿足上述已被法庭裁定為不相關的標準,但從無考慮法律上真正有關、並支持批出簽證的因素,即使背後沒有政治動機,亦無疑是行政法意義下一個越權、非法的決定。   [1] 如參見保安局局長於十月二十四日在立法會會議上就梁繼昌議員的提問所作的書面答覆 [2] 入境處處長當時亦確認他們實際上不會強行應用《一般就業政策》來處理此類簽證申請:參見第45段。 [3] 第42段('ill-suited')。 [4] 參見第43-44、50、52、60、62、68段。 [5] 參見第57段。 [6] 參見第49-50、57、62、64段。 [7] 參見第54段。 (English version) Under the Director of immigration's General Employment Policy, '[a]pplicants who possess special skills, knowledge or experience of value to and not readily available in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) may apply to come to work in the HKSAR', if they can satisfy the Direcotor that, amongst other conditions, the job concerned 'cannot be readily taken up by the local work force'.[1]   The Policy's application in the present case, however, is so completely at odds with Epoch Group Ltd v Director of Immigration [2011] 3 HKLRD H2.   There, Andrew Cheung J (as Cheung PJ then was) was clear[2] that the General Employment Policy, as otherwise usually applies to work visa applications, was 'ILL-SUITED to deal with applications for entry by members of a travelling performing group to perform in Hong Kong for a short duration only'[3].   In other words, in respect of applications by members of such a group, the questions whether they 'possess special skills, knowledge or experience of value to and not readily available in Hong Kong', or whether the job or tasks they propose to perform can be 'readily taken up by the local work force', are matters irrelevant to the Director's inquiry [4], for otherwise the happy wealth of local talent could ironically have the absurd effect of preventing the possibility of any international cultural events in the first place[5].   By contrast, in determining whether to allow such an application for a work visa, what the Director must take into account, and give substantial weight to, are the following factors[6]:   1) the unmistakable value of international cultural and artistic exchanges and activities to (the) society (of Hong Kong); 2) members of such a travelling performing group do not seek to remain in Hong Kong permanently, and therefore are unlikely to significantly (if at all) jeopardise the job opportunities of local workers; rather they are seeking entry for the specific purpose of attending international cultural and artistic exchanges and activities, for a short period of time after which they are expected to leave the city; 3) in particular, the Direct must consider the visa applications bearing in mind that a performing group is an inalienable entity, each member being integral to the group; discrimination against individual members is liable to be found unreasonable (and chances are that travelling performing groups of any reputation would not be prepared to accept invitations unreasonably extended only to certain of their members but not the others[7])。   The reason for refusing the visa application, as stated in the Director's letter, is that the applicant did not meet the very irrelevant criteria which, as shown, have been judicially deprecated insofar as they were applied to a travelling performing group, in circumstances indistinguishable from those in the instant case. On the other hand, the Director never gave any consideration at all to the relevant factors (all pointing to a favourable determination of the application) which he, in law, must consider. It follows that, even stripped of its political overtones, the Director's decision is one that is ultra vires and illegal according to the ordinary principles of administrative law. [1] See eg the written reply by the Secretary for Security in the Legislative Council on 24 October 2018 to the Hon Kenneth Leung: <>…/gen…/201810/24/P2018102400458.htm… [2] And the Director of Immigration conceded as much at the time, that it had never been his practice to rigidly apply the Policy to travelling performing groups of this sort: see para 45. [3] At para 42 (emphasis added). [4] At paras 43-44、50、52、60、62、68. [5] See para 57. [6] See paras 49-50、57、62、64. [7] See para 54.

@null 12:58:49
According to the "General Employment Policy" of the Immigration Department of Hong Kong, applicants who have "special skills, knowledge or experience that are needed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and lack" have the knowledge or experience of voting for the leaders of the country. Hong Kong There is absolutely no one in person.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _據香港入境處的《一般就業政策》,「具備香港特別行政區所需而又缺乏的�..._

@null 13:38:39
Um, but many elders have difficulty adapting to new online tools. If it is for elders, it is hard to break through online. I have the platform to invite you to collect this kind of question library material, and let the people who want to act to export these question banks to contact the elders, but I should not have time to do this XD.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _嗯嗯,不過很多長輩很難適應新的線上工具,如果是針對長輩,那線上的恐�..._

@null 15:38:53
Online concert ~ online concert ~~ (passer A) break through the firewall ~ all the way to the mainland to go ~ ~ ~ 喔喔喔 ~ ~

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _online concert ~ online concert ~~(路人甲)突破防火牆~一路播放到大陸去~~~..._

@null 15:41:39
Posted on my Facebook wall, by the way, I really like coldplay to quote the big dictator's speech in "A Head of Full Dreams". (I don't know if I can also make this speech show up on the e-card)? <Https://>

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _貼在我的臉書牆上,順便一提,我很喜歡 coldplay 在 “A Head of Full Dreams” 中�..._


@null 10:01:41
@ronnywang @clkao Our g0v zero-time smuggling project is preparing to apply for the domain, but there is a question that if the domains in g0v.josn are changed afterwards, will they automatically update the DNS record? Need to ask the administrator to manually update it? Mainly because our engineers hope to set up a sub-domain (such as api, list) according to the needs, but it may not be very certain after the change.

<|source>: _<@U038DCDRC> <@U02G2US2Z> 我們這邊g0v零時空汙網專案正在準備申請g0v.tw網域的程序,不�..._

@null 10:03:24
No, you need to change the domain settings later or send an issue or PR at and ask the domain team members for assistance. The domain setting is not related to g0v.json. Just look at the settings in Subdomain is no problem

<|source>: _不用,之後需要變更 domain 設定還是要在 <> 送 issue 或是..._

@null 10:05:37
So I understand, so g0v.json demand is only a unified specification, thank you!

<|source>: _原來如此我看懂了,g0v.json需求只是統一的規範,感謝!_

@null 10:06:56

@null 10:09:50
G0v.json is another project. I hope that through most of the repositories, there is g0v.json, a common specification g0v project description. This makes it easy to integrate g0v related projects for everyone to see.

<|source>: _g0v.json 是另外一個專案,希望透過大部份 repository 都有 g0v.json 這個共通規範..._

@null 10:10:59
The g0v community's projects are scattered all over the place, and may not be placed under, so I want to use g0v.json as the identification of the g0v community project.

<|source>: _g0v 社群的專案四散各地,也不一定會放在 <> 下面,所以想說..._

@null 10:14:35
Understand, this is indeed more convenient, our repo is not under the g0v XD

<|source>: _了解,這樣確實是比較方便,我們的repo也沒有在g0v底下XD_

@null 12:20:13
I would like to ask, who opened the hackmd hackfoldr when Pu Ma?

<|source>: _想問一下,普悠瑪的時候 hackmd hackfoldr 是誰開的呢?_

Someone (across chat bridge) 13:02:54
File from mrorz (general@g0vtw)
螢幕快照 2018-12-27 下午1.02.28
@null 14:14:32
@林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin)

@null 14:15:01

@null 14:46:59
Yay! Will read your 2nd paper after holidays @mglee!


@null 00:33:09
"The OPEN Government Data Act requires US federal government agencies to release public information on the Internet in an open and machine-readable format for the outside world under the premise of protecting privacy and national security." https :// <> Cheng Xia's article - Legal Trends and Developments in Open Government Materials Explore

<|source>: _"《OPEN Government Data Act》要求美國聯邦政府機構在保護隱私及國家安全的前題..._

@null 01:33:14
Recently telegram
irc bot is not very light

<|source>: _最近 telegram&lt;-&gt;irc bot 不太靈光_

@null 02:25:09
20181227 (Newsletter) National Development Committee: "Smart Government Planning" Report Lai Qingde: Digital Identity Identification Certificate is to be fully issued in 2020 Tw/news/firstnews/201812270155.aspx

<|source>: _20181227(簡報)國家發展委員會:「智慧政府規劃」報告 <>

@null 17:41:09
Today I changed the and cut off some old things on the front page: youtube, calendar, blog, and then change the menu bar.

<|source>: _今天重新小改了 <>,把首頁一些陳舊的東西砍掉:youtube, calendar, blog..._

@null 17:42:15
But the chat record is currently blank, I don’t know where it broke, so I’m asking for support QQ.

<|source>: _但是聊天紀錄目前顯示是空白的,不知道哪裡弄壞了,徵求支援 QQ_

@null 17:44:09
Because timid plus long time did not move github, so I am first / /, did not delete directly

<|source>: _因為膽小加上太久沒動 github,所以我是先 // ,沒有直接刪除_

@null 17:57:45
Ah, Other logs. To be replaced by ronny's archive, slackarchive has stopped operating.

<|source>: _啊啊 Other logs 要換成 ronny 的 archive,slackarchive 已經停止營運了_

Someone (across chat bridge) 17:59:11
File from mrorz (general@g0vtw)with comment: 我這裡看 log 還在唷
螢幕快照 2018-12-28 下午5.58.29
@null 17:59:36
@mrorz Because XR was fixed by ronny three minutes ago

<|source>: _<@U039CG5S7> 因為三分鐘前被ronny修好了 XD_

@null 18:00:10
@bess Buried in history, once this page

<|source>: _@bess <> 埋在歷史中,曾經有這一頁_

@null 18:00:29
However, "Other Records" should be replaced by

<|source>: _但「其他記錄」應該換成 <>

committed just now
@null 18:01:17
committed just now

@null 18:39:21
Hello there

<|source>: _你好_

@null 21:48:37
Add back to the "How to Participate" in the menu bar, which can be edited here:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _加回 menu bar 裡「如何參與」下了,可以在這裡編輯: <>


gj 00:42:07
Hello guys! anyone attending Tictec in Paris next March?
@gj re: tictec. Thinking about going! Better chances if I get my act together and propose a session :)
Great! hope we can meet there again! did you get back to 🇨🇦?
@gj yep! hanging at a cafe in Toronto at present moment 🙂
@null 08:41:14
Will be in a state that cannot be edited now? Just updated some data and changed the page to find that those editors are not saved to T_T.

<|source>: _請問hackpad.tw現在是不能編輯的狀態嗎? 剛剛更新了一些資料結果換個頁面回�..._

@null 12:29:06
Lafudoci_: It seems that there is no such situation now? I just watched the system and there was no abnormal message. Will it be that your network in Japan has an unstable state?

<|source>: _lafudoci_: 現在好像沒有這樣的情況耶?我剛剛看系統也沒有異常的訊息,會�..._

@null 13:28:01
Call for Communities Application Form - HKOSCon 2019 FYI

@null 14:35:07
Ronnywang, I found that there seems to be no login relationship, but I don't know why I forgot my password. The email link Firefox and Chrome can't open. I can use IE to log in. But after I change it, I can't log in.

<|source>: _ronnywang, 我發現似乎是沒有登入的關係,可是不知為何忘記密碼的email連結火..._

@null 14:39:27
"Oops! A server error occured. It's been logged." will appear when changing the password. Then it is the login status, but you can't log in again with the new password after logging out or changing the browser.

<|source>: _改密碼時會出現"Oops! A server error occured. It's been logged." 然後就是登入狀態,��..._

@null 14:46:44
I switched to google login and everything is normal XD

<|source>: _我換用google登入就一切正常了XD_

@null 20:48:09
Dear g0v predecessors: I just posted an article in the Facebook community, mainly want to request to start the news helper service again 1

<|source>: _各位g0v前輩好:剛剛在臉書社團發布了一篇文章,主要想請求再次啟動新聞�..._


@null 12:12:39
^^ @ronnywang

@null 13:49:28
I just returned to FB, and the full text is posted. I will decide to turn off the news helper. As stated in the previous statement, several factors are currently difficult for the news helper: 1. Misleading message: In the past, the interface of the news helper only entered the fields for the face connection and the reason for the face, but the misleading message looks a lot. The input interface is too simple. In the end, it is easy to become a two-party editorial battle to see who has more money to go to the other party. The message is marked as wrong, rather than really discussing where the message is not clearly stated or wrong. This cofacts do a lot better. 2. The news helper is built on the chrome extension. Now I still use cd to see chrome. It is a small number of chrome extensions. In fact, it has no influence. From the recent cofacts, the emergence of Meiyuyu has led to many discussions. I think that the most important thing to do as a rumor tool is not the function itself, but whether the tool or the community itself can condense a group of people who help to discuss, collect information, and organize rumors. I know that this piece of cofacts has been very hard in the past few years, but it has been done very seriously. However, the past news helpers have hardly done this, so I think the news helper is not very meaningful. Come over, if you can make the cofacts database build up the FB version, the community kinetics of cofacts rumors will be better than the resurrection news helper.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _剛剛回在 FB 了,全文照貼過來好了… 會決定要關掉新聞小幫手,如之前聲�..._

@null 15:55:41
@林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) The Fire Department wants to be a disaster-relief website. You can find out if you are interested in the experience of Puyoma HackMD through Zhuo Zhiyuan."

<|source>: _@林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 消防署想做個防救災的網站,透過卓致遠在找你諮詢之前..._

I have no problem, but this technical content is not very high, it is an extended application of software.
@林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) He has knocked you on Facebook, or I gave him your email.
I saw the Facebook message, directly on it.
Need help to knock me on XD anytime
@null 16:52:08
I have no problem, but this technical content is not very high, it is an extended application of software.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我是沒問題啦,但是這技術含量沒很高喔,都是既有軟體的延伸應用而已_

@null 16:52:48
@林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) He has knocked you on Facebook, or I gave him your email.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _@林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) 他有在臉書敲你,還是我給他你的 email_

@null 16:54:18
I saw the Facebook message, directly on it.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _我看到臉書訊息了,直接在上面回_

@null 17:10:07
Need help to knock me on XD anytime

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _有需要協助隨時敲我喔XD_


@null 13:24:53
@chihao @mrorz The verbatim manuscript came out B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E6%A5%AD%E8%80%85%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96

<|source>: _<@U03CX883V> <@U039CG5S7> 逐字稿出來了 <>

@null 13:28:31
"But the draft of the "Digital Law", the Executive Yuan will not propose amendments. It is only collecting opinions from all walks of life for the members to refer to." So as I said before, the Executive Yuan certainly cannot propose amendments. It is only the Executive Yuan. I have done a lot of homework and draft bills and handed them over to the Legislative Council of the Chinese Taipei Executive Yuan to amend the law XDDDD.

<|source>: _"但是《數通法》草案,行政院不會提修正案。只是蒐集各界的意見,讓委員..._

@null 13:32:36
@chihao So some of my dear brothers in PDIS, I am "cannot listen to the facts that others have told you. I think this discussion is extremely unhealthy". I have always denied that 19-1 ~ 19-4 is the position of the government, you think it is me. Speaking in a mess? Or is that my dear friend did not study, escorting too much?

<|source>: _<@U03CX883V> 所以 PDIS 裡面某位仁兄, 嗆我 "聽不進別人跟你講的事實。我覺得這樣�..._

[It is not the position of the Executive Yuan. ]( %AF%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E6%A5%AD%E8%80%85%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96#s248047)
Please continue to deny it.
You are "just" to give advice to the "Chinese Taipei Executive Yuan Legislative Council". Reference XDDDDD
[Not like this. ]( %AF%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E6%A5%AD%E8%80%85%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96#s248202)
Really, I also believe that the Chinese Taipei Legislative Council has full legislative freedom.
@null 13:33:33
[It is not the position of the Executive Yuan. ]( %AF%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E6%A5%AD%E8%80%85%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96#s248047)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _[確實並不是行政院的立場。](<>

@null 13:34:02
Please continue to deny it.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _請繼續否認吧_

@null 13:34:54
You are "just" to give advice to the "Chinese Taipei Executive Yuan Legislative Council". Reference XDDDDD

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _您們 "只是" 提供意見給 "中華台北行政院立法局" 參考 XDDDDD_

@null 13:37:55
[Not like this. ]( %AF%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E6%A5%AD%E8%80%85%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96#s248202)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _[並不是這樣子。](<>

@null 13:45:18
Really, I also believe that the Chinese Taipei Legislative Council has full legislative freedom.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _真的, 我也相信中華台北立法局有充分的立法自由_

@null 13:48:33
Although I personally, I don't really like the position/argument of the IO political commissar: I have always denied that the 19-1 ~ 19-4 is the political center's suggestion/position. The argument is that it is only provided to the Legislative Yuan for reference, but is willing to disclose the verbatim draft. I should strongly encourage it!!!! I respect au's statement, but please also tolerate the free XDDDDD that I spread false information (?)

<|source>: _雖然我個人我沒有很喜歡 au 政委的立場/論點 : 一直否認 19-1 ~ 19-4 是政院的�..._

[We see how much freedom of speech in this society is to see how convenient and easy it is for everyone to speculate on government administration. If we can't arbitrarily speculate, we say that civil society is shrinking. If everyone can arbitrarily speculate on government administration, like the negative energy just now, we can also introduce the kitchen, so that the space of civil society is expanding. ]( %85%E8%8C%B6%E6%95%98#s229893)
@null 13:51:28
[We see how much freedom of speech in this society is to see how convenient and easy it is for everyone to speculate on government administration. If we can't arbitrarily speculate, we say that civil society is shrinking. If everyone can arbitrarily speculate on government administration, like the negative energy just now, we can also introduce the kitchen, so that the space of civil society is expanding. ]( %85%E8%8C%B6%E6%95%98#s229893)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _[我們看這個社會言論自由有多少,就是看大家多方便、輕鬆去揣測政府的施..._

@null 16:18:17
I was asking the same thing before: spock-hand:

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _之前我在問也是同一件事 :spock-hand:_

@null 17:43:26
I would like to ask, "But the "Digital Law" draft, the Executive Yuan will not propose amendments. It is only to collect opinions from all walks of life and let the members refer to them." Who is the "community" here? On what occasions do you express your opinion? If there is a public hearing, there is still a record, but this statement seems a bit fuzzy.

<|source>: _想請問一下 ,「但是《數通法》草案,行政院不會提修正案。只是蒐集各界..._

At that time, some proposals were received every day, and the meeting was presented at the group meeting. In the verbatim draft [the opinion just received on the day] ( %9B%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E6%A5%AD%E8%80%85%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96 #s248384) For example, I really don't know who specifically mentioned it.
@null 17:45:50
Therefore, 19-1 ~ 19-4 in the rumors have always existed, but it is "not the position of the Executive Yuan, and the Executive Yuan will not mention this version".

<|source>: _所以傳言中的 19-1 ~ 19-4 是一直存在,只是「不是行政院的立場,行政院也不..._

@null 17:46:31
Just to help the industry to consult, and then directly to the Legislative Yuan as a "reference" for the party group negotiations? !

<|source>: _只是幫忙徵詢業者意見,然後直接塞給立法院當黨團協商的「參考」?!_

The opinions of the participants at the meeting, including [principle opinions] ( %9B%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E6%A5%AD%E8%80%85%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96 #s248178), all are provided to the Legislative Yuan for reference.
@null 17:50:04
"The bills proposed by the Executive Yuan will go through the procedures of the first, second and third readings of the Legislative Yuan." But if these provisions are directly amended by the legislators during the consultations?

<|source>: _“行政院會提出來的法案,都要經過立法院一、二、三讀的程序。“,不過�..._

As Luo political commissar said: [The Executive Yuan respects the final outcome of the final review of the bill by the Legislative Yuan. The process of discussion is not a policy, not a proposal, and it should be clearly stated. ]( E6%AC%A1%E6%9C%83%E8%AD%B0%E5%BE%8C%E8%A8%98%E8%80%85%E6%9C%83#s244613)
@null 18:57:08
@ronnywang Come and have a good time to go to Green Island to drink beer for the New Year? XD

<|source>: _<@U038DCDRC> 來點輕鬆的好了 到綠島喝啤酒跨年了嗎 XD_

Drinking wine at the village head's house for the New Year
I thought that the New Year's Eve would be as hot as the winter solstice, so I wanted to go to Green Island. As a result, the winter solstice began to wet and cold in a few days.
🎵 White rice wine cellar
@null 19:31:07
Drinking wine at the village head's house for the New Year

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _在村長家烤肉喝酒跨年_

@null 19:34:34
I thought that the New Year's Eve would be as hot as the winter solstice, so I wanted to go to Green Island. As a result, the winter solstice began to wet and cold in a few days.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _本來以為跨年會跟冬至一樣熱到靠北,所以想去綠島。結果冬至過幾天就開�..._

@null 19:45:37
The opinions of the participants at the meeting, including [principle opinions] ( %9B%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E6%A5%AD%E8%80%85%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96 #s248178), all are provided to the Legislative Yuan for reference.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _當天與會的業者意見,包括[原則性的意見](<>

@null 19:50:27
As Luo political commissar said: [The Executive Yuan respects the final outcome of the final review of the bill by the Legislative Yuan. The process of discussion is not a policy, not a proposal, and it should be clearly stated. ]( E6%AC%A1%E6%9C%83%E8%AD%B0%E5%BE%8C%E8%A8%98%E8%80%85%E6%9C%83#s244613)

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _如羅政委所說: [行政院會尊重立法院最後對這個法案最後審議的結果。討��..._

@null 19:55:14
At that time, some proposals were received every day, and the meeting was presented at the group meeting. In the verbatim draft [the opinion just received on the day] ( %9B%E7%B6%B2%E8%B7%AF%E5%B9%B3%E5%8F%B0%E6%A5%AD%E8%80%85%E8%A8%8E%E8%AB%96 #s248384) For example, I really don't know who specifically mentioned it.

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _當時每天都會收到一些提議,在小組會議時提出彙整。以逐字稿中 [當天剛��..._

@null 21:47:11
🎵 White rice wine cellar

<;cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _:musical_note: 白米酒 :musical_note:_

@null 21:52:03
Sorry to disturb the mood of the New Year's Eve XDDDD, sorted out the timing of multi-card integration: * ID card combined with natural person certificate, not health insurance card, verbal promise can turn off the function of natural person certificate * The original plan of the second generation health insurance card was issued by the state The chairman of the committee will suspend * Anonymous high-level outgoing chip ID card will be merged with the health insurance card * The latest name is new eID, slide The ninth page reads: "Step-by-step introduction of health insurance card, driver license and other identification functions" OpenMic1/20181227-126795869/9 Partners who are interested in research, can get information with me private messages

<|source>: _抱歉打擾大家跨年的心情 XDDDD , 整理了一下多卡合一的時序: * 身份證合併自..._