
Month: 2022-08


teng0 19:22:03
@simonas has joined the channel


suavepei 12:30:49
@suavepei has joined the channel


Ed 07:58:47
@ecwkeio has joined the channel
Mar Marín 23:00:12
Hey folks! 📣 *Code for All* has two thrilling *Community of Practice* gatherings coming up at the end of August! Hope to see you there! 🚀

👊🏽 *Digital Citizen Engagement: Behind the Scenes of Community Engagement with Kat Jost.*
a. :calendar: *August 23, 15 UTC* (check your time timezone)
b. *In this session, civic leaders interested in fostering civic engagement will get tools and strategies to use on the ground.*
🏛️ *Good Governance: Using Songwriting to Build Crowdfunding Campaigns to Bring Power to the Public with Caleb Yang.*
a. :calendar: *August 24, 10 UTC* (check your timezone)
b. In this Community of Practice session, you will explore how songwriting enables and effectively guides an individual to create change and advocate for social change in society.
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Mar Marín 23:00:12
Hey folks! 📣 *Code for All* has two thrilling *Community of Practice* gatherings coming up at the end of August! Hope to see you there! 🚀

👊🏽 *Digital Citizen Engagement: Behind the Scenes of Community Engagement with Kat Jost.*
a. :calendar: *August 23, 15 UTC* (check your time timezone)
b. *In this session, civic leaders interested in fostering civic engagement will get tools and strategies to use on the ground.*
🏛️ *Good Governance: Using Songwriting to Build Crowdfunding Campaigns to Bring Power to the Public with Caleb Yang.*
a. :calendar: *August 24, 10 UTC* (check your timezone)
b. In this Community of Practice session, you will explore how songwriting enables and effectively guides an individual to create change and advocate for social change in society.

Code for All | The largest civic tech network in the world

We are an international network of civic tech changemakers. We connect organizations that drive change through technology.

Code for All | The largest civic tech network in the world

Communities of Practice | Code for All

Code for All Communities of Practice (CoPs) are about bringing network members, and organizations beyond the network, together to form groups and discuss common topics relevant to the civic tech ecosystem. This is an opportunity for network members to connect with not only each other, but with other organizations working on similar topics, such as

Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator

Find the exact time difference with the Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator which converts the time difference between places and time zones all over the world.

Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator

Find the exact time difference with the Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator which converts the time difference between places and time zones all over the world.


Benji 04:34:29
@benjamin.gellie has joined the channel


Alvin Lin 21:31:30
@ooii8929 has joined the channel


Benji 17:18:37
Hello Community!
In my research I’m trying to construct a timeline of how democratic, bottom-up governance functioned on an urban level in Taipei over he last 10 years. G0v has been pivotal in this movement, however there are a plurality of groups, processes, technologies, platforms, etc, and often blurry lines between them. I would love to hear what this community holds to be the biggest events in urban governance. What milestones marked a turning point? When did the digital infrastructure mean the most to ‘the people’ and their urban practices?
Benji 17:18:37
Hello Community!
In my research I’m trying to construct a timeline of how democratic, bottom-up governance functioned on an urban level in Taipei over he last 10 years. G0v has been pivotal in this movement, however there are a plurality of groups, processes, technologies, platforms, etc, and often blurry lines between them. I would love to hear what this community holds to be the biggest events in urban governance. What milestones marked a turning point? When did the digital infrastructure mean the most to ‘the people’ and their urban practices?


Mar Marín 08:00:00
Heya 👋, we have amazing news! The AGENDA for the *Summit 2022* :globe_with_meridians: is LIVE! :fire:

The *Code for All Summit 2022* is taking place *19-22 Sept 2022*! Join us at the premiere gathering for Civic Tech enthusiasts around the world celebrating communities & technologies working to solve problems and improve lives with +35 sessions around:
:arrow_forward: Combating Climate Change
:arrow_forward: Fighting Authoritarianism w/ Community & Tech
:arrow_forward: Accessibility & Inclusion
:arrow_forward: Building Community Engagement

Get a sneak peek of all the exciting sessions and register here: 🎟️ **
General Poster vF.png


Mar Marín 23:07:50
No se puede mostrar este contenido.
Mar Marín 23:07:50
No se puede mostrar este contenido.


kehsuan.liao 12:10:02
@kehsuan.liao has joined the channel


Benji 00:57:29
Hi Everyone, I’m working on a UN-funded research project application and was hoping some Nobodies would help me answer some questions. I’m very keen to be accurate about this movement. Thank you for your time. Questions here:
Benji 00:57:29
Hi Everyone, I’m working on a UN-funded research project application and was hoping some Nobodies would help me answer some questions. I’m very keen to be accurate about this movement. Thank you for your time. Questions here:


G0v Research Project - Please Help! - HackMD

# G0v Research Project - Please Help! ###### tags: `G0v` `Youth Governance` ` Digital Democracy` `C

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iriversland 14:08:48
@iriversland has joined the channel


Benji 06:05:34
Are there any versions of ‘**’ still online?
Benji 06:05:34
Are there any versions of ‘**’ still online?


Gene Li 09:36:17
@gorange310 has joined the channel


Michael Tseng 21:45:55
@michael08120 has joined the channel