source: _g0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - ckiplab/ckiptagger: CKIP Neural Chinese Word Segmentation, POS Tagging, ..._
<|source>: _<>
許毓仁 added a new photo.
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [HackMD - Collaborative markdown notes]_
<|source>: _@bess++ jothon++ sorry the English translation sounds a bit mean. I was being playful :stuck_out_tongue:_
<|source>: _<> CKIP 改成 GPL 3.0 了_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [CC license not for software and source code · Issue #4 · ckiplab/ckiptagger · ..._
<|source>: _:dig:_
這週六 COSCUP 我想要開個坑。寫在 <>
<|source>: _@fly ++ `A <#C02G2SXKX|general> person`_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - ronnywang/illegal-build-data]_
source: _<gugod> [1]: <>
<|source>: _:dig: !!!_
source: _<allenwang6212> Irvin: <>
source: _<Irvin> allenwang6212: <>
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Lightbeam - 维基百科,自由的百科全书]_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [臺北市違建資料 20190909 - Google 試算表]_
<|source>: _醬用 CKIP 斷出來的東西可以標 CC0 ㄇ ``` However if any work is based upon this Work and..._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Various Licenses and Comments about Them - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation..._
source: _This is the general chat channel of a civic tech group called 'g0v'._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Rentea 第 1 次小聚 - HackMD]_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [最后一课 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书]_