今天有一件重要的事情要和大家宣佈,觀測站網站正式上線了:tada:! :earth_africa: <https://www.uswatch.tw/> ...
今天有一件重要的事情要和大家宣佈,觀測站網站正式上線了:tada:! :earth_africa: <https://www.uswatch.tw/> ...
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [[OGP Global Summit 2019] Full Agenda]_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Taiwan&#x27;s digital minister on combatting disinformation without censorship | ..._
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1559625974001400|source>: _Hi everyone, I just wrote this study on compared motivation between American, Taiwanese and Russian ..._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [GRASSROOTS MOVEMENTS: Do Americans, Taiwanese and Russians volunteers share the s..._
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1559626762002000|source>: _@Julien Carbonnell How many g0ver did you sample in your research?_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1559628757003400|source>: _<@U03CX883V> 31 g0vers, it's not that much to generalize, but I'm using my 110 cfa sample to the same sur..._
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1559663194014300|source>: _@Julien Carbonnell I found your note stating `(110 CFA, 31 g0v, 17 Teplitsa)` in Part 3 of your arti..._
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1559664892016700|source>: _@Julien Carbonnell I try to determine the mediator effect in open source community in TW, my sampl..._
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1559673310017300?thread_ts=1559625974.001400&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _This is really cool! _
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1559673489020600|source>: _One talk by Jessa Lingel, a communication scholar in HCI field, suggested that researchers should pr..._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Audrey Tang - "Ich gebe keine Befehle. Ich nehme keine Befehle an" - Digital - S�..._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Facing the Ocvean Meet & Hack - YouTube]_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [2019 FtO Meet & Hack Info Sheet - Google 試算表]_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [2019 Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack - HackMD]_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Facing the Ocean Meet & Hack - YouTube]_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C1CHAA0QL/p1560015946006400|source>: _Will there be a 2019 g0v summit?_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560016031054600|source>: _请问 2019 会有 g0v summit 吗?_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560042702054700?thread_ts=1560015947.053700&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _g0v summit is held every 2 years. So the next summit will be 2020~_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560047272055400|source>: _it's good day to try plotdb_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560047615056100|source>: _it's a good day to makeweb_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560047788056900|source>: _<@U039CG5S7> has anyone played with <https://github.com/cofacts/opendata> already? btw there should be a cit..._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [GitHub - cofacts/opendata: Open data of Cofacts collaborative fact-checking datab..._
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560047913057200?thread_ts=1560047788.056900&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _also it's updated for may/jun_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560047921057400?thread_ts=1560047788.056900&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _so the default datastudio chart is empty_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [NewsGuard - Chrome Web Store]_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560241831071000?thread_ts=1560234688.070500&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _tag @au_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560255250074700?thread_ts=1560234688.070500&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _IP done <https://github.com/g0v/domain/commit/a1f6b5fa78c6188b0ba1fee0b53005f58be5ff29_>
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [change <http://logbot.g0v.tw|logbot.g0v.tw> IP · g0v/domain@a1f6b5f · GitHub]_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560322128084500?thread_ts=1560321677.083800&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _thx_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560326663090000|source>: _<https://beta.hackfoldr.org/extradition> 出現 CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing_
空總大松的照片上線啦! 授權都是 CC-BY 歡迎自行取用喔~ <https://www.flickr.com/photos/g0v/sets/72157709032661952>
很緊急的用了兩天時間,快速產出這個活動,希望能以實際行動,溫暖有力量的聲援香港。下週三晚上,歡迎有興趣的在台港人、台灣人、關心這件事的朋友,一起加入聲援 & 取暖 :) . 【 We All Stand With HONG KONG 聲援香港:我們知道、我們曉得、我們在乎 】 活動時間:2019. 06. 19(三) 活動地點:濕地|venue...
FireChat 沒有網路連線也能聊天的即時通訊App(iOS、Android)
最近台灣最熱門的話題莫過於太陽花學運,在這次社會運動中,使用到不少科技相關的產品或應用,例如在立法院現場進行實況直播、文字轉播、多人共同協作等等,其中有一個很不錯的即時通訊軟體 FireChat,也在這次的活動中獲得許多使用者青睞,最大特色是可以在沒有網路連線的情況下,與附近的朋友互相傳訊、傳照片或是影片。
《TGH MAO 1.0 正式穿戴》 今天和志龍一起到高雄拜訪TGH的夥伴“明德醫療輔具“ ,請明德白總經理協助穿戴的評估,今天的正式穿戴是可以正當運作,但內承筒是用兩年前的掃描模型所製作,所以不是很合身,經由白總經理評估和建議,並現場重新取石膏模做為內承筒修改的參考。 在討論的空擋,也讓大家試看看新式IR肌肉感測器,判別率相當不錯,將做為未來的控制神手方案之一...
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560615388127300|source>: _<@U039CG5S7> do you know if 美玉姨 has stats like cofacts' datastudio page?_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560618390127800?thread_ts=1560615388.127300&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _how about simpler stuff like number of friends etc?_
source: _<yukiko10> <https://tw.appledaily.com/new/realtime/20190604/1574990/_>
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560793834136400|source>: _:thinking_face:_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560842835136700?thread_ts=1560615388.127300&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _160835 <- number of friends_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Tabula: Extract Tables from PDFs]_
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawSingle.aspx?PCODE=C0000001&FLNO=100_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=L0050004_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=F0120002_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=L0020030_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawSingle.aspx?pcode=B0000001&flno=1052_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawSingle.aspx?Pcode=C0000001&FLNO=239_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawSingle.aspx?pcode=C0010001&flno=239_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawSingle.aspx?pcode=C0010001&flno=321_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawSingle.aspx?Pcode=D0080067&FLNO=80_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawSingle.aspx?Pcode=D0080067&FLNO=81_>
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560953660159400|source>: _反送中的科技 <https://medium.com/internet-meme/nochinaextradition-tech-613dfdeeb898_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=A0030028_>
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560998093177700|source>: _<@U02QK1Z5Y> 4am..._
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1560998461178700?thread_ts=1560998093.177700&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _:man-running::man-swimming::man-biking:_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Liquid US | Digital Democracy Voting Platform]_
source: _<gugod> ⓢronnywang: <https://www.coolloud.org.tw/node/10746_>
source: _<sunflower_nobody> <https://www.cdc.gov.tw/Disease/SubIndex/WYbKe3aE7LiY5gb-eA8PBw_>
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [KubeCon + CloudNativeCon | Open Source Summit 2019 中国论坛: 开源社区在�..._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [KubeCon + CloudNativeCon | Open Source Summit 2019 中国论坛: 开源社区在�..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> Are there korean people who can explain the equality in Korea society for Taiwane..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> Sorry my korean ability is almost zero.._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> Some people want to know more about gender equality in Korea._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Just asking questions - RationalWiki]_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [NAVER まとめ[情報をデザインする。キュレーションプラット��..._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [まとめよう、あつまろう - Togetter]_
【:speaker:Share俾所有海外留學或出差嘅朋友參考】 今年度嘅選民登記即於7月2日完結,而嚟緊11月24日將會有區議會選舉:ballot_box_with_ballot: 由於香港無「缺席投票」(Absentee Voting)嘅制度,已登記而合資格選民必須要親身喺香港:flag-hk: 先可以投票。 如果外地留學生、工作假期或者出差人士計劃11月:airplane_arriving:返香港投票,Skyscanner特別為海外港人搜羅喺投票日期間世界各地主要城市往返香港嘅至抵機票。...
source: _<sunflower_nobody> Hello people outside Taiwan, are there organizations who can check if Taiwan has ..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> Are there victims around the world who were cyber attacked by Taiwanese Governmen..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> Korean people, can you check if Taiwan has sent weapons to the north Korea?_
source: _<sunflower_nobody> Are there secret agent from Taiwanese Government who are active in the g0v commun..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> International Human rights organizations can check the human rights situation in ..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> Taiwanese Government will threaten any specific individual who tries to check its..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> People can ask their own questions in the g0v community? Am I right?_
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: This is a very vague assumption. Would you clarify ?_
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: I'd appreciate if you do_
source: _<sunflower_nobody> I ask questions. And there would be someone who can help. I think so. It is not m..._
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: That's good... but the evidently answering rate is pretty poor ... care to..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> If I ask these questions and I would be threatened by Taiwanese Government, then ..._
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: I don't see how that's connected. Also I'd say that derails from the topic..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> Please don't target me personally. It is not my own questions._
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: Are you offended by they way I'm replying ?_
source: _<sunflower_nobody> g0v is a community to improve the transparency in governmental data as I know._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> I am not asking a specific person in the g0v community. I ask for clarifying the ..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> There is freedom of speech in Taiwan as I know so far._
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: yes I can see that they are posted openly. but I think we both agree that ..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> And there is also personal information protection laws in Taiwan as I know._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> As an individual without authorities asking questions would be a helpful way to c..._
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: Am I correctly understand your intention being checking "governmental sit..._
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: I mean, by posting all those questions._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> My intention would not be a real question. The question is itself_
source: _<sunflower_nobody> If I am not allowed to ask such general questions. And it would be meaningful?_
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: Thank you for sharing. It's an interesting approach._
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: It's also a rather noisy one :-p -- and do you think you get the answer y..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> I think there are a lot of prefessional workers around the world who can help._
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: Exactly how do you expect helps from them?_
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: Or... how can other people hanging out in this channel help you to prove (..._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> gugod: I don't know. And I am not asking just to you._
source: _<sunflower_nobody> If I know some way to solve the problems, I would probably do it myself._
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: what are the "problems" are you referring to here ?_
source: _<sunflower_nobody> I am not sure if the questions are really problems?_
source: _<gugod> sunflower_nobody: You mentioned that you would probably solve the "problems" yourself, but I..._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [How Bots and Cyborgs Spread Misinformation: A Data Scientist Finds 5,000+ Bots in..._
source: _g0vtelegrambot's url: [Tailwind CSS - A Utility-First CSS Framework for Rapidly Building Custom Desi..._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Holy Grail Layout — Solved by Flexbox — Cleaner, hack-free CSS]_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1561696421378100?thread_ts=1561692285.369100&cid=C02G2SXKX|source>: _正解 :joy:_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Bot or Not: How You Can Stop the Fake Robots Destroying Politics, Science and Bus..._
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [2019/7 大松命名 - HackMD]_
<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1561706786384800|source>: _7 月大松的日期是哪一天啊 ?_
source: _g0v-bridge's url: [Call for Code 2019 – IBM Developer]_