G0V underground 零時電台. 680 likes. 雙周一次的電台告訴大家最近g0v發生了什麼趣事 Once every 2 weeks, we talk about what g0v Taiwan's been up to.
g0v Underground 零時電台 | Linktree
BY g0v 沒有人。隔週更新。與聽眾分享 g0v專案、g0v貢獻者,以及很多關於 g0v 公民科技社群的專案幕後故事。歡迎定期追蹤收聽!
And we also have a channel about podcast <https://cfj.slack.com/archives/C02FA8W35JM> <https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C01Q8THBQG6/p1647407687564649|View original message>
And we also have a channel about podcast <https://cfj.slack.com/archives/C02FA8W35JM> <https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C01Q8THBQG6/p1647407687564649|View original message>
Call for proposals: Showcasing public-private civic tech success stories
In one sentence TICTeC Action Lab #1 is looking for an individual, organisation or joint team to produce a piece of work to showcase examples of where civic tech interventions have resulted in tangible improvements and benefits for governments/public institutions and their citizens. About TICT