# g0v 零時電台 book - [主要文件](/Wp9FwmktQXKfx5zCucR_2g) - ... 待補 - [Episode 1: What is g0v](/YuRHTpZuS0S
# g0v 零時電台 book - [主要文件](/Wp9FwmktQXKfx5zCucR_2g) - ... 待補 - [Episode 1: What is g0v](/YuRHTpZuS0S
Hello! My name is Hua (中文名字叫董樺). I'm a faculty member at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. I'll be leading a group of 20 college students to Taiwan in July for an intensive summer course called "Dialogue of Civilizations: Taiwan - Language, Culture, and Society", <https://goglobal.northeastern.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10457> I learned about g0v from a friend and my research, and binge-listened to all the first 7 episodes of g0v Underground 零時電台 podcasts on a 7-hour drive. I'd love to take my students to a meeting, ideally黑客松 during our stay in Taipei July 6-12, before moving to Hsinchu till the beginning of August. The students are all American undergraduates of different majors and years of class, with a quarter of Computer Science and Engineering majors. I'm sure they will be so inspired by the civic tech community in Taiwan! Thank you for your help in advance!
Hello! My name is Hua (中文名字叫董樺). I'm a faculty member at Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts. I'll be leading a group of 20 college students to Taiwan in July for an intensive summer course called "Dialogue of Civilizations: Taiwan - Language, Culture, and Society", <https://goglobal.northeastern.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10457> I learned about g0v from a friend and my research, and binge-listened to all the first 7 episodes of g0v Underground 零時電台 podcasts on a 7-hour drive. I'd love to take my students to a meeting, ideally黑客松 during our stay in Taipei July 6-12, before moving to Hsinchu till the beginning of August. The students are all American undergraduates of different majors and years of class, with a quarter of Computer Science and Engineering majors. I'm sure they will be so inspired by the civic tech community in Taiwan! Thank you for your help in advance!
Echo 49:AI 工具加速創作速度/YouTube Podcast 正式啟動/5 分鐘內找到喜愛的 Podcast
上一期電子報提到的逐字稿工具 Good Tape ,點擊率表現超好!!看來逐字稿真的是不少創作者的痛點,未來如果有好用的工具會再分享在電子報上:sunny: Eric|AI 工具會改變創作的哪些面向? 延續上期電子報推薦 AI-Based 的逐字稿工具,這期也來分享更多創作者工具,以及後續可能的發展方向。 配音:Google 前員工創辦的聲音編輯工具 Altered,涵蓋聲音編輯的各面向,包含調整音色、語音轉文字,最重要的是根據你的聲音訓練模型,直接從文字生成語音。 剪輯:老牌工具 Descript 一直以來也主打由語音生成文字,並透過文字就可以直接剪輯、刪除冗詞綴字。從最近的產品發佈來看他們尚未串接 AI,但相信隨著 AI 跨過語言障礙,更方便的中文 AI 剪輯工具很快就會出現。