根據<https://g0v.hackmd.io/rHe3Lfh_S3yhtRawnliSIg|這份文件>,目前 slack 好像有個 g0v summit 2020 的 app?想問 <@ULUNUKLL9> 1. 這原來的用途是什麼 2. 現在還需要嗎?
Slack is a new way to communicate with your team. It’s faster, better organized, and more secure than email.
:warning: *Action required - upgrade app for g0v* :warning: GitHub app is built on <https://api.slack.com/changelog/2021-03-workspace-apps-to-retire-in-august-2021|Slack's workspace apps> which are now deprecated. The legacy GitHub app will stop working on *July 15, 2021.* Don't worry, we have built a new version of GitHub-Slack integration. You can just upgrade the app and get back to your work. _Learn more about this upgrade <https://github.com/integrations/slack/blob/master/README.md#moving-away-from-the-legacy-workspace-app-model-in-slack|here>._ <https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2PPMRQGP/p1621794524031900|View original message>
Slack is a new way to communicate with your team. It’s faster, better organized, and more secure than email.
趁機淘汰掉 slackin 好了,他已經不能再更新了,因為他用了舊的 slack api ,改用 slack 內建註冊功能 <https://join.slack.com/t/g0v-tw/shared_invite/zt-qjl2m8bb-3thBbec_wWqIVbxbF8ck8g>
嗨大家, <#C020EQ0R8TW|vaccine> 的坑主~ 我是想試一試看能不能把部分的通訊改換到 ZULIP,因為覺得不用擔心失去通訊紀錄而且覺得更適合開放模式的溝通。 <@U0225DX9PLK> 是我的大學學長也是 ZULIP 的一位職業工程師。我很高興他願意跳坑幫忙我們。希望這個 Bridge 的 Setup 會順利~ Zulip 開源 project 溝通方式是自己的一個 Zulip server. 上面有20,000多個參與者。他們現在正在開始翻譯台灣華語。如果有興趣的話可以去 <https://chat.zulip.org/#narrow/stream/377-translation.2Fzh_tw> 看一下
<@U023XPSUKDE> 於 <#C021X5121PZ|art> 提出了兩個問題,不知道有沒有人有看法呢?
嗨大家,開了一個 whenisgood 決定檢討會議時間! <http://whenisgood.net/9h55m9x> Chris 願意從加州跟我們大家視訊,代表他自己(而不是他的公司)了解一下以後流程能夠怎麼改善。因此我設的時間都是台灣早上,美國西岸傍晚。如果大家無法參與的話,我在儘量找其他時間 Hi everyone, I've started a whenisgood to settle on a time for incident review. <@U0225DX9PLK> has agreed to join us from California (just as himself a g0v participant, not representing his company) to understand how processes can be improved in the future. As such, I've set times to be evenings on the American West Coast, and mornings in Taiwan. If none of these times work, please let me know.
主要想克服的問題就是 Slack 最近 10,000 筆訊息的限制,我想知道過去的討論議題,但目前僅知付費可以克服。