根據<https://g0v.hackmd.io/rHe3Lfh_S3yhtRawnliSIg|這份文件>,目前 slack 好像有個 g0v summit 2020 的 app?想問 <@ULUNUKLL9> 1. 這原來的用途是什麼 2. 現在還需要嗎?
Slack is a new way to communicate with your team. It’s faster, better organized, and more secure than email.
:warning: *Action required - upgrade app for g0v* :warning: GitHub app is built on <https://api.slack.com/changelog/2021-03-workspace-apps-to-retire-in-august-2021|Slack's workspace apps> which are now deprecated. The legacy GitHub app will stop working on *July 15, 2021.* Don't worry, we have built a new version of GitHub-Slack integration. You can just upgrade the app and get back to your work. _Learn more about this upgrade <https://github.com/integrations/slack/blob/master/README.md#moving-away-from-the-legacy-workspace-app-model-in-slack|here>._ <https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2PPMRQGP/p1621794524031900|View original message>
Slack is a new way to communicate with your team. It’s faster, better organized, and more secure than email.
趁機淘汰掉 slackin 好了,他已經不能再更新了,因為他用了舊的 slack api ,改用 slack 內建註冊功能 <https://join.slack.com/t/g0v-tw/shared_invite/zt-qjl2m8bb-3thBbec_wWqIVbxbF8ck8g>
嗨大家, <#C020EQ0R8TW|vaccine> 的坑主~ 我是想試一試看能不能把部分的通訊改換到 ZULIP,因為覺得不用擔心失去通訊紀錄而且覺得更適合開放模式的溝通。 <@U0225DX9PLK> 是我的大學學長也是 ZULIP 的一位職業工程師。我很高興他願意跳坑幫忙我們。希望這個 Bridge 的 Setup 會順利~ Zulip 開源 project 溝通方式是自己的一個 Zulip server. 上面有20,000多個參與者。他們現在正在開始翻譯台灣華語。如果有興趣的話可以去 <https://chat.zulip.org/#narrow/stream/377-translation.2Fzh_tw> 看一下