
Month: 2021-08


S. 10:04:12
Also, I want to clarify something - *no one, including me, is forcing here anyone to participate.* When others or I leave comments, it's an expression of thoughts, not a work order.
Arguments for/against are healthy and much welcomed. This is the only way to understand both sides and come up with a viable solution.
S. 10:10:26
Also, I want to clarify something - *no one, including me, is forcing here anyone to participate.*When others or I leave comments, it's an expression of thoughts, not a work order.
Arguments for/against are healthy and much welcomed. This is the only way to understand both sides and come up with a viable solution.

So if anyone felt/feel here this way - I am sorry, this is not what I meant.
S. 10:10:55
Also, I want to clarify something - *no one, including me, is forcing here anyone to participate.*When others or I leave comments, it's an expression of thoughts, not a work order.
Arguments for/against are healthy and much welcomed. This is the only way to understand both sides and come up with a viable solution.

So if anyone feel here this way - I am sorry, this is not what I meant.
S. 10:11:25
Also, I want to clarify something - *no one, including me, is forcing here anyone to participate.*

When others or I leave comments, it's an expression of thoughts, not a work order.
Arguments for/against are healthy and much welcomed. This is the only way to understand both sides and come up with a viable solution.

So if anyone here feels this way - I am sorry, this is not what I meant.


小六加一 00:47:09
@cosine1453476 has joined the channel


Laura Stahl 04:59:36
@l.a.stahl has joined the channel
ronnywang 16:12:34
咦?哪一位 admin 把 free trial 打開了?
@clkao, @gugod, @yhsiang, @au, @ipa, @caasi, @hlb ?
可能需要到 #general 告知大家現在如果使用一些 Pro plan 功能(像是 Slack Connect),可能會在 9/1 以後失效,請大家斟酌使用?
(not me)
not me
not me
有可能自動的嗎 前幾天有收到一封 change 的信 我沒仔細看😂
之前是 COVID 期間 slack 送的
是手殘眼花的 me….

下午登入為了看一個很久以前的 dm,跳出不知道什麼東西就按了 QQ
不需要補救 XD 沒什麼損失,只是只能用一次的 30 天試用就被用掉了 XD
應該沒有想要用吧 XD 不過我在想要不要趁這 30 天來提供大家可以備份回過去所有 DM的 服務
(但 @ronnywang 好像正在趕某個案子 XDDD)

我先檢查一下有沒有人的信用卡號存在 payment method 內 XD


Ted Chien 14:34:21
@hsiangtai.chien has joined the channel


ronnywang 10:14:13
我今天大松會來把這個修好,順便趁現在還在 pro trial 的情況下,我要來把 slack archiv e 增加可以讓大家備份自己的 direct message 的功能,讓大家更容易搜尋到自己的 direct message(不過這功能需要每個人各別同意)
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judylin103203023 20:00:07
@judylin103203023 has joined the channel