g0v Summit 2024 是 g0v 台灣零時政府社群兩年一次的大聚會,也是全球公民黑客、公民科技的盛會。民主不只投票凍蒜,Summit 2024 邀你一起持續貢獻、全球連結,公民不打烊。
g0v Summit 2024 是 g0v 台灣零時政府社群兩年一次的大聚會,也是全球公民黑客、公民科技的盛會。民主不只投票凍蒜,Summit 2024 邀你一起持續貢獻、全球連結,公民不打烊。
The intellectual dark web (IDW) is a term used to describe some commentators who oppose identity politics, political correctness, and cancel culture in higher education and the news media within Western countries. The term jokingly compares the controversial ideas expressed by the commentators to illicit goods found on the dark web. Individuals and publications associated with the term reject what they view as authoritarianism and ostracism within mainstream progressive movements in Western countries, especially within universities and the news media. This includes opposition to deplatforming, boycotts, and online shaming, which are seen as threats to freedom of speech. Those who have been labelled as being part of the IDW include both liberals and conservatives. The validity of the term is contested by some it has been applied to because of the range of beliefs it encompasses.