Come help us chip away at civic challenges! We've got everything you need for a friendly and productive night: an invited speaker to learn from, wonderful co-conspirators t
Genesis Cinema
Pamfir - Ukraine fundraiser presented by Ukrainian Signal + Q&A - Genesis Cinema
Showing from Thu 15 Dec
Google Docs Litterati Trash Cleanup
Litterati Trash Cleanup civic hacknight :open_file_folder: GDrive | GitHub :red_circle: You are HERE: <> The purpose of this document is to act as a single landing page for the Litterati tech team. We work on digital resources to support the Litterati trash cleanup WhatsApp...
A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow? How to Undo the Alibi of Growth - Timothy Mitchell
Speaker: Timothy Mitchell (Columbia University) - The invention of “the economy” in the mid-twentieth century allowed its size and growth to become the metric of progress in the North and a marker of backwardness for the global 1.47H57.67v-2.33h-1.822v2.33h-1.23v1.47h1.23v3.257c0 .4.043.763.13 0 .828-.06 1.169-.19a3.56 3.56 0 0 0 1.065-.638l-.772-1.113c-.146.112-.31.207-.479.289
Colorintech's Winter Social with Avanade
Colorintech's Advance community is invited to an end of year social gathering for mid-senior tech professionals.
Get PR Done!
ACTIVISTS FOR FAIRER VOTING GET PR DONE! is a cross party/no party campaigning group that is working to bring in a proportional representation voting system in the UK. <> "We set up the GET PR DONE! project for three reasons:1) the
Civic Hacknight 004: Topic to be announced..., Tue, Jan 3, 2023, 6:00 PM | Meetup
Come help us chip away at civic challenges! We've got everything you need for a friendly and productive night: an invited speaker to learn from, wonderful co-conspirators t
Google Docs
civic hacknight collab notes :red_circle:You are here: <> Who’s noting? patcon, … YOU? [missed] collab note-taking evolved to help ppl who weren’t in the room, or who couldn’t track all the livestreams all the time g0v got famous via supporting the sunflower ...
Google Docs
2022-10-27 Welcome to g0v | Civic Hacknight Pil0t
G0v community Civic Hacknight pil0t 18:30 on Wednesday, 26th Oct., 2022 In Newspeak House, London 2022-10-26 / ael
TICTeC Show & Tell - Disfactory: mapping and reporting illegal factories in Taiwan
Questions I ask to scope a new project in g0v hackathon (in 1–2 hr)
To engage people to come to g0v hackathons, some g0v participants –including me– may paint an illusion that anyone can pitch their ideas…
Hello this is my first ever slack message ever! Pippi and I presented the Pirate's Code earlier this week at newspeak house in London. There were a couple of other Space Pirates there with us and we met some amazing people. Happy to be a little part of all this!
Hello this is my first ever slack message ever! Pippi and I presented the Pirate's Code earlier this week at newspeak house in London. There were a couple of other Space Pirates there with us and we met some amazing people. Happy to be a little part of all this!
因為很冷,所以想要大家一起設計一件屬於沒有人的帽T 我今天會在大松現場繞來繞去,歡迎大家直接找我或在共筆裡面寫自己的設計想法,之後會再彙整成投票給大家票選 <>
因為很冷,所以想要大家一起設計一件屬於沒有人的帽T 我今天會在大松現場繞來繞去,歡迎大家直接找我或在共筆裡面寫自己的設計想法,之後會再彙整成投票給大家票選 <>
Yeah, I like <@U480PKCUE> ‘s ideas and actions on making a g0v hoody in a community collaboration way! Inclusive, sustainable and eco friendly design. Quadratic voting on hoody design, or hoody design NFT etc. <@U04ENA21F2T>, thanks for the idea! There are some really hilarious ideas. The green one is for chroma key in front of the green screen:joy: The plan so far is to do crowdfunding like on Kickstarter. You can leave your email to join the hoody design mailing list discussion. More ideas and the governance structure of this project can check it out here: <|>
Yeah, I like <@U480PKCUE> ‘s ideas and actions on making a g0v hoody in a community collaboration way! Inclusive, sustainable and eco friendly design. Quadratic voting on hoody design, or hoody design NFT etc. <@U04ENA21F2T>, thanks for the idea! There are some really hilarious ideas. The green one is for chroma key in front of the green screen:joy: The plan so far is to do crowdfunding like on Kickstarter. You can leave your email to join the hoody design mailing list discussion. More ideas and the governance structure of this project can check it out here: <|>