This YouTube channel is intended as a shared resource, to be used collaboratively and transparently. It was started by a small spin-off group inspired by the Taiwanese <http://g0v.tw|g0v.tw> community. Our group is currently made up of several people based in Canada, USA and Europe. We are: - using g0v's "open brand", and aspiring to operate in the same spirit, - eager to share access to this YouTube channel with anyone interested, and - welcoming of others to use any web properties we have (subdomains, YouTube, GitHub, etc.) Current admins: <https://twitter.com/ballPtPenguin> <https://twitter.com/divyasiddarth> <https://twitter.com/patconnolly> <https://twitter.com/theengineer>
Open Call: Groundwork Fellowship
The way the internet is structured shapes the way communities gather, organize, and share resources, both on and offline. The Groundwork Fellowship aims to strengthen the foundations and networks necessary for a new paradigm in the design of online spaces.
Sortition Foundation
Job Vacancy - UK Digital Campaigner
Change Politics: Upgrade Democracy Now!
目前有想到棒球外套的樣子可能可以長這樣,然後徽章還有背面設計的 idea 可能還需要大家的幫忙(目前還沒想到比較好的方案,先上個草圖)