> Something I forgot about, we ran a meetup for polis earlier in the year, if you want to use the mailing list for that to advertise your next g0v meetup you're welcome (I guess the two audiences will be fairly happy to merge)
Civic Hacknight #1 (pil0t): Topic to be announced, Tue, Nov 15, 2022, 6:30 PM | Meetup
‣ DETAILS Come help us chip away at civic challenges! We've got everything you need for a fun and purposeful hacknight: a presentation to learn from, wonderful co-conspirat
James Arthur Cattell (@jaCattell) / Twitter
Cyclist. Civil servant. Delivery and Community manager. Open space technology expert, including unconferences such a @cmgr_unconf. @janethughes's husband :slightly_smiling_face:
G0V style guilde
Custom Sticker Sheet Printing | Vistaprint UK
Custom sticker sheets are a great way to promote your brand, your business, and products. Print your sticker sheets with Vistaprint UK by uploading your design or using our customisable templates
Explore <http://g0v.tw|g0v.tw> 零時政府’s 17,147 photos on Flickr!
Google Docs
g0v.london: Speaker Booking Guide
Speaker Booking Guide g0v.london :red_circle: You are HERE: <https://link.g0v.london/speaker-booking-guide> The purpose of this resource is to… hi there! :wave::skin-tone-6::wave::skin-tone-3::wave::skin-tone-5: if you’re reading this, you’re welcome to contribute :tada: we appreciate comments, incl liberal +1's to follow the doc (all comments), subs...
g0v.london Civic Hacknight - HackMD
Round - White Waterproof Vinyl - Printed Labels & Stickers
About our waterproof stickers Our round waterproof printed stickers are designed to be used both indoors and outdoor. Printed onto 100 micron brilliant white waterproof vinyl, your stickers won't fail to impress! These round printed stickers are water resistant, meaning thy can get wet and withstand splashes of water without any fear of the inks running making the perfect outdoor sticker. Outdoor waterproof stickers can be used for a huge range of applications - from labelling machinery to branding cosmetic pots! Our sticker printing experts have you covered and are available to help any step of the way. Enter your diameter and sticker quantity
#49 Add email forwarding for speakers@g0v.london and hi@g0v.london
Adding publicly-managed email forwarders via <http://forwardemail.net|forwardemail.net>. For now, using speakers@ and hi@ pointing to specific email addresses, but can point these to Google Groups later :) cc: <https://github.com/aelcenganda|@aelcenganda>
Call for proposals: civic tech in hostile environments - repurpose existing software in new contexts
In one sentence TICTeC Action Lab #6 is looking for an individual, organisation or joint team to produce a piece of work which repurposes existing software in a way which benefits civic tech organisations working in hostile environments. About this project TICTeC Action Lab #6 members agree
大家好,關於加入 g0v slack 的連結 <http://join.g0v.tw|join.g0v.tw> ,因為 slack 語系判斷笨笨的,台灣使用者會被判斷成簡體中文造成使用者加入時觀感不太好,因此我之前寫死 <http://join.g0v.tw|join.g0v.tw> 會直接顯示正體中文(先前是使用英文時有些英文不好的新參者看到英文界面也會排斥不太敢加入) 不過在 <#C01RDCVDGHZ|g0v-slack> 頻道 <@U0RQYV16K> 提到有英國使用者加入看到中文有點怕不敢加入,也造成了外國參與者的困擾。我這邊想到一個作法是,<http://join.g0v.tw|join.g0v.tw> 還是保持寫死正體中文,給台灣使用者使用,但是增加一個 <http://slack.g0v.tw|slack.g0v.tw> 之類的新網址,他會依照使用者語系判斷,就可以給外國人使用,想問問看大家覺得這樣的作法如何,有沒有建議其他作法,以及有沒有建議其他的網址之類的
大家好,關於加入 g0v slack 的連結 <http://join.g0v.tw|join.g0v.tw> ,因為 slack 語系判斷笨笨的,台灣使用者會被判斷成簡體中文造成使用者加入時觀感不太好,因此我之前寫死 <http://join.g0v.tw|join.g0v.tw> 會直接顯示正體中文(先前是使用英文時有些英文不好的新參者看到英文界面也會排斥不太敢加入) 不過在 <#C01RDCVDGHZ|g0v-slack> 頻道 <@U0RQYV16K> 提到有英國使用者加入看到中文有點怕不敢加入,也造成了外國參與者的困擾。我這邊想到一個作法是,<http://join.g0v.tw|join.g0v.tw> 還是保持寫死正體中文,給台灣使用者使用,但是增加一個 <http://slack.g0v.tw|slack.g0v.tw> 之類的新網址,他會依照使用者語系判斷,就可以給外國人使用,想問問看大家覺得這樣的作法如何,有沒有建議其他作法,以及有沒有建議其他的網址之類的
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