
Month: 2021-02


David Lee 09:36:44
@davidtaolee has joined the channel
ichieh 10:40:12
第肆拾貳次黑客松的照片上傳到 Flickr 啦!感謝攝影師 @moontai0724


20210123 第肆拾貳次生命、宇宙以及萬事萬物的終極答案黑客松

Explore this photo album by <|> 零時政府 on Flickr!

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Hung An Chen 13:48:51
Albert Lin 13:50:58
@albielin has joined the channel
joyce.50726 14:11:23
@joyce.50726 has joined the channel
Collin Richards 15:50:12
Hi all! Does anyone know where I might be able to find an open data set of Chinese product names and their corresponding product category. I'm able to find suitable datasets that are in English e.g., but I'm working on a project where I need to build a model primarily working on Chinese (繁體字) product names.
呂學昊 21:27:59
@jameslu91223 has joined the channel
Johnny 22:35:41
@itrijohnny has joined the channel


Amos Chang 00:01:22
@gn01842919 has joined the channel
nissen 01:09:34
@handeltonido has joined the channel
Doge 03:12:22
@sageofcross has joined the channel
titaneric 10:02:17
@chenyee has joined the channel
dragoondd 10:17:07
@dragoondd has joined the channel
陳昱廷 10:50:44
@y2468101216 has joined the channel
Ofelia Chen 11:47:25
hi, 議見零時差的共筆已經丟出來了
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Ofelia Chen 11:48:37
這個計畫有一些變動與更新,歡迎大家來#tp-city-council-query 給予意見
heidi2502151 16:46:58
@heidi2502151 has joined the channel
leeth.jacky 16:50:37
@leeth.jacky has joined the channel
Pei-Yi Yu 17:44:59
@chyuae has joined the channel
che30122 18:17:39
@che30122 has joined the channel
Andrew Chuang 23:53:40
@andrewchuang0110 has joined the channel


rachelc421 12:18:53
@rachelc421 has joined the channel
ichieh 15:42:18
在雙月大松結束後,負責揪大松的揪松團 #g0vjothon 希望用簡單的敘述,讓錯過大松的人,可以知道所有專案來參與 g0v 黑客松的目標、所需資源或人力。

g0v 第肆拾貳次黑客松共有 16 個提案,分成兩篇貼文,歡迎大家找到有興趣的提案一起來玩!

【Part 1

【Part 2

【HackMD 閱讀版


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g0v Hackath42n 第肆拾貳次生命、宇宙以及萬事萬物的終極答案黑客松 松後推坑 - HackMD


vincent-code4hk 16:45:49
Hello g0v, 我是來自香港🇭🇰 的Vincent
未知g0v 除了hackmd / fb, hackathon 相關的event 目前還會發佈在哪?

1. 使用 取代slack,因為Telegram 在香港比較流行,我們做了 Telegram <-> Matrix 同步
還沒打算架設自己的instance (未正式decentralize)

2. 架設 希望取代fb event
類近mastodon/matrix 的federation設計,discovery 用上activitypub
Mobilizon 用elixir 寫的, 台灣朋友可以測試搶票時的效能 😂

Matrix is an open standard for interoperable, decentralised, real-time communication

mautrix-telegram |

A Matrix-Telegram hybrid puppeting/relaybot bridge - Reprenons le contrôle de nos événements

Ce site, édité par l’association française Framasoft, a pour objectif de vous aiguiller dans votre découverte de Mobilizon, un logiciel libre et fédéré de gestion d’événements et de groupes.

Mobilizon - Mobilizon

Change this to a proper description of your instance

我們的搶票現在是在 KKTIX
但對新的 event 機制滿有興趣
vincent-code4hk 2021-02-03 16:50:12
最近的Meetup 都會變線上,比較想解決的問題:

• 容許anonymous 參與
• 降低架設instance 的成本同時保障個資
• 更friendly 可以收到event notification
Mobilizon 有趣的功能是可以用instance A 去RSVP instance B 的event
vincent-code4hk 2021-02-03 16:56:54
感覺搶票蠻適合 blockchain + decentraliez instances解決
🚀 2 👍 2
saki.ii9625 18:52:26
@saki.ii9625 has joined the channel
Peter 19:27:06

vTaiwan 法規調適平台 小聚Clubhouse

Wednesday, February 3 at 7:00pm CST with Jia-wei Cui, Scotty. vTaiwan是一個多元開放參與的法規調適平台,目前聚焦的主題有共享運具、國徽調整等等。每週三晚上會在social-lab社創中心舉行小聚!

Peter 19:27:28
現在vTaiwan 在clubhouse上直播
aa94022728 19:54:44
@aa94022728 has joined the channel
caasi 20:18:00
今天中午在 clubhouse 好像有看到 @vincent-code4hk ,但是來不及拉上來聊😂
vincent-code4hk 2021-02-03 20:51:34
😂 謝謝這兩天想進來八掛都在食飯
vincent-code4hk 2021-02-03 20:52:32
你的帳號是 lcy 對嗎?
Peter 20:54:00
@achemistd 抱歉關台xd
👍 1


Tony Liou 10:14:42
@ltony1024 has joined the channel
Nyein Chan Ko Ko 13:05:02
Hello all.
I'm from Myanmar.
👋 6
Nyein Chan Ko Ko 13:06:30
As you saw in the news, coup de tat happened and military controls the country now.
Facebook , messenger and whatsapp are banned today.
We need some advices how to be online and safely communicate.
is Signal an option?
Nyein Chan Ko Ko 2021-02-04 13:46:49
Yes ,people are moving to telegram, twitter and viber. Signal is also one of the options. But, not many people know how it can protect us
open source, end-to-end encryption
but it requires exchange phone number to add friends, so maybe not a good option for the people who want to keep low profile from public
Nyein Chan Ko Ko 2021-02-04 13:49:09
I see. Thank you . In case the internet was disconnected, which kind of communication can we used ?
i've only heard about Bridgefy, FireChat
you can do some research on them
Nyein Chan Ko Ko 2021-02-04 14:47:07
thanks 451ght.
@arthurmyanmarapkcreat Hello, I'm Mee from South Korea. Stand with you all. I guess that you might do some project for democracy. there is anything I can contribute? As I heard Myanmar News, I thought I would do action.
pofeng (ocf) 2021-03-21 01:57:59
FireChat is good when you have no internet access, but it is not safe enough according to citizenlab's report
pofeng (ocf) 2021-03-21 02:12:03
@arthurmyanmarapkcreat Although Bridgefy supports end-to-end encryption , but there is a chance to be hacked according to the paper from University of London
andylee1013 15:21:10
@andylee1013 has joined the channel
tofus 15:26:52
tofus 15:27:00
tofus 15:32:52
tofus 15:33:11
😢 3
mrorz 15:37:52

Figma Status

Welcome to Figma's home for real-time and historical data on system performance.

胡正道 21:18:55
@xmasx75 has joined the channel
houfrank2003 23:55:04
@houfrank2003 has joined the channel


Emilio Sempris 06:09:08
@emilio.sempris has joined the channel
Dai -大輔/東京 06:43:39
Hi! I am hosting our Everyday Clubhouse at JST 22:00. (Yes. 7day a week) I love this grassroots feeling. Can anyone join us to talk about gov-zero activity? I think we can recruit more contributer from Japan. I have a 8000 members of machine learning community here in Tokyo ( again, I love my grassroots project = my passion)
Screen Shot 2021-02-05 at 7.39.54.png
vincent-code4hk 2021-02-05 13:23:33
hi @dai! long time no see after the drinks 🍺 in san francisco
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-05 15:01:16
@vincent-code4hk wow. Thank you!
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-05 15:01:45
@besslee Thank you! I will join
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-05 15:17:34
sorry I could not attend. I followed everyone.
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-05 15:56:04
@dai cuz we just finished lol
明天下午兩點也開了歡迎一起來當 moderator
明天下午兩點也開了公民科技房歡迎一起來當 moderator
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-05 18:18:37
🙌 4
jhuangtw 08:09:22
@jhuangtw has joined the channel
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bess 12:00:56
咦是第二個 John Huang XD
👋 1
bess 16:56:34
明天下午兩點也開了公民科技房歡迎一起來當 moderator

:beer: 公民科技週末亂尬,請自備啤酒點心 CivicTech Talk &amp; Chill

Saturday, February 6 at 2:00pm CST with Bess Lee, 豆腐, Jia-wei Cui, Isaac Huang, Daisuke Ishii, Kay Dai. 沒有人很尷尬!歡迎來到某些沒有人的亂聊房。

👏 4 2
H.A Gao 21:19:41
@simbaian114 has joined the channel


Dai -大輔/東京 00:18:29
Image from iOS
Image from iOS
3 😆 4
Dai -大輔/東京 00:19:10
@besslee Thank you for coming to our Clubhouse show today. I started respecting Taiwan people more. Here is the evidence
Dai -大輔/東京 00:26:31
Ask : Does someone have your public gov-zero API list?? I am researching it so that we can bundle with our translation API for Japanese people. Like info APIs
shorty696820 00:54:30
@shorty696820 has joined the channel
Leo Liu 14:18:09
@silver886 has joined the channel
Dai -大輔/東京 16:21:06
In today’s clubhouse I was talking about new walking gundam in Yokohama. 18m
kellyc3chou 23:33:33
@kellyc3chou has joined the channel
kiang 23:49:16

嗨嗨 這邊不知道可不可以分享想要讓大家玩的政府開放空間資訊XD 經濟部從上個月開始以excel檔的方式公佈了各縣市政府勘查過、確定是新增建違章工廠的地號。這份資料每個月會更新一次,也終於變成machine readable的檔案。 我自己是想到,若能變成google map上面可閱覽的地圖,或許也可以讓更多人一起監督已被勒令停工、斷水斷電的違章工廠有沒有復工的跡象。 有興趣的人可以拿這些資料多做進一步的應用和分析! (檔案請上經濟部中部辦公室<|網頁>下載~

👍 9


Chung_Doris 10:51:41
@bstrings812 has joined the channel
fei1222 18:17:56
@fei1222 has joined the channel


sancho.esteban 07:34:37
@sancho.esteban has joined the channel
Hugh Hsieh 12:23:27
@tsungsyu has joined the channel
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 16:40:47
I'm thinking, maybe other countries can also have something like g0v , as a "casual government" that supports the real one, so that democracy can be assured everywhere 😄 也許其他國家也可以仿照我們的零時政府,推廣這個「台灣型」的行動美學 ~
Yeah I think this is what this info page is abot
gholzknecht 2021-02-08 20:38:30
I‘d love to learn how to getting started with for example.
Dabo 17:29:21
@borishuang813 has joined the channel
Amaël Vier 17:50:37
@amael has joined the channel
zeta11235813 18:58:05
@zeta11235813 has joined the channel
an4976887 19:55:11
@an4976887 has joined the channel
bess 20:13:45
g0v 揪松團製作了一副開放的春聯,祝大家牛年持續犇放 🦬🐃🐂🐄💨 特別感謝 @au @sampeterrobbins @kevinliao 協助和藝術家大寧題字


g0v 2021 Spring Couplet

💯 11 🐮 10 9
isabelhou 20:36:12
Image from iOS
❤️ 2 🦬 2 1
gholzknecht 20:36:48
Anyone interested to join the #co2-wiki channel to see how we could grow this? Regards from Germany 🇩🇪😀
bess 20:59:27
恭喜 #cofacts 和阿龜微氣候得到 SYSTEX (精誠資訊)第二屆 Action Intelligence for Social Good Award(AI4SG)~
(剛好都是 g0v 獎助金校友呢)


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👍 4 🦒 1
PO 21:21:03
@shark has joined the channel
Jean F. Queralt 21:28:22
Hi everyone.
Is there anyone familiar with whether the Taiwanese government publishes policies in machine-readable formats?
I don’t think there is machine-readable data for “policies.” For now, the government’s efforts are mostly focused on open “data” rather than policies. Hope that the new Open Congress project would bring some breakthrough at here.
Jean F. Queralt 2021-02-09 12:06:18
I can only imagine the complexity of the taxonomies yet the advantages are also considerable.
We've seen some attempts in other jurisdictions (UK and Autralia if memory holds), just nothing standard so far.

@irvin would you know who to approach about the Open Congress project?
Some g0v contributors had joining the Open Government Partnership ( #ogp ) and Open Congress Council.

@ronnywang_5566 is there a central channel for Open Congress?
pofeng (ocf) 2021-03-21 02:19:10
@andrewt.chent.t for the Open Congress project in Taiwan , please consider to contact @lulu523 ( ) , Claire ( ) , @hcchien407
pofeng (ocf) 2021-03-21 03:04:50
@jfqueralt for the Open Congress project in Taiwan , please consider to contact @ronnywang @hcchien407 @isabelhou , @lulu523 ( ) , Claire ( )
NickWang 22:07:26
@sheng79225 has joined the channel
weichu 23:47:49
@ms0701515 has joined the channel


cheng en hsieh 00:05:31
@a0955105 has joined the channel
Deniz Bozyigit 00:48:03
@deniz195 has joined the channel
Chao-Jung Hou 08:49:57
@annabella19940615 has joined the channel
鎔千(Glen) 11:23:19
@glen.chang1117 has joined the channel
Encore Melody 16:53:57
@saver520 has joined the channel
Bart 22:09:37
@bartgras has joined the channel
Bart 22:17:08
Hi. I’ve just listened to awesome podcast “Your undivided attention” with Audrey Tang. She mentioned in the show that there are “how to get started” materials available. I’ve been googling for a while but without success. Can you please point me to it (English)?
What do you mean by “how to get started” materials?
Sorry, I should be more specific. In the podcast she mentioned a series of documents (don't know what format) about how to get started if you'd like to "implement" shadow gov in another country.
Hi @bartgras! If it’s in the context of, I was referring to the resource at For Collective Intelligence in general, these two guides are good places to start: &
Hi @au. Thank you so much. That’s exactly what I was looking for.
Willen 23:15:57
@willen1007 has joined the channel


tofus 14:58:32
tofus 14:58:34
tofus 14:58:53
ael 16:44:37
大家已經回家過年了嗎?全台灣的農地上有超過五萬家疑似違章工廠,在 #disfactory 平台上已經群眾協作送出 201 件檢舉公文,監督地方政府拆掉近十家違章工廠。你知道你家附近有多少違章工廠嗎🏭 現在立刻可以查得到喔!你家鄉的地方政府面對違章工廠是擺爛還是積極處理?


目前最多家農地違章工廠的好像是彰化和美,拆最多工廠的地方政府是桃園。自己的家鄉自己監督,希望 g0v 的大家可以幫忙轉發~



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ael 16:45:12
Image from iOS


Carolyn McGuire 07:19:37
@carolyngracemcguire has joined the channel
Carolyn McGuire 07:55:00
Hello Everyone 👋 I'm Carolyn from Atlanta, Georgia USA 🙂 @au I was incredibly inspired after hearing your interview with Tristan Harris, and I'm actively rallying designers and technologists in my city around implementing some of your strategies. Thank you for the inspiration!
❤️ 2
Ben Finn 12:58:11
@benrfinn has joined the channel
Ben Finn 13:14:01
Hello everyone. I need urgent help.

I work for an IT social enterprise in Myanmar. I hope by now many of you have heard of the military coup that happened there and the increasingly violent actions of the military government. They have started killing people and are about to pass a law making free speech illegal (if you think I am being hyperbolic please do some research and you will see I am not) which they will then punish with prison or death. By a coincidence of fate I happened to come to Taiwan about a month ago so I am currently located here.

What we do:
My company (Koe Koe Tech Myanmar) is currently working on an AI/ML solution to fight hate speech, misinformation and calls to violence on social media platforms. We have been endorsed by Facebook, Twitter and others who are working with us to this effort. We have begun deploying our beta to NGOs around the world and have been met with much acclaim as civil rights defenders. If you would like more details I am happy to provide it but our website ( was recently taken offline to protect our employees.

The issue:
We have been taking down hate speech and misinformation from the military government and it is inevitable we will begin to be targeted for repercussions (prison or death for "resisting"). There is already some odd propaganda against us that makes us nervous.

What we need:
We want to get our people (about 80 employees and some family members) out of the country. We have some Human Rights Defenders grants and other backers to this end and think that money is not our biggest bottleneck. *Visas are*. We have identified Taiwan as the best place to move. You are a democracy who believes in human rights and free speech. You have a Myanmar population here already so the cultural shock wont be too much for our people (many of whom have never left the country) and above all you understand and believe in tech.

Please help. I would like to speak to someone in the government or an NGO about visas and any assistance they can offer. If anyone can point me in the right direction we will be extremely grateful.

Thank you for your time.
@kuan any suggestions?
Shuuu 13:56:22
@chiushaohua has joined the channel
abbielolo 19:25:56

MIT Media Lab

SpaceCHI : Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration | CHI 2021 Workshop – MIT Media Lab

About the WorkshopSpace travel and becoming an interplanetary species have always been part of humanity’s greatest imaginings. Research in space exploration ...

Sven 20:14:39
@joe042 has joined the channel
elaine.desuyo 21:00:56
@elaine.desuyo has joined the channel
SansWord 21:01:45
@sansword has joined the channel
SansWord 21:09:37
感謝 @au 剛剛的分享,只參加到下半場覺得可惜。
然後聽到有這個 slack 就手刀加入了。

歡迎加入 #itaigi
喔喔喔喔!最近在 clubhouse 台語台大家有些新的詞卡住的時候我都會推薦這個網站。
5 2
Kazuma Tamaki 21:22:42
@kazumatamaki228 has joined the channel


titaneric 10:46:18
@chenyihuang001 has joined the channel
Collin Richards 19:00:52
你們覺得公司應該用那些COVID-19登記表問你要不要加入他們的Email List嗎?
理論上有問題也不是該公司來通知你,是衛福部⋯⋯ 只是公司自己的行銷規劃吧。
Collin Richards 2021-02-16 18:49:48
@irvin 對,是他們的行銷規劃。你們覺得公司應該開始用那些COVID的登記表幫他們的行銷規劃。有沒有規定說他們怎麼可以用這些資料?
Collin Richards 2021-02-16 21:38:29
沈孟成 19:38:03
@dennyshen790819 has joined the channel 21:26:43 has joined the channel
ovendy0226 21:43:33
@ovendy0226 has joined the channel



Dai -大輔/東京 10:00:30
note : We started a new project.
Dai -大輔/東京 10:00:35
(For the foreigners in Japan - We launch the translated news about the earthquake)

Hi! Hope you are all safe. Last night we got a scary earthquake with the magnitude 7.1. The epicenter is Fukushima.

ぜひ弊社のAIで解決させてください。興味のある方、DM or Emailください。

Since 95% of the info is only in Japanese. We've decided to launch a special news aggregation and translation service - "Kiara News Translation for the earthquake info".
From the gov info and TV & newspaper info, we will deliver the automated newsletter to your email inbox for free.

DM me or email me if you want to subscribe.
As a mission, Kiara keeps solving the communication problem in the world.```
Dai -大輔/東京 10:00:46
Screen Shot 2021-02-14 at 10.47.39.png
🙌 1 👍 1 10:02:56 has joined the channel
李新和 10:42:52
@as740904 has joined the channel
Dai -大輔/東京 11:28:13
Image from iOS
Dai -大輔/東京 11:28:26
Thank you very much for this message!
5 ❤️ 2
geo012378 21:16:46
@geo012378 has joined the channel


allen91.wu 11:31:05
@allen91.wu has joined the channel
gugod 23:27:40 我剛剛孵(?)了一個「台灣歷史上的今天」推特機器人出來。目前單身伐樹得到的資料偏民國時期,十分覺得需要搜集其他時期各種帶年月日的歷史紀錄好拿來做成推文。


目前資料來源是 wikipedia 上所有名為
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-16 00:23:48
Hi! Can we translate this bot in 100 languages??
@dai awesome... how would it work with twitter bots ?
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-16 14:24:56
I’ll dm
推銷)這份文件有蒐集「節日」,也可以參考看看 先來利用這裡的〈臺灣十大災害地震圖集〉好了。有名字有專屬網頁又有照片。很適合做成推文。
5 📅 5 👀 1 👍 5


Dai -大輔/東京 00:24:50
In our wild country Japan, the earthquake happens daily. This is today
Dai -大輔/東京 00:26:20
In our wild country Japan, the earthquake is daily. This is today at a local Congress
😢 3
crazyunclebuzz 00:55:47
@crazyunclebuzz has joined the channel
Joe swee 08:01:31
@sweelol6 has joined the channel
Kay 09:42:30


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Kay 09:43:15
nittexi 12:14:57
@nittexi has joined the channel
nittexi 12:18:00
Hi, I'm new here, I'm Kazumasa from Japan,I'm artist(illustrator, piano-singer, DTMer) and sorry, i don't speak English fluently, But I'm appreciate that i could join this group, Nice to meeting you.
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 2021-02-16 17:50:05
ようこそ😄 日本語通じますので、何かご要望あればお聞かせ下さいね。
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-16 18:27:47
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 2021-02-17 17:17:37
こんにちは。ウーと申します。私は台湾出身で、日本語以外に台湾語、中国語と英語ができます。私も絵を描くのがとても好きな、自由な人間です (今度一緒に絵を描きましょう😄) ただ技術の方は全く素人で、ここでは基本的に提言や翻訳ぐらいで、テクニカルな部分ではこれからお世話になります。

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親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 17:53:27
Hey guys, shall we build a Japanese version of g0v webpage? 這個主頁可以有一些語言切換~ 我可以寫日文版喔
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-16 18:27:27
Awesome! I’m in
I'm appreciate your offer,I'm pretty sure
In the last hackathon, we were working on adding i18n
Still a WIP and we are trying to translate it to English, but you can check out our commits and replicate the yaml for japanese!
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-17 14:49:35
I’ll call my JP friends!
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 2021-02-17 23:38:54
OK, I added Japanese as a comment on the 1st block on this page, since I wasn't able to edit it directly 😅 😏 Speaking of tech & coding, I'm a grade 0 student, so I appreciate your tireless efforts in enlightening me in the future 🙏
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-18 01:35:11
how can I invite my JP friend? I have his email. any homepage to send??
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-02-18 01:35:22
for login?
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 2021-02-19 16:45:12
I think if you li
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 2021-02-19 16:46:16
I think if you click the "g0v" at top right corner, and then select "invite people to g0v", there's a place to write email address.
Junichi Kagaya 2021-03-01 18:02:12
Hi, I’ve just joined thanks to the invitation from @dai ! Nice to meet you all!
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-03-01 19:42:01
Junichi Kagaya 2021-03-02 15:40:12
Is there anything I can do now? Or it’s still under consideration how we move forward?
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 2021-03-03 10:32:11
It can be a long-term vision, but I think it's cool for Japan (and all other countries too) to *establish a similar digital platform like g0v*, for normal people to participate in politics easier, also having more chances of dialogues with politicians 🙂
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-03-04 03:13:36
Junichi Kagaya 2021-03-04 11:10:56
Very much agree. The divide between politicians, voters (tend to be elder population) and youth is clearer than ever and widening today even in a country like Japan.
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 2021-03-05 11:35:27
Japan has been doing great in business sector, many companies develop top-class management structures, but there can be more dialogues between those companies & government, so that government can implement those management system into real life 🙂 日本の会社は経営にとても優れて、政府と積極的に議論を進めれば、これら企業の先進な経営理念を政府の場でも使えるかなと思います。それほど優秀なマネジメントシステムがあって、生活の場でフル活用されていないのはちょっともったいないですね😅
Dai -大輔/東京 2021-03-06 03:53:36
Junichi Kagaya 2021-03-08 16:15:10
I also fully agree!
May Lin 23:29:46
@mlin42sv has joined the channel


May 01:52:28
@anddba has joined the channel
Joshua Davis 02:24:30
Hello, I'm working on a peer-to-peer insurance project.
I'd like to provide g0v with a research grant to implement a protocol for peer-to-peer insurance called tandapay.
Is there anyone who could help me better understand the process for creating a grant and submitting it to g0v for evaluation?
Hi Joshua! I'm just a Canadian nobody, but maybe @besslee or @ipa would be ppl who might know? :) (Or anyone at bottom of this page:
> Admit that you are no one

Joshua Davis 2021-02-21 03:23:48
@patcon thanks
Eric Chang 11:22:01
@eric255 has joined the channel
iwasakinao80 13:17:58
@iwasakinao80 has joined the channel
ichieh 16:20:50
嗨大家~ 揪松團 2021 年的活動行事曆有開一個共筆給大家參考,包含雙月黑客松、零時小學校活動、其他小松、基礎松等等,請有興趣的大家先預留時間囉~~


g0v 揪松團 2021 年活動行事曆 - HackMD

# g0v 揪松團 2021 年活動行事曆 | Month 月份 | g0v 黑客松 | 零時小學校 Sch001 | 小松 &amp; 其他社群活動 | | -------- | -------- |

3 📅 3 1
tokicoibrenda 16:40:34
@tokicoibrenda has joined the channel
diegogalafassi 16:58:01
@diegogalafassi has joined the channel
diegogalafassi 17:02:13
Hello! I’m the convener of the Transformations Conference 2021, a global forum for discussing transformative change towards sustainability. g0v community is extremely inspiring and we would much appreciate if someone could present the experiences and some of the learnings of the community. There is more info about the conference here, but please DM for for details. Thanks!
For public records, I am interested and will send you an email to follow up
Cassie Kang 17:08:26
@ineslin35 has joined the channel
Michael Curry 20:20:25
@acgisfunny has joined the channel
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 21:10:19
我跟 @lisa 下次大松有點想投一個「如何介紹社群指南」收集參與者向別人介紹g0v大概是什麼的成功/失敗案例,可以分不同類型的對象(老師,情侶的爸媽)讓大家想一下介紹最有效率的方式是什麼,有人想參與或有意見歡迎聯絡我或@ky
7 5 5 5 🚀 6
bess 22:40:27
第一屆最有效率介紹 g0v 徵文大賽!(字最少的人就贏了(大誤)
John Huang 2021-02-18 02:28:56
`01100111 00110000 01110110`
😆 4 ❤️ 2
ronnywang 22:42:25
好像可以用線上揪松的錄音功能,大家可以錄一個 30 秒以內你怎麼介紹 g0v 的錄音來分享給大家 XD
🎙️ 5 3 ❤️ 4
bess 22:42:58


ichieh 14:00:59

嗨嗨大家~ 不知道為什麼兩個月又過了 orz,下次大松是 3/20,會是第肆拾參次黑客松,要請大家一起來提案黑客松名稱啦,我昨天想了一個源文 43,講完覺得太恥了,希望大家救救我 <>

可以唷!上次就有一位是線上參與看直播,然後把自己的提案寫成共筆(HackMD 或 Google Doc) 貼在 #general 如果有興趣的朋友就可以加入討論。若想提案可以先錄三分鐘提案影片我們會現場播
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 2021-02-19 17:02:37
在 slack 上、每 59|60|61|62 天就會有兩個月過去 (?)
😮 2
Wu Alex 14:07:29
@alexwu0824 has joined the channel
Cooder Chuang 14:48:00 has joined the channel
ael 19:27:01
Global Data Barometer 在徵負責台灣的研究員, 2/28 截止

D4D Asia

Call for National Researchers

Open Data for Development Asia Hub (D4DAsia) is currently seeking independent, country-level researchers for the following 14 countries: Indonesia; Philippines; Singapore; Cambodia; Lao PDR; Myanmar; Thailand; Vietnam; Sri Lanka; India; Nepal; Bangladesh; Taiwan; and Japan.

fumishitan 21:03:43
@hounen.hounen has joined the channel
Mike 22:51:50
@mikechouto800 has joined the channel


Lishen Yeh 10:54:35
@lisonbox has joined the channel
Wenqi Lee 14:08:05
@wenqilee has joined the channel
親愛的 (Friends from Universe) 16:57:18
Do we have a virtual art gallery for art lovers & designers in g0v? Designers can upload artworks/designs/cliparts into the art pool, and project organizers can use (or modify) those elements for visual designs 🎨 g0v有藝廊嗎?(我對技術不太熟,如果沒有可以教我怎麼開喔)就是有一個頁面專門讓設計者上傳畫作或素材,可以為專案的圖像設計帶來靈感或直接使用~
這邊有一個 g0v public 的雲端空間,在文化部跟圖檔這兩個 file 裡面都有一些素材,應該都可以上傳檔案或更新(如果我理解錯誤歡迎大家指正 🙏
ichieh 18:33:15
這邊有一個 g0v public 的雲端空間,在文化部跟圖檔這兩個 file 裡面都有一些素材,應該都可以上傳檔案或更新(如果我理解錯誤歡迎大家指正 🙏
🎨 3 💗 3 😍 3


Ruth 03:34:57
@ruth.wetters has joined the channel
py52080 17:38:19

大家好,我是島島阿學學習社群 (#edu-daodao) 的姵璇。島島阿學受邀在下週末(2/27、28)參與成大單車節擺攤活動。




@py52080 這則要不要也在小學校社團發發看,現在裡面有很多台南學生 XD
1 1
賴沛慈113 31 19:13:14
@b2j0115 has joined the channel
jayechuang 19:34:54
@jayechuang has joined the channel
李倢安 19:56:34
@a0903029537 has joined the channel
Azussane 20:55:31
@kuovivian993 has joined the channel
bil 22:05:01

那個協助大家辨識不實訊息的 cofacts 真的假的 聊天機器人 終於打開「加入群組」的功能勾勾了,做了些比較細緻的規劃,希望能幫助更多人。一樣開源、一樣自由,是個透明開放的機器人🤖️ㄏㄏ


🤖 6 4
weiyung1028 22:47:55
@weiyung1028 has joined the channel


catherina1109 14:24:48
@catherina1109 has joined the channel
isabelhou 16:47:34


A third-part web application based on flask to play Clubhouse audio.

👍 1
abe1272001 17:16:50
@abe1272001 has joined the channel
柚子 19:07:49
@cy0802.amy has joined the channel
fifi18f 19:13:38
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claireclaire0203 19:35:57
@claireclaire0203 has joined the channel
Hsin 19:46:25
@yinhsin0428 has joined the channel


yao 09:41:51
這個其實在 V2X (V2V, V2R/V2I) 規範裡面我記得是有規劃的,但是目前相關規範還沒完成標準化,更不用說實施上線….


我記得大陸的高德有一個功能,就是他們有賣一種三角錐,上面是會有跟手機藍芽連接,同時會連接目前拋錨車子的位置與回報到高德導航,拋錨的使用者只要把三角錐架起來,那同時有在使用高德導航的用戶也就會收到警示提示 (不過其實在車上用導航APP回報事故也是可以做到,類似Waze 的回報機制)

不會這一樣也是有 不可能所有車都裝導航,另外是發生事故的車子也都還在不一定有空在app中進行回報等等的問題

但似乎如果像是行車紀錄器本身有碰撞偵測又有網路連接的話,如果政府可以開放回報事故的API,由這些行車紀錄器去串接自動回報事故可能也有點機會 (這些事故資訊可以及時顯示在高速公路上的提示看板上)
事故回報機制在台灣除了 Waze,還有警廣 (所以發生事故的話可以用警廣電話回報)。

台灣的導航 App 像導航王或 PaPaGo 我記得應該都有接警廣的路況更新 API (Waze 似乎也有的樣子),可以在導航 App 裡做事故警示跟繞道處理。

不過事故發生後的二次車禍通常都很快,可能還沒回報給警廣就發生二次事故了…. 可能還是用道路自動化偵測系統 + V2X + 自動駕駛車去處理會比較及時一點….
所以自己開車還是小心點 XD

在歐美的話我會說應該 5~10 年內會普及,台灣的話…. 10~15 年?
二次事故的避免我想我剛剛寫的「道路自動化偵測系統 + V2X 通訊平台 + 車流監控分析 + 自動駕駛車」機制應該是需要的,但這每一項都需要法規的開放與實際系統的設計實作,這就要看政府有沒有這麼積極地想處理這方面了….
| 如果政府可以開放回報事故的API,由這些行車紀錄器去串接自動回報事故可能也有點機會

我覺得這個可以作為 g0v 題目誒...
目前已經有透過 GPS 定位的測速照相機報告軟體了,其實就是基於這類型的軟體,改善事件發生的回報 UX ,這樣應該就行了,然後實際上重點就是在下載 APP 的使用者會定時收到新的事件推播,然後在使用者的手機比對精確位置和南下北上後假如事故位置在20 公里內的話就顯示 Notification 這樣應該就完成第一階段了?
👍 2
Chih Ching Yang 14:23:46
@shellyyg has joined the channel
bess 15:18:27
台南 Open Data Day
josephine lan 16:38:43
@josephine.lan has joined the channel
Chi-Wei Tseng 17:44:29
@im.tsengchiwei has joined the channel
phlogiston01 21:02:04
@babibo1225 has joined the channel
Yun-Ju Yang 23:19:12
@yya2 has joined the channel


陳昱蓉 12:17:00
@ritachen0826 has joined the channel
annguo1106 12:18:46
@annguo1106 has joined the channel
R Chang 13:20:47
@annabechang has joined the channel
Hong Phuc Dang 18:21:17
@hp has joined the channel
anon 19:01:01
@anontw has joined the channel
Hong Phuc Dang 19:38:05
Hi everyone, this is Hong Phuc from FOSSASIA. I want to invite g0v to share your work at the upcoming FOSSASIA Virtual Summit Do you know whom I should reach out to regarding this?

FOSSASIA Volunteer Registration


Cassie Kang 2021-02-24 09:06:54
Hi, I'm new here too, but I think you can ask ichieh for help :)
If it is open call for proposals, it is good to share the info here! If you are looking for a certain person to be invited, there is no representatives to speak on g0v’s behave. Maybe you can share what topics you would like to hear from g0v participants
Hong Phuc Dang 2021-02-24 16:57:19
We want to invite g0v to join the exhibition where different communities and initiatives showcase their work in free software
Hong Phuc Dang 2021-02-24 16:57:56
We want to our community to learn about your work in Taiwan
Hong Phuc Dang 2021-02-24 16:59:29
CFS unfortunately already ended. We have published the schedule
Let me tag @besslee @chiehg0v to see if they can help on that
Hong Phuc Dang 2021-02-24 17:39:48
thank you
Hi @hp the exhibition sounds interesting, let’s discuss how to do it.
Hong Phuc Dang 2021-02-24 21:21:55
@besslee please fill in this form and I will set things up for you
Got it, thank you!
我先開了一份共筆,有人有興趣在 FOSSASIA Summit 用 short 5-minute conversation 介紹 g0v 嗎?Summit 期間有三次(March 14 下午一次、March 17 下午晚上各一次),我先開了展覽共筆:
我 3/17 晚上不行,另外兩個時段可以。想推坑 @sampeterrobbins @pei4.cats @kevin(太多 Kevin,到底之前幫忙翻譯的是哪一個)來介紹眼中的 g0v 社群
@lisa @besslee 求救,就是有去過 vTaiwan 然後上次大松幫忙弄 g0v 英文官網的 Kevin XD
我可以吧~~ 只是怕講錯什麼
3/17 晚上幾點?
Wednesday March 17 between 8 PM-9 PM (SGT)
@aelcenganda 想要什麼時段?也繼續 tag @sampeterrobbins@pei4.cats XD
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-02-26 17:54:03
搞我要寫嗎?還是有一個常用的ppt ?
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-02-26 17:56:49
我也可以,剛好是大松 過後(吧?)所以可以引用一下大松專案所學到的
剛好是大松之前 XD 稿可以一起來寫啊~
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-02-26 17:57:52
稿可以共筆,我也可以分享我英文 分享 g0v 的投影片和其他社群成員的投影片
大松什麼時候?真的又過兩個月了~ : 0
不過我覺得每個人切的角度不同才是 g0v 社群有趣的地方
大松 3/20~~~
@kevinliao 下次大松 3/20

To Lebanese youths

To Swedish civic tech community

To Indonesian Art Collectives
FOSSASIA 則是主要活動在東南亞的開源技術社群, @kevinliao 可以想像如何跟工程師朋友介紹。我自己做投影片的話,可能就會挑一些比較技術也比較能呼應東南亞政治局勢的專案分享。但也許 kjcl 也可以介紹說 g0v 黑客松跟其他黑客松有什麼不同 XD
我選 3/14 中午
那現在還剩 3/17 中午,@sampeterrobbins 要填個坑嗎?
3/17 中午我在上班可能無法喔😳
@sampeterrobbins 需要換時間嗎
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-02-28 09:40:21
@sampeterrobbins 我可以換到週三中午
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-02-28 20:26:39
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-02-28 20:49:38
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-02 12:47:53
Sunday March 14 between 12 PM-1 PM (SGT)
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-02 12:50:01
Got it ~
@besslee 我們三個人需要填什麼東西嗎
好像沒有,但要不要來一起想一下中間要填什麼 XD
@besslee 我大概看了一下,比較麻煩的是要填 Contact person and contact email,我覺得用我的個人 email 不好。還是可以把我加進 g0v-talk mailing list?
@besslee 我不打算給 PDF intro deck,因為我們不太可能有這種東西可以代表介紹 g0v 的 PDF。我留了網址和圖片
@sampeterrobbins @kevinliao @besslee 除了 5min 報告時間之外,需要我們列時間讓參與者可以進入線上聊天室交流,他們希望請我們開時間。我就以大松前和大松時間為主。大松當天你們有空線上聊嗎 XDDDD 我大松當天沒空

• 21:00-22:00 March 19 //Right after 松前哈拉 @aelcenganda 可以
• 13:00-14:00 March 20 //剛好 g0v 大松可以找人輪班?
- 16:00-17:00 March 20 //剛好 g0v 大松可以找人輪班?
16:00-17:00 好像不錯,中午要先搶食物
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-05 14:28:38
@sampeterrobbins 你自己開時間啊,開了就要準備陪聊(?)或是有個提案是請大家輪流進聊天室陪可能出現的外國人聊天(?)也可以不限於 給FOSSASIA 啦,就是大松開一個線上英文討論間
@sampeterrobbins 那就大松那天 16:00-17:00 吧,我們一起~
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-05 15:33:59
Hi @hp Sorry for the late reply, we finished the form just now.
Hong Phuc Dang 2021-03-06 23:02:29
@besslee awesome 🙂
@hp @besslee How will we get the links to join FOSSASIA summit exhibition as a speaker?

FOSSASIA Virtual Summit 2021 會在新加坡時間 Saturday, 13 March, 2021 2:00 PM (SGT) - Sunday, 21 March, 2021 9:00 PM (SGT) 之間舉行,新加坡跟台灣無時差,想要認識更多東南亞開源社群的人,可以登入看看,不用付費。 這次是其中一個 exhibitor,中間會有 5-min conversation 跟 office hour 的時間,歡迎大家一起上線!

*5-min conversation (Welcome to ask anything)*
• Sunday March 14 between 12 PM-1 PM (SGT) @sampeterrobbins
• Wednesday March 17 between 12 PM-1 PM (SGT) @aelcenganda
• Wednesday March 17 between 8 PM-9 PM (SGT) @kevinliao
*Office Hours*
19 March 21:00-22:00 (SGT)
20 March 16:00-17:00 (SGT) (g0v Hackath43n)
@besslee 我發現我搞錯松前哈拉的時間了,松前哈拉中文版是晚上九點,英文版可以改十點嗎 QAQ
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-13 14:38:23
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-13 16:57:12
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-13 16:57:24
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-13 16:57:55
還是大家一起去英文版聊 XD(很鬧事
@besslee 那週五晚上九點英文版交給你囉
@besslee 只有英文版會嚇到很多台灣人吧
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-14 10:38:45
現在在整理presentaiton,想問一下slack連結怎麼提供?有QR code 嗎?想說最後他們想要繼續了解的話可以到我們的slack裡面
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-14 10:42:15
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-14 12:11:37
@kevinliao it seems that we just go to the main hall at our time on Wed for 5 min conversation. @besslees and @sampeterrobbins go to g0v virtual room on our office hours. Just note the conclusions of email threads here.
Sam 羅翔鈞 ㄙㄚㄇ 2021-03-16 14:02:44
Ok, will do, thanks
@kevinliao I am in the main hall right now. Everyone prepares a 5 min presentation lol It’s ont my turn yet
!! So I should prepare a presentation...
There is finally someone speaking without slides. Nevertheless, some forms of introduction is needed
@kevinliao this is my slides that I crafted while other speakers are speaking. Still a little bit too many slides for 5 min presentation. @sampeterrobbins Would you like to share your slides? (Join Exhibitor Video Room)

Hi 大家,今晚九點跟明天下午四點也有 `FOSSASIA Summit 2021` 的 Office Hours,歡迎一起上線!跟松前哈啦比較不一樣的是,應該會以英文為主。

Hi guys welcome to join g0ver’s Office Hours at `FOSSASIA Summit 2021` tonight and tomorrow (during g0v Hackath43n)!

*Office Hours*
• 19 March 21:00-22:00 (SGT)
• 20 March 16:00-17:00 (SGT)
Ayyy thanks
I'll come tomorrow
shihgangliu 21:00:50
@shihgangliu has joined the channel


oolikeyou 01:48:38
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蕭馬克 10:03:43
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吳勇霖 14:26:27
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20040813apple 15:52:29
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@null 16:02:55
<goJohnnie> 收到通知,有些政府機構已要求外包商不准使用「大陸程式碼」,這不就代表連 vue.js 也不能用了.....。
核心應該是指不得外包至中國大陸吧? 雖然如果對方是免費幫忙送上的那這樣算不算就不知道了
不過「大陸程式碼」這樣需要有屬人或是屬地的實質認定,因此要認定 Evan 有沒有美國公民或是大陸地區戶籍,或者是確認他在 Commit 某段程式碼的時候人在中國大陸或是美國,或者是中國大陸籍航空公司的飛行器或是其他國家的飛行器上 (X
不過像是vue和node這種完全開源的應該是沒問題,只要有確實做 code review 應該就行了(雖然應該不會有接標案的廠商真的去 code review vue)

但是如果像是 agora 他有部分程式碼是只提供二進位檔的也許就會有問題?
是 server 在哪裡的問題吧
some advise here, when we take a project as open sourced and take it as safe because enough eyes on it. but the thing is if there are pull request and merge are done by people impacted by CCP power. so pay attention to the complicated huge code commit(sth may in side), and the very careless code(bugs of security issue)
I believe g0v and gov has the same value on this code safe topic, so could we communicate through audrey tang?
As a starter we keep it in a sandbox, avoid open connections not on whitelist?
感謝建議。`開放原始碼軟體(Open Source)` `Vue.js` 不受此政策影響。資安處意見如下:


`一、 初步了解似因渠等Open Source之開發團隊中有大陸人士,爰列入本次盤點及汰換範圍。`

`二、 考量渠等軟體係以開放的概念提供各界使用者自由修改原始碼,且其為世界主流網頁開發框架,於實務上礙難汰換。`
😂 3 1
張孟涵 19:11:42
@menghan727 has joined the channel
pichuchen 19:22:55
核心應該是指不得外包至中國大陸吧? 雖然如果對方是免費幫忙送上的那這樣算不算就不知道了
pichuchen 19:24:53
不過「大陸程式碼」這樣需要有屬人或是屬地的實質認定,因此要認定 Evan 有沒有美國公民或是大陸地區戶籍,或者是確認他在 Commit 某段程式碼的時候人在中國大陸或是美國,或者是中國大陸籍航空公司的飛行器或是其他國家的飛行器上 (X
pichuchen 19:26:35
不過像是vue和node這種完全開源的應該是沒問題,只要有確實做 code review 應該就行了(雖然應該不會有接標案的廠商真的去 code review vue)

但是如果像是 agora 他有部分程式碼是只提供二進位檔的也許就會有問題?
@null 20:50:11
<goJohnnie> 是這樣沒錯。但主管機關的指示,目前似乎還沒有其他解釋空間。
ael 22:35:42
是 server 在哪裡的問題吧


Andy Zhao 05:25:41
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Anita Hsu 07:59:17
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Ted Chien 16:46:42
Evelyn 20:23:47
@usakelly100 has joined the channel
DannyLin 23:09:11
@bylin0829 has joined the channel


anon 13:36:00
some advise here, when we take a project as open sourced and take it as safe because enough eyes on it. but the thing is if there are pull request and merge are done by people impacted by CCP power. so pay attention to the complicated huge code commit(sth may in side), and the very careless code(bugs of security issue)
anon 13:40:42
I believe g0v and gov has the same value on this code safe topic, so could we communicate through audrey tang?
anon 13:40:45
As a starter we keep it in a sandbox, avoid open connections not on whitelist?
呱呱 15:11:40
@jennifer930304 has joined the channel
bess 16:36:57
我先開了一份共筆,有人有興趣在 FOSSASIA Summit 用 short 5-minute conversation 介紹 g0v 嗎?Summit 期間有三次(March 14 下午一次、March 17 下午晚上各一次),我先開了展覽共筆:


FOSSASIA Summit Exhibitors Registration - HackMD

# FOSSASIA Summit Exhibitors Registration :::info The FOSSASIA Summit 2021 will take place from M

❤️ 1
bess 16:37:40
@besslee set the channel topic: 下次大松 3/20 @ SINICA | 注意:這裡有公開紀錄,請留意個資安全 | 自己邀請自己 | 新加入看教學 | 與 同步中


ailanthus 04:57:15
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huang.ruby.930918 15:00:01
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Nicole Liu 16:18:25
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awd861001 22:05:42
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Rebecca Chen 22:24:07
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tinglu214 22:53:20
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irene9227 22:59:46
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yun77 22:33:32
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Valo 22:50:32
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無名氏 22:56:18
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