
Month: 2018-11


patcon 02:04:07
@patcon has joined the channel
mglee 02:04:08
@mglee has joined the channel
patcon 02:04:08
@patcon set the channel purpose: For discussion related to participatory research in the g0v community, academic and otherwise. All welcome!
fiorella 02:04:08
@fiorella has joined the channel
jc 02:04:08
@jcjiang42 has joined the channel
patcon 02:05:05
Re: https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C02G2SXKX/p1542127786318300?thread_ts=1542119156.307200&cid=C02G2SXKX

Maybe we should start a #participatory-research channel (or better name?), so everyone -- Taiwanese folks and otherwise -- know where these conversations between curious outside stakeholders are happening, and its not something that seems mysterious

patcon 02:05:15
patcon 02:09:23
@jcjiang42 mentioned that the link to my proposal was broken. Will fix later, but for now: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e20yb8osx7eNIDDSnPCmIZv_PS1h3GQaNv69mri1_l0/edit?usp=drivesdk
patcon 02:10:09
Also, #todo: add mention of the amount of official funding from TFD, and my community crowdfunding to get here
patcon 02:10:49

also, speaking of which, I've been meaning to share a little doc explaining my own research project, so here it is for anyone who's been curious (still a work in progress :slightly_smiling_face: ) <https://hackmd.io/s/By1-F1_6Q>

patcon 10:36:42

<@UE1LQGF08> I think your questions about getting involved from afar could apply to more ppl! Would you consider starting a shared doc (many g0v ppl use hackmd) to list those questions out? This way there can be a communal convo on this topic :)

patcon 10:37:08

<@UE1LQGF08> Also check out this doc for journalists and researchers: <https://g0v.hackmd.io/hgXdOpyZRPCK1HVBVGmIhA> does it help you? Are you seeing something missing that should be in the doc?

patcon 13:36:03
@jcjiang42 re: your research dates.
Ahhhh you're arriving on Dec 29, and I'm leaving Dec 17. It's too bad that there's no overlap...!
Oh no!! Yeah, scheduling was a bit difficult because I wanted to spend Christmas with my family…
patcon 13:38:33
@jcjiang42 who is funding your research period btw? (If you don't mind me asking)
no yeah of course! I’m doing design research with a professor at Tatung University on technology in eldercare through TEEP, which is where my housing is coming from. The rest of my funding I applied for through a center at my school!
Oh man, eldercare kinda came up tonight at the vTaiwan meeting. A few of us are working on building "sociometric badges", and discussing in #social-physics.
The gist of the first proposed experiment is to use the badges to run a simple, in-person augmentation of the #vtaiwan process, so that moving around a facilitated session in response to comments up in screen (between stations for agree/disagree/unsure) will auto-generate a pol.is conversation live on the wall. We talked about using it to supplement #vtaiwan's online opinion-gathering phase.

Right now, vTaiwan is only used to discuss policymaking on digital issues, so that the digital divide doesn't de-legitimize any outcomes. But the thought was to use the sociometric badges to let people wander between stations, and so maybe these sessions could be run at nursing homes to make the processes more inclusive (and open up the realm of the possible in terms of issues that could be discussed). If we could take the opinion gathering phase into the real world, and run it alongside the online model, it might be more equitable :)
oh woah I totally missed this, this is so cool!! joining now and seeing how much knowledge i can pick up through osmosis hahaha



patcon 16:05:51
Hey @fiorella, just came across the work of the French philosopher (?) Bernard Stiegler and his thinking on "contributory work":


Spatial Machinations

Bernard Stiegler: “We are entering an era of contributory work”

The website Rue89 have published an interesting and accessible interview with Bernard Stiegler on the theme of an economy of contribution. In the interview Stiegler offers some general observations…

Are you familiar with him? If so, do you see relation with models that g0v works under? Know any related threads? cc @mglee
@patcon I'm not really familiar with his work (even though he graduated from my university XD).
I got his “Technics and Time” in my reading list for some time but never found time to read 😛
👍 1
Bimo 16:34:28
@agoeng.bhimasta has joined the channel
Ansin Law 16:34:40
@imyentsen has joined the channel
patcon 16:46:36
@patcon set the channel topic: Doc: https://hackmd.io/s/HJqL4jC6m
