
Month: 2022-04


patcon 00:38:50
@charles972 catch you later today! Notes here for anyone curious (others welcome to join):
hey @charles972 -- I've got some work commitments piling up, so I think i need to postpone our call this week. At the very least, i can do next week, but also happy to resched. weekend might be best, as I was very behind on work last week, and best not to schedule anything in workday i think ❤️
Charles Montgomery 2022-04-12 02:06:18
Hey there! Yes I messaged you on this channel and on twitter to suggest we skip this week. 😀
Charles Montgomery 2022-04-12 02:07:13
Whoops I actually DM'd you, it was not on this channel. Sorry you didn't see it and hope you didn't wait for me!
patcon 00:38:50
@charles972 catch you later today! Notes here for anyone curious (others welcome to join, though timing kinda sucks 😕 ):
hey @charles972 -- I've got some work commitments piling up, so I think i need to postpone our call this week. At the very least, i can do next week, but also happy to resched. weekend might be best, as I was very behind on work last week, and best not to schedule anything in workday i think ❤️
Charles Montgomery 2022-04-12 02:06:18
Hey there! Yes I messaged you on this channel and on twitter to suggest we skip this week. 😀
Charles Montgomery 2022-04-12 02:07:13
Whoops I actually DM'd you, it was not on this channel. Sorry you didn't see it and hope you didn't wait for me!


patcon 01:03:09
@charles972 I'm on track for being in GatherTown in 30 min, but lemme know if you'd rather take Easter Monday off from our chats :) http://link.civictech.ca/gathertown
patcon 01:03:09
@charles972 I'm on track for being in GatherTown in 30 min, but lemme know if you'd rather take Easter Monday off from our chats :) http://link.civictech.ca/gathertown



Gather is a video-calling space that lets multiple people hold separate conversations in parallel, walking in and out of those conversations just as easily as they would in real life.

Charles Montgomery 01:06:45
Hey Patcon, thanks for checking in. I'm at my moms and she needs some attention. Can we catch up next week?
For sure! I'm still settling from my return to Canada, so happy to take some space as well :) enjoy the family time, Charles :hearts:
Charles Montgomery 01:06:45
Hey Patcon, thanks for checking in. I'm at my moms and she needs some attention. Can we catch up next week?
For sure! I'm still settling from my return to Canada, so happy to take some space as well :) enjoy the family time, Charles :hearts: