
Month: 2018-11


@null 13:28:21
More time to rest


@null 13:29:18
Real-time board's simultaneous collaboration requires gold QQ

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1541136557018400?thread_ts=1540987595.016300&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|Real-time board 的同時協作要課金QQ>


@null 19:53:33
The technical difficulties in making pwa are really many.

&lt;https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1541332411019200|製作成pwa的技術困難還真多 https://github.com/g0v/vue.vtaiwan.tw/tree/pwa-test&gt;

@null 20:07:18
Thanks to @Romulus , the data-integration of the polis @Romulus -exported the original information to OK, has been added to the meta.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1541333237020500|感謝 @Romulus ,data-integration 的 polis 匯出[原始資料](https://github.com/audreyt/polis-...>

@null 20:08:21
https://vtaiwan.tw/topic/data-integration/ meeting briefing, live broadcast, co-writing, whiteboard added

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1541333301021500|https://vtaiwan.tw/topic/data-integration/ 諮詢會議的簡報、直播、共筆、白板都加上...>

@null 20:12:22
Thanks also to @steno _tin for @steno manuscript from the live stream to SayIt later.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1541333541022800|另外也感謝 @steno_tin 稍後會從直播補逐字稿到 SayIt 上。>

@null 20:15:43
Mainly still loading speed is relatively slow. Pwa is a possible solution (at least with cache) but any that can enhance the loading experience is welcome

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1541333742023000?thread_ts=1541332411.019200&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|主要還是載入速度比較慢。 pwa 是一個可能的解法(至少有 cache 住) 但任何...>


@null 16:56:14
Wow! 是 pwa 耶! Awesome!

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1541408173023200?thread_ts=1541332411.019200&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|pwa rules!>

@null 20:49:59
Although it is not possible to browse offline, the speed seems to be getting faster.


@null 20:51:41
Try https://github.com/NekR/offline-plugin



ronnywang 11:26:38
@ronnywang has joined the channel


patcon 10:51:36
Sorry to have missed this weeks meeting y'all. I broke my attendance streak :)
🐇 1


@null 16:17:41
Re: sociometric badges. I am happy to leave them all here, but I would really love to bring half back to Canada when I go home, if possible. Might anyone be willing to chip in to order parts & circuit boards for 30 badges -- 15 in Toronto and 15 in Taipei?

Just to update outside DM: <@U04537GEE> and I will be ordering parts &amp; boards for 15 rhythm badges at Taipei Hacker space tomorrow at 9pm. We'll document, or anyone is welcome to drop by if they want to learn how it's done in person :tada:

(I am already ordering 15.)
Cost for 15 is about NT$1000 unassembled, and we (anyone interested) will assemble/solder them at hackerspace :)
There might be some other costs before these are usable (buying development boards for programming, and Bluetooth low-energy beacons), but the hardest and most consuming work is ordering/building badges, so it will save someone a BIG hurdle to do it now!
And chipping in for this won't mean the other costs are yours to pay :)
@null 16:18:21
(I am already ordering 15.)

@null 16:21:10
Cost for 15 is about NT$1000 unassembled, and we (anyone interested) will assemble/solder them at hackerspace :)

@null 16:22:37
There might be some other costs before these are usable (buying development boards for programming, and Bluetooth low-energy beacons), but the hardest and most consuming work is ordering/building badges, so it will save someone a BIG hurdle to do it now!

@null 16:23:13
And chipping in for this won't mean the other costs are yours to pay :)

Martin king 19:59:50
@martin.king234 has joined the channel
Marlene 20:01:00
@marlene.ronstedt has joined the channel


@null 23:47:04
<Https://news.pts.org.tw/article/412888> vtaiwan's old topic XD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542124023040900|https://news.pts.org.tw/article/412888 vtaiwan 的老議題 XD>

@null 23:54:44
After reading the news, I realized that Uber didn’t use the multi-tasking car that Vtaiwan produced at the time. Later, the business model went from taxi to passenger transport to the small car rental industry.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542124483042400|看了新聞內容我才意識到,結果 Uber 後來根本沒用當初 vtaiwan 所產出的多元�...>

@null 23:54:47
OK, @kevinphy and I just ordered the parts and boards for building 10 #social-physics rhythm badges!! woooo!


noneck 03:36:43
@noneck has joined the channel
🎉 1
patcon 03:39:11
I nominate @achemistd!

cc @lisa @fang @fiorella @kevinliao @sylin @billy3321

my buddy who is a sitting ny state senator is flying out to taiwan for an official visit. i told him he needs to hear about the vTaiwan process/practice. besides audrey &amp; official gov people, whom else should he meet with? fyi - he is the sponsor of nys' single payer healthcare bill.

noneck 03:46:48
there are sooo many channels
hi, we have regular meeting for vTaiwan every Wednesday night. welcome your friend to join in and he could meet most of us( who was nominated by Patcon)
Hi @achemistd — i would love to send him and his deligation to you. they will be a deligation of NY state senators. Can you send me details about your meeting and I will pass it along to his chief of staff? i'm best reachable at noel@beta.nyc
noneck 03:46:53
thanks @patcon
jc 04:08:52
@jcjiang42 has joined the channel
@null 15:56:31
cc @Bimo ^^^

Bimo 16:53:06
@agoeng.bhimasta has joined the channel
@null 18:41:12
running a little behind, but omw

@null 18:41:38
ah wait, it's 7pm, isn't it?

@null 18:44:11
should we update the hackpad template? it's been confusing me with 6:30 since day 1, when I arrived and no one was there. where do we copy the event hackpad from, and I'm happy to fix it to the actual start time :slightly_smiling_face:

I think I fixed all of that after that day, where did you see 6:30?
@null 18:46:56
I think I fixed all of that after that day, where did you see 6:30?

@null 18:51:04
May I ask if vtaiwan Komatsu wants to eat ducks, can we change its name from hackathon to quack-athon?


@null 18:51:11

@null 19:19:06

patcon 19:22:58
Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 7.22.15 PM.png
patcon 19:51:52
fixed the english translation link on the agenda, in case anyone was confused: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://g0v.hackpad.tw/ep/pad/static/XSIDmLrVOIr
@null 20:03:19
<system> file MVIMG_20181114_195532.jpg too big to download (6746244 > allowed size: 1000000)

@null 20:03:19
Small class sharing Toronto workshop ❤️

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542196999053000|小班分享多倫多 workshop :heart:>

patcon 20:04:03
evidence of minority being preserved in: https://mydem0cracy.ca/
Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 8.03.23 PM.png
@null 20:04:35
oops. gotta fix that bug in the translation bridge 😕

😆 1
Someone (across chat bridge) 20:04:54
Screen Shot 2018-11-14 at 8.03.23 PM
@null 20:04:54

@null 20:13:12
I googled the meaning of “政委“, the government role of 唐鳳, here it is
It’s interesting for me 😁

@null 20:14:22
Political commissar in Taiwan is "government commissioner" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%94%BF%E5%8B%99%E5%A7%94%E5%93%A1_(%E4%B8 %AD%E8%8F%AF%E6%B0%91%E5%9C%8B)

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542197661056700|政委 in Taiwan is “政務委員” (https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%94%BF%E5%8B%99%E5%A7%94%E5...>

@null 20:14:33
@ronnywang https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/ reason free behavior

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542197672057500|@ronnywang https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/原因自由行为>

Thanks for legal assistance, next time I will pay attention to the fact that I still can’t commit crimes after getting drunk.
@null 20:14:33
Not "political commissioner" XD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542197672057600|not “政治委員” XD>

Thanks for legal assistance, next time I will pay attention to the fact that I still can’t commit crimes after getting drunk.
@null 20:15:48
Thanks for legal assistance, next time I will pay attention to the fact that I still can’t commit crimes after getting drunk.


@null 20:18:27
Learn about XDD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542197906058400|了解了 XDD>

@null 20:18:49
Originally thought that the meaning of the two is the same XD


@null 20:30:03
vTaiwan's folder sometimes seems to be very slow, not sure what the problem is https://goo.gl/ccgXai

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542198602059400|vTaiwan 的 folder 有時候開好像很慢耶,不確定是什麼問題 https://goo.gl/ccgXai>

Guess is because my Chrome plug-in causes it to open very slowly
@null 21:30:17
Guess is because my Chrome plug-in causes it to open very slowly

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542202216059900?thread_ts=1542198602.059400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|猜測是因為我的 Chrome 外掛導致開很慢>


@null 21:13:23
https://udn.com/news/story/6656/3479777?fbclid=IwAR0SE24y8n5zBJt5j5ePV3E3GVyUzHqRzzIO_Oqln7PdCdt7Yd0b5q5wOX8 Recently there are a lot of news related to vTaiwan issues, is it right to do something or talk again (and uber)



@null 13:27:50
Maybe for more vTaiwan workshops run by community?

【12 月 11 截止】 全球 Code for All Network 將提供最高 8000 美金的補助,提供成員團體申請,與其他成員進行一週的實體交流,交流的項目包括:共同開發某個專案、移植既有的專案、訓練課程,計畫需要在明年五月之前完成。 詳細文件:<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GJ-GqTJ2uUNggLV1ANHqY8Gvm59bXaj91fYBlmi--kk/edit?fbclid=IwAR04fYiHYCrMGsUJPfEF0OM9rem1Ri--PXhSDRtg2S33KOc5lNordyAzXuA> 目前 Code for All 的成員有:台灣 g0v、非洲(Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda)、南非開普敦、波蘭、美國(美西)、澳洲、加拿大(多倫多)、德國、日本、巴基斯坦、羅馬尼亞、墨西哥、加勒比、荷蘭(阿姆斯特丹) Code for All 官網:<https://codeforall.org/> 有興趣、需要翻譯協助或需要找到其他成員的聯繫方式歡迎在下面留言。

Mr.Hal from code for Japan mentioned that he's interested in building a platform like vTaiwan this week.
@null 17:07:02
Mr.Hal from code for Japan mentioned that he's interested in building a platform like vTaiwan this week.

@null 18:43:20
I bet @alexjay from Toronto is interested too! (This channel is synced with a channel on the CicicTechTO slack team)

cc @hal


@null 00:54:57
hey hey! definitely, and chipping away at it here in Toronto. @hal @ky what part of vTaiwan? The "platform" is actually an assortment of processes and tools, right? if it's http://pol.is, that depends on local/issue-based adaptations. If it's the in-person deliberation process ("reflection stage"), this depends on having the right people at the table at the right place at the right time. (i.e. a lot of coordination and a lot of existing buy-in). The first successful case of a vTaiwan pilot outside of Taiwan will offer others an idea of how to "import" the process.

@null 18:35:45
We are thinking to apply Cade for All Exchange program.
The program is focusing to reproduce civic tech trainings. So some of workshops or curriculums are suitable.

@null 18:37:18
Ah, that was a same link you referred.

@null 18:40:23
@Teruka Sumiya launched a citizen participated law making community recently. So we will have a meeting with Lisa Lin-Kuanyu san next week.


@null 23:33:41
sounds awesome 🙂


@null 18:10:39
All the power to the community! 🙌

@null 18:34:10
Everyone, Ann, there are two proposals for this vTaiwan party on Wednesday, welcome everyone to participate! 1. Code for Japan Wired Discussion 2. Seminar (cross-generation understanding, recognition and participation in democratic politics) https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/c7cf4d2f-copy-1 https://g0v.hackpad. Tw/20181121-vTaiwan-7TRqPFBNokB

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542623648074900|大家安安,本週三的 vTaiwan 小聚會有兩個提案唷,歡迎大家參加! 1. Code for ...>

patcon 18:39:19


@null 12:16:25
Multi-tasking cars also need to add a meter and a jump table. There is no way to know the total price before getting on the bus. The only advantage of getting off the car and waiting for the driver to lose the price is that "it is definitely not cheaper than a taxi." It is only beneficial to competitors. Honestly, it is now convenient for operators, drivers and passengers.


jfilmer 16:07:21
@jfilmer has joined the channel
👋 1
Nikki Sylianteng 16:13:10
@nicole.sylianteng has joined the channel


@null 15:06:39
Hello, everyone, we are scheduled for 12/5 (3) to discuss vTaiwan's plan for next year, to seek consensus and decide the direction of work. I hope to collect opinions before the meeting, and I hope that as many people as possible can come to participate, so invite everyone to register in advance. You are welcome to write a topic and ideas first, and welcome to Po.lis to express your position. Registration https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/c7cf4d2f-copy-2?fbclid=IwAR1pA6-hkV8r1IezenvRSvg3buN5XQ8Hanf7lCUpBX6L_m-asrQMEvfRGCo A total of https://g0v.hackpad.tw/20181205-vTaiwan--S5OpekX9p59 Po.lis https:/ /pol.is/7sbbavbdsn

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542783997078700|各位好,我們預定12/5(三) 要來討論vTaiwan明年的計畫,藉此尋求共識,決定��...>



希望這次小松可以成為一個討論的開始,溝通對vTaiwan的想像,分享經驗與心得,建立共識。進一步討論是否要投g0v grant與明年的工作目標。 會議共筆:<https://g0v.hackpad.tw>

@null 18:39:04
I'll be maybe 30 minutes late tonight, but will be there!

@null 18:39:52
Also, I forget if I already submitted a comment on some topics, so please disregard if they are repeats 🙂

@null 19:06:20
Hi, everyone, the Golden Horse Award-winning documentary "Our youth, in Taiwan", this Sunday, there is a time in Xinyiweixiu, just watch a few tickets and share it with everyone. @ky https://sales.vscinemas.com.tw/VieShowTicket/?agree=on&cinemacode=1&txtSessionId=1301909

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542798379084800|Hi 各位好,金馬獎得獎的紀錄片「我們的青春,在台灣」,這星期日在信義�...>

patcon 19:30:54
patcon 20:08:52
I am SO CURIOUS to learn about the feelings of why people in tokyo riot on halloween. i hope the rioting, police-fighting adults are considered stakeholders XD
@null 20:10:38
Google translation seems to be a big mistake in XD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1542802238086400|Google 翻譯好像翻錯的很大 XD>

@null 20:17:07
Google translated “I am SO CURIOUS to learn about the feelings …” to “I know very well the feelings …”

patcon 20:17:18
@ronnywang haha think I should I just turn off translation in taiwanese in #vtaiwan?
@null 20:18:01
It’s ok. People can see the original sentence XD

@null 20:29:15
👋 from japan

@null 20:35:13
ok, removed translation in #vtaiwan until I get that weirdness fixed 🙂

@null 22:36:26


@null 19:23:20
Does anyone want to warm now?


@null 19:23:52
I am looking for someone to cover the stratosphere with @ronnywang.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1543058631092200|我跟 @ronnywang 在找人蓋同溫層>

@null 20:05:30



@null 10:45:50
Victoria, Australia also had elections yesterday. The House of Representatives voted by ranking vote, so the invoicing was slow. It may take a week or two to get results.


@null 10:46:49
Taiwanese should be hard to accept more than one day of invoicing


@null 10:47:54
However, the Senate will usually open the ticket on the same day.


@null 10:48:10
The president or the mayor should also be.


@null 10:48:31
That video has simplified subtitles.


@null 14:31:24
I don’t know if the Australian House of Representatives voted, is it actually asking voters to fill in the numbers as a sequence? Still using stamps or any other way, how does the Senate open the ticket on the same day? I have the opportunity to see the information.



@null 16:39:49
Komatsu registration tomorrow night, there are two proposals, welcome to participate in 🙂 壹. 12/8 (six) g0v Dasong proposal discussion 12. 12/5 (three) vTaiwan annual seminar will be https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events /c7cf4d2f-copy-3

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1543307988100100|明晚小松報名,有兩個提案,歡迎參加 :slightly_smiling_face: 壹. 12/8 (六) g0v大松提案討論 貳. ...>


patcon 18:52:58
Just leaving an interview, but omw there!
@null 19:24:18

@null 19:24:30


matterbridge-bot 22:53:42
@matterbridge-bot has joined the channel


@null 10:32:19
Next Wednesday will be changed to vTaiwan annual dinner. Welcome to https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/c7cf4d2f-copy-2

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1543545139102900|source>: _下周三改為vTaiwan年度聚餐。歡迎參加 <https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/c7cf4d2f-copy-2_>

The location of the discovery activity is still written in the social innovation center.
Changed, thank you
@null 10:36:40
The location of the discovery activity is still written in the social innovation center.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1543545398103500?thread_ts=1543545139.102900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _發現活動的地點仍寫在社創中心_

@null 14:08:50
Changed, thank you

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1543558130000600?thread_ts=1543545139.102900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _改了,謝謝_