
Month: 2019-03


@null 11:27:33
https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=59C18C31E69505AB!959&ithint=file%2cpptx&app=PowerPoint&authkey=!AKlK1CMynQI6K6M The next day's topic may have some relevance to the televised labor issues that vTaiwan has done in the past. Share our experience in doing telex work here.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551670050001600|source>: _<https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=59C18C31E69505AB!959&amp;ithint=file%2cpptx&amp;app=PowerPoint&amp;aut..._>

@null 11:31:27
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1McfkyOGSlXjejnX8hFBqVYzmAwnxgXCy/view The first day of the topic has a company chapter and personal identity verification vTaiwan This part of the discussion of the company law does not seem to be inked in this part, but if it is sharing At present, there are some places where natural person certificates and health insurance card certifications may be shared. I don't know if PDIS has dealt with related issues. I don't know much about the experience. I welcome any materials.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551670285004300|source>: _<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1McfkyOGSlXjejnX8hFBqVYzmAwnxgXCy/view> 第一天的議題 有公司�..._

@null 11:32:23
All suggestions are welcome.

@null 13:24:19
<Https://vtw.link> has been redirected

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551677058004800?thread_ts=1551275633.022000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _<https://vtw.link> 已經重新指向_


@null 08:18:14
Here I would like to share the two blogs that the younger brother is doing. https://maybefakehealthyfood.postach.io/ https://maybefakehealthyfoodandstuff.blogspot.com/ Both are suspected of violating the fake health food database. The former can be suspected of breaking the law. After the entire copy of the advertising website or blog, I hope to collect more and more fake health food information. Although I found that the government still has a lot of systems https://www.fda.gov.tw/tc/siteContent.aspx?sid =1810 However, the government website portal is not easy to find, I hope my blog can still help SEO XD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551745092008800|source>: _這邊想分享一下小弟做的兩個部落格 :slightly_smiling_face: <https://maybefakehealthyfood.postach.io/> https..._

@null 08:20:04
Um... I thought of another idea, otherwise I should make the government’s "list of suspected illegal advertising products" into chatbot https://www.fda.gov.tw/TC/news.aspx?cid=5085

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551745203009600|source>: _嗯… 我又想到一個主意,不然就是我應該把政府的「涉嫌違規廣告產品一覽..._

@null 08:24:07
Otherwise, the government’s “list of suspected offending advertising products” will be dumped into the real and fake database of Cofacts.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551745446010800|source>: _不然就是將政府的「涉嫌違規廣告產品一覽」倒入 Cofacts 真的假的的資料庫_

@null 10:33:16
The effect of making a plurk bot is actually quite good.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551753195012500|source>: _做成 plurk bot 的傳播效果其實還不錯 。_

@null 10:34:16
In the past few months, the "Political Newsletter Reposted Robot" version of the plurk version, and now there are occasional people to interact.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551753255013900|source>: _前幾個月做的「政府新聞稿轉貼機器人」plurk 版,現在偶爾會有人去互動。_

@null 17:51:23
Komatsu signed up this week. This time I used Hackmd to open a pen. Registration: https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/15857ada A total of: https://g0v.hackmd.io/8Vp8kiUERsSmS9tQkzam5Q?both

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551779481014600|source>: _本週小松報名。這次用Hackmd開共筆。 報名:<https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/15857ada> �..._

QQ is unable to participate this week.
@null 17:52:22
QQ is unable to participate this week.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551779541014800?thread_ts=1551779481.014600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _QQ 這週有事無法參加_

@null 21:01:42

@null 23:53:12
Hey everyone Code for all invites everyone to participate in this project. I don’t have time to look at it here for everyone to refer to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wMZVmpPQV_PTjd8iipnuBDvUDRz2JeHUo9cTaBw2yyA/edit?usp=drivesdk It is said to be similar to Code for All wants to make a plan that may be related to vTaiwan, but because I am sick, I may not go to Komatsu tomorrow. In short, everyone can discuss it first: bow:

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551801188018900|source>: _嗨大家 Code for all 邀請大家參與這個計畫還沒時間細看先貼在這邊讓大家參��..._


@null 14:52:33
I can't participate in the temporary tonight, I can't offer beer 啰XD tonight.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551855153021000|source>: _今晚我臨時有事無法參加了,今晚無法提供啤酒囉 XD_

It turned out to be on TV!!!!
I want to drink, so nervous @@
And in the afternoon, I was pushed into the pit temporarily, and the clothes were worn casually XD.
I feel so good to wear
If I want to prepare clothes, I will prepare another garment XD with g0v logo.
@null 18:03:06
Thank you @ky I am OCA of OCF, a little supplement to Code for All: Code for All is an independent international network operated by citizen technology partners around the world. In 2017, g0v is an open cultural foundation as a legal person and joins Code for All. All global network, so g0v is a member organization 喔喔喔-----so you can apply for code for all funds, and Code for Japan to carry out this communication plan like this ~~~ (If you are interested, learn more about Code for All can come here to see some Chinese introduction https://trello.com/b/xxd5GtcJ/g0v-ocf-International exchange public information

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551866584021700?thread_ts=1551801188.018900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _謝謝@ky 我是OCF的阿雅,稍微補充一下Code for All脈絡:Code for All 是由全球各��..._

@null 18:10:49
This code for all project is intended to replicate or refer to the operational experience of different online participation/review tools around the world to promote a better civic engagement mechanism. The participating member states include Poland and the Netherlands. In Mexico, Jakarta, everyone knows that vTaiwan and CfJapan are currently conducting exchange programs, so they also want to ask vTaiwan if they are interested in joining this project to share experiences and share experiences with more countries. Now the plans are still in the drafting stage. ☝️ky has posted their draft plans. You can refer to them to see how different intercontinental countries think about the design and practical experience of online participation mechanisms. If you are interested in participating in this plan. Painting, you can tell me 喔~~🙏

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551867048022000?thread_ts=1551801188.018900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _這個code for all正在擬的計畫書,是希望複製或是參考世界各地不同的線上參�..._

@null 20:34:28

@null 21:59:29
It turned out to be on TV!!!!

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551880768023500?thread_ts=1551855153.021000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _竟然是去上電視!!!!_

@null 22:00:03
I want to drink, so nervous @@

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551880802023700?thread_ts=1551855153.021000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我想喝酒,好緊張@@_

@null 22:00:26
And in the afternoon, I was pushed into the pit temporarily, and the clothes were worn casually XD.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551880825023900?thread_ts=1551855153.021000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _而且下午臨時被推坑,衣服穿超隨便 XD_

@null 22:28:52
I feel so good to wear

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551882532024400?thread_ts=1551855153.021000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _覺得穿這樣很好_

@null 22:29:21
If I want to prepare clothes, I will prepare another garment XD with g0v logo.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551882561024600?thread_ts=1551855153.021000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我如果要準備服裝會另外準備有 g0v logo 的服裝 XD_


@null 22:44:19
https://search.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/Public?CLASSNAME=PCMMSTDETAIL&id=060161028&Mode=1 Before the discovery of the Japanese government on their platform similar to Join (only public speaking), how to set up the public sector open data KPI Opinion XDDD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1551969856025900|source>: _<https://search.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/Public?CLASSNAME=PCMMSTDETAIL&amp;id=060161028&amp;Mode=1> 發現之前日..._


@null 17:03:38
https://search.e-gov.go.jp/servlet/PcmFileDownload?seqNo=0000150198 ?

① Strong economic opportunities that generate hope Friendly goal ⑪ ...
<Https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/headline/ichiokusoukatsuyaku/> It seems that this is not a KPI for the open material itself. It is the Japanese government.
@null 17:03:49
① Strong economic opportunities that generate hope Friendly goal ⑪ ...

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552035829027100?thread_ts=1552035814.027000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _①希望を生み出す強い経済 好遠大的目標啊…_

@null 17:06:00
<Https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/headline/ichiokusoukatsuyaku/> It seems that this is not a KPI for the open material itself. It is the Japanese government.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552035959027300?thread_ts=1552035814.027000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _<https://www.kantei.go.jp/jp/headline/ichiokusoukatsuyaku/> 看來這個不是做開放資料本身��..._

@null 21:34:20
Created a hackmd want to collect the observation records accompanying the C4J open-legislation workshop, the record format is not limited, I hope to collect the experience that everyone observed in the field https://g0v.hackmd.io/JWlLao4ZSwCnZDFKlV6G2A?view

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552052057029100|source>: _創了一個 hackmd 想蒐集參加 C4J open-legislation workshop 隨行的觀察紀錄,紀錄格�..._

Do you want to stick to Harason?
@null 21:50:30
Do you want to stick to Harason?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552053029029600?thread_ts=1552052057.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _要不要貼哈拉松_


@null 14:58:24

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552114704032000|source>: _<https://app2.sli.do/event/l1ijfamr/live/questions> 第一天 提問_


@null 09:17:46
Opening day of the second day - Japanese

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552180665033200|source>: _第二日的開場簡報 - 日文_

@null 16:45:17
https://g0v.hackmd.io/Sn_WRCZ2TDmVkLVYtK6UFw?view Q&A set

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552207515034700|source>: _<https://g0v.hackmd.io/Sn_WRCZ2TDmVkLVYtK6UFw?view> Q&amp;A 集_

Someone (across chat bridge) 18:05:37
File from hal_sk (vtaiwan@cfjapan)with comment: Today's group photo. Thank you for visiting Japan!
Image from iOS


@null 14:19:49
Hey, let's bother to share with you that one of our special reports today is mainly to analyze the 120,000-volume real-time login information and run out of the survey of the farmland. I hope that you can give a comment or share thanks.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552285187041800|source>: _嗨,要來打擾一下大家 跟大家分享一個我們今天出的專題報導 主要是分析12..._


@null 12:20:04
I think this theme is very important! But it is not very good to read. My own work is already data analysis. For example: the central subtitle is that the main reason is the farmland factory. So in the past eight years, the number of farmland factories and the low price of farmland in each township area have increased?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552364403043200?thread_ts=1552285187.041800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我覺得這個主題好重要喔! 但是讀起來不是很好消化耶 我自己工作已經都�..._

@null 12:21:03
The "heavy town" of the farmland factory, Lukang, and the United States = "How to define the important town of the farmland factory?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552364462043400?thread_ts=1552285187.041800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _農地工廠的「重鎮」鹿港、和美 =》 怎麼定義農地工廠的重鎮?_

@null 12:23:17
I think the better way is to compare the two data points. 1) The ten-year area/quantity change of the farmland factories in the townships and towns in the central part of the country. 2) The change of farmland land price in each township area can be said to be related (not causal).

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552364596043600?thread_ts=1552285187.041800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我覺得比較好的方法是要比較這兩個資料點 1)中部各鄉鎮區的農地工廠十��..._

@null 18:19:43
This week Komatsu (3/13) event registration: https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/15857ada-copy-1 Discussion: https://g0v.hackmd.io/1CQHwnNXTtuvTuIqnbJrFQ?view

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552385981044800|source>: _本週小松(3/13) 活動報名:<https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/15857ada-copy-1> 討論共筆��..._


@null 10:46:06
I seem to be adding vTaiwan's channel, I am sorry ^^"

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/CE8B6LDLY/p1552445166035300|source>: _我好像應該是要加vTaiwan的channel才對,不好意思^^"_

@null 17:19:26
Called a big pizza

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552468766048700?thread_ts=1552385981.044800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _叫了一大一小披薩_

@null 17:39:23
I also booked pizza.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552469963049400|source>: _我也訂了披薩:joy:_

@null 17:39:56


@null 14:39:28
Yesterday, what Eddie mentioned, removed the anonymous complaint platform for civil servants (Cardman Dcard or Civil Service Shaking XD). If you want to have an open platform, everyone can see what others have voted for or complain about, and the response can be adjusted. if. Perhaps you can consider the wishing pool feature of the Presidential Cup hackathon https://hackmd.io/c/presidential-hackathon/%2Fs%2FwfONBl6pTGyeAKUKb4Rsfg

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552545567053600|source>: _昨天 Eddie 提的東西,去掉公務員匿名抱怨平台(公務員 Dcard or 公務員抖音 X..._

@null 14:40:59
Wishing by the height of the presidential palace to promote the development of a director's head office mailbox API standards, you can use the same set of methods to send out the situation, and the progress of the API can be achieved. All departments have the same set of API standards, so it is easy to integrate platforms.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552545658055200|source>: _許願由總統府的高度來推動制定一個各機關首長首長信箱 API 標準,可以用��..._

@null 14:47:46
In addition to the first three of the four districts of the Executive Yuan, some people have heard it. (Thinking: 137 topics, public speaking: 144 topics, to supervise: 735 topics) In fact, there is a special area with no sense of existence.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552546065056800|source>: _行政院 Join 四大區塊除了前三個比較有人聽過(提點子:137 topics、眾開講:..._

@null 14:48:11
Call "Seeking Heads" XD https://join.gov.tw/govcontact/index Welcome Wishing

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552546090057300|source>: _叫「找首長」 XD <https://join.gov.tw/govcontact/index> 歡迎許願_

@null 14:48:46
(There is no sense of existence mainly because the response is not open, unlike Taiwan’s integrated platform https://talk.taichung.gov.tw/)

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552546125057700|source>: _(沒有存在感主要就是因為回應不公開,不像台中有陳情整合平台 <https://talk>..._

@null 16:40:11
Like a civil servant anonymous complaint platform or a similar public voting platform, I always wanted to say that the form of Stack Overflow can cover a considerable range, and I saw that Zendesk has a similar Q&A customer service system https://www. .zendesk.com/ Because the government also needs to do customer service, maybe you can raise funds to use the existing service to do POC. If you have a need, you can use the POC to make your own budget with the government. Similar open source system

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552552810062000|source>: _像是公務員匿名抱怨平台或相似的公開投書平台,我一直想說其實 Stack Overfl..._

@null 17:10:38
In fact, I am a bit curious about the interface of Stack Overflow for untrained programmers or PM related personnel, whether it is a friendly interface XD for the general public.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552554636063100|source>: _其實有點好奇 Stack Overflow 這樣的介面對於未經訓練過的程式設計師或是 PM ��..._

Hm... It may feel a bit complicated
It's really a little time to find out which interface is right for them. From the past to the present, I often hear the trouble of using tools that are commonly used by engineers.
However, Zendesk is much simpler. I just opened a trial account and can try it for free for two weeks. Interested people can play it.
The interface of pokemon go is now 10 to 80 years old and everyone will use XD.
The interface looks like this https://goo.gl/tbpDvT
@null 17:25:58

@null 17:26:43
Hm... It may feel a bit complicated

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552555602063700?thread_ts=1552554636.063100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _Hm… 感覺可能稍稍有點複雜_

@null 17:29:00
It's really a little time to find out which interface is right for them. From the past to the present, I often hear the trouble of using tools that are commonly used by engineers.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552555739063900?thread_ts=1552554636.063100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _真的可以花一點時間找出對他們來說適合的介面,從過去到現在經常聽到使�..._

@null 17:30:06
However, Zendesk is much simpler. I just opened a trial account and can try it for free for two weeks. Interested people can play it.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552555803064100?thread_ts=1552554636.063100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _不過 Zendesk 的簡單很多啦,我剛剛還開了一個試用帳號,可以免費試用兩週 ..._

@null 17:30:29
The interface of pokemon go is now 10 to 80 years old and everyone will use XD.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552555829064400?thread_ts=1552554636.063100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _pokemon go 的界面現在 10 歲到 80 歲大家都會用 XD_

@null 17:32:06
The interface looks like this https://goo.gl/tbpDvT

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552555923064600?thread_ts=1552554636.063100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _介面像是這樣吧 <https://goo.gl/tbpDvT_>


@null 10:57:08
But this is the most effective of classwork.... It is higher than the idea of joining. Join can't do administrative blocking

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552618627066800?thread_ts=1552546065.056800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _但這個是最有課責效力的…. 比 join 提點子還高。 join 提點子的連署沒辦法��..._

@null 10:58:01
In fact, there is no such thing as a "spot collaboration area".

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552618680067000?thread_ts=1552546065.056800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _最沒有存在感的其實應該是「提點子協作區」_

@null 11:53:53
I feel that as long as I see problems and really respond, people who need to ask questions will naturally understand the interface.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552622032067700?thread_ts=1552554636.063100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我覺得只要看到有問題跟真的有回應,需要問問題的人自然會搞懂介面的⋯�..._

@null 11:54:45
I feel the same concept as the fixtw integration of traffic violations in counties and cities, and the integration of the heads of each county and city has a service space.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552622084067900?thread_ts=1552545658.055200&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _感覺跟 fixtw 整合各縣市交通違規檢舉一樣的概念,整合各縣市首長信箱有做..._

@null 11:55:48
This report is really great, and the influence of paper is great. If you can dynamically see the average price changes of all districts in the year of the actual price registration, you should feel very

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552622146068100?thread_ts=1552285187.041800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _這個報導真的很棒,紙本的影響力又大。如果能動態看到所有實價登錄年度�..._

@null 13:52:24
Zhuo Zhiyuan, the proponent of the "explosive tax software is difficult to use", said:

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552629143068400?thread_ts=1552546065.056800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _「爆稅軟體難用到爆炸」提案人卓致遠表示:_



@null 23:52:33
I got approved to be a member of the European AI Alliance which can contribute ideas to the drafting process of the Policy & Investment Recommendations. and interact to the experts of the High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG), established by the European Commission.

I’ll share any interest topic to you guys, they are seeking inputs of following area:
1. Public Services
2. Business Impact
3. Business Impact - Focus on Healthcare
5. Skills and Education
6. Citizen Engagement Impact
7. World Class Research

@null 23:53:35
Tell me a secret, the country field in the Futurium account profile, no Taiwan or ROC, so I chose Other....

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552924414070800|source>: _講個秘訣, Futurium account profile 中的 country 欄位,沒有台灣或是ROC,所以我選�..._

@null 23:53:38
Do you know that Sketch will switch between rounded corners and right angles by clicking twice on the Bates node?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552924414070900|source>: _你知道 Sketch 在貝茲節點上面點兩下會切換圓角和直角的模式嗎?_


@null 20:14:12
Do you have a meeting tomorrow? I want to sort out the last question and answer it into a FAQ.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1552997651074100|source>: _明天有聚嗎? 想來整理上次的問提跟回答變成FAQ_

Have a flaw. I am late to send kktix
@null 22:29:01
Have a flaw. I am late to send kktix

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553005741074700?thread_ts=1552997651.074100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _有喔。我晚點來發kktix_


@null 00:08:10
Tonight, Komatsu, come and register: https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/15857ada-copy-2 A total of: https://g0v.hackmd.io/JoZ8eXD4QOKcIz9BX-Ka0A

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553011689075300|source>: _今晚小松,來吧 報名:<https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/15857ada-copy-2> 共筆:<https://g0v>...._

@null 18:57:54
I bought 70 pots and pasted them. Ten of them should not be too much.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553079472076300|source>: _我買70顆鍋貼過去,十顆素的,應該不會太多吧_

@null 20:00:51
Need live broadcast

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553083249076600|source>: _需要直播_

A fish pick me messenger
You don't pick up.
A fish does not pick me up sad
So sad, so sad.
Suddenly the world is calling.
Time lag
Wifi is very slow
@null 20:16:12
A fish pick me messenger

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553084170077100?thread_ts=1553083249.076600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _阿魚接我的messenger_

@null 20:18:49
You don't pick up.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553084329077300?thread_ts=1553083249.076600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _你不接阿。_

@null 20:20:33
A fish does not pick me up sad

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553084432077600?thread_ts=1553083249.076600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _阿魚不接我傷心_

@null 20:38:00
So sad, so sad.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553085479077900?thread_ts=1553083249.076600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _好難過好難過_

@null 21:01:11
Suddenly the world is calling.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553086870078100?thread_ts=1553083249.076600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _突然之間全世界都打過來 :telephone_receiver:_

@null 21:07:25
Time lag

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553087243078300?thread_ts=1553083249.076600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _時間差_

@null 21:58:35

@null 21:59:40
Wifi is very slow

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553090379078900?thread_ts=1553083249.076600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _Wifi 超慢_

@null 22:57:53
Regarding the Q&A system mentioned today, I am sorry to find that Zendesk did not give the NPO a free plan QQ but saw the open source of Stack Exchange (similar to the Chimo knowledge) https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/313483/is-stack -overflow-open-source

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553093871080900?thread_ts=1553093871.080900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _關於今天講到的 Q&amp;A 系統,抱歉我發現 Zendesk 沒有給 NPO 免費的 plan QQ 但看到..._

Here you find a solution that seems to be almost no need to write a program but is cheap. https://scoold.com/
@null 23:13:05
Here you find a solution that seems to be almost no need to write a program but is cheap. https://scoold.com/

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553094784082600?thread_ts=1553093871.080900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _這裡找到一個好像算是幾乎不用寫程式但又便宜的方案 <https://scoold.com/_>


@null 00:01:16
I saw that the Executive Yuan has organized this rumored area to collect the shackles of the various ministries. XD http://www8.www.gov.tw/egov/downloadfiles/piyao.htm

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553097672083800|source>: _才看到行政院有整理這個闢謠專區,集合各部會的闢謠連結 XD <http://www8.www.go>..._

@null 00:10:09
There is also RSS feed https://www.ey.gov.tw/RSS_Content.aspx?ModuleType=7

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553098207084100|source>: _還有 RSS 聯播 <https://www.ey.gov.tw/RSS_Content.aspx?ModuleType=7_>


@null 14:33:22
Excuse me, I would like to ask someone who understands React.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553495599086500|source>: _不好意思,想請問一下懂React的人_

@null 14:34:26
Here is a checkForAuth(props). How does this props come from? How can I have a way to track him?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553495666087300|source>: _這裡有個 checkForAuth(props),請問這個props是怎麼來的?我要怎樣才有辦法追蹤..._

@null 14:35:32
How can I give him the value from the server? @@

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553495732087800|source>: _我該怎麼從 Server 端塞值給他?@@_

@null 15:27:33
*polis stuff

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553498852088100|source>: _*polis的東西_

@null 16:44:14
Props is a static material for React components, usually in bulk settings (unlike States is dynamic), and should be from https://github.com/pol-is/polisClientAdmin/blob/master/src/actions/index.js #L190 Obtained. If you want to watch, you can try https://www.npmjs.com/package/watch-props

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553503453088600?thread_ts=1553495732.087800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _Props 是 React 元件的靜態資料,一般是整批設定(不像 States 是動態更動),�..._

@null 17:47:42
Au has time to write the program XD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553507260089000?thread_ts=1553495732.087800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _au 居然還有時間寫程式 XD_


@null 02:10:52
Hi. I wrote an article for The Economist. Same series as the one @au contributed to a few weeks ago. I too wrote about Taiwan 😄 I don’t think there can be a discussion on ‘How to fix Democracy’ without some mention of g0v. Sadly there was only room to mention one project…

Using swarm behaviour and a quote from Oscar Wilde for introducing. I like it 😄
@null 02:10:55

The Economist

Technology and political will can create better governance

Fuller participation can create an ethic of co-operation, says Darshana Narayanan of The Governance Lab at NYU

@null 02:11:25
I hope you like the article. Any and all feedback welcome!!

@null 02:18:50
(P.S. I noticed g0v was copy edited to gov. That will be corrected)

@null 06:53:08
Using swarm behaviour and a quote from Oscar Wilde for introducing. I like it 😄

@null 07:22:54
I thought about the last time we talked about Q&A's system (you may be the author's self-answering booting system). I found that WordPress can hang the stack overflow package.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553556172095300?thread_ts=1553181570.085000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _想到上次我們講到 Q&amp;A 的系統(你那邊可能是作者們自問自答的引導系統) �..._

@null 08:15:08
https://congress.crowd.law/ just came online, thanks @Fang for co-developing it with GovLab (Beth Noveck’s team); the vTaiwan case study is as https://congress.crowd.law/case-vtaiwan.html (thanks @dzn for substantial input)

@null 22:28:52
This week, Komatsu welcomes everyone's proposal (selfishly want to discuss uber but haven't had time to post QQ) https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/15857ada-copy-3 https://g0v.hackmd.io/Ji42lETVSWmwqa-hYejHbw ?view

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553610530100100|source>: _本週小松唷歡迎大家提案(私心想討論uber但還沒時間發摟QQ) <https://vtaiwan.kkti>..._


【vTaiwan 自由提案小松】

有想討論的事情,歡迎直接編輯 hackmd 提案唷! 會議共筆:<https://g0v.hackmd.io/Ji42lETVSWmwqa-hYejHbw?view> 地點 106台北市大安區仁愛路三段9


@null 01:46:09
I’m super glad you like it!! The fish experiment generated quite a bit of heated discussion among the editors and they almost didn’t keep it. I’m happy they did.

@null 11:07:00
Today, I heard that both the media and the mirror media will come to Ronny.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553656018101500|source>: _今天聽說端傳媒跟鏡傳媒都會來找Ronny_

Meng 19:52:11
@janicemengfl has joined the channel
@null 22:05:27
Thank you for the Japanese biscuits of the fish, so delicious~

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553695525103600|source>: _謝謝子魚的日本餅乾,好好吃~ :boogie-penguin: _

Haha want to say that it is suitable for beer.
@null 22:08:35

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553695714103700?thread_ts=1553656018.101500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _大 力_

@null 23:17:57
<Https://www.facebook.com/taronews.tw/posts/355296741758266> Today’s Xiaoju just saw the Taiwan Affairs Office’s fragment XDDD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553699874104500|source>: _<https://www.facebook.com/taronews.tw/posts/355296741758266> 今天小聚剛好看到的国台办片��..._

@null 23:46:33
Haha want to say that it is suitable for beer.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553701591105000?thread_ts=1553695525.103600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _哈哈想說適合配啤酒_


@null 21:16:30
Is it possible to use http://Pol.is to discuss reunification?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553778987000700|source>: _有可能用 <http://Pol.is> 來討論統獨嗎_

@null 21:16:45
It’s hard to write a place to introduce the text.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553779003001200|source>: _介紹文的地方好難寫啊_

@null 21:30:11
Before Komatsu (Gold Sun’s plan), there was a related https://polis.pdis.nat.gov.tw/9mzcyurmxn

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553779808001700|source>: _之前小松(金孫計畫那次)有開過一個相關的 <https://polis.pdis.nat.gov.tw/9mzcyurmx..._>


@null 00:21:59
I checked the "Regulations on Relations between the People of Taiwan and the Mainland". In terms of legal sources, we can restrict Chinese capital (Article 36-1) and restrict the Taiwanese people to serve in China (Article 33). The main basis is that it is Article 1. Before the reunification of the country, in order to ensure the security of the Taiwan region and the welfare of the people, regulate the exchanges between the people of Taiwan and the mainland, and handle the legal events arising from it, this Regulation is enacted." I think it takes some creativity to need this content. Thinking about supplements can only be more valid and we must limit more political interference from China.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553790117005900|source>: _查了一下「臺灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例」,在法源上我們之所以能限�..._

@null 00:25:14
In addition, the legal source of the recent "3 attention" website domain is based on Article 34, paragraph 2, paragraph 1, and Article 89, paragraph 2, which stipulates restrictions on advertisements in mainland China https://www.thenewslens.com/ Article/116230

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553790312007600|source>: _另外最近「關注31條」網站域名被下架的法源依據是 第34條第2項第1款、第89�..._


@null 15:21:36
It’s great to see this news on Mygopen. I believe that in the past two days, everyone has seen the “Digital Responsibility Project” that LINE Taiwan and the private auditing partners are working hard to do. 💪LINE announced that it will launch the official account and official website of "LINE 查 查 在" in the second quarter of this year, respectively, and "TFC Taiwan Fact Check Center", "Cofacts Really False", "Mygopen" and "Rum Toast" The four audit agencies of Rumor & Truth cooperate. #深 Thanks LINE for the attention #真#Check the agency partners are also super excellent: rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: Never thought about MyGoPen from the simple to the mother's notebook, continue to evolve into a verification service, and more and more people use Today, we even have the official account of the LINE Green Shield! https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40mygopen (I can't add it if I haven't joined it yet) #Feel the mission is out. The station manager Charles represents all the partners who joined the MyGoPen service account and was invited to participate in LINE CONVERGE 2019. Activities, in addition to better understand the future development of LINE, I also feel that the LINE Taiwan official also attaches great importance to the people affected by false information and rumors, this step is really worthy of recognition! #MyGoPenWhat are you going to do here? # In fact, there are still a lot of details to work hard. It is not so much a rumor service. It is better to say that it is a kind of movement that is transformed by everyone's strength. Although human resources, funds and resources are not enough, we still work hard. Providing one-on-one service, trying to change the concept through people's temperature (although the efficiency is really bad! 😅), we also have to convey the problems you encountered to LINE, and try to find a solution together. Have relevant comments, please let us know! #MyGoPen will not forget the earliest original intention # need you and me to participate in #LINE #数位当计划#MyGoPen https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=830498310621923&id=196505897354504

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553930493008100|source>: _看到 Mygopen 上的這新聞,真是太棒啦 相信這兩天大家都有看到 LINE Taiwan 與�..._


@null 21:59:33
It’s great to see this news on Mygopen https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=830498310621923&id=196505897354504

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1553930493008100|source>: _看到 Mygopen 上的這新聞,真是太棒啦 <https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=8304983..._>