
Month: 2019-06


@null 10:55:35
Hi hi~~ There are still two weeks left, because we have to count the number of snacks, please also remember to sign up~

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559530533003200?thread_ts=1558149244.130200&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _Hi hi~~還剩兩週時間,因為我們要統計點心的數量,還請要來的大家記得報名..._

@null 20:30:34
Excuse me, does anyone know how to set up a station like Wikipedia, but is a WYSIWYG version? Because I think HackMD is not beautiful enough, and it is not convenient enough for indexing, so I want to try to stand. Currently I am doing a HackMD "Wiki" like this https://hackmd.io/PzXOv1-1Q16nV0wK_oRJrQ?view

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559565033005100|source>: _請問一下,有沒有人知道要如何架出像維基百科的站,但是是所見即所得的�..._

@null 20:33:27
I originally wanted to use wordpress with the wiki plugin, but the plugin needs me to pay, about NT$9,300 a year. I want to try to find a free way, such as Heroku with a wiki framework like this seems to be https://github.com/Requarks/wiki-heroku I don't know if a friend knows a similar solution? Thank you~~

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559565205007600|source>: _我本來想用 wordpress 搭配上 wiki plugin,可是 plugin 需要我付錢,大約是一年 93..._


@null 10:55:28
This Wednesday Komatsu event has been opened https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/15857ada-copy-13 A total of: https://g0v.hackmd.io/cTJmm4BWTsydqcGkDhN9-A Proposal\o/Proposal\o/Proposal\ o/

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559616924009500|source>: _本周三小松活動已開<https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/15857ada-copy-13> 共筆:<https://g0v.hac>..._


@null 04:35:15
I originally wanted to use wordpress with the wiki plugin, but the plugin needs me to pay, about NT$9,300 a year. I want to try to find a free way, such as Heroku with a wiki framework like this seems to be https://github.com/Requarks/wiki-heroku I don't know if a friend knows a similar solution? Thank you~~

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559565205007600|source>: _我本來想用 wordpress 搭配上 wiki plugin,可是 plugin 需要我付錢,大約是一年 93..._

My former company used the media wiki for knowledge management. I just saw aws seem to have such a service https://m.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension: AWS
@null 04:35:27
My former company used the media wiki for knowledge management. I just saw aws seem to have such a service https://m.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension: AWS

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559680527002700?thread_ts=1559565205.007600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我前公司是用media wiki做知識管理, 剛剛看了aws好像有這樣的服務 <https://m.media>..._

@null 18:31:15
The order was cancelled and the pizza will be late: bow:

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559730673000400|source>: _訂單被取消了,披薩會晚點到:bow:_

@null 18:47:05
Our dinner was Tang Feng

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559731624001300|source>: _我們的晚餐被唐鳳了_

@null 19:31:39
Thank you!

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559734296001500?thread_ts=1559565205.007600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _謝謝!_

@null 19:31:45
Is there a live broadcast today?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559734304001900|source>: _今天有直播嗎_

Yes! Old URL
@null 19:36:47
Yes! Old URL

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559734606002000?thread_ts=1559734304.001900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _有喔! 老網址_

@null 21:27:52

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1559741272002200?thread_ts=1559734304.001900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _也是_



@null 11:06:02
Komatsu registration this week: According to last week's proposal, this week will discuss community governance 唷 ~ https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/15857ada-copy-14 https://g0v.hackmd.io/_1cis9J_QNa8yO75yV92-A? View

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560222360005300|source>: _本週小松報名: 依上週提案,本週會討論社群治理唷~ <https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/e..._>


@null 17:08:29
I am sorry, I may have to work seventy or eight in order to get to Komatsu today. Can someone help the food group first, thank you

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560330508007000|source>: _不好意思我今天加班可能要七八點才能到小松,有人可以先幫忙食物組嗎,�..._

I can help
Booked pizza
@null 17:52:06
I can help

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560333125007100?thread_ts=1560330508.007000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我可以幫忙_

@null 18:23:33
Booked pizza

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560335012007300?thread_ts=1560330508.007000&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _已訂 pizza_


@null 18:42:41
Yesterday, a friend asked about the activities of solidarity with Hong Kong. It has already come out, here https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2452535728092866&id=100000093886056

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560422560009500|source>: _昨天有朋友問到聲援香港的活動,已經出來了,在這兒 <https://m.facebook.com/stor..._>


Yi-Ping Chen

很緊急的用了兩天時間,快速產出這個活動,希望能以實際行動,溫暖有力量的聲援香港。下週三晚上,歡迎有興趣的在台港人、台灣人、關心這件事的朋友,一起加入聲援 &amp; 取暖 :) . 【 We All Stand With HONG KONG 聲援香港:我們知道、我們曉得、我們在乎 】 活動時間:2019. 06. 19(三) 活動地點:濕地|venue...

@null 18:43:28
I will be absent from vTaiwan next Wednesday, and I will go over there to see what Taiwan looks like after ten years.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560422607010800|source>: _下週三我就缺席 vTaiwan,改去那邊一次了 看一下台灣十年後的樣子(大誤_


@null 18:42:50
Hi all, I decided that I couldn't free up time to sort out the first draft of the community code during this week's call and let everyone know.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560595369012400|source>: _Hi all, 我這週教召期間確定沒辦法空出時間來整理社群守則的初稿,跟大家��..._


@null 17:06:20
Opened a small project, I hope that the weekly activities can be automated. It is said that selenium will input the keyboard string into the g0v hackmd... https://g0v.hackmd.io/bs1GUoX4TcSgid7NR-fljA

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560675979014400|source>: _開了一個小專案,希望可以每週開活動可以自動化 是說selenium 在g0v hackmd 上�..._

@null 22:01:38
The title of the project is that I thought it was tmonk called XD.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560693698015500?thread_ts=1560675979.014400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _專案標題害我以為是tmonk教召怎麼了XD_


@null 00:26:24
Handsome Demo (? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ykhJ021TFc

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560702383015800?thread_ts=1560675979.014400&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _帥氣的Demo (? <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ykhJ021TFc_>

@null 15:45:43

@null 21:32:43
Hello everyone, this week Komatsu’s activities let me (the semi-automatic script) open. At the latest Tuesday morning (about 4~5 hours) will be sent ~~

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560778362018700|source>: _大家好,這週小松的活動讓我(的半自動腳本)開一下。 最晚週二凌晨(再..._

@null 23:44:56
Komatsu registration this week: Welcome to edit directly ~ https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/6ff5cf0c https://g0v.hackmd.io/WquocKy4R0yVlUjd0BKOkQ

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560786293019800|source>: _本週小松報名: 歡迎直接編輯共筆~ <https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/6ff5cf0c> <https://g0v>..._

@null 23:50:47
Like it!

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560786646020400|source>: _讚讚讚!_

@null 23:51:33
Activities and hackmd are all opened with selenium?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560786692020800|source>: _活動和 hackmd 都是用 selenium 開的?_


@null 00:21:10
Yes, but I just found the upper limit of the number of active votes I did not set the script. The script has been adjusted, and the next time you open it, there will be no limit on the number of votes. Then the script used to log in is not committed, maybe Komatsu can discuss https://github.com/ChingSheng/vtw_muster_call. On the other hand, there are some small issues open on it~

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560788469023800?thread_ts=1560788469.023800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _對,但是我剛剛發現活動票數的上限我沒有設定腳本。 已經把腳本調整好,..._

@null 01:10:43

@null 10:30:13

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560825013026800?thread_ts=1560788469.023800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _強_


@null 19:05:07
Ask, is someone ordering food today? If not, we will scream at the scene.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560942305028200|source>: _問一下,今天有人訂食物嗎?如果沒有的話我們就現場叫囉_

@null 20:58:13
@au https://talk.vtaiwan.tw/ seems to hang up

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560949092029100|source>: _<@U02L29KSW> <https://talk.vtaiwan.tw/> 好像掛了_

Was the transfer to @yhsiang? My linode dashboard doesn't seem to have a new IP address.
I will look at it tomorrow.
Recently, linode seems to have written a letter and did not pay attention to the content.
@au ip seems to become this
Then upgrading
@au I see him listening to 8888?!
its back 🙂
Should be Caddyfile, some settings have to be changed
I will note some of it and come back now.
Now is Linode 4GB: 2 CPU, 80GB Storage, 4GB RAM XDD
@yhsiang 大爆
@chihao 😮😮
@null 22:30:39
Was the transfer to @yhsiang? My linode dashboard doesn't seem to have a new IP address.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560954638029200?thread_ts=1560949092.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _那台是不是轉移給 <@U02G2SXKR> 了?我的 linode dashboard 好像沒有新的 IP address_

@null 23:45:22
I will look at it tomorrow.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560959117029800?thread_ts=1560949092.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我明天看一下_

@null 23:45:41
Recently, linode seems to have written a letter and did not pay attention to the content.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560959140030700?thread_ts=1560949092.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _最近linode好像有寫信沒注意內容_


@null 07:52:42
@au ip seems to become this

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560988361031500?thread_ts=1560949092.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _<@U02L29KSW> ip 好像變成這個

@null 07:53:12
Then upgrading

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560988390031700?thread_ts=1560949092.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _然後正在升級中_

@null 08:13:14
@au I see him listening to 8888?!

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560989592031900?thread_ts=1560949092.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _<@U02L29KSW> 我看他聽在 8888 ?!_

@null 08:22:46
its back 🙂

@null 08:24:32
Should be Caddyfile, some settings have to be changed

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560990271032500?thread_ts=1560949092.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _應該是 Caddyfile 有些設定要改_

@null 08:24:41
I will note some of it and come back now.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560990279032700?thread_ts=1560949092.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我就註解了一些掉 現在回來了_

@null 08:25:14
Now is Linode 4GB: 2 CPU, 80GB Storage, 4GB RAM XDD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1560990313032900?thread_ts=1560949092.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _現在是 Linode 4GB: 2 CPU, 80GB Storage, 4GB RAM XDD_

@null 11:09:15
@yhsiang 大爆

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561000153033100?thread_ts=1560949092.029100&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _<@U02G2SXKR> 大爆發_

@null 11:14:28
@chihao 😮😮

@null 11:45:30
Last night, vtaiwan Xiaoju had a discussion on improving polis. I personally asked 50+ questions about polis. I feel that ordinary people should have no patience to ask questions. So I want to experiment and see if the design mechanism can judge from the previous people's answer. 1. The problem is not high enough. 2. Is the problem similar to other questions? 3. Is the problem unclear? The goal is to ask him to ask at most 20 questions.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561002329035400|source>: _昨晚 vtaiwan 小聚有討論改良 polis ,我個人對 polis 要問到 50+ 個問題覺得常人..._

@null 11:45:59
Would you like to ask @au PDIS or do you know who is doing this research?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561002357035800|source>: _想問問看 <@U02L29KSW> PDIS 或是有沒有知道誰有正在進行這樣的研究的?_

Yes, but I have not kept up with the progress recently, I suggest you directly ask mailto: colinmegill@gmail.com
Good luck-thanks
@colinmegill is actually here
@null 11:49:17
Yes, but I have not kept up with the progress recently, I suggest you directly ask mailto: colinmegill@gmail.com

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561002556036100?thread_ts=1561002357.035800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _有,但我最近比較沒有跟上進度,建議直接問 <mailto:colinmegill@gmail.com>_

@null 11:49:36
Good luck-thanks

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561002575036300?thread_ts=1561002357.035800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _好喔~感謝_

@null 17:11:34
@colinmegill is actually here


@null 14:41:36
The 50+ question is really a lot of questions. But if you want to sort and optimize the list of questions, will it fall into the trap of the algorithm?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561099295038500|source>: _50+ 問題真的好多⋯不過如果要對問題列表做排序、最佳化,是不是就又會落..._

In short, throw out all kinds of ideas first?
Also against ky++
I think the purpose of the algorithm is like FB is so terrible because his algorithm is not to promote communication, but to speed up reading, to deepen the stratosphere effect.
And if we want to optimize the list of problems here, I think if we first establish the goal of the algorithm and open the algorithm, so that everyone can test whether the algorithm really achieves this goal, I think we can avoid entering the algorithm trap.
@null 15:05:13
In short, throw out all kinds of ideas first?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561100713038600?thread_ts=1561099295.038500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _總之先把各種想法丟出來?_

@null 15:08:43
Also against ky++

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561100921038800?thread_ts=1561099295.038500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _也對 ky++_

@null 15:19:51
I think the purpose of the algorithm is like FB is so terrible because his algorithm is not to promote communication, but to speed up reading, to deepen the stratosphere effect.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561101589039000?thread_ts=1561099295.038500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我覺得看演算法的目的是什麼,像 FB 之所以可怕,是因為他的演算法目的並..._

@null 15:22:24
And if we want to optimize the list of problems here, I think if we first establish the goal of the algorithm and open the algorithm, so that everyone can test whether the algorithm really achieves this goal, I think we can avoid entering the algorithm trap.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561101742039200?thread_ts=1561099295.038500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _而如果我們這邊要對問題列表最優化,我認為如果先確立演算法的目標,並�..._


@null 20:45:20


@null 18:20:52
Will it open automatically this week?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561371650040000?thread_ts=1560788469.023800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _這禮拜會自動開嗎_

@null 18:31:56
@ky I will ~ open at 8-9 tonight

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561372315041100?thread_ts=1560788469.023800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _@ky 我會~ 今晚8-9點開_

@null 20:44:49
added an integration to this channel: https://g0v-tw.slack.com/services/BKWCD5FB8

@null 20:56:45
This week, Komatsu registration: Welcome to directly edit the pen ~ https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/cff5dae4 https://g0v.hackmd.io/7kNUX-TzQEi5UY9JdZeVWw

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561381003041900|source>: _本週小松報名: 歡迎直接編輯共筆~ <https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/cff5dae4> https://g..._

Damn Web hook does not have a thumbnail XDDDD I will improve next time (first look at the file)
Oh, oh, handsome.
@null 21:02:32
Damn Web hook does not have a thumbnail XDDDD I will improve next time (first look at the file)

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561381351042700?thread_ts=1561381003.041900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _可惡Web hook竟然沒有縮圖XDDDD 我下次改進(先認真看一下文件)_

@null 21:44:04
This week, Komatsu registration: Welcome to directly edit the pen ~ https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/cff5dae4 https://g0v.hackmd.io/7kNUX-TzQEi5UY9JdZeVWw

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561383840043200|source>: _本週小松報名: 歡迎直接編輯共筆~ <https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/cff5dae4> https://g..._

KKTIX Vtaiwan小松,快來報名吧!



@null 22:56:25
Oh, oh, handsome.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561388184043700?thread_ts=1561381003.041900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _哦哦哦帥耶_


@null 01:00:47
God will still send a text, too strong

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561395646044600|source>: _天啊還會發文,太強惹_

vTaiwan is known to use robots
@null 01:11:57
vTaiwan is known to use robots

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561396316045000?thread_ts=1561395646.044600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _vTaiwan已知使用機器人_

@null 09:10:09
Vtaiwan big evolution\~/

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561425008046800|source>: _vtaiwan 大進化 \~/_

@null 09:15:43
ai.vtaiwan !

@null 10:47:35
It is easy to be classified as a fraudulent website, and it is difficult for SEO to wash. (ai is the country code of Estonia, often the place where the fraud group company is registered)

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561430855048700|source>: _有聽朋友說用ai 結尾,很容易被歸類到詐騙網站,SEO很難洗。(ai 是愛沙尼亞..._

Estonia is ".ee" .ai checked it out is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anguilla
@null 11:03:50
Estonia is ".ee" .ai checked it out is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anguilla

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561431829049100?thread_ts=1561430855.048700&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _愛沙尼亞是".ee" .ai 查了一下是下面這個<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anguilla_>


Anguilla ( ann-GWIL-ə) is a British overseas territory in the Caribbean. It is one of the most northerly of the Leeward Islands in the Lesser Antilles, lying east of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and directly north of Saint Martin. The territory consists of the main island of Anguilla, approximately 16 miles (26 km) long by 3 miles (4.8 km) wide at its widest point, together with a number of much smaller islands and cays with no permanent population. The island's capital is The Valley. The total land area of the territory is 35 square miles (91 km2), with a population of approximately 14,764 (2016 estimate). Anguilla has become a popular tax haven, having no capital gains, estate, profit, sales, or corporate taxes. In April 2011, faced with a mounting deficit, it introduced a 3% "Interim Stabilisation Levy", Anguilla's first form of income tax. Anguilla also has a 0.75% property tax.

@null 11:23:10
Great, haha

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561432989049500?thread_ts=1561395646.044600&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _太讚了 哈哈_

@null 23:14:11
What is this, I don’t understand QQ.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561475651049900?thread_ts=1561425788.047700&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _這是什麼梗看不懂QQ_


@null 14:53:55
Regarding the proposal of the electric scooter management method discussed by Komatsu last week, the road traffic management regulations, some people know how to find the window of this traffic department. I want to read this report https://udn.com/news/story/ 7266/3859220 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=12547611

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561532032052500|source>: _關於上上週小松討論到的電動滑板車管理方法的提案,道路交通管理條例,�..._

@null 16:04:40
Contacted the window (not the phone above), but she said that she is only a research unit, I hope I can directly direct from the Ministry, and then find pdis to help

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561536279055800|source>: _聯繫到窗口了(不是上面的電話),但她說她只是研究單位,希望還是能從�..._

Looking for the PO of the Ministry of Communications?
@null 16:06:34
Looking for the PO of the Ministry of Communications?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561536394055900?thread_ts=1561536279.055800&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _找交通部的PO?_

@null 18:00:30
Booked three pizzas: party_parrot:

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561543228056400|source>: _訂了三個披薩:party_parrot:_

@null 19:38:53
I am sorry that kktix has signed up, but there is no way to participate in the temporary situation. I was the first time I attended the Constitutional Convention last week.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561549131058500|source>: _不好意思kktix報名了,但臨時有事沒辦法參加:pray: 我是上上週制憲大會(?)第..._

See you next week: party_parrot:
@null 19:43:15
See you next week: party_parrot:

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561549394058700?thread_ts=1561549131.058500&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _下週見:party_parrot:_

@null 20:50:13
Introduce the good tools found here~ See this website is the website for debate https://www.kialo.com

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561553412060000|source>: _在這邊介紹一下發現的好工具~ 看到這個網站是用來辯論的網站 <https://www.k>..._

@null 21:06:49
This week, Komatsu registration: Welcome to directly edit the pen ~ https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/75d21f77 https://g0v.hackmd.io/xEKU7jsJRPSV1sRMpUwGvw

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561554407060200|source>: _本週小松報名: 歡迎直接編輯共筆~ <https://vtaiwan.kktix.cc/events/75d21f77> https://g..._

KKTIX vTaiwan小松,快來報名吧!



@null 21:23:56
domain shopping 😆


@null 01:03:25
Hi, according to Komatsu's resolution, Komatsu will have an online interview with a foreign research unit next week. The research report of the interview may be published on the EU website. The questions of the interview will be posted here and will be involved at various stages. Friends of vTaiwan are welcome to submit their views on vTaiwan directly: https://g0v.hackmd.io/OfMmFJ9-TAaDXo13AiifEg?view

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561568602064200|source>: _Hi 大家,依據這次小松的決議,下週小松會有國外某研究單位的線上訪談,�..._

@null 02:49:14
Praise, praise, do you hate the governance mechanism?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561574953065900|source>: _讚讚讚,治理機制大家孵出來了嗎?_

I am still incubating: p
Why don’t you sleep?
Sleeping late with Hong Kong people
@null 06:26:12
I am still incubating: p

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561587969066100?thread_ts=1561574953.065900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _我還在孵 :p_

@null 07:35:03
Why don’t you sleep?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561592103066300?thread_ts=1561574953.065900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _你們為啥不睡覺:anguished:_

@null 08:38:53
Sleeping late with Hong Kong people

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561595932066600?thread_ts=1561574953.065900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _跟香港人一起晚睡_

@null 17:15:55
Update, the other party said that it has been with @sylin about 7/5 23:00, I hope we can join, some people want to join or want to ask them to change the time XD

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561626954067300?thread_ts=1561568602.064200&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _更新一下,對方說已經和<@U2PUXG69E>約7/5 23:00,希望我們可以加入,有人想加入��..._

@null 17:46:19
I can change the time or cancel.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561628778068900|source>: _我可以改時間 也可以取消_

Is it convenient for Xiaosong’s time?
@null 17:46:26
It’s good for everyone.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561628784069100|source>: _以大家為主好了_

@null 17:47:26
Currently it is about my time next Friday night and then I have received a question like this

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561628845070000|source>: _目前是約我下週五晚上的時間 然後我有收到一份問題這樣_

@null 18:04:35
Is it convenient for Xiaosong’s time?

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561629875070300?thread_ts=1561628778.068900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _漾漾小松的時間方便嗎_

@null 21:29:28
Just finished talking to @sylin ❤️ First with Deloitte Ask to see if Komatsu’s time is the main one: party_parrot:

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561642167072900|source>: _剛剛跟<@U2PUXG69E> 通完電話:heart: 先跟 Deloitte 問問看以小松的時間為主可不可以喔:..._


@null 03:21:26
I focus on everyone's time, I try to participate as much as possible, but it is not always possible to get to work.

<https://g0v-tw.slack.com/archives/C2Q1M4N1J/p1561836085073400?thread_ts=1561628778.068900&amp;cid=C2Q1M4N1J|source>: _以大家時間為主囉 我盡量參加 但卡到上班時間不一定可以全程_