Infosecurity Magazine
EU to Declare Cyber-Attacks “Act of War”
EU to Declare Cyber-Attacks “Act of War”. Member states set to sign new diplomatic framework
Infosecurity Magazine
EU to Declare Cyber-Attacks “Act of War”
EU to Declare Cyber-Attacks “Act of War”. Member states set to sign new diplomatic framework
Nature News & Comment
Can a video game company tame toxic behaviour?
Scientists are helping to stop antisocial behaviour in the world's most popular online game. The next stop could be a kinder Internet.
Game design patterns for building friendships
In November of 2016, a small group of veteran game designers got together in a remote portion of Texas for a think tank called Project Horse...
Domain name for 中央助聽器(ggv) / online civic deliberation tool
We are building a tool for online civic deliberation and participation. We are looking for a good and catchy name! We will start from cross-documents annotation to classify the objectives, reflectives, interpretation and decisions in order to clarify key arguments for further discussion. Please help us vote on possible domain name. 我們是個 g0v 的專案,之前用過的名稱有 ggv、中央助聽器,但是目前在尋找更好記、更好用的 domain name。我們的目標是促進線上高品質的公民討論,並讓這些聲音被納入政治決策中。我們會從焦點討論法標記工具開始,透過標記事實、感受、詮釋、行動,去整理網路上的爭論,讓接下來的公民討論更聚焦。一起來投域名吧!
Open Policy Making is about better policy making: being open to new ideas, new ways of working, new insights, new evidence and experts.The open policy maker is:Open policy making is abou
GitHub is where people build software. More than 26 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 74 million projects.
Annotate with anyone, anywhere.
Google Cloud Platform lets you build, deploy, and scale applications, websites, and services on the same infrastructure as Google.
Upgrade PDF.js in Via and the browser extension · Issue #366 · hypothesis/product-backlog
We are currently shipping PDF.js v1.1.215 (June 2015) with the browser extension and v1.1.24 (~ March 2015) with Via. This means that we are missing out on 2+ years worth of PDF compatibility impro...
敘事是視覺化的一個重點要素,然而網路時代的今天,說個好故事怎麼少得了先進的工具幫忙呢?今天為大家介紹 Storify — 讓你透過簡單的拖拉迅速製作出一個好故事!