Composites Collective
Composites Collective
At SYPartners, we believe it is worthy work to envision, believe in, and fight for greatness. One leader, one person, one challenge at a time.
SYPartners | Made By SYPartners
Free tools, prompts, and exercises from SYPartners to help your teams flourish.
SYPartners | Made By SYPartners
Be a better facilitator
Composites Collective
Hackthons: A collection of ideas, thoughts, and articles
This is a share from Han Hackathons as Co-optation Rituals: Socializing Workers and Institutionalizing Innovation in the “New” Economy Hackathons help to form both a vernacular culture inside the social world of digital technology and a repertoire of everyday social and cultural practices in other spaces, institutions, and economies (Coleman, 2010 ). They translate the values of a longstanding hacker subculture into new work norms, socializing workers to create new products and institutiona...
Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync and share and communication app platform. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars & communicate and collaborate across your devices. You decide what happens with your data, where it is and who can access it!
A More Accessible and Eclectic Future for Virtual Reality
This year’s Versions conference mostly encouraged a more sober, productive, and critical probing of the cultural landscape of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality.
Ptt 批踢踢實業坊
前情提要... 台灣於2002年以台澎金馬個別關稅領域(在WTO中簡稱Chinese Taipei)的名稱加入WTO 加入身分為自願選擇的"已開發國家" 請注意,大陸、新加坡都是以"開發中國家"名義加入 而這次爭議的重點服貿協議
Creatively re:imagining our futures using on/offline participatory methods
ideas with you about how we can creatively re:imagine our futures, specifically the futures of our societies, using participatory models…
Composites Collective
Fourth planning session (part 1)
Goal: Defining vision for projects and collective. Work in progress in hackmd
Multi Entry - Telling the Stories of Young, Creative China
A multimedia collection of stories, interviews, and guides that vibrantly portrays the lives and worlds of young Chinese creatives.