A community of makers committed to creating innovative and thought provoking film and new media
Agile Coaching Institute
ACI’s New Home Within Accenture - Agile Coaching Institute
Today, we announced that ACI has been acquired by Accenture. ACI’s new home within Accenture will allow us to fully realize our mission: defining and developing the Agile coaching profession so that Agile coaches become powerful change agents. As many of you know ACI has...
Thanks(for)giving - A Seasonal Dining Experiment
As many of you know, in the past few months I have been studying the ins and outs of professional cookery at the Institute of Culinary Education. As we round the midway point, I have been thinking hard about what I'd like my design practice to evolve into post-graduation. To inspire possible answers, I am embarking on a series of experiments to explore the effects of food on social interaction. Event Format These dinners will be a little different from your typical sit-and-eat dining experience. While I can't promise predictability, what I can promise is a memorable evening of interacting in new and interesting ways with friends from the Orbital community. And of course, an abundance of tasty food made by yours truly. 7:00pm - Welcome and Freeform Mingling! 7:30pm - Sit-Down Dinner and Interactive Experiment begins (don't be late!) BYOB—This will allow me to focus on delivering the best possible food experience. (At least, until I take the wine course.) Theme The theme of this upcoming dinner will be... Thanksgiving! With a twist. If you have a personal favorite seasonal side dish, please tell me what it is. Your answers will inform certain aspects of the meal, which I won't reveal until dinner is served. Hope to see you there! FAQ May I bring a friend? Yes! Please have them purchase a ticket as well, so I can keep track of attendees as well as the amount of food to make. What does the ticket price cover? The ticket price covers the cost of ingredients and transportation, with a bit of padding for costing errors/price fluctuation. I source the majority of my ingredients from local producers committed to sustainabile growing methods and humane animal husbandry practices. The goal isn't to turn a profit, however if there is money left over, it will be donated to the unofficial Orbital Drinks Fund for the all-important purpose of fueling future merriment. I have a food allergy/dietary limitations. Inform me via the registration form and I will ensure that everyone leaves the dinner in healthy good cheer. :)
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Video conversations with up to 8 people for free - no login, no downloads. Create a video room. Share the link. Appear together. Try it now at <>
Adhocracy is a flexible, adaptable and informal form of organization that is defined by a lack of formal structure. It operates in an opposite fashion to a bureaucracy. The term was coined by Warren Bennis in his 1968 book The Temporary Society, later popularized in 1970 by Alvin Toffler in Future Shock, and has since become often used in the theory of management of organizations (particularly online organizations). The concept has been further developed by academics such as Henry Mintzberg. Adhocracy is characterized by an adaptive, creative and flexible integrative behavior based on non-permanence and spontaneity. It is believed that these characteristics allow adhocracy to respond faster than traditional bureaucratic organizations while being more open to new ideas.
The New York Times
‘They Are Slaughtering Us Like Animals’
Inside President Rodrigo Duterte’s brutal antidrug campaign in the Philippines, our photojournalist documented 57 homicide victims over 35 days.
Composites Collective
[image] [image] [image] [image] [image]
Composites Collective
vTaiwan UAV Facilitation Meeting
Shu Yang invited us to attend vTaiwan Hackathon. Hackathons are used as weekly drop in hours for public and civil servants to discuss any matter related to vTaiwan. The facilitator and subject matter expert came in to discuss matters related to the UAV (drones) facilitation. Other attendees from civic tech fest attended. People needed 1 - camera 1 - obs 1 - facilitator 1 - facilitar for domain knowledge 1- stenographer (optional) 2-3 staff for slide Training prep-meeting for mock fa...
Composites Collective
Resources for upcoming Civisist articles
NYU Journalism
Eric French Monge - NYU Journalism
Location: New York, NY Hometown: San Jose, Costa Rica Before Studio 20 …
Composites Collective
Notes from Day 2 of Civic Tech Fest. in progress. moving notes from evernote Most of these comes from the panel session Proposal made by the government Discussions divided into periods [image] Sayit is a project from mysociety Makes transcriptions easy to search Where does participation [image] Save vtaiwan there are no offline meetings Vtaiwan has more complex procedures for on and off line Did you have meetings? How were the offline meetings structured? Who participates [image] W...
Composites Collective
2017-09-11 Alex Pentland WCIT Talk
We got to hear Sandy Pentland talk. He opened WCIT festival. He spoke about his social bridges metrics. The core of it states that as diversity drops, so does economics of an area”. I think about New York, housing, our work, the stories from our experimental summer. “This will be great for our project.” [IMG_3842][IMG_3840][IMG_3843][IMG_3841]
PDIS 公開討論區
The meme that paralysed the administration [image] In March 2014, students in the Sunflower movement occupied the Parliament for 22 days. The result has introduced a giant leap in civic participation in Taiwan. Hundreds of g0v (gov-zero) hacktivists built real-time ICT systems for coordinating supplies, live-streaming, transcription, and translation — broadcasting the demonstration to half a million people on the street and millions more online. They represented the first generation to spe...
Appreciating <|@ProPublica>'s choice to embrace "crowd-powered" as a phrase for journalism that relies upon collaboration with audience.
The February 28 Incident or the February 28 Massacre, also known as the 2.28 Incident (from Chinese: 二二八事件; pinyin: Èr’èrbā shìjiàn), was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan that was violently suppressed by the Kuomintang-led Republic of China government, which killed thousands of civilians beginning on February 28, 1947. The number of Taiwanese deaths is estimated to be 10,000. The massacre marked the beginning of the White Terror in which tens of thousands of other Taiwanese went missing, died or were imprisoned. The incident is one of the most important events in Taiwan's modern history and was a critical impetus for the Taiwan independence movement. In 1945, following the surrender of Japan at the end of World War II, the Allied Forces handed temporary administrative control of Taiwan to the Republic of China (ROC), thus ending 50 years of Japanese colonial rule. Local inhabitants became resentful of what they saw as high-handed and frequently corrupt conduct on the part of the Kuomintang (KMT) authorities, their arbitrary seizure of private property and their economic mismanagement. The flashpoint came on February 27 1947 in Taipei, when a dispute between a cigarette vendor and an officer of the Office of Monopoly triggered civil disorder and an open rebellion that lasted for days. The violence spread and led to indiscriminate lynching of Mainlanders. The uprising was violently put down by the military of the Republic of China, and the island was placed under martial law. The subject was officially taboo for decades. On the anniversary of the event in 1995, President Lee Teng-hui addressed the subject publicly, a first. The event is now openly discussed and details of the event have become the subject of government and academic investigation. February 28 has been designated Peace Memorial Day (和平紀念日; hépíng jìniànrì), an official public holiday. Every February 28, the president of the ROC gathers with other officials to ring a commemorative bell in memory of the victims. The president bows to family members of 2/28 victims and gives each one a certificate officially exonerating any victims previously blacklisted as enemies of the state. Monuments and memorial parks to the victims of 2/28 have been erected in a number of Taiwanese cities, including Kaohsiung and Taipei. Taipei's former "Taipei New Park" was rededicated as 228 Peace Memorial Park and houses the National 228 Memorial Museum to commemorate the tragic incident. The museum opened on February 28, 1997, and re-opened on February 28, 2011, with new permanent exhibits.
The 228 Peace Memorial Park is a historic site and municipal park located at 3 Ketagalan Boulevard, Zhongzheng District, Taipei, Taiwan. The park contains memorials to victims of the February 28 Incident of 1947, including the Taipei 228 Memorial that stands at the center of the park and the Taipei 228 Memorial Museum, housed at the site of a former radio station that operated under Japanese and Kuomintang rule. The National Taiwan Museum stands at the park's north entrance. The park also has a bandshell and exercise areas.
The Vietnam War is a 10-part, 17-and-a-quarter-hour American television documentary series about the Vietnam War written by Geoffrey C. Ward and directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. The first episode premiered on PBS on September 17, 2017. The script is by Geoffrey Ward, and the series is narrated by Peter Coyote.
The New York Times
Fear vs. Hope: Battle Lines Drawn Over a Constitutional Convention
A constitutional convention could go a long way to addressing the dysfunction in Albany, but not everyone is in favor of having one.
“Don’t relegate journalism to Facebook’s cellars,” RSF tells Zuckerberg | Reporters without borders
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on Facebook to act responsibly by abandoning the change to its news feed that it is currently testing in six countries. It would be disastrous for the survival of many media outlets if Facebook adopted the change worldwide. “Protecting our community is more important than maximizing our profits,” Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on 1 November but increasing earnings seems to be the rationale behind the disturbing change that Facebook has been testing in six countries (Slovakia, Serbia, Bolivia, Guatemala, Sri Lanka and Cambodia) since mid-October.Under this change, news media stories no longer appear in the main “News Feed” unless they pay to appear there. The “News Feed” now only shows content from the user’s “friends” and paid content including advertisements. News media content is relegated to a less prominent “Explore” feed.“In our view, this arrangement reinforces a discriminatory, pay-based distribution of media content that threatens journalism’s ability to survive,” RSF secretary-general Christophe Deloire said. “Given social media’s role in providing access to the news media, it would be dangerous for journalism to be relegated to Facebook’s cellars.”In response to the outcry about the experiment, Facebook has said it is just a test and that, for the time being, there is no question of extending it to other countries. If extended, it would further undermine the news media, whose content it already rendered less visible by ads and other forms of non-journalistic content, including PR content and rumors, which Facebook displays prominently.“We call on Facebook to behave more responsibly,” said Elodie Vialle, the head of RSF’s Journalism and Technology Desk. “We are extremely worried about the way this test is being conducted, the lack of transparency and the potential consequences for the media. Facebook’s goal is clear. It wants to keep its users on its site for as long as possible. But this must not threaten journalistic freedom and independence by undermining their practitioners.”Preserving the media’s watchdog roleFacebook has given no explanation for the six countries chosen for the trial and, although it has established many partnerships with news media, especially via its Facebook Journalism Project, it gave the media in these six countries no warning.The California-based giant’s actions have an impact on democracy and media freedom. Some news websites, whose readership has plummeted since the start of the test, play an essential watchdog role in countries with authoritarian regimes, where journalists not working for media oligarchs often migrate to Facebook. In Serbia, for example, independent media have been gagged by President Aleksandar Vučić and the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) since last May’s presidential election. In Slovakia, the media have had four times fewer interactions (likes, comments, shares) since Facebook launched the Explore Feed, according to Filip Struhárik of the Dennik N news website. “A company that big also has an enormous responsibility and cannot just do as it pleases,” he wrote on Medium. “What managers [at Facebook] consider a small test can cause serious problems in some countries.”With much less access to their readers, some media outlets will be condemned to die. Dina Fernández of the Guatemalan news site Soy502 told the Guardian newspaper: “The Facebook explore tab killed 66% of our traffic. Just destroyed it … years of really hard work were just swept away.” Guillaume Ledit of the French magazine Usbek & Rica points out that Facebook replaced Google several years ago as the main channel by which Internet users get access to the news. This is also the case in Cambodia, one of the six countries, where Facebook has overtaken television as one of the main sources of news, according to Jenni Reid, the Phnom Penh Post website editor.Forced into digital servitude, under growing pressure to swear loyalty to Facebook in order to survive, the media are finding it increasingly impossible to turn back.
New York: The Pious Alternative to Evil Silicon Valley?
A billboard in the heart of Silicon Valley declaims the evils of the region and touts the virtues of New York.
:pencil2:VOTE Marc Fliedner (@MarcForDA) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from :pencil2:VOTE Marc Fliedner (@MarcForDA). WRITE IN MARC FLIEDNER for Manhattan DA on November 7. :rose:Proud @DemSocialists member. First Out Gay Man To Run for DA anywhere. #EndCashBail #BlackLivesMatter. New York, NY
The New York Times
With Second-Term in Sight, Mayor de Blasio Is Ever the Same
Bill de Blasio has begun discussing the formation of a new source to pay for future political activities, possibly outside New York.
President Obama’s 2016 State of the Union Address – The Obama White House – Medium
The White House is once again making the full text of the State of the Union available online ahead of the speech, as prepared for delivery…
Democracy at 4am : What unprecedented protest means for Taiwan.
To defend the hard-earned democracy. We occupied the Legistlative Yuan of ROC, peacefully and rationally, Since 2014-03-19, tens of thousands citizens have joined us. Taiwan needs your attention and support. Today, we ask you to join us, in support of basic democratic values.
Composites Collective
Space for planning Composites Collective org and its subprojects
Composites Collective
Researching likeminded organizations
Interesting organizational models <> Public Service Design Studios These organizations are often working directly with government <> <> Most related <> Working in nyc government Gorgeous site <> Rethinking our cities Really like their process breakdown <> They engage at intersection of human centered design and par...
Composites Collective
Democracy at 4am : What unprecedented protest means for Taiwan.
To defend the hard-earned democracy. We occupied the Legistlative Yuan of ROC, peacefully and rationally, Since 2014-03-19, tens of thousands citizens have joined us. Taiwan needs your attention and support. Today, we ask you to join us, in support of basic democratic values.
It’s no secret that Brooklyn has been changing. Now, the rapidly gentrifying borough is getting the vigilante it needs — and deserves.
Abroad in Japan is creating Original, sarcastic videos about Japan | Patreon
Become a patron of Abroad in Japan today: Read 120 posts by Abroad in Japan and get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators.
minutiae is an anti social media app
New America
How Cities Across the Globe Are Taking Innovation into Their Own Hands
As America turns inward, a recent CityLab conference reveals how cities are looking to take up the mantle of global creator and innovator.
I checked. Everywhere I looked it said LY
Composites Collective
Platform Co-op conference 2017
DAY 1 The co-op community is trying to come up with a governance model to bring coops together there is a conference is Hong Kong to bring coops in Asia into the loop. ‘It’s not about creating an interesting model… we need to succeed’ (use in patreon!) the people who are invisible need to succeed The conference was about changing and dismantling the current systems of power. 3 Ps — PURPOSE, POWER, PEOPLE COLLECTIVE POWER. There is a difference between voice and power — collective voice...
Composites Collective
Collaborative brainstorming with Liz Barry and Patcon
[7AAEFFA9-8DEB-4F34-827C-2D8060DEBA69] Peeling back the layers [88E15736-64EF-49B7-B60C-70C520DB24EE] [BBD90841-B3A8-44B9-B0B9-3BB9C7BDC040] [257EAB88-4393-418C-8470-DE8F2D6AFFB4] [05B3F456-8812-4AC2-BDF0-C0058DBDB4D8] [41457B5F-1B80-4691-BC9F-9C22F0FF5E2D]
Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge
New York City Council's Participatory Budgeting
Composites Collective
<> [brainstorming]
the Guardian
Sending in our nude photos to fight revenge porn? No thanks, Facebook | Van Badham
Rather than trusting a private corporation, let’s just enforce existing laws supposed to protect us from harassment and abuse – in person or online
The GovLab
The GovLab | Civic Challenges - San Pedro Garza García
12-month pilot which took place in the Municipality of San Pedro Garza García, Mexico, designed to evaluate a replicable process for Latin American cities to solve social problems more quickly and effectively.
How will we live in the year 2030?
A playful research project by Anton & Irene + SPACE10.
Announcing Magpie Digest – Magpie Kingdom – Medium
China’s online conversations are hard to follow from abroad, so we’re creating a weekly newsletter to keep track for you.
Inside the First Church of Artificial Intelligence | Backchannel
The engineer at the heart of the Uber/Waymo lawsuit is serious about his AI religion. Welcome to Anthony Levandowski's Way of the Future.
Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge
Composites Collective
Swerhun Facilitation
Swerhun Facilitation is a public consultation firm based in Toronto, Canada. We design and deliver consultation and engagement processes for governments and public agencies. We specialize in making large, complex multi-stakeholder projects constructive and manageable.
Dropbox Paper
<> Host: OK, good afternoon to everybody. My name is Giovanni Allegretti.
overview - :balloon: Start here for current projects, how to get involved, and joining community calls, a resource for new and veteran members
We are building a mesh network in Toronto.
Composites Collective
11/20/2017 <> 11/21/2017 <>
Data & Society: Points
The Radicalization of Utopian Dreams – Data & Society: Points
The following is a transcript of Data & Society Founder and President danah boyd’s recent lightning talk at The People’s Disruption…
High stakes trial of inauguration protesters goes off the rails
The First Amendment dies not with a bang, but with a "Low Battery" pop-up warning.
Mass participation to build resilient neighbourhoods
The platform for rational debate. Empowering reason through friendly and open discussions.