
Month: 2017-12


lizbarry 03:10:14
Unrelated: @patcon re models for open source projects, see Nobel Prize economic theorist Elinor Ostrom's "8 principles for managing the commons" (cc @greggish in hopes of reviving the content on that deleted RiseUp etherpad)
Interestingly, her wikipedia page contains the nugget that her early 60's writing was on "The organization of government in metropolitan areas" -- so relevant to us here!
🙌 1
dzn 03:13:45
Funny you say, @lizbarry. I recently started reading her governing the commons book. Haven’t gotten very far, already sooo much we can learn from her work. Highly recommended.
😍 2 💯 1
patcon 10:56:32
heyo! I'll be makingmy way online with y'all between 9-10am, and I'll be available until around 1pm 🙂
itsmisscs 22:27:07
@darshana @patcon @lizbarry ^^
dzn 22:53:34
@patcon finding you
dzn 23:05:14
tell us where
patcon 23:05:19
Omw upstairs to get settled in toronto. Maybe 10 main. Don't wait up!
dzn 23:05:24
patcon 23:41:45
are we in here:

Video conversations with up to 8 people for free - no login, no downloads. Create a video room. Share the link. Appear together. Try it now at <>

patcon 23:48:45
@lizbarry <!here> i can't call you when you're in DND mode :P
lizbarry 23:57:20
lizbarry 23:57:31


patcon 00:37:21
rightscon policy on ticket exemptions:
patcon 00:37:57
<!here> give what to who?
itsmisscs 00:42:13


New York: The Pious Alternative to Evil Silicon Valley?

A billboard in the heart of Silicon Valley declaims the evils of the region and touts the virtues of New York.

itsmisscs 00:42:32
@patcon ^^ what i vented on
🐊 1
patcon 01:28:14
the holopolis realtimeboard as example:
patcon 01:45:11
whoa. i never see it with such suited up people. not sure what was happening there...
patcon 01:46:11
cool layout, in that council chambers are in the "nest" of city hall:

itsmisscs 01:52:24
Discourse group for conversations:

Composites Collective

Resilient Conversations

Online collective commons

patcon 02:02:43
<!here> can someone take photos of all the boards for realtimeboard before heading out?
patcon 02:46:47
the book! gotta go! late! yeow!
lizbarry 04:40:12
this is a great contemporary call to act

Intelligent Mischief



patcon 08:26:31
re: the book. bianca (consultation-friend) and I had conversations last year while myself and @derekhoward ( collaborator) were pursuing using vtaiwan-like processes in toronto -- at the time it felt like working with designers to develop a common visual language around the phases of the consultation (from the book, but meshed with vtaiwan practices),as part of an open toolkit of sorts.

the thinking was that this would allow people to understand the process and their place in it, even between consultations organized by different people. it felt like a really great place to include designers and their skills.

we never went any further than that discussion though, but i'd love to re-open if others here think it might be helpful -- seems like that piece could provide a logical segmentation of work? 🙂


lizbarry 22:53:52
Sounds good to me, people need support to learn how to do this stuff. Toolkit/curriculum whatever's clever
lizbarry 22:54:27
Hey I'll be "study hall" this afternoon if anyone wants to pool our collective motivation
👌 1


lizbarry 02:17:55
Yesterday's "On the Media" podcast covered the DDOSing of public comment in their "public comment is broken" session , the writer of is very articulate
Also see this PDF to public comment in the US:


Public Comment is Broken

How the rise of bots is giving officials cover to ignore citizens.

itsmisscs 23:58:07

Jitsi Meet

Join a WebRTC video conference powered by the Jitsi Videobridge

itsmisscs 23:58:30
no video for me today. sick.
dzn 23:58:43
oh no
dzn 23:58:47
can you hear me?
itsmisscs 23:58:56
itsmisscs 23:59:06
you aren’t showing up as in the room
dzn 23:59:18
dzn 23:59:26
no one else in mine
itsmisscs 23:59:33
the link i posted?
dzn 23:59:33
I clicked the link you sent me
dzn 23:59:36
itsmisscs 23:59:42
so weird lol


itsmisscs 00:00:10
i see you
dzn 00:00:28
did you hear the strange audio
patcon 04:26:09
@darshana @itsmisscs is it cool if i tentatively merge this? (I realize it might need fixups, but perhaps we could do that asap after?)

I found some other folks in toronto who are diving into and consultations today, and I was hoping to share the README link to orient them to our efforts. right now, this is better than nothing, right? (really eager to re-energize a crew in toronto around this)


Stub out a Get Involved section for README by patcon · Pull Request #6 · g0vNYC/hub

Could use a picky once-over, but thinking something is better than nothing, and didn't want to delay again. is the email in the code of conduct the right one? is there a public kanban board we cou...

patcon 04:29:59
actually, in light of this, i'd love to revisit:
1. openning up trello org as public
2. openning up our active sprint boards for others to orient and participate

are these two things that would be straightforward to do today without much added worked?
itsmisscs 04:50:50
@patcon by all means feel free to merge
🙌 1
itsmisscs 04:52:01
as for sprints, i think it may be easier to create a new board and we’ll move our things over (@darshana weigh in here). as it stands, we’re working on things that can be public but not certain how we’d pull in others.
thanks! is it ok to be public with stuff even though we don't know how to integrate people? i wonder if maybe letting people see will allow them to know how to best engage (connecting people, understanding how other projects/initiatives might fit, etc), without much burden on us?
Ah, to live a life without fear of being scooped -- a goal!!!!!
what about things that you don’t want to integrate people on 😛
overall i think public is always good because people can help or offer input
Totally. What if we made lists of those necessarily private spaces? EDGI imho took a really rad approach of saying for some convos (and this was all internal, mind you): "private things within this org are totally cool, but if you have private channels or private google drives or whatever, let's document them and their purpose and who started them so that they're legible"

I am interested in all of this, but particularly curious about the proto-government angle, and so will prob always ask for temperature checks to that end :)
itsmisscs 04:52:23
we’ve talked about the need to spend some time putting together areas where others can participate
itsmisscs 04:52:38
which led us to an extensive planning session
itsmisscs 04:54:12
results of that session are still not super concrete, i.e. what are we focusing on/looking into
👌 1
katenicholson 08:09:26
@katehnicholson has joined the channel


itsmisscs 23:40:59
Sadly pro-bono but still
So bittersweet! Engagement: yay! Explicitly defined to not compensate: sad panda.
katenicholson 23:47:52
just sent in, thanks! curious to see what they’re up to.
I am, too. Let me know what you hear back. Do you know anyone from the team?
katenicholson 2017-12-08 00:18:03
I do— Emily Herrick. (Just realizing :) )
katenicholson 2017-12-08 00:20:09
Maybe she wants to join up on Sunday. Sending her a note.
fantastic! i’ll get an agenda going today that you can share out. feel free to come for all or part of the discussion.
katenicholson 2017-12-08 00:24:52
Terrific, thanks sounds good


itsmisscs 04:08:07
@darshana just when we were thinking of pateron everyone is up in 🔥 about recent changes


itsmisscs 01:45:52
@darshana how was the event yesterday? we were hoping to see the conclusion but the stream stopped after the intro
Haven't watched it yet, but I discovered there was a second feed! (can't pause maybe?)
oh you found it!!
dzn 01:59:07
The event went really well. The best so far. Having people actually attend makes a huge difference. Your question was spot on though. Slido only works of it is being displayed the entire time. People don't use it to ask questions otherwise. They did the survey but didn't ask questions. Important for next time!
❤️ 1 💫 2
dzn 02:01:58
Also, some excellent leads
dzn 02:02:25
Image uploaded from iOS
dzn 02:02:40
Met her ^^
dzn 02:03:19
Works at the PB place and she wants to meet and plot
dzn 02:03:26
She is great
itsmisscs 02:04:57
Yay! awesome. Josh Lerner’s crew
she is very interested in see the videos we took of candidates during our summer exp
says that she has been trying to get access of council members and it’s been hard
we really did make good use of election time
It like the way she thinks will be good to see what she can push from the PB angle
We had a chat about expanding beyond infrastructure, they are trying in small ways. tackling homelessness issue in some dist etc. Will be good to push them on this
also, she is thinking A LOT about how to reach non-digital audiences and use visualizations effectively
that’s great! they would be excellent facilitation partners…we augment their practices.
oh wow! council members in office already or ones that were running?
we should put those up! raw convos, why not…very au. we can say it is raw footage \
dzn 02:05:00
Also, lots of new info from Noel and D&S. let's chat some time
itsmisscs 02:05:28
whenever. can hop on a call if you want to debrief
@itsmisscs back in coffee shop. Can chat whenever
itsmisscs 02:08:01
Yeah, slido bit we knew from Au. I know initially we had asked about different projectors for early ones. I have an extra projector that slido master can add to her kit 😉
patcon 02:16:12
Haha who is "slido master"??
dzn 04:11:03
lol. That’s what Noel titled me last night
dzn 04:13:33
Yeah! Second projector is good! I first thought of the second projector as mostly for transparency but now it seems like it encourages people to engage with slido. Let’s test next time and see. Also, how cool would it be to have a projector always at hand!!!
katenicholson 2017-12-09 05:09:16
just pair with our politican in your pocket @devin and we’re set.
💯 1
itsmisscs 04:38:48
it’s not a pico one, but it isn’t annoying to transport
itsmisscs 04:38:59
pocket projector would be neat though
itsmisscs 04:39:20
yeah, au mentioned it needed to be up so people can engage. thinking back to tictec, it become valuable for me when i could see it
katenicholson 04:41:55
@darshana @itsmisscs been meaning to cross this off my crafts to do list

Popular Science

Turn A Shoe Box Into A Phone Projector [Video]

Buy some new crocs, gain a mini movie theater.

👀 1
itsmisscs 04:42:19
ooooo nice!
katenicholson 04:42:59
(though pretty sure quality would be abominable)
devin 05:10:34
@devin has joined the channel
itsmisscs 13:56:31
@darshana very interesting comments from creator of blulu metrics. their reactions to ocf report


Untitled · · Disqus

The web's community of communities now has one central hub.

itsmisscs 16:20:13
For folks joining/planning on joining in on Sunday (@patcon @lizbarry @darshana @devin @katehnicholson) Please feel free to edit the Hackmd post. If you have questions about anything, you can reply to the thread or ask here in slack. Excited to see everyone!

Composites Collective

Second workshop @orbital Sunday December 10

Agenda + Notes <> Attendees (confirmed via Slack) @dzn @patcon @lizbarry Devin B Kate N

itsmisscs 16:27:51
eeee chia hua has a twitter ❤️

ChiA huA (@chiahua0515) | Twitter

The latest Tweets from ChiA huA (@chiahua0515): "I like my winter dress XD <>"

Just followed!


itsmisscs 07:06:24
@darshana i’m finally back. alive. ❄️
itsmisscs 22:51:20
View from backyard


patcon 03:25:37
@patcon set the channel topic: PUBLICLY logged. Daily going ons of g0vnyc project. All welcome! Standup daily 11am ( Resources/Notes: Set your notifications accordingly. We chatter.
lizbarry 05:00:21


A responsive, professional, and multipurpose SaaS, Software, Startup and WebApp landing template powered by Bootstrap 4.

devin 05:10:39
Here's a copy of the AirTable knowledge-base that powers the ReCoLa website:


Airtable: Organize anything you can imagine

Airtable works like a spreadsheet but gives you the power of a database to organize anything. Sign up for free.

🤔 1
lizbarry 09:14:40
Did anyone give @katehnicholson money for snacks?
patcon 09:18:40
😂 2
katenicholson 09:58:12
I’ll send Venmo request for 4 bucks from each of you. Liz what’s your phone? I got the others.
<tel:336-269-1539|336-269-1539> on venmo i'm Liz-Barry-3
katenicholson 09:58:17
itsmisscs 10:03:53
Such delicious snacks for 4$!!
katenicholson 10:04:56
Oh wait I miscalculated. @darshana how much did we spend in the transaction you made w my cash
The cash transaction was for 8.60
Thanks for paying :)
itsmisscs 10:08:01
All good. Will await the request :) thanks so much snacks++ crew
patcon 12:38:51
yo @katehnicholson @davehackett1 can you dm me a google-friendly email so that I can add you to some a google drive (just some odds and ends: session proposal and a book i scanned). Also, if you're on trello, would be rad to get a username or email that you signed up with, so I can add y'all :tada:
patcon 16:20:53
can someone invite me to the airtable at patrick.c.connolly at the big G one? cc @devin
patcon 16:22:16
also, @darshana @itsmisscs might you have google-friendly emails that you could DM me so that I can specifically invite you to the session doc (it's world editable right now)
lizbarry 23:19:31
morning! i just wrote back a lot of replies in the vnyc-grants-conf channel. and also i think in a DM shared more about Ed Keller's partner Carla Letai (?) who works in VR at Rensellear
ok i just got connected on email to the woman who runs the VR lab at RPI -- does someone who is really into VR and wanting to get us into Holopolis want to get looped in a take lead?


katenicholson 05:45:38
Nice, @lizbarry! Q: Where should meeting pictures and artifacts be uploaded in general?
It's not official yet until I pitch it and we consent, but this proposed trello board has a resources list, in which I have a google drive with some docs we've worked with:

Could add there if it seems like the right place?
katenicholson 2017-12-13 01:22:37
Loveliness. Thanks, I’ll check it out in a bit.
katenicholson 2017-12-13 08:30:42
A thought — once we have an assortment of facilitation method resources we could have weekly meetings where we each (or in pairs/threes) bring one method to the table and practice on each other— to download everyone quickly on what’s out there—in a sort of applied learning exchange. Could help us quickly eliminate and choose methodologies that we want to use / adapt for the toolkit. ** not sure if this is the right place for this comment, if not feel free to copy past somewhere **


patcon 00:30:01
It's not official yet until I pitch it and we consent, but this proposed trello board has a resources list, in which I have a google drive with some docs we've worked with:

Could add there if it seems like the right place?

Trello Task Tracker

Trello is the visual collaboration platform that gives teams perspective on projects. Use Trello to collaborate, communicate and coordinate on all of your projects.

lizbarry 00:36:56
Here's a handdrawn guide "How to have great meetings" that Molly de Blanc illustrated at Public Lab's last Barnraising -- she would be great to loop in with as the "methods toolkit" gets going


Instagram post by Public Lab • Nov 4, 2017 at 11:04pm UTC

35 Likes, 2 Comments - Public Lab (@publiclab) on Instagram: “@mollydecible made this amazing #zine on #facilitation at #barnraising2017 at our illustrated guide…”

❤️ 1
lizbarry 00:38:08
let's talk tonight in person about a Taiwan travel plan, ok? @itsmisscs @darshana and we can call in @patcon
I'm down, but hacknight tonight! Pitches at 7:30. Groups convene around 7:40.

Could I call in from there and invite observers to listen in? I don't want to turn this into an onboarding call, so would need to be careful on that, but would be helpful to energising Toronto :) I could bring them up-to-speed in 10 min before calling in?
Or I could just do the call from there, and 7:40 would give me time to join
it's like our travel logistics
it's not planning the awesome stuff we would do, it's figuring out how much we can personally spend and stuff
katenicholson 2017-12-13 01:23:23
Ahh. this sound like so much fun.
I'm willing to call into Toronto in general but jeex i am not going to get on the phone and talk about my personal finance!
like, to get these tickets in a reasonable time frame we're going to have to purchase them before we have any grant money in hand. As a group we need to talk about who has cash to put down, and who doesn't, and if anyone can cover the people who don't. this is not for public broadcast.
i also am 🙅🏾 to a big public call
this is very specific and related to the group of people that are planning on going on the trip.
@lizbarry Darshana has to leave for an appointment at 7:30. Seems it may not be a good time for 2/4 members. Can we have this wednesday?
Haha ok ok I thought this was bigger scope. I have that group commitment anyhow, so I guess I can't make tonight anyhow. Wednesday gets my vote
ok good idea! i can do more like 8pm on wednesday
patcon 01:15:55
I'm down, but hacknight tonight! Pitches at 7:30. Groups convene around 7:40.

Could I call in from there and invite observers to listen in? I don't want to turn this into an onboarding call, so would need to be careful on that, but would be helpful to energising Toronto :) I could bring them up-to-speed in 10 min before calling in?
itsmisscs 02:58:24
@darshana I believe I have added links to all the areas in the article were photos were marked. I left you one question about the photo in the “Back to NYC” section. I still have a couple albums to upload (mglee, fi, claire), but all the photos that support the article are up on flickr now. Feel free to pull stuff that you want, too.
itsmisscs 02:59:34
do you have the link handy to the g0v hackth25n photos?
itsmisscs 03:41:09
<!channel> We’ll be renaming this channel to reflect its purpose as the daily musings for Composites Collective team. Y’all are more than welcome to stay. We ❤️ having y’all. #vnyc will be the main channel for lurking on the progress of vnyc initiatives
💯 1 🙌 1
itsmisscs 03:49:32
hmmm one does not seem able to rename channels. we can archive and open a new one.
patcon 03:52:50
@itsmisscs Its up to whoever created. One sec
I’ll change!
patcon 03:53:18
So @darshana
itsmisscs 03:57:11
ah. cool. i’ll have her rename this. any others? happy to make the grants conf more generic to the vnetwork as well
patcon 04:02:30
I'd be down for a more generic rename, but admit that I'm a little confused on what we decided: I left thinking g0v-network was the new namespace, but I'm down for vnetwork too, which I think @katehnicholson used in that rad image she made
patcon 04:02:50
itsmisscs 04:02:56
itsmisscs 04:02:58
one and same
patcon 04:03:11
Ooooh! Okie doke!
itsmisscs 04:03:22
the grants we list have been more applicable to the work we’re doing in nyc
patcon 04:04:26
Sure. I mean, I might hop in and participate in grant stuff too, and might not relate to vnyc, but whatever's clever
itsmisscs 04:05:07
maybe all these get renamed to cc channels? and then you can create more generic ones for the network?
patcon 04:05:42
(As in I wasn't reading them specific for NYC context, but am down whatever. Don't want to step on toes. I will alwaysbbe conversant, cause we're all on same team! Team human!
itsmisscs 04:06:23
grants are for all 🙂
itsmisscs 04:06:35
i’m mostly just sharing how we’ve been using these channels up to now
🙌 1
patcon 04:07:20
Oh! Phewf! I'm glad you clarified that. thought I'd misunderstood
patcon 04:09:37
Tl;dr def rename whatever feels right, and we could maybe confirm that it makes sense to others next meeting, and sort from there


dzn 21:39:08
@darshana has renamed the channel from "vnyc-daily" to "cc-daily"


itsmisscs 00:20:21
it’s out!
itsmisscs 00:20:29
itsmisscs 00:20:48
great great job, @darshana!
itsmisscs 00:20:55
they haven’t tweeted about it yet lol
itsmisscs 00:21:09
are they keeping it silent?
shuyang 00:39:41
oh shit, i just tweeted. was wondering why I couldn’t find anything up there to re-tweet
shuyang 00:40:09
let me know if you prefer to made the first shout
itsmisscs 00:40:28
i think you retweeted my tweet, right?
itsmisscs 00:40:32
thank you ❤️
itsmisscs 00:40:48
oh cool, you wrote your own!
itsmisscs 00:40:52
excellent. Thank you!!
shuyang 00:41:48
patcon 01:33:58
yyeeeeeaaahhh! excited to read!
dzn 01:36:12
please read 🙂 would love love to hear what you think!
🚀 2


itsmisscs 00:40:38
@darshana maybe this is the avenue to hold the facilitation about civic hall new space… Can’t believe it’s one of those “pay to be a resident” types. grrr

Civic Hall

Entrepreneurs-in-Residence Program | Civic Hall

The Civic Hall Entrepreneurs In Residence Program offers an unparalleled opportunity for civic innovators to foster their growth, while simultaneously strengthening Civic Hall’s community. Our Residents are committed to the mission of Civic Hall, building civic technology, and contributing to others in meaningful and impactful ways. Qualified participants are looking to get a civic tech project, …

itsmisscs 07:21:11
@darshana @sylin PDC short paper is coming up early February. Shall we resume weekly or bi-weekly work sessions? I’m still interested in submitting. @sylin if you’ve decided to just have it be a PDIS thing, let us know!
shuyang 07:35:52
Hey thanks for bring this up! As mentioned last week, Avross and I have started the first draft. We plan to have it done before Christmas and send the draft to you as Christmas present.. let’s (Avross, D, cs, Shu) have a meeting on 3rd Jan noon, your 2nd evening. Does that work?
Is it possible to have it earlier? Noon is 1am EST / 2am DR
Maybe 11pm EST?
Also, I’m totes okay with helping y’all edit/offer feedback on your submission 🙂 It sounds like you have a direction.
Ah I have lost track of our time difference, let’s do 10am EST then :)
The direction align with original goal of documenting how vTaiwan works and describe some real caes, that means empirical case studies with methodology.
Thx for the offer, we will try wrap this present asap
10am EST is 11PM in Taipei, is that okay?
We can do 10PM est, 11AM taipei, if that’s better
ohoh. thought i was in est…
You’re living in the future 😉
10PM est, 11AM taipei ok.
lol I slept too much
didn’t catch up when earth made its turn
10PM EST on Jan 2nd?
> original goal of documenting how vTaiwan works and describe some real caes, that means empirical case studies with methodology.

i feel that I should mention that @theobass has a giant long-form case-study doc written (19 pages) on vtaiwan in extension to the nestaUK Digital Democracy whitepaper, and might be worth sync'ing up with?

he wrote it in late 2016, but got busy and then just got back from 3 months sabbatical. He's now dusting it off when he's back in the office in 4 days, and finishing was going to be his first priority

anyhow, just relaying, and perhaps y'all might want to connect 🙂
@patcon we are aware of his article except that’s still an on going project. Would love to say hi.
Hey @sylin! Would love to chat! I've just been tidying it up and responding to helpful comments from @patcon and other colleagues. Could i send you an email to have a catch-up maybe? Heard lots about the stuff you're doing 🙂
Yay let’s catch up :)


itsmisscs 09:18:37
@darshana i’m out for the day. see you tomorrow for planning. i’m returning to the lovely cafe that we chatted from this summer when you were helping me workshop the eyeo talk 🙂
dzn 09:28:57
nice! See you tomorrow 🙂
itsmisscs 22:03:44
it was closed. lolz. found a new coworking space though. 10$ for speedy internet. not bad
itsmisscs 22:03:51
not as nice as the other, but I’ll take a solid spot to work for the day.
itsmisscs 23:36:14
@darshana can we start 11:30?
dzn 23:37:11
itsmisscs 23:59:44


itsmisscs 00:30:29
few more minutes…
itsmisscs 00:35:38
@darshana i’m on
dzn 00:36:29
dzn 00:36:33
Coming on
itsmisscs 00:54:34
@darshana and done
itsmisscs 00:54:38
i’m still on
itsmisscs 01:42:55
itsmisscs 01:42:58


itsmisscs 12:22:00
itsmisscs 12:22:00
> The Flower Matrix (2013-ongoing) – Decor in large editions from Claudia Hart’s mixed-reality chamber (on view at Gallery 151 in Chelsea through January 28th, 2018)


itsmisscs 08:24:52
sutble animations. focus on photos. nice inspiration when it comes to story telling on the web

Iceland, the land of fire and ice

Love for Iceland is a project made by and for lovers of Iceland, for those who have visited and for those who wish to. This site is a tribute to this magical island, aiming to guide the visitor through some of its secrets.

itsmisscs 08:24:59
@lizbarry ^^
dzn 08:28:36
I like A LOT
dzn 08:28:49
This style of storytelling is so good.
dzn 08:29:02
Another one…
itsmisscs 08:32:55
I really like that one. thanks for sharing. I’d love to publish some our critical explorations interactively. such a different experience than reading. thanks for sharing!
1 1
dzn 14:44:16
@itsmisscs Content for CC website…
dzn 14:46:25
Facilitation project —


@lizbarry is it ok if we use your writing for the facilitation project page on CC website??
@lizbarry @patcon the plan is to have the website ready and apply to Get them to fund our facilitation project.
we have a good shot!! Some solid grant money will be soooo good.
Yes please reuse any proposal writing for the CC website
Sorry I am just catching up on this now, just saw it.
Ah baaaahh sorry I somehow missed this! But yay!


itsmisscs 02:08:25
@darshana dope! thank you! will dig in deeper tomorrow. keeping space for family today
itsmisscs 02:09:10
though the telenovelas won out over bingo game
😆 1
itsmisscs 02:25:05
Interesting reference from pdc vtaiwan paper that could apply to next civicist article
🙌 1
itsmisscs 21:06:21
@darshana invited you to toggl. let me know if you have trouble joining


patcon 04:39:23
Aw man, couldn't view paper on web, so tried to share PDF from scihub, but upload fails... perhaps slack blocks sharing of some files via checksums :/


itsmisscs 22:59:22
@darshana First draft of WeWork talk in Medium I’m wrapping up DU talk. Then I’m moving on to site work. Thanks so much for the content. Will be sharing review links with you over next couple days.


dzn 03:43:07
cool! I’ll take a look at the draft
Sweet. I’m cleaning up a few things. I’m at the end of the doc in the part where we mock vtaiwan process for rezoning
yeah. I started it editing and it kicked me off. I’ll take over once you are done.
it did?!
annoying. i’ll jump out. I was just adding links tightening up that section. Please go ahead!
I’ve been in that doc since AM. Will gladly take a break
@darshana ^^
I made a gif of the watchout snippet. I’m optimizing it now. had some troubles adding it in earlier. medium kept rejecting it.
no rush. today is a slightly frenetic day for me. Getting ready to leave for providence..
oh good, i was wondering when you were heading out
hitching a ride to boston with Henry and then train from there
so much more convenient
nice to drive with friends
tell him “hello”
will do! Haven’t decided if we are going to drive tonight or tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning would be good. Then I can clean my house etc.
Soooooo many chores
nice to come back to a clean house
yeah. So very much nicer.
I wanted to get the DU talk out before New Year bc I plan on sending an email to all the contacts to see what we can line up for next year. Since you’re busy, I’ll get feedback from folks in MUC and maybe Liz. We can always edit again once it is up. That okay with you?
can you explain more? email to all contacts
emailing the people i met in denver
also, I’ll take a look before that. Would always like to see stuff that we have worked onto together before it goes online.
ah! cool!!
I’ll take a look. Before New Year for sure.
Great! ty. will post tomorrow.
great! 🙂
can’t look at medium any more. on to the website and other low hanging fruit
probably going to go swim actually…sun came out
have fun!!!
it’s sunny here but sooooo cold
will do
ha. never made it. i need to go in the AM. will go tomorrow
dzn 03:43:26
I’ll take a look at site stuff as you pass along 🙂
itsmisscs 03:48:46
by the way, i’m at the Talk to NYC youtube account. Mary Silver <3…And Chris Marte video that provided so much laughter has the highest number of views hehe
itsmisscs 03:49:02
we did so much this summer 🤗
dzn 03:55:11
We did a lot!!
dzn 03:55:29
summer and after..
itsmisscs 04:32:14
I’m having a hard time looking at medium after 5 hours of wework talk work. I’ll get to the DU talk tomorrow morning when my brain is fresh. Moving on to site content stuffs.
itsmisscs 05:22:01
Created a speakerdeck account for CC to publish talks. Also trying out Issuu, cuz whyz not all the places

Speaker Deck

Creatively re:imagining our futures using on/offline participatory models and tools

This talk presents ideas about how we can creatively re:imagine our futures, specifically the futures of our societies, using participatory models, collaborative models that are both on/offline. These ideas are ways in which core governance processes can change for more inclusion and effective problem-solving. This version of the talk was presented at Denver University Emergent Digital Practices.

itsmisscs 05:38:15
Tried out Issuu. I don’t think talks look good there. I do think it will be nice for project briefs and more designed content. Going to put all of our talks on Speakerdeck. Stuff looks nice there me thinks.
itsmisscs 05:38:36
Issuu also messed up the page order
itsmisscs 05:38:50


Composites Collective

We employ complex systems research, design and technology, to build and strengthening participatory channels in organizations. We work with governments, businesses, universities, non-profits and communities.

dzn 05:46:29
speakerdeck looks good!!
dzn 05:46:42
can’t see ISSUU
itsmisscs 05:47:02
it’s just a profile page. but LOL
dzn 05:47:19
that I can see 🙂
dzn 05:47:21
itsmisscs 05:47:23
that’s all we got
dzn 05:47:24
looks good
itsmisscs 05:47:30
i deleted the thing i uploaded
itsmisscs 05:47:45
it wasn’t very nice…pages were out of order
dzn 05:47:52
also, you like the new CC intro!!
itsmisscs 05:47:55
glad you like speakerdeck!
itsmisscs 05:47:58
i do 🙂
dzn 05:47:58
more to the point I think
itsmisscs 05:48:02
itsmisscs 05:48:08
i’m putting it out there!!
itsmisscs 05:48:09
dzn 05:48:24
excellent!! Thanks for taking charge of this
itsmisscs 05:48:40
no problem! it is calming my soul to get this stuff done
dzn 05:48:53
we are close!!
itsmisscs 05:49:07
all the accounts are in lastpass if you need to make any changes to descriptions etc
dzn 05:49:08
we will have stuff up there by early next year for sure
dzn 05:49:12
I saw!! 🙂
itsmisscs 05:49:15
you know it
dzn 06:02:28
katenicholson 07:45:06
Just wanted to 👋 / say hi. Catching up on these threads and tasks post holidays… taking me a minute. hope all your holidays and travels are going welll / went well. xx :]
hi 👋🏾 how were you holidays?
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:48:10
They were jam packed and fun. My brothers and i executed a swell surprise antic (surprise = one of them visiting for the wknd). Nice to hang with them all. Now have some friends in town so running around which has been fun. How is your trip?
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:49:05
I went to the transit museum today, that place is great (though could use some major introductory context ihMO)
aww holidays are a great time for family surprises. Where do your brothers live?
i’ve never been but heard great things!
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:49:45
One’s in brooklyn. The other is in LA (so was him and his wife visiting)
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:49:51
he made the LA mass exodus, eh
i hear it’s freezing over there
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:52:43
uh yeah, it’s really cold. currently hiding out in bed stuy at a coffee shop afraid to go outside since the sun went down.
my trip is good. it’s chill af. getting to hang with grandma. i’m having a great time just getting to focus on projects. i just started a puzzle today (lol)…i go swimming in the ocean…planning a week trip to some beaches so i can completely isolate to finish the D&S application. power outages are the only bummer.
which coffee shop?!
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:53:33
i love outpost
such a good coffee shop. sometimes the music is off, but usually it’s a joy. feels multigenerational. plus its hella 🌈
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:54:53
it’s yummy and warm. so many good spots this way. i also really like this bougie plant place. stonefruit something something or other.
oh ya! i’ve jogged by that numerous times
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:55:28
yeaaah multigenerational is good point.
ya, bed stuy has good coffeeshops. there’s a couple on franklin i enjoy
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:55:42
i appreciate that in coffeeshop patronage
indeed. i wish nyc had a good 24 hour coffee shop like austin texas
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:57:08
ooo. that sounds nice, do they have multiple or just one stand out?
i swear it would be a hit. yaffa was my late night go to
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:58:26
ahh yaffa. I used to escape there in high school when i wanted to feel rebellious.
they have a few (lucky bastards). epoch is the one i hung out at
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:58:53
they closed recently yeah?
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:59:06
ah nice. I haven’t been to Austin, one day i’lll check it out.
yes :((
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:59:22
I’m into more late night options that aren’t only bars / clubs.
east village is…slowly swallowing its gems
katenicholson 2017-12-29 07:59:47
i wonder how much longer i’ll last downtown…bed stuy or ridgewood yard may call me soon
we shall see…i’m embarking on my collective buying project in 2018 🤞🏾
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:02:56
Aye. Yeah I need to think about a change up soon too. I do like two bridges area downtown (though it’s also being swallowed up ), otherwise bk.
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:03:09
Hm, collective buying project? whatare you looking at i?
that’s where i am now
two bridges. i’m fighting…don’t want to see it turn. it’s been home for 8 years. i love it.
i’d like to find a few friends/folks that would be interesting in purchasing a building. we’d used LLC model and divide up shares according to decided upon metrics (downpayment, repair costs, size, etc). i’m thinking to start by looking at foreclosures.
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:05:20
aye yeah. it’s a shame when it happens yet it happens. there have been smalls successes with groups organizing though though, but not sure how long that can withstand.
dream would be a storefront on the bottom and 2-3 floors agove
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:05:48
that sounds dreamy
two bridges has some formidable groups so we’ve come to find out. yeah, hence the need for coup de council hehe
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:06:19
i knw a guy who has a spot in ft greene that he just fixed up.
did he get a foreclosed building?
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:06:54
that’s like that. i’m not sure what he’s doing up top but he is finishing renovations on a community food space (w education.employment opps for local youth) in the storefront
that’s dope
i would love to visit it when i get back
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:08:11
right? he’s interested in building out a model, and incorporating tech into his retail concept so we’ve been talking (slowly). I’m due to swing by again soon, can let you know when i do if you wanna say hi.
that would be great
i’m slatted to be back on 17 jan
i still have not purchased my ticket lol
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:12:15
Nice way to be. I’ll keep that in mind and see what he’s up to in late Jan.
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:12:20
Are you enjoying your time?
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:12:26
Is this a family visit?
yeah, i’m chilling with my grandma. it’s been really nice minus the annoyances of the dominican republic.
i’m excited for my week trip to some beaches. thinking of going to an island that i’ve never been to / didn’t know existed
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:17:12
sounds like a nice break of pace. and piratey adventures are always fun. doo it.
overall, it is what i wanted: very few distractions, warm weather, and getting to spend time with abuelita
i think i will. i love waking up on the beach
my favorite part of mexico was waking up in front of the ocean for a week in tulum.
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:20:59
Mhm. sun and old people wisdom, ✨ things to soak up.
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:21:14
moving waters too.
yesss the best
last night my grandma was telling me stories about hurricane david that destroyed the island in 79
i will be happy to be back to see friends. the weather, on the other hand, i could do with out
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:24:13
oh wow, what did she say about it / anything about its role in shaping the now?
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:32:09
signing off-- nice to chat, enjoy the stories sun and adventure. xx
it didn’t directly have much to do with the now but we have been talking about different presidents and where things took a turn. she feels things were better under dictatoship. next convo i want to have is about the time when there were sanctions
indeed! chat soon
hope you get home warmly
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:32:33
Oh sounds like a juicy conversation, share more soon!
i’m recording them :))
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:32:45
hasta pronto 👋🏾
katenicholson 2017-12-29 08:32:51
hasta luego
itsmisscs 09:53:18
Whoops..didn’t realize the droplet was off. soul.compositescollective is back online