
Month: 2017-10


itsmisscs 04:40:43
quite the clever model from high fidelity

Worklist: High Fidelity's exoskeleton for rapid software development.

High Fidelity is an open source virtual world platform. We are building the software with a mix of full-time developers, part time developers who are paid here on the worklist, and open source collaborators. As use of the virtual world grows, Worklist will also host paid projects run by other teams.

itsmisscs 04:41:01
they let folks bid on issues to resolve. interesting approach to running a project.


itsmisscs 00:09:03
++ @darshana like the idea of notes in nextcloud ❤️
dzn 00:09:21
🙂 making it easy for them
itsmisscs 00:09:33
security ++
dzn 00:09:43
dzn 00:09:47
also, do you mind wednesday afternoon for civic hall?
dzn 00:09:50
dzn 00:09:54
Then maybe yoga?
itsmisscs 00:10:20
no, that’s fine. no yoga for me. i have some stuff to finish by wednesday night.
dzn 00:10:34
itsmisscs 00:46:18
ugh…my phone fell into Mitra’s bowl of water. Think that’s the end of it
dzn 02:20:57
oh no. shit
dzn 02:21:05
is it dead??
dzn 02:21:16
and I was annoyed about leaving mine at home
itsmisscs 02:30:39
i put it in rice. it wants to power off…there’s obvious water damage on the screen now too. sigh. i have another phone…just sucks to lose a phone this way
dzn 02:38:53
dzn 02:41:20
that phone inched its way to death
itsmisscs 02:41:31
it just looked dead
itsmisscs 02:41:44
needed screen replacement. my bad for mis-caring for it
itsmisscs 02:43:47
@darshana do you want to kick off an hour earlier tomorrow?
dzn 02:47:11
dzn 02:47:49
good thing you have extra phones
itsmisscs 11:14:54
it’s alive! just a small tache as a battle scar
itsmisscs 11:15:27
got denver details!! let’s chat tomorrow after retro about the talk. i’d like to make sure i’m covering things for the team.
itsmisscs 11:15:43
Twitter +++++++
itsmisscs 11:27:47
zomg finally: (ht @sylin)



youtube-dl - Command-line program to download videos from <|> and other video sites

shuyang 16:15:24
shuyang 16:16:42
I guess you know it already, another easy hack to download a youtube video by simply replacing the url to
nope. i didn’t.
sigh…i wasn’t so pleased with that talk.
i like the version at DjangoCon better. still suffered from not reading what’s on my slides. which is great.
learned my lessons
peace, will use your fav one next time
Lol. It’s public. Use what you want
shuyang 16:18:42
for example ->


CSSconf EU 2015 | Claudina Sarahe: The Front-End Revolution

i tried linktube and it said we had to download flash. boooooo.
command line ftw 😛
itsmisscs 22:31:48
@darshana i realized when I got to the train I had forgotten my wallet. Likely going to be 10 min late
dzn 22:36:13
No problem! I'll go in and get some tea :) I'll see you at the temple of dendur room (the one with the skylight). I'll be sitting in my usual spot at the corner.
I may make it. Super great train luck! 2 stops away on express 4.
I may make it. Super great train luck! 2 stops away on express 4.


dzn 22:28:56
left my phone at home so ping here
itsmisscs 22:30:19
dzn 22:52:21
civic hall confirmed. 3:30PM
dzn 23:03:52
I’m on
itsmisscs 23:04:14
dzn 23:04:29
cool cool
dzn 23:04:32
dzn 23:05:17
My audio bugged out
dzn 23:05:18
1 sec


itsmisscs 01:23:46
Thanks for the hackmd. I will take a look around 2. Skimming the tome they sent
itsmisscs 01:23:50
330 pages?!
itsmisscs 01:41:33
After reading the intro I actually think the book may have some important points for us or might be able to provide us with some citations when we think about the larger picture of Taiwan’s viable system design, for example
itsmisscs 01:42:05
Micah went to Princeton And there is a Masters program for collective action
dzn 02:14:08
This book is really good!!
dzn 02:14:29
I am midway through the chapter micah suggested and it’s excellent
itsmisscs 02:14:39
yes, it is
dzn 02:14:39
totally fits in the viable systems framework
itsmisscs 02:14:44
yup 🙂
itsmisscs 02:14:49
also easy to read
dzn 02:14:52
also, very good lessons and metrics for us to set up
dzn 02:15:00
I know! surprisingly easy
itsmisscs 02:15:22
what was his chapter suggestion? i closed that and just read the foreward, intro, and part of the first
dzn 02:15:37
chapter 1
itsmisscs 02:15:40
ah cool
dzn 02:15:44
itsmisscs 02:16:16
he’s a good person to know. done a lot of work
itsmisscs 02:16:35
and very low key about it in his ways unlike some people we have crossed 😉
dzn 02:16:36
yes. oodles of practical knowledge too
dzn 02:18:35
he’s run many many projects
dzn 02:18:50
he also founded the sunlight foundation
itsmisscs 02:19:03
yeah, he mentioned that last time we were there
dzn 02:19:09
yeah. surprisingly unassuming in person
itsmisscs 02:19:17
would be a good advisor for project
dzn 02:19:26
for sure!
itsmisscs 02:19:35
i think we should run our project design by him once we get ready to hit funds
dzn 02:19:42
dzn 02:19:47
and as we set things up
itsmisscs 02:21:33
thank you for sharing
itsmisscs 02:21:44
it is 3:30 right, not 3?
itsmisscs 02:29:26
lead on some potential dev work. thank you twitter, again. pitched that we had a team. fingers crossed, maybe we get han
dzn 02:35:08
hey. How to get in touch with claire? Have an email?
itsmisscs 02:48:42
dzn 04:59:36
Claire Cheng? Claire Ace? or the third Claire
dzn 05:00:34
Claire Cheng
dzn 05:00:38
got it
dzn 05:00:49
her name is ting-yu cheng
itsmisscs 05:06:08
Claire Cheng
itsmisscs 05:06:21
itsmisscs 22:53:40
@darshana will take a look a momentum later today.


dzn 01:33:34
let’s set up a meeting to outline and flesh out the projects themselves
dzn 01:33:47
dzn 01:33:55
itsmisscs 01:33:59
Yes, project planning meetings/kickoffs
dzn 01:34:02
after Mary’s chat
itsmisscs 01:34:05
I think we need to give a couple hours for each
dzn 01:34:17
for each?
itsmisscs 01:34:28
are you just thinking
itsmisscs 01:34:41
you said projects…plural 🙂 wondering what those are
dzn 01:35:12
all. we should start with the whole pie and then see where the pieces fit and put in time lines
dzn 01:35:30
talk to, facillitation, pushing the viable systems thinking along
dzn 01:35:50
contributing to holopolis
itsmisscs 01:35:52
then a full planning meetings for projets
itsmisscs 01:36:02
cool cool. block of the afternoon then 🙂
dzn 01:36:09
dzn 01:36:12
itsmisscs 01:36:20
would be good to get an agenda together so we make sure we walk out with what we want
itsmisscs 01:36:31
and we can keep notes as we go along
itsmisscs 01:36:39
reminds me that we want to put up our notes from yesterday
dzn 01:38:16
actually, we might have to do it when you are back
dzn 01:38:30
dzn 01:38:40
we have quite a bit on our plate for before
dzn 01:39:12
it’s really nice to get it out before but time is super tight the few days we overlap
dzn 01:39:21
itsmisscs 01:39:44
coming over!
dzn 01:40:41
itsmisscs 05:30:41
@darshana plugged drive back in and it is resuming putting videos in the folders. i will move them into raw footage once this is done.
dzn 05:34:29
dzn 05:34:34
I’ll keep an eye on the cards
dzn 05:34:45
I’m waiting from uploads on this end
itsmisscs 05:34:57
k. i’m waiting for our money back 💸
itsmisscs 05:35:07
heading out with mitra 👋🏾
itsmisscs 11:51:03
@itsmisscs pinned a message to this channel.

Good resource on how Hackfoldr works <>

itsmisscs 11:51:44
@darshana Here’s the resource on how Hackfoldr works. I added it to the channel pin messages for posterity. Moving into our hackfoldr resources section, too

Good resource on how Hackfoldr works <>

dzn 21:59:35 is great
dzn 21:59:39
nice fine 🙂
dzn 21:59:41
dzn 21:59:47
just sent link to pdis team
itsmisscs 22:00:01
yeah? sweet. i can’t wait to use it
itsmisscs 22:00:18
it looks like it’ll be super rad for us moving forward. they just emailed me about the trial…will look at what they say
itsmisscs 22:00:47
i’m excited to collaborate with you using it. have you experimented with importing back into premiere yet?
dzn 22:05:43
not yet. only tested the sharing and commenting.
dzn 22:05:55
we can publish straight to vimeo though!!
dzn 22:06:49
getting on the road now. Do stand-up on signal?
itsmisscs 22:11:11
itsmisscs 22:11:32
have fun!!! 🏕️ 🔥 🍄 🔮 🎉
dzn 22:16:25
dzn 22:16:37
Also, such good content in pdis videos
dzn 22:16:47
Also looks great
dzn 22:17:03
Those orchids... <sigh>
itsmisscs 22:17:12
renewed democracy
shuyang 22:17:17
dzn 22:19:33
Oops?? 😬
dzn 22:20:17
Send some orchids to NYC Shu!!
dzn 22:20:37
Some Taiwanese orchids
shuyang 22:28:16
shuyang 22:28:29
you like orchids?
who doesn’t??
itsmisscs 22:33:44
@darshana they refunded the money but put us back on the team yearly plan grrrr
Saw the refund. That’s good! The rest we can manage. Switch after a month


dzn 02:06:16
@itsmisscs travel schedule fine with me. We’ll plan for what to get done separately so you don’t have to worry about finding a way to stay connected through the travels. It sounds like you will be on the move a lot.
itsmisscs 02:06:58
yes, camping for the first week. then abq will be more chill. there’s a day built in to do one’s own things
dzn 02:07:35
let’s plan for no connectivity event and if there is, it’s a bonus
dzn 02:09:09
dzn 02:09:11
dzn 02:16:26
where did ttcat reply about videos? don’t see a reply
itsmisscs 02:26:22
He sent me a twitter dm asking where we had notified him. I said slack. He then sent message that he was okay with footage as not to block.
dzn 02:29:50
let’s give him more time and only send the videos with the the off-the-cuff conversation.
dzn 02:30:35
it’s worth it I think. We had some very personal conversations with him. Want to make it easy for him to check
dzn 02:31:40
and we’ll send it to him on Make it easy
dzn 02:32:01
That works?
itsmisscs 02:32:24
A transcript will be easier for him, I feel. Scan and read vs watch
dzn 02:32:38
That works too
itsmisscs 02:32:44
Go ahead and try it. Video compatibility could be it too
dzn 02:33:15
let’s get a move on this transcript thing in any case. It will be useful
itsmisscs 02:34:18
The free method is in the channel backlog, also in betafoldr.
dzn 02:35:20
ok. will take a look
itsmisscs 09:33:00 is so nice. Coupled with time coded transcripts we will breeze through finding soundbites. Even without the transcript, reviewing is a joy.
itsmisscs 09:49:07
I like that we can set up our own hashtag language to filter by.
itsmisscs 09:50:02
Also, we can download the comments. This could help serve as an informal, “here’s where conversations start/end” especially if we clip out more of the deadtime.
itsmisscs 21:56:09
@darshana hackfoldr is good for some things and terrible for others. for example, collecting all the articles we like is kinda tedious. I think discourse could be a nice in between: each article because a discussion where we can leave comments and thoughts. a way to share, keep a history. it has an api that we can use also.
another option would be to setup a micro news rss feed, also some great foss options with apis, and then pipe that back into discourse.
i think now is the time to experiment with tools. instead of posting into slack, we can setup the tools to post when we update…similar experience just a different direction
though…now i’m wondering if we can eventually have a bot that scans slack for a hashtag to pull links back out into the central node, whatever service that be
typing this out, it feels like our goals are: 1) easy, frictionless way to share things; 2) way to save them for future; 3) place to discuss (nice to have)
itsmisscs 22:02:43
@darshana super mac centric, but we swallowed a bit of that koolaid…


Spark by Readdle

Love your email again.


itsmisscs 00:12:10
Say hello to friendly bot for archiving @zulip_bridgebot
zulip_bridgebot 00:12:15
@zulip_bridgebot has joined the channel
itsmisscs 00:12:17

Adding bot to archive this channel. Head to <> to search past messages.

itsmisscs 00:12:23
@itsmisscs pinned a message to this channel.

Adding bot to archive this channel. Head to <> to search past messages.

dzn 02:37:59
oh cool!! (to archiving)
dzn 02:39:09
We could also try Mendeley or some other similar repository for some of the articles. Makes citations etc. super easy
ooo sounds good! haven’t heard of it but like the sound of easy citations 🙂
itsmisscs 23:08:48
@sylin thank you :))


itsmisscs 21:11:24
@darshana having some success getting some videos into The discussion from the hackathon is up. Let’s us try out their export into premiere feature + revisions.
itsmisscs 23:43:19
Having luck with Uploading jothan videos. Hopefully that runs while I’m out without a problem.


itsmisscs 11:10:01
event at nyu on 10/19 “Decolonizing the Anthropocene at NYU”
itsmisscs 11:10:26
what a solid week to be out of nyc…rad nets…stuffs…stuffs…alas. i look forward to seeing dear friends


thebestsophist 23:09:02
this thing at the end of november might be interesting

Participatory Budgeting Training

Register to join Participatory Budgeting Project, the North American experts, for a deep dive on PB - November 30 in NYC!


dzn 02:34:30
@thebestsophist this looks excellent excellent!!! 🙂 🙂
thebestsophist 02:35:43
i don’t personally know anyone from pb, but from what i’ve seen their programs are decent
dzn 02:37:58
Sounds like it. Our plan for the near future is to get to know these guys and their methods well.
dzn 02:38:07
so this totally works out!!!
dzn 02:38:19
are you thinking of coming for this?
thebestsophist 02:44:58
sadly no, srccon:work is the week after that
itsmisscs 05:33:54
Ooo srccon.
itsmisscs 05:34:49
@darshana I’m eating and then free to chat
dzn 05:35:06
dzn 05:35:10
let me know
itsmisscs 05:35:22
itsmisscs 05:59:03
Washing dish then set. Read two sagas. So nice.
itsmisscs 06:01:36
@darshana I’m done
dzn 06:01:46
2 min?
itsmisscs 06:02:33
Holler and I will step out for the call. Mia is having a client call.
itsmisscs 06:02:35
itsmisscs 06:02:58
Np. Ping then I will call. May need to be phone until she is done. This is a loft
dzn 06:03:19


itsmisscs 11:56:22
@darshana hello! i have internet and power tonight and tomorrow morning. catching up on a couple things.


dzn 13:49:23
@itsmisscs Hello! I’ve left a note for you in the Civicist article trello card.
dzn 13:50:10
I’ll be out and about tomorrow (the betaNYC event and NMASS) so may not be reachable on slack at all times
dzn 13:50:27
best to signal me to reach me
dzn 13:50:54
I have an easy Friday. Can video chat any time if you still have internet Friday.


itsmisscs 02:51:24
@darshana Sounds good. Looking forward to hear how the BetaNYC event goes! I will have internet tomorrow, connecting on the earlier side would work best. I should be in a place with a properly working clock tonight.
dzn 03:15:03
@itsmisscs morning is cool. Just let me know what time, I'll make sure I am by the computer. I have a call from 12-1 but free otherwise.
dzn 21:14:00
Morning. I'm going to housing court with one of the ladies from NMASS. Curious to see what it's like. Call me on phone when you are ready to chat. Might not hear if you slack.
itsmisscs 23:38:04
@darshana that’s great :)) I am emailing you. my phone is kaput and not taking a charge with my charger.


dzn 00:28:33
@itsmisscs let’s chat?
itsmisscs 00:30:56
@darshana in a call with colin at the moment.
itsmisscs 01:27:39
@darshana jumping into
dzn 01:27:54
itsmisscs 01:27:55
just finished up.
dzn 01:27:59
I’ll get on too
itsmisscs 02:47:25
@sylin can we set up a time to video chat about next week? maybe our evening your morning? we are flexible though 🙂
shuyang 04:41:24
Yay! Glad you are interested. I will be out on Monday so maybe Tuesday morning, your Monday evening?
dzn 05:47:25
Monday might be tight for CS. She is traveling that day.
dzn 05:47:40
@itsmisscs ^^ correct?
dzn 05:47:53
Tuesday night our time?
shuyang 08:27:46
Tuesday night works for me.


itsmisscs 07:26:31
Tuesday is fine. I’m in by 4pm on Monday. More time to un-pack but I’m available before 9:30.
itsmisscs 07:37:56
@darshana here’s an easier diff of some of the edits i made to the travelogue”
itsmisscs 07:39:11
Some things reverted back in the GDoc version. Would be good to discuss them, in particular our riff on DH quote
dzn 07:41:48
dzn 07:47:40
dzn 07:48:08
moving all the pieces around for better flow
dzn 07:48:14
based on friday discussions
dzn 07:53:08
keep me updated if you are working on document, otherwise it will get too confusing
itsmisscs 07:58:10
I am but I think that’s okay in gdoc. I am using my own account
itsmisscs 07:58:47
Taking a break though. So go on. I can write my part separately. Was just re-reading again
dzn 08:00:49
let’s not do the whole copy now, we need to send
dzn 08:00:58
will you do the tech section and leave the rest?
dzn 08:01:54
I’m incorporating the changes we discussed, you write the tech section, we will send and then next set of edits for after
dzn 08:03:23
after they look and after you get back
dzn 08:04:09
makes sense?
dzn 08:04:40
@itsmisscs will be super great if you can take on the tech and tools section
itsmisscs 08:34:05
Im not writing a whole other copy. Where did you get that from? Yes, that’s whatever agreed to.
dzn 08:38:24
not writing a whole copy, editing the whole thing
dzn 08:38:59
what I meant is… don’t start editing from the top, with us long-distance, and all these bits floating around it will be difficult to pull together
dzn 08:39:40
I am in the midst of a massive re-haul
shuyang 19:40:12
@darshana @itsmisscs let’s say your tues 9pm, my wed 10am?
sadly, we need to reschedule. we had down the wrong date for a funding opportunity. gotta turn it in at midnight 🙀
@darshana @sylin ^^
sorry Shu
ok. let me know when you’re available.
@sylin would before holopolis work for you or do you prefer morning (your time)?
before holopolis? as in friday’s meeting?
Yeah Your Friday our Thursday
Evenings work also. I can cope with your schedule since I am more flexible here. just let me know when you are free 🙂
sure that works. my friday morning and your thursday night.
:) Sweet. Let’s do that. Thank you for being s accommodating!
does the same time work for you? 10am?
dzn 23:16:03
hey. That works for me


itsmisscs 07:14:54
Interesting approach to travel writing

Weeks 218-219 - Helsinki Design Lab

Helsinki Design Lab helps government see the 'architecture of problems.' We assist decision-makers to view challenges from a big-picture perspective, and provide guidance toward more complete solutions that consider all aspects of a problem. Our mission is to advance this way of working. We call it strategic design.

itsmisscs 15:26:49
@darshana this could be a fun option for us
they seem to offer a 4 week doc class in the summer, too
itsmisscs 15:30:14
i found this workshop detail insightful as we think about workshops, courses, branding and language
itsmisscs 16:38:33
@darshana Table of key mappings for premiere + notes from my chat with Reed



primer-premiere - Premiere settings from Reed Lindsay


itsmisscs 07:47:31
@darshana desis is quite interesting. it will be worth digging a bit into their projects—appears they did some work in housing. they mention on their site that they are open to collaborations with organizations and welcome all inquiries.
itsmisscs 07:48:12
> The findings contained in this guide mark a significant milestone in our partnership with the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development and the Public Policy Lab. The “How-To Guide” describes the existing service environment for New Yorkers seeking to access HPD services and/or living in neighborhoods with significant agency presence; outlines current opportunities and future possibilities for improving services; and provides technical and strategic guidance for implementing the pilots either through agency initiatives or by working in collaboration with other stakeholders.
itsmisscs 07:48:46
it would also be interesting to research how this type of work is making its way back into the communities
itsmisscs 09:01:00
Gorgeous What a wonderful connection made today at Orbital ❤️
dzn 09:21:54
I know!! What a lovely website ❤️ ❤️
dzn 09:22:10
we should leave more writing lying around for people to see 😉


itsmisscs 09:30:18
@sylin @darshana agenda + place for meeting notes. feel free to add/change

Meeting Notes: Collaborations/Writing - HackMD

itsmisscs 09:55:29
@sylin @darshana 👀 u soon

Video conversations with up to 8 people for free - no login, no downloads. Create a video room. Share the link. Appear together. Try it now at <>

dzn 09:56:14
I'll be 5 min late. Sorry. Walking from train.
itsmisscs 09:56:23
no worries 🙂
shuyang 09:57:11
dzn 10:02:50
Relaxed a bit too hard at yoga
itsmisscs 11:00:29
Please take a look and add your thoughts etc. Would be good if we can keep our notes in this doc or if you create your own, just add a link

Meeting Notes: Collaborations between Taiwan &amp; NYC - HackMD

itsmisscs 13:14:03
@darshana books/article recommendations on the topic of “I want to know how people think and what people want…like what make us do what we do” (cc @sylin)
wow. That’s a tall order. I don’t think there’s an answer for that yet.
@itsmisscs @sylin ‘Nudge’ is a good start for where psychology and design meets.
they call it ‘libertarian paternalism’
we should come up with a better name when we synthesize our thoughts


itsmisscs 00:15:10
@darshana here’s the action items list for retro
itsmisscs 01:31:41


Absence is Presence with Distance – Taeyoon Choi – Medium

Based on a talk at Eyeo festival, June 28, 2017 at the Walker Art Center.

itsmisscs 03:35:15

Bowery Boogie

Vitriolic Sendoff Planned Tomorrow to Mark Conclusion of Controversial Chinatown Gallery Exhibit | Bowery Boogie

“Decolonize this place," the adhesive tape reads. Handbills stuck to the gates of 291 Grand Street alert the community to another action in opposition to a


itsmisscs 22:00:17
@darshana this is really worth watching I really loved listening to how they are designing their organization and how they organize their type of work. i also really liked a lot of the language she uses to describe how they work. i found it very relevant for us as we think though the structure of CC and the housing project as well as overall insights into how to go about our day-to-day when we are deep in talk to


Sarah Schulman - "Designing For" to "Making With"


dzn 01:08:24
This is great! Really pertinent to our stuff
dzn 01:08:37
Let’s chat more during planning
dzn 01:16:02
Also, what we are doing already reflects this way of thinking. We can start explaining things better using her framework. Also, good to think about how we want to expand the housing project..
itsmisscs 03:46:36
Yes, it does. I agree that it is about how we explain and talk about it 🙂
itsmisscs 03:47:06
@sylin @darshana I have not read this but the title reminded me a bit of our chat last thursday. i will add it to hackmd so links don’t get lost in slack

Design thinking, explained

Solve any business problem with this approach.

itsmisscs 03:49:56
@darshana some humor

The Onion

Popular New Amazon Service Just Comes To Your House And Kills You

SEATTLE—Reporting that millions of customers had already signed up for the feature in the few hours since its launch, Amazon announced a new service Friday that comes to your house and kills you. “Amazon has always offered unparalleled customer service and convenience, and Amazon Slay is part of that philosophy,” said company spokesperson Leslie Rivera, adding that the service, which allows customers to choose between being shot, strangled, or beaten to death with one of several available blunt objects, was currently only available to Amazon Prime customers but would be expanding in coming months to satisfy the unprecedented demand. “In addition to giving subscribers the choice of multiple disposal options, including having their bodies buried in a shallow grave in the wilderness or being dissolved in a barrel of acid, Amazon Slay also features real-time text alerts that let you know exactly when one of our employees will be arriving at your home to take your life, or the life of a friend or relative if you choose the gift option.” At press time, Amazon announced it was working to improve the service’s compatibility with Amazon Echo so that customers could simply have their Alexa digital assistant kill them directly.

dzn 10:59:03
@itsmisscs check out this place


dzn 01:25:36
hey. question.
itsmisscs 01:25:45
/me listening
dzn 01:26:00
the team@ email is set up with the hi@ account
dzn 01:26:12
but the replies go to my cc account
itsmisscs 01:26:17
no it isn’t set up to hi@
itsmisscs 01:26:30
it is mapped to each of our personal cc accounts
itsmisscs 01:26:49
hi@ is it’s own account, for ease of separation from the parent org
dzn 01:27:25
my doing then
dzn 01:27:39
when I set up the email, I did it from hi@
dzn 01:27:41
will fix
dzn 01:27:53
when I added an identity
dzn 01:27:57
will change
itsmisscs 01:28:11
ah. gotcha 🙂
dzn 01:28:51
I’ll change. I though both combined emails go together
itsmisscs 01:29:03
combined emails?
dzn 01:29:13
hi@ and team@
itsmisscs 01:29:14
the accounts we both access?
itsmisscs 01:29:28
ah. yeah, they are set up differently
dzn 01:29:31
emails that are meant for the both of us
dzn 01:29:32
dzn 01:29:37
will fix it
itsmisscs 01:29:59
one can be thought of as attached (an alias) the other can be thought of as detached, its own user (hi@)
itsmisscs 01:30:27
since we really just use team@ to share email, i made it an alias.
itsmisscs 01:31:09
since hi is an org that belongs the community/public, it has a detached identity from the start.
dzn 01:31:34
makes sense!
dzn 02:17:36
@itsmisscs can’t find me on medium?
itsmisscs 02:18:06
@darshana nope 😕
itsmisscs 02:18:08
so strange
dzn 02:18:10
I registered with the darshana@cc email. They’ve started sending me junk email so it definitely went through
dzn 02:18:14
I’ll look
itsmisscs 02:18:27
paste me your profile page url
itsmisscs 02:18:50
will be something like ``
dzn 02:18:52

Darshana Narayanan – Medium

Read writing from Darshana Narayanan on Medium. . Every day, Darshana Narayanan and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.

itsmisscs 02:18:59
ah okay. so that was you.
itsmisscs 02:19:13
didn’t come up under email though, so strange
dzn 02:19:22
I’m annoyed that it tacked on all those numbers
itsmisscs 02:19:31
your username is so unmemorable 😛
itsmisscs 02:19:37
i would be too
itsmisscs 02:19:40
can you redo it?
dzn 02:19:45
i’m trying
itsmisscs 02:19:53
oh, ya
dzn 02:19:55
I’ll try initials or something
itsmisscs 02:20:08
go to setting > account then “edit username”
itsmisscs 02:20:36
is your github username style taken?
dzn 02:21:16
dzn 02:21:17

Darshana Narayanan – Medium

Read writing from Darshana Narayanan on Medium. . Every day, Darshana Narayanan and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.

itsmisscs 02:21:20
dzn 02:21:23
MUCH better
itsmisscs 02:21:29
dzn 02:21:38
some mustached man stole my name
itsmisscs 02:22:20
mkay, you have been added
dzn 02:41:46
yay yay
itsmisscs 03:02:50
@darshana for some reason i’m not getting first name and last name from share@
itsmisscs 03:03:28
i’m checking share@ to see if i can remember what i did to fix it. it may have been to alway enter using address book. let me check first though
itsmisscs 03:04:17
@darshana example of what i see in address book.
dzn 03:05:02
dzn 03:05:44
I accessed our contact folder in (the sign in is hi@) and added there
itsmisscs 03:06:02
maybe it is this machine. i’ll so check my laptop
dzn 03:06:09
check and let me know
itsmisscs 03:06:14
it is strange
itsmisscs 03:06:26
only two cards in my set that weren’t added.
itsmisscs 03:06:37
i’ll add them and put the details in trello
dzn 03:06:47
the rest are in there??
itsmisscs 03:06:51
dzn 03:06:58
that’s good.
dzn 03:07:04
That means I added them
dzn 03:07:15
We must have had a lot of overlapping cards
itsmisscs 03:07:39
i’m not so surprised by the overlap
itsmisscs 03:07:53
yeah, another card bites the dust
dzn 03:08:23
itsmisscs 03:09:08
in actuality, we did very well this month
dzn 03:09:18
do you happen to have Sho’s contact info?
dzn 03:09:34
yeah. Things are moving quite well
itsmisscs 03:09:41
we had 19 points of unplanned work
dzn 03:09:46
we are just task masters. lol
dzn 03:09:53
itsmisscs 03:09:59
that broke out into 5, 5, 7 with some 1s
itsmisscs 03:10:29
21 points, actually
dzn 03:10:34
that’s a lot!
itsmisscs 03:10:39
we must consider the writeup part of unplanned work
itsmisscs 03:11:05
yes. if we look at how many points remained in october, it would come close
itsmisscs 03:11:18
points but also scale (# of 5/7)
dzn 03:16:17
quite a bit
dzn 03:16:24
a lot of framing and planning
dzn 03:21:10
@itsmisscs you happen to have sho’s contact info
dzn 03:21:21
I could have sworn I took it down
dzn 03:21:26
can’t find for some reason
itsmisscs 03:22:55
i will check my note books from the trips later but i don’t have it either…
itsmisscs 03:22:59
will double check evernote too
dzn 03:26:22
tx. we can always ask Chia Hua
dzn 03:26:28
but would like to email her too
dzn 05:34:17
@itsmisscs betanyc meeting at 7PM today
dzn 05:35:36
they sent invite to your cc email
itsmisscs 06:21:35
confirmed. any chance you can take the meeting and take notes?

<@U69CAJ42U> betanyc meeting at 7PM today

dzn 06:22:09
Np. Will do!
dzn 11:39:37
@itsmisscs jasmin sanchez is still in the run. Liberal party
dzn 11:39:47
we should go see her