Talk to NYC is working to introduce tools that will forge a stronger connection between NYC citizens and city decision makers.
Talk to NYC is working to introduce tools that will forge a stronger connection between NYC citizens and city decision makers.
Civic Hall
Reboot: Citizen Engagement | Civic Hall
Reboot Democracy brings together innovators in the technological and political spheres, helps them connect with each other, and supports their development of tools that will revolutionize our democratic system.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
New York City - Wikimedia Commons
New York City - Wikimedia Commons
Civic Hall
Taiwanese Civic Tech is not Re-inventing Democracy, Yet | Civic Hall
High-level collaboration between hackers and the government helped Taiwan to become the darling of the global civic tech community. But projects like vTaiwan still struggle to scale up nation-wide, and increase their scope outside digital economy issues.
Talk to NYC is working to introduce tools that will forge a stronger connection between NYC citizens and city decision makers.
Marketing Automation - Sell More Stuff | MailChimp
MailChimp provides marketing automation for e-commerce businesses. Send beautiful emails, connect your e-commerce store, advertise, and build your brand.
GitHub - Media platform for the people of NYC to bring their ideas to city politics
NYC Open Data helps New Yorkers use and learn about City data
A Constitutional Convention for New York - Yes or No?
On November 7 this year, every New Yorker will be asked to vote “yes” or “no” on a Constitutional Convention to amend the New York State Constitution. The current New York State Constitution was largely written in 1894 with substantive changes made in 1938. Past constitutional conventions made New York a leader in national policy: the 1894 Convention lay the foundation for the national park system; the 1938 Convention introduced provisions to care for the needy and protect workers’ right to organize, paving the way for the federal New Deal reforms. "Yes" vote supporters argue that the Constitutional Convention would allow New Yorkers to take back our government from entrenched lobbyists and special interests. "No" vote supporters argue that the politicians, lobbyists and special interest groups will hijack a Constitutional Convention, and game the system for themselves.This special event, sponsored by Civic Hall, is intended to give the civic tech community the background to decide for ourselves. Thank you to our Co-Sponsors: Citizens Union, NYSaysYes PROGRAM 6:00pm - 6:45pm: Meet and greet 6:45pm - 8:00pm: Welcome - Micah Sifry, Civic Hall @Mlsif Presentation - Facts about the Constitutional Convention - Priscilla Grim, Citizens Union @PriscillaGrim Panelists: NYS Senator Gustavo Rivera @NYSenatorRivera Art Chang, Sanctuary State @achangnyc Kate Albright-Hanna, New York People's Convention @kateah Moderator: Ben Max, Gotham Gazette @TweetBenMax Audience Q&A Arrival Note: Civic Hall is located at 118 West 22nd Street, 12th Floor. When you arrive, please buzz 12A to enter the building.
The Intercept
Is the Queer Brigade Fighting ISIS in Syria a Force for Liberation or Alienation?
Leftist foreign fighters are drawn to Rojava in Kurdish Syria for its radical democratic politics and gender equality. But LGBTQ rights have a ways to go.
Nextcloud is an open source, self-hosted file sync and share and communication app platform. Access & sync your files, contacts, calendars & communicate and collaborate across your devices. You decide what happens with your data, where it is and who can access it!
HubSpot | Inbound Marketing & Sales Software
HubSpot is an inbound marketing and sales platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers.
Organize & Manage Contacts in CRM
This track teaches the in's and out's of organizing and managing contacts in CRM. Learn how to quickly locate and prioritize your leads and customers.
Negras. Mexicanas. Y orgullosas :muscle::skin-tone-6:
Political conversations can be...:expressionless:tricky. 9/13, <|@AllInTogether> will give you tools to make the hard convos worth it! <>
How civic tech volunteers should engage government staff
Lessons learned from a former Code for America brigade captain.
City Limits (@CityLimitsNews) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from City Limits (@CityLimitsNews). Non-profit that publishes in-depth reporting, commentary and media on New York City's most pressing issues. <>. New York City
All In Together Campaign
Vision and Mission - All In Together Campaign
Political conversations can be...:expressionless:tricky. 9/13, <|@AllInTogether> will give you tools to make the hard convos worth it! <>
City Limits
City Limits » Election 2017: Who’s Who in the Race for Mayor?
In-depth reporting on New York City
Hosting a <|@NYCCouncil> District 2 debate w/ democratic candidates <|@marysilvernyc> <|@RonnieCho> <|@CarlinaRivera> <|@peopleforjasmin> & Jorge Vasquez <>
TheYouthChannel (@theyouthchannel) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from TheYouthChannel (@theyouthchannel). The Youth Channel is a production from MNN's Youth Media Center, we build community through socially conscious media. For more info: <>. East Harlem, New York
All the black peoples' reactions have me fuckin screaming lmao
<|@talktonyc> <|@NYCCouncil> We're taping debates for all 10 Manhattan districts! Keep an eye on our social media pages for info on air dates.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
Creating, Sharing and Celebrating the World's Visual Language.
first 10-15min is a MUST WATCH - <|@naval> ."organising humans" ."story telling monkeys" ."decentralised decision making part" <>
Blockstack summit <|@ryaneshea> & <|@naval> <>
Internet Archive
A Cyborg Manifesto - AudioZine : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the 1980'sby Donna Haraway 1983This prescient essay, while not written from a specifically anarchist...
District 13
NYC Campaign Finance Board is organizing nonpartisan forums in which candidates can address the issues that matter to community members. This survey is designed to inform candidates of NYC Council District 21 of the issues that matter to District 21 community members.
@talktonyc/District 2 Candidates on Twitter
From breaking news and entertainment to sports and politics, get the full story with all the live commentary.
@talktonyc/NYC 2017 Candidate Forums on Twitter
From breaking news and entertainment to sports and politics, get the full story with all the live commentary.
Christina Xu (@xuhulk) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Christina Xu (@xuhulk). Freelance ethnographer thinking about how we socialize with/through technology & digital subcultures. Teaches @svaixd, works out of @orbitalnyc. The Internets
With citywide elections on the horizon, #NYCVotes has been asking New Yorkers why voting matters. These are their stories. #VotersOfNewYork <>
NYC Council candidates want to represent you! Join us & <|@GothamGazette>’s <|@TweetBenMax> at CD 8 Candidate Forum: <> <>
City Hall is moving uptown. City Hall in Your Borough will be coming to Upper Manhattan September 25th – 29th. <>
I'll be watching the Democratic primary debate on 8/23 and sharing my thoughts on <|@NY1>. #nycvotes #election2017 <>
1st Democratic Primary Debate for Mayor takes place on 8/23 at <|@SymphonySpace>! Watch <|@NY1> or live stream <>. #NYCVotes
Ben Lotan and Tara Shi on Creating a New Community
This Will Take Time founders Tara Shi and Benjamin Lotan describe how they built their non-profit as an evolution of their art and design practices, how they use spreadsheets in all the wrong ways, and why collaborating is the best way to bring new ideas and communities to life.
Gotham Gazette
Open Data Promises New Era of Transparent Government, When Will It Arrive?
Gotham Gazette is an online publication covering New York policy and politics as well as news on public safety, transportation, education, finance and more.
Opinion: Open Data Promises New Era of Transparent Government, When Will It Arrive? by <|@cdilavore> of <|@ReclaimNewYork> <>
Vamos! Sem Medo de Mudar o Brasil
Coloque a mão na massa por um futuro melhor para o país. Dê sua opinião, contribua!
I maintain a “Decolonising Science Reading List” that is stuff that I have read &recommend. <> #racenstem #blackandstem
How to Design a Participatory Training Workshop With Fun and Neuroscience
This year my partner and I are making a living by hosting workshops in East Asia, Europe, and the Americas. The workshop is called…
Getting ready to remake our world together – Enspiral Tales – Medium
(and see audio update below)
The Daily Progress
City Council meeting breaks down as anger boils over
After shouting down councilors, a banner reading "Blood on your hands" was held over the City Council dais and the council's live audio and video feeds were cut.
Knight Foundation
What we can learn from Opera Philadelphia's innovative new festival
Victoria Rogers – Who doesn’t like to experiment and have the opportunity to engage in binge watching? Would you do it around opera?
Knight Foundation
Museums & technology: New avenues for wonder
Chris Barr and Victoria Rogers – Today we are announcing $1.87 million in support to 12 art museums to explore new ways technology can connect people to art.These days, technology and digital communications permeate almost every...
Civic Tech Showcase | United States | Civic & Gov Tech Showcase
3rd Annual Civic & Gov Tech Showcase Presented by Innovate Your State with the City of San Jose & Microsoft
Represent NYC | Manhattan Neighborhood Network
"Represent NYC" is a weekly program produced by Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) that gives local elected officials and candidates the chance to update voters about the issues shaping the future of the city, and how they'll deliver on campaign promises.
Columbia Journalism Review
You Are Here: Site-specific storytelling using offline networks
How to Start a Super PAC in 5 Easy Steps
Learn how to start a super PAC. See how to begin raising money to influence elections. Find out how to run your own super PAC.
Our boss lady is taking her "Scales" performance piece to the <|@ChinatiFndn> in Marfa, Texas this October: <> <>
The GovLab
Deepening Our Understanding of How to Govern More Effectively and Legitimately Through Technology
Omidyar Network creates a world of positive returns by investing in entrepreneurs and their visionary ideas that create opportunities for people to improve their own lives.
[first]NEXUS is a global movement to bridge communities of wealth and social entrepreneurship. We work to unite young investors, social entrepreneurs and allies to catalyze new leadership and accelerate global solutions. [/first] Founded in 2011, NEXUS puts the hope and promise of y
The official website of the City of New York
Mayor de Blasio Brings NYC's First Neighborhood Innovation Lab for Smart City Technologies to Browns
Mayor de Blasio Brings NYC's First Neighborhood Innovation Lab for Smart City Technologies to Brownsville
Our Revolution
The next step for Bernie Sanders' movement is a new group called Our Revolution, which will fight to transform America and advance the progressive agenda that we believe in.
Protecting NYC Senior Citizens
What are your priorities for improving services for and protecting seniors in your community? Tell us what you feel. Vote and comment on Talk to NYC. Survey created by Mary Silver.
We Rebel (@WeRebelPodcast) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from We Rebel (@WeRebelPodcast). Together We Rebel