那個 10 週年嘉年華每天都有一篇的宣傳企劃來了!這是第 1 篇 XDD <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e16R3Issef1qk0eyb3NyMN_4CLYt2kmq_Mt-ElWlVf4/edit#heading=h.n1n85nuz0t52> 抱歉來晚了,如果可以的話還是希望今天能發!抽籤請 <@U02TNG5TP> <@U038DCDRC> <@UPHFV4KF0> <@U1ADYRELW> 幫忙 review :pray:
那個 10 週年嘉年華每天都有一篇的宣傳企劃來了!這是第 1 篇 XDD <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e16R3Issef1qk0eyb3NyMN_4CLYt2kmq_Mt-ElWlVf4/edit#heading=h.n1n85nuz0t52> 抱歉來晚了,如果可以的話還是希望今天能發!抽籤請 <@U02TNG5TP> <@U038DCDRC> <@UPHFV4KF0> <@U1ADYRELW> 幫忙 review :pray:
那個 10 週年嘉年華每天都有一篇的宣傳企劃來了!這是第 1 篇 XDD <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e16R3Issef1qk0eyb3NyMN_4CLYt2kmq_Mt-ElWlVf4/edit#heading=h.n1n85nuz0t52> 抱歉來晚了,如果可以的話還是希望今天能發!抽籤請 <@U02TNG5TP> <@U038DCDRC> <@UPHFV4KF0> <@U1ADYRELW> 幫忙 review :pray:
Gather is a video-calling space that lets multiple people hold separate conversations in parallel, walking in and out of those conversations just as easily as they would in real life.
黑熊通報系統 - Running Meeting Minutes - HackMD
Gather is a video-calling space that lets multiple people hold separate conversations in parallel, walking in and out of those conversations just as easily as they would in real life.
黑熊通報系統 - Running Meeting Minutes - HackMD