<https://github.com/tai271828/disfactory-backend/pull/6|#6 Refactor wording>
12/1 sprint
<https://github.com/tai271828/disfactory-frontend/pull/14|#14 Fix factory instance type>
Commit <https://github.com/tai271828/disfactory-frontend/commit/21967d2ee26d783d98e8072fccc7b747b526c651|21967d2> introduces a regression that the factory object does not has "type". Commit <https://github.com/tai271828/disfactory-frontend/commit/4730226fba002e09c4ffe95514b0d5855d138bdb|4730226> will fix it. The other commits of this pull request simply refactor the whole code base more consistently, so the other developers may not feel confused when refactoring for our alpha version : )
On looking for a job - muanchiou
After a year of recovering, I finally decided to return to the job market in mid October. It’s been 8 years since I l...
黑熊通報系統 - Running Meeting Minutes - HackMD