<https://github.com/OH-SHOWN/ohshown-backend/discussions/53|#53 Survey GeoDjango>
GeoDjango seems promising to our project. Maybe it will pay off if we spend time to survey it. <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/contrib/gis/|https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/contrib/gis/>
Gather is a video-calling space that lets multiple people hold separate conversations in parallel, walking in and out of those conversations just as easily as they would in real life.
黑熊通報系統 - Running Meeting Minutes - HackMD
Real-time meetings by Google. Using your browser, share your video, desktop, and presentations with teammates and customers.
additional information about questionaire: (also based on the new questionaire mentioned above) (not complete data FE send to BE) ``` // 表單基礎資訊 type: undefined, // 通報類型 alreadyOhshown: undefined, // 在這之前是否曾看過野外的台灣黑熊 alreadyOhshownNumber: undefined, // 在這之前是否曾看過野外的台灣黑熊-次數 // 環境地貌 groundTypes: [], // 土地類型 vegetations: [], // 植被 bearAttractors: [], // 附近可能吸引熊接近的物品 // 個體資訊 bearNumber: undefined, // 目擊個體數 bearType: [], // 個體種類(成熊、幼熊) bearSize: [], // 體型 bearSex: [], // 性別 bearFeature: [], // 其他特徵 // 黑熊行為與反應 ohshownFeeling: '', // 看到熊當下,目擊者的感覺 humanNumber: undefined, // 目擊熊當下人數 humanBehavior: undefined, // 目擊者目擊當下在做什麼 humanBehaviorText: '', // 目擊者目擊當下在做什麼-文字補充 distance: undefined, // 目擊當下,目擊者與熊之間的距離 bearBehavior: undefined, // 目擊當下,熊在做什麼 bearBehaviorText: '', // 目擊當下,熊在做什麼-文字補充 food: [], // 黑熊食物 foodText: {}, // 黑熊食物-文字補充 bearNotice: undefined, // 黑熊何時注意到人員存在 bearNoticeMinutes: undefined, // 目擊後約X分鐘黑熊發現人員存在-數字補充 humanReaction: [], // 目擊黑熊後,目擊者反應 humanReactionText: '', // 目擊者反應-文字補充 bearReaction: [], // 黑熊發現目擊者後,黑熊的反應 bearReactionText: '', // 黑熊反應-文字補充 humanHurt: undefined, // 是否有人受傷或意外發生 humanHurtDescription: '', // 是否有人受傷或意外發生-文字補充 // 發現黑熊痕跡 traceType: undefined, // 痕跡類型 traceTypeText: '', // 痕跡類型-文字補充 freshness: undefined, // 新舊估計 freshnessNumber: undefined, // 新舊估計-數字補充 imageAvailable: undefined, // 是否提供影像檔案 otherInfo: '', // 其他補充說明 // 下一次,如果有機會的話 ohShownAgain: undefined, // 目擊者是否希望以後再看到野外的黑熊 ohShownAgainReason: '', // 目擊者是否希望以後再看到野外的黑熊-原因 preventOhshownMethods: [], // 您知道以下哪些做法有助於減少遇到熊的機會,或避免不愉快地與熊相遇 preventOhshownMethodsText: '', // 您知道以下哪些做法有助於減少遇到熊的機會,或避免不愉快地與熊相遇-文字補充 surveyIfBearExist: undefined // 您是否會先了解您預計前往的地點有無黑熊出沒 ```
Gather is a video-calling space that lets multiple people hold separate conversations in parallel, walking in and out of those conversations just as easily as they would in real life.
黑熊通報系統 - Running Meeting Minutes - HackMD