
Month: 2022-05


github2 09:43:01

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/DisfactoryMonthlyReport/commit/09f71ba0924f810d26d2285490953f85902b7891|09f71ba0>` - chore: autopublish 2022-05-01T01:42:59Z

github2 09:43:01

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/DisfactoryMonthlyReport/commit/09f71ba0924f810d26d2285490953f85902b7891|09f71ba0>` - chore: autopublish 2022-05-01T01:42:59Z

github2 10:12:49

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/eb4288d9b92fe0cf40e43e5afdb7bb88f1c8dc4a|eb4288d9>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 10:12:49

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/eb4288d9b92fe0cf40e43e5afdb7bb88f1c8dc4a|eb4288d9>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 10:14:46

github2 10:14:46

github2 15:01:57

<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/pull/602|#602 增加 factory location api>

這個 API 不需要除了 Factory table 的資料之外,不需要 Document 與 ReportRecord 的資訊 應該可以加快 SpotDiff 使用 Factory ID 取工廠位置資訊的速度, 並且減輕 server 負擔

github2 15:01:57

<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/pull/602|#602 增加 factory location api>

這個 API 不需要除了 Factory table 的資料之外,不需要 Document 與 ReportRecord 的資訊 應該可以加快 SpotDiff 使用 Factory ID 取工廠位置資訊的速度, 並且減輕 server 負擔

:white_check_mark: All checks have passed

github2 15:15:28

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/aea17b0732d7d92623dad57aebeacf587c4e362d|aea17b07>` - fix: problem of unable scroll in mobile

github2 15:15:28

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/aea17b0732d7d92623dad57aebeacf587c4e362d|aea17b07>` - fix: problem of unable scroll in mobile

github2 15:18:02

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/commit/a92f8abe523a7faeec3f125b46adb073612170d4|a92f8abe>` - upgrade python from 3.7 to 3.9 `<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/commit/f4f538be99fb4fc730b03a1c09c808174b51b9ee|f4f538be>` - add factory location api `<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/commit/4666e85acc68375cfa068ca97f6616c1d28a6341|4666e85a>` - Merge pull request #602 from Swind/factory_location_api

github2 15:18:02

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/commit/a92f8abe523a7faeec3f125b46adb073612170d4|a92f8abe>` - upgrade python from 3.7 to 3.9 `<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/commit/f4f538be99fb4fc730b03a1c09c808174b51b9ee|f4f538be>` - add factory location api `<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/commit/4666e85acc68375cfa068ca97f6616c1d28a6341|4666e85a>` - Merge pull request #602 from Swind/factory_location_api

github2 15:29:48

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/d89a3205c8a985e074e2ec21ee6a434bc11d0272|d89a3205>` - fix(intro): assign correct height of intro page

github2 15:29:48

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/d89a3205c8a985e074e2ec21ee6a434bc11d0272|d89a3205>` - fix(intro): assign correct height of intro page

github2 16:04:21

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/7e78641ca4123ac8f488d403585154314db0b88c|7e78641c>` - feat: add license in about

github2 16:04:21

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/7e78641ca4123ac8f488d403585154314db0b88c|7e78641c>` - feat: add license in about

github2 23:16:23

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/ac5bb21322b2b520c2fea6d3731ca77b86d8ffa5|ac5bb213>` - feat: add gdpr declaration

github2 23:16:23

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/ac5bb21322b2b520c2fea6d3731ca77b86d8ffa5|ac5bb213>` - feat: add gdpr declaration

github2 23:43:53

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/dcbe5de713097724f50d4c068e3d824965e987e5|dcbe5de7>` - feat: change api endpoint to improve fetch speed `<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/4a08d35d1deacd2d94336ada9439d2c4e0f9ed96|4a08d35d>` - Merge pull request #103 from Disfactory/0501-api-update

github2 23:43:53

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/dcbe5de713097724f50d4c068e3d824965e987e5|dcbe5de7>` - feat: change api endpoint to improve fetch speed `<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/4a08d35d1deacd2d94336ada9439d2c4e0f9ed96|4a08d35d>` - Merge pull request #103 from Disfactory/0501-api-update


github2 09:57:09

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/f4eea4cca0565bb55d962d587b968cf585a9bf11|f4eea4cc>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:57:09

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/f4eea4cca0565bb55d962d587b968cf585a9bf11|f4eea4cc>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:57:40

github2 09:57:40

github2 11:07:02

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/leaflet-tilefilter/commit/5b3bbef18e2960520973d633ba211f981b86cdcb|5b3bbef1>` - chore: publish under @disfactory org

github2 11:07:02

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/leaflet-tilefilter/commit/5b3bbef18e2960520973d633ba211f981b86cdcb|5b3bbef1>` - chore: publish under @disfactory org

github2 12:04:18

<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/pull/104|#104 Feature/67-leaflet-tile-filter>

resolve <https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/issues/67|#67>

github2 12:04:18

<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/pull/104|#104 Feature/67-leaflet-tile-filter>

resolve <https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/issues/67|#67> <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4230968/166182883-e02fea6e-cf52-4888-981c-8b9f3056a11f.png|スクリーンショット 2022-05-02 午後12 04 35>

:white_check_mark: All checks have passed

github2 16:19:27

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/674e63a1ec93a836f36e86333db7f6062baf614b|674e63a1>` - feat: add dynamic title by using vuehead

github2 16:19:27

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/674e63a1ec93a836f36e86333db7f6062baf614b|674e63a1>` - feat: add dynamic title by using vuehead


github2 09:56:27

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/e6d2b89bae9e4657387e1618bcf0b4a4c8224093|e6d2b89b>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:56:27

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/e6d2b89bae9e4657387e1618bcf0b4a4c8224093|e6d2b89b>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:57:00

github2 09:57:00


github2 09:53:22

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/145fbf14294ee2d0245e3843fb98eb89815c5ec9|145fbf14>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:53:22

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/145fbf14294ee2d0245e3843fb98eb89815c5ec9|145fbf14>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:53:55

github2 09:53:55

github2 16:34:47

<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/issues/106|#106 Add an introduction of the "before/after switch" to the "learning session">

*Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.* :有沒有擴建,比較難,因為我常過度聚焦在看準心處,沒有看整體,就回答了,於是下一張問有無擴建時,只能瞎猜。 :圈起來的地方可以切換before and after~ :原來如此!教學沒有提示,還以為只是在告知before/after,不知可以切換。感謝。 :deepr使用者回饋~我一開始玩也沒注意到before and after *Describe the solution you'd like* Add an introduction of the switch to the "learning session." *Describe alternatives you've considered* Redesign the before/after button so that users could notice it easily. *Additional context* I've also remind a friend to use the button when he reach the third question and couldn't make a decision.

github2 16:34:47

<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/issues/106|#106 Add an introduction of the before/after button to the "learning session">

*Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.* :有沒有擴建,比較難,因為我常過度聚焦在看準心處,沒有看整體,就回答了,於是下一張問有無擴建時,只能瞎猜。 :圈起來的地方可以切換before and after~ :原來如此!教學沒有提示,還以為只是在告知before/after,不知可以切換。感謝。 :deepr使用者回饋~我一開始玩也沒注意到before and after *Describe the solution you'd like* Add an introduction of the button to the "learning session." *Describe alternatives you've considered* Redesign the before/after button so that users could notice it easily. *Additional context* I've also remind a friend to use the button when he reach the third question and couldn't make a decision.

github2 18:40:30

<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/issues/107|#107 Change the copy of the second question>

*Expected Behavior* Users can clearly know the range they should identify is the space inside the red box. *Current Behavior* Users are confused about the new building outside the box. *Possible Solution* Change the text of second question of "建物" to "承上,你覺得after的方框內有擴建嗎?" *Screenshots* <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60970217/166666460-21c73fd3-dd11-4569-815f-a3c0e94f1ee2.jpg|Image from iOS (1)> <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60970217/166666444-df335b6a-fc2f-4b60-9928-aaf6bb64b92d.jpg|Image from iOS>

github2 18:40:30

<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/issues/107|#107 Change the copy of the second question>

*Expected Behavior* Users can clearly know the range they should identify is the space inside the red box. *Current Behavior* Users are confused about the new building outside the box. *Possible Solution* Change the text of second question of "建物" to "承上,你覺得after的方框內有擴建嗎?" *Screenshots* <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60970217/166666460-21c73fd3-dd11-4569-815f-a3c0e94f1ee2.jpg|Image from iOS (1)> <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60970217/166666444-df335b6a-fc2f-4b60-9928-aaf6bb64b92d.jpg|Image from iOS>

github2 20:30:57

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/d620da7b8516f244c9b65d398f5637da7eccf69d|d620da7b>` - feat: update wording of question

github2 20:30:57

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/d620da7b8516f244c9b65d398f5637da7eccf69d|d620da7b>` - feat: update wording of question

github2 22:38:23

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/5b8d997023698f2e46efb3308223ebb6b5b6fc7d|5b8d9970>` - feat: update NavigationHeader `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/ddbbcfcd21534e8134b1f250f83166ad8dd636e0|ddbbcfcd>` - feat(dactoryDisplay): remove button of compitition `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/051252122fa1530c61cc2e21b8e66e0a33543702|05125212>` - feat: add button of go to spotdiff in slide manu `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/993b9de5b38f82a87a582c352faed1ec764d737a|993b9de5>` - feat: update ui of tutorial `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/6d900e7c513a37a251eb884c05156c806098a647|6d900e7c>` - Merge pull request #83 from Disfactory/0504-ui

github2 22:38:23

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/5b8d997023698f2e46efb3308223ebb6b5b6fc7d|5b8d9970>` - feat: update NavigationHeader `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/ddbbcfcd21534e8134b1f250f83166ad8dd636e0|ddbbcfcd>` - feat(dactoryDisplay): remove button of compitition `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/051252122fa1530c61cc2e21b8e66e0a33543702|05125212>` - feat: add button of go to spotdiff in slide manu `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/993b9de5b38f82a87a582c352faed1ec764d737a|993b9de5>` - feat: update ui of tutorial `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/6d900e7c513a37a251eb884c05156c806098a647|6d900e7c>` - Merge pull request #83 from Disfactory/0504-ui

github2 22:45:00

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/b7a4f6febf5d9a1236a51ab4b88b3d20c27c7b1c|b7a4f6fe>` - update 貢獻者 (contributor list) `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/dc114780de6c5aa56001048db83b14c2ab211944|dc114780>` - style: format by prettier `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/85c8176ad1b4188528937fcfd222e6d50ec4fcfb|85c8176a>` - Merge pull request #82 from Disfactory/ael-patch-contributors

github2 22:45:00

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/b7a4f6febf5d9a1236a51ab4b88b3d20c27c7b1c|b7a4f6fe>` - update 貢獻者 (contributor list) `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/dc114780de6c5aa56001048db83b14c2ab211944|dc114780>` - style: format by prettier `<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/85c8176ad1b4188528937fcfd222e6d50ec4fcfb|85c8176a>` - Merge pull request #82 from Disfactory/ael-patch-contributors

github2 22:50:39

github2 22:50:39


github2 18:34:20

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/748b5c5fb83562bd7692f1c9d1e1f60b30a5f2bb|748b5c5f>` - feat: add alert message

github2 18:34:20

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/748b5c5fb83562bd7692f1c9d1e1f60b30a5f2bb|748b5c5f>` - feat: add alert message

github2 18:54:17

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/1ece5168c4cc5e8146c6d06f2f4cb5fabf2724ba|1ece5168>` - feat: hide alert message

github2 18:54:17

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/1ece5168c4cc5e8146c6d06f2f4cb5fabf2724ba|1ece5168>` - feat: hide alert message


github2 09:28:38

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/07d84fd32bf44f9b2b318904c4cbb64a25ef8c91|07d84fd3>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:28:38

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/07d84fd32bf44f9b2b318904c4cbb64a25ef8c91|07d84fd3>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:29:15

github2 09:29:15


github2 09:30:28

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/bbe627aa42ebfce0ecd5c0107e56d5a1969f6203|bbe627aa>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:30:28

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/bbe627aa42ebfce0ecd5c0107e56d5a1969f6203|bbe627aa>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:31:07

github2 09:31:07


github2 09:54:53

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/4eb6c2006e42e98b402001d702e1ad43627cac68|4eb6c200>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:54:53

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/4eb6c2006e42e98b402001d702e1ad43627cac68|4eb6c200>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:55:32

github2 09:55:32

github2 20:56:19

<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/pull/603|#603 fix proxy schema>

看起來應該是因為 requests 更新設定方式 現在需要指定 schema

:white_check_mark: All checks have passed

github2 20:56:19

<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/pull/603|#603 fix proxy schema>

看起來應該是因為 requests 更新設定方式 現在需要指定 schema

github2 21:03:30

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/commit/b3c58bbd6c165734508273eb32d4b7d25c974e36|b3c58bbd>` - fix proxy schema `<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/commit/935f8c390810c35a9ffd4cb1a109a2d8860b7211|935f8c39>` - Merge pull request #603 from Swind/fix_easymap

github2 21:03:30

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/commit/b3c58bbd6c165734508273eb32d4b7d25c974e36|b3c58bbd>` - fix proxy schema `<https://github.com/Disfactory/Disfactory/commit/935f8c390810c35a9ffd4cb1a109a2d8860b7211|935f8c39>` - Merge pull request #603 from Swind/fix_easymap

github2 21:20:05

<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/issues/111|#111 Show user the answer_counts in Ending page>

*Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.* 增加使用者的榮譽感 *Describe the solution you'd like* 呈現已有多少答案給使用者看 設計圖:<https://www.figma.com/file/TVAEC28E3ojabGHc8BawbI/%E8%A1%9B%E6%98%9F%E7%A9%BA%E7%85%A7%E5%9C%96?node-id=0%3A2|https://www.figma.com/file/TVAEC28E3ojabGHc8BawbI/%E8%A1%9B%E6%98%9F%E7%A9%BA%E7%85%A7%E5%9C%96?node-id=0%3A2> 有任何問題可再在figma上留言討論

github2 21:20:05

<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/issues/111|#111 Show user the answer_counts in Ending page>

*Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.* 增加使用者的榮譽感 *Describe the solution you'd like* 呈現已有多少答案給使用者看 設計圖:<https://www.figma.com/file/TVAEC28E3ojabGHc8BawbI/%E8%A1%9B%E6%98%9F%E7%A9%BA%E7%85%A7%E5%9C%96?node-id=0%3A2|https://www.figma.com/file/TVAEC28E3ojabGHc8BawbI/%E8%A1%9B%E6%98%9F%E7%A9%BA%E7%85%A7%E5%9C%96?node-id=0%3A2> 有任何問題可再在figma上留言討論

github2 21:34:54

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/b05500c965396f96a943b419fbc6d2bac2e2c488|b05500c9>` - feat(loading): show alert text

github2 21:34:54

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/b05500c965396f96a943b419fbc6d2bac2e2c488|b05500c9>` - feat(loading): show alert text


github2 09:54:04

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/f601cfca31d02c0508db80dcfed025784761e606|f601cfca>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:54:04

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/f601cfca31d02c0508db80dcfed025784761e606|f601cfca>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:54:39

github2 09:54:39


github2 11:57:24

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/DisfactoryMonthlyReport/commit/2b91f6bf2ee57e031e8f3bd582085a492f733e5a|2b91f6bf>` - chore: autopublish 2022-05-13T03:57:23Z

github2 11:57:24

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/DisfactoryMonthlyReport/commit/2b91f6bf2ee57e031e8f3bd582085a492f733e5a|2b91f6bf>` - chore: autopublish 2022-05-13T03:57:23Z

github2 12:57:26

<https://github.com/Disfactory/DisfactoryMonthlyReport/issues/1|#1 系統計算結果和自行計算結果出現落差>

剛剛用action跑了一次產出統計的workflow 出了檢舉的總數是533,但django和about page縣市都是547 所以用vlookup統計了一次輸出的document table 結果只有「已發函斷電」、「已排程拆除」、「已拆除」數字是一致的,其他都出現1~5不等的落差。 還不知道原因是什麼,只是先放issue~ 剛用github輸出的 <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60970217/168213828-1c9a0ce9-d094-41e6-a0d0-37b0821092bc.png|截圖 2022-05-13 下午12 55 52> 自己輸出document table用vlookup算的 <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60970217/168213896-8b5f83d9-d1d2-4630-b874-2d651f699d1a.png|截圖 2022-05-13 下午12 56 35>

github2 12:57:26

<https://github.com/Disfactory/DisfactoryMonthlyReport/issues/1|#1 系統計算結果和自行計算結果出現落差>

剛剛用action跑了一次產出統計的workflow 出了檢舉的總數是533,但django和about page縣市都是547 所以用vlookup統計了一次輸出的document table 結果只有「已發函斷電」、「已排程拆除」、「已拆除」數字是一致的,其他都出現1~5不等的落差。 還不知道原因是什麼,只是先放issue~ 剛用github輸出的 <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60970217/168213828-1c9a0ce9-d094-41e6-a0d0-37b0821092bc.png|截圖 2022-05-13 下午12 55 52> 自己輸出document table用vlookup算的 <https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/60970217/168213896-8b5f83d9-d1d2-4630-b874-2d651f699d1a.png|截圖 2022-05-13 下午12 56 35>


github2 10:02:33

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/ea1f4bdb18a990d1c69b91baaec076ac13a14692|ea1f4bdb>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 10:02:33

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/ea1f4bdb18a990d1c69b91baaec076ac13a14692|ea1f4bdb>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 10:03:12

github2 10:03:12


github2 01:09:54

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/0b599f5737488a607c896ac2be1f31a61981317a|0b599f57>` - feat: show Loading page for unable fetch statile image

github2 01:09:54

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/0b599f5737488a607c896ac2be1f31a61981317a|0b599f57>` - feat: show Loading page for unable fetch statile image

github2 09:42:35

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/146cdb33555cf352e7c12ed8e97ee7bc1fdab5b7|146cdb33>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:42:35

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/146cdb33555cf352e7c12ed8e97ee7bc1fdab5b7|146cdb33>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:43:06

github2 09:43:06

github2 12:34:45

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/be09edde57b043ba32699e1f904ef77ca29017fa|be09edde>` - feat: revert to original loading page

github2 12:34:45

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/SpotDiffFrontend/commit/be09edde57b043ba32699e1f904ef77ca29017fa|be09edde>` - feat: revert to original loading page


github2 04:56:10

<https://github.com/Disfactory/license.disfactory.tw/pull/31|#31 chore(deps): bump postcss from 7.0.27 to 7.0.39>

Bumps <https://github.com/postcss/postcss|postcss> from 7.0.27 to 7.0.39. Release notes _Sourced from <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/releases|postcss's releases>._ &gt; *7.0.39* &gt; &gt; • Reduce package size. &gt; • Backport `nanocolors` to `picocolors` migration. &gt; &gt; *7.0.38* &gt; &gt; • Update `Processor#version`. &gt; &gt; *7.0.37* &gt; &gt; • Backport `chalk` to `nanocolors` migration. &gt; &gt; *7.0.36* &gt; &gt; • Backport ReDoS vulnerabilities from PostCSS 8. &gt; &gt; *7.0.35* &gt; &gt; • Add <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/wiki/PostCSS-8-for-end-users|migration guide link> to PostCSS 8 error text. &gt; &gt; *7.0.34* &gt; &gt; • Fix compatibility with `postcss-scss` 2. &gt; &gt; *7.0.33* &gt; &gt; • Add error message for PostCSS 8 plugins. &gt; &gt; *7.0.32* &gt; &gt; • Fix error message (by <https://github.com/admosity|`@​admosity`>). &gt; &gt; *7.0.31* &gt; &gt; • Use only the latest source map annotation (by <https://github.com/emzoumpo|`@​emzoumpo`>). &gt; &gt; *7.0.30* &gt; &gt; • Fix TypeScript definition (by <https://github.com/nex3|`@​nex3`>) &gt; &gt; *7.0.29* &gt; &gt; • Update `Processor#version`. &gt; &gt; *7.0.28* &gt; &gt; • Fix TypeScript definition (by <https://github.com/nex3|`@​nex3`>). Changelog _Sourced from <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/blob/7.0.39/CHANGELOG.md|postcss's changelog>._ &gt; *7.0.39* &gt; &gt; • Reduce package size. &gt; • Backport `nanocolors` to `picocolors` migration. &gt; &gt; *7.0.38* &gt; &gt; • Update `Processor#version`. &gt; &gt; *7.0.37* &gt; &gt; • Backport `chalk` to `nanocolors` migration. &gt; &gt; *7.0.36* &gt; &gt; • Backport ReDoS vulnerabilities from PostCSS 8. &gt; &gt; *7.0.35* &gt; &gt; • Add migration guide link to PostCSS 8 error text. &gt; &gt; *7.0.34* &gt; &gt; • Fix compatibility with `postcss-scss` 2. &gt; &gt; *7.0.33* &gt; &gt; • Add error message for PostCSS 8 plugins. &gt; &gt; *7.0.32* &gt; &gt; • Fix error message (by <https://github.com/admosity|`@​admosity`>). &gt; &gt; *7.0.31* &gt; &gt; • Use only the latest source map annotation (by Emmanouil Zoumpoulakis). &gt; &gt; *7.0.30* &gt; &gt; • Fix TypeScript definition (by Natalie Weizenbaum). &gt; &gt; *7.0.29* &gt; &gt; • Update `Processor#version`. &gt; &gt; *7.0.28* &gt; &gt; • Fix TypeScript definition (by Natalie Weizenbaum). Commits • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/e17c1ef7623a71be5732432ca8499bc9928aa08d|`e17c1ef`> Release 7.0.39 version • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/6791bd3d5f7ab27ad36dc075033a5beb4bdbfe9e|`6791bd3`> Reduce npm package • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/44c581a55a9aab339ee319aa67c264b02c4a6448|`44c581a`> Replace nanocolors with picocolors • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/8ba21fd8f4c3bff146b8a71d2d12f31435444394|`8ba21fd`> Remove eslint-ci • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/3994c4aa3ce1835c9b36ae17ab94e45c21b56fb2|`3994c4a`> Release 7.0.38 version • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/6944e1dd808da66cee4ebf287c66c6aa0fc5c2a0|`6944e1d`> Remove development keys from package.json • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/4dd0af024a915bd12d2d53990c5a4fa4129563d5|`4dd0af0`> Release 7.0.37 version • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/8408eb4105755c43dbf09a000fd2f1308f240232|`8408eb4`> Add compilation step • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/0c680639c3d717b4c8c0b2b2a9d1799fbf239a76|`0c68063`> Move tests to GitHub Actions • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/98b61ba5b46622de48bb2592583757ab846212ad|`98b61ba`> Replace chalk to nanocolors • Additional commits viewable in <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/compare/7.0.27...7.0.39|compare view> <https://docs.github.com/en/github/managing-security-vulnerabilities/about-dependabot-security-updates#about-compatibility-scores|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <https://github.com/Disfactory/license.disfactory.tw/network/alerts|Security Alerts page>.

github2 04:56:10

<https://github.com/Disfactory/license.disfactory.tw/pull/31|#31 chore(deps): bump postcss from 7.0.27 to 7.0.39>

Bumps <https://github.com/postcss/postcss|postcss> from 7.0.27 to 7.0.39. Release notes _Sourced from <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/releases|postcss's releases>._ &gt; *7.0.39* &gt; &gt; • Reduce package size. &gt; • Backport `nanocolors` to `picocolors` migration. &gt; &gt; *7.0.38* &gt; &gt; • Update `Processor#version`. &gt; &gt; *7.0.37* &gt; &gt; • Backport `chalk` to `nanocolors` migration. &gt; &gt; *7.0.36* &gt; &gt; • Backport ReDoS vulnerabilities from PostCSS 8. &gt; &gt; *7.0.35* &gt; &gt; • Add <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/wiki/PostCSS-8-for-end-users|migration guide link> to PostCSS 8 error text. &gt; &gt; *7.0.34* &gt; &gt; • Fix compatibility with `postcss-scss` 2. &gt; &gt; *7.0.33* &gt; &gt; • Add error message for PostCSS 8 plugins. &gt; &gt; *7.0.32* &gt; &gt; • Fix error message (by <https://github.com/admosity|`@​admosity`>). &gt; &gt; *7.0.31* &gt; &gt; • Use only the latest source map annotation (by <https://github.com/emzoumpo|`@​emzoumpo`>). &gt; &gt; *7.0.30* &gt; &gt; • Fix TypeScript definition (by <https://github.com/nex3|`@​nex3`>) &gt; &gt; *7.0.29* &gt; &gt; • Update `Processor#version`. &gt; &gt; *7.0.28* &gt; &gt; • Fix TypeScript definition (by <https://github.com/nex3|`@​nex3`>). Changelog _Sourced from <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/blob/7.0.39/CHANGELOG.md|postcss's changelog>._ &gt; *7.0.39* &gt; &gt; • Reduce package size. &gt; • Backport `nanocolors` to `picocolors` migration. &gt; &gt; *7.0.38* &gt; &gt; • Update `Processor#version`. &gt; &gt; *7.0.37* &gt; &gt; • Backport `chalk` to `nanocolors` migration. &gt; &gt; *7.0.36* &gt; &gt; • Backport ReDoS vulnerabilities from PostCSS 8. &gt; &gt; *7.0.35* &gt; &gt; • Add migration guide link to PostCSS 8 error text. &gt; &gt; *7.0.34* &gt; &gt; • Fix compatibility with `postcss-scss` 2. &gt; &gt; *7.0.33* &gt; &gt; • Add error message for PostCSS 8 plugins. &gt; &gt; *7.0.32* &gt; &gt; • Fix error message (by <https://github.com/admosity|`@​admosity`>). &gt; &gt; *7.0.31* &gt; &gt; • Use only the latest source map annotation (by Emmanouil Zoumpoulakis). &gt; &gt; *7.0.30* &gt; &gt; • Fix TypeScript definition (by Natalie Weizenbaum). &gt; &gt; *7.0.29* &gt; &gt; • Update `Processor#version`. &gt; &gt; *7.0.28* &gt; &gt; • Fix TypeScript definition (by Natalie Weizenbaum). Commits • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/e17c1ef7623a71be5732432ca8499bc9928aa08d|`e17c1ef`> Release 7.0.39 version • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/6791bd3d5f7ab27ad36dc075033a5beb4bdbfe9e|`6791bd3`> Reduce npm package • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/44c581a55a9aab339ee319aa67c264b02c4a6448|`44c581a`> Replace nanocolors with picocolors • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/8ba21fd8f4c3bff146b8a71d2d12f31435444394|`8ba21fd`> Remove eslint-ci • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/3994c4aa3ce1835c9b36ae17ab94e45c21b56fb2|`3994c4a`> Release 7.0.38 version • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/6944e1dd808da66cee4ebf287c66c6aa0fc5c2a0|`6944e1d`> Remove development keys from package.json • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/4dd0af024a915bd12d2d53990c5a4fa4129563d5|`4dd0af0`> Release 7.0.37 version • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/8408eb4105755c43dbf09a000fd2f1308f240232|`8408eb4`> Add compilation step • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/0c680639c3d717b4c8c0b2b2a9d1799fbf239a76|`0c68063`> Move tests to GitHub Actions • <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/commit/98b61ba5b46622de48bb2592583757ab846212ad|`98b61ba`> Replace chalk to nanocolors • Additional commits viewable in <https://github.com/postcss/postcss/compare/7.0.27...7.0.39|compare view> <https://docs.github.com/en/github/managing-security-vulnerabilities/about-dependabot-security-updates#about-compatibility-scores|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <https://github.com/Disfactory/license.disfactory.tw/network/alerts|Security Alerts page>.

github2 04:56:11

<https://github.com/Disfactory/license.disfactory.tw/pull/30|#30 chore(deps): bump color-string from 1.5.3 to 1.9.1>

Bumps <https://github.com/Qix-/color-string|color-string> from 1.5.3 to 1.9.1. Release notes _Sourced from <https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/releases|color-string's releases>._ &gt; *1.9.0* &gt; *Minor Release 1.9.0* &gt; &gt; • Add parsing of exponential alpha values for HWB and HSL (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/66|#66>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/babycannotsay|`@​babycannotsay`> for their contribution! &gt; &gt; *1.8.2* &gt; *Patch release 1.8.2* &gt; &gt; • Fix incorrect handling of optional comma in rgb() regex (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/65|#65>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/gerdasi|`@​gerdasi`> and <https://github.com/mastertheblaster|`@​mastertheblaster`> for reporting and confirming the bug! &gt; &gt; *1.8.1* &gt; *Patch release 1.8.1* &gt; &gt; • Fix rgb alpha percentage parsing from int to float (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/61|#61>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/clytras|`@​clytras`> for their contribution! &gt; &gt; *1.8.0* &gt; *Minor release 1.8.0* &gt; &gt; • Add anchors to keyword regex (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/64|#64>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/cq360767996|`@​cq360767996`> for their contribution! &gt; &gt; *1.7.4* &gt; *Patch Release 1.7.4* &gt; &gt; • Fix bug in `.to.hex()` output if the inputs aren't rounded numbers (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/25|#25>) &gt; &gt; *1.7.3* &gt; *Patch Release 1.7.3* &gt; &gt; • Fix hue modulo operation (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/50|#50>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/adroitwhiz|`@​adroitwhiz`> for their contributions. &gt; &gt; *1.7.2* &gt; *Patch Release 1.7.2* &gt; &gt; • Fix issue where color-string with incorrectly return a color for properties on Object's prototype like "constructor". (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/45|#45>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/tolmasky|`@​tolmasky`> for their contributions. &gt; &gt; *1.7.1* &gt; *Patch release 1.7.1* ... (truncated) Commits • See full diff in <https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/commits/1.9.1|compare view> <https://docs.github.com/en/github/managing-security-vulnerabilities/about-dependabot-security-updates#about-compatibility-scores|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <https://github.com/Disfactory/license.disfactory.tw/network/alerts|Security Alerts page>.

github2 04:56:11

<https://github.com/Disfactory/license.disfactory.tw/pull/30|#30 chore(deps): bump color-string from 1.5.3 to 1.9.1>

Bumps <https://github.com/Qix-/color-string|color-string> from 1.5.3 to 1.9.1. Release notes _Sourced from <https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/releases|color-string's releases>._ &gt; *1.9.0* &gt; *Minor Release 1.9.0* &gt; &gt; • Add parsing of exponential alpha values for HWB and HSL (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/66|#66>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/babycannotsay|`@​babycannotsay`> for their contribution! &gt; &gt; *1.8.2* &gt; *Patch release 1.8.2* &gt; &gt; • Fix incorrect handling of optional comma in rgb() regex (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/65|#65>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/gerdasi|`@​gerdasi`> and <https://github.com/mastertheblaster|`@​mastertheblaster`> for reporting and confirming the bug! &gt; &gt; *1.8.1* &gt; *Patch release 1.8.1* &gt; &gt; • Fix rgb alpha percentage parsing from int to float (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/61|#61>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/clytras|`@​clytras`> for their contribution! &gt; &gt; *1.8.0* &gt; *Minor release 1.8.0* &gt; &gt; • Add anchors to keyword regex (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/64|#64>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/cq360767996|`@​cq360767996`> for their contribution! &gt; &gt; *1.7.4* &gt; *Patch Release 1.7.4* &gt; &gt; • Fix bug in `.to.hex()` output if the inputs aren't rounded numbers (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/25|#25>) &gt; &gt; *1.7.3* &gt; *Patch Release 1.7.3* &gt; &gt; • Fix hue modulo operation (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/50|#50>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/adroitwhiz|`@​adroitwhiz`> for their contributions. &gt; &gt; *1.7.2* &gt; *Patch Release 1.7.2* &gt; &gt; • Fix issue where color-string with incorrectly return a color for properties on Object's prototype like "constructor". (<https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/issues/45|#45>) &gt; &gt; Thanks to <https://github.com/tolmasky|`@​tolmasky`> for their contributions. &gt; &gt; *1.7.1* &gt; *Patch release 1.7.1* ... (truncated) Commits • See full diff in <https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/commits/1.9.1|compare view> <https://docs.github.com/en/github/managing-security-vulnerabilities/about-dependabot-security-updates#about-compatibility-scores|Dependabot compatibility score> Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting `@dependabot rebase`. * * * Dependabot commands and options You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR: • `@dependabot rebase` will rebase this PR • `@dependabot recreate` will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it • `@dependabot merge` will merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot squash and merge` will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it • `@dependabot cancel merge` will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging • `@dependabot reopen` will reopen this PR if it is closed • `@dependabot close` will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually • `@dependabot ignore this major version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this minor version` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot ignore this dependency` will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself) • `@dependabot use these labels` will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these reviewers` will set the current reviewers as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use these assignees` will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language • `@dependabot use this milestone` will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the <https://github.com/Disfactory/license.disfactory.tw/network/alerts|Security Alerts page>.


github2 09:47:28

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/98c0727ae7488647f32f182f30d122c77053ef73|98c0727a>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:47:28

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/98c0727ae7488647f32f182f30d122c77053ef73|98c0727a>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:48:01

github2 09:48:01


github2 09:26:55

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/c4715f4904a741eb953036623baf1c1a71b3c782|c4715f49>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:26:55

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/c4715f4904a741eb953036623baf1c1a71b3c782|c4715f49>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:27:33

github2 09:27:33


github2 09:48:27

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/2b6f2bda10c0f4f751944fa6c96f134b6db234cc|2b6f2bda>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:48:27

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/2b6f2bda10c0f4f751944fa6c96f134b6db234cc|2b6f2bda>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:48:58

github2 09:48:58


github2 09:52:44

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/6f0b1610017854d77f7a0ecc4ecd0774af0223fd|6f0b1610>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:52:44

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/6f0b1610017854d77f7a0ecc4ecd0774af0223fd|6f0b1610>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:53:23

github2 09:53:23


github2 09:54:11

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/c6ddfee511ca212501ba99f4542383ccd38d8885|c6ddfee5>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:54:11

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/c6ddfee511ca212501ba99f4542383ccd38d8885|c6ddfee5>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:54:49

github2 09:54:49


github2 09:51:33

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/e9ab4734f09a1be6b26f8f5640d60b37c4024f43|e9ab4734>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:51:33

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/e9ab4734f09a1be6b26f8f5640d60b37c4024f43|e9ab4734>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:52:15

github2 09:52:15


github2 09:58:49

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/e2a944340c070a51f328c54cd29678ea4f60fc63|e2a94434>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:58:49

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/e2a944340c070a51f328c54cd29678ea4f60fc63|e2a94434>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:59:25

github2 09:59:25


github2 09:54:43

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/cb7027db927943efb49665202f4ac474fff86374|cb7027db>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:54:43

`<https://github.com/Disfactory/about.disfactory.tw/commit/cb7027db927943efb49665202f4ac474fff86374|cb7027db>` - feat: update the OG images &amp; og-imgs-cache.json

github2 09:55:24

github2 09:55:24