Subscribed to <|Disfactory>
Subscribed to <|Disfactory/Disfactory>
Subscribed to <|Disfactory/frontend>
*Describe the bug* 安全須知目前沒有資訊 *Expected behavior* 如第一版運作 *Screenshots* <|IMG_9455> *Desktop (please complete the following information):* • OS: [e.g. iOS] • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] • Version [e.g. 22] *Smartphone (please complete the following information):* • iphone7 • iOS13.7 • safari
*Describe the bug* 安全須知目前沒有資訊 *Expected behavior* 如第一版運作 *Screenshots* <|IMG_9455> *Desktop (please complete the following information):* • OS: [e.g. iOS] • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] • Version [e.g. 22] *Smartphone (please complete the following information):* • iphone7 • iOS13.7 • safari
*<|2 new commits> pushed to <|`master`>* <|`c90fb961`> - feat(admin): generate docs according to selected factories <|`0f56a2f3`> - Merge pull request #399 from Disfactory/generate-docs
*<|2 new commits> pushed to <|`master`>* <|`c90fb961`> - feat(admin): generate docs according to selected factories <|`0f56a2f3`> - Merge pull request #399 from Disfactory/generate-docs
#26 Image lightbox for previewing larger image
• <|>
#26 Image lightbox for previewing larger image
• <|>
<|BB45297C-6457-4CFC-B139-6F3071D227EF> 不然會變黑底
<|BB45297C-6457-4CFC-B139-6F3071D227EF> 不然會變黑底
#28 Update PWA theme color to #697F01
#697F01 <|frontend/vue.config.js> Line 20 in </Disfactory/frontend/commit/501f090f504af8d477e2a3496cbe6eb8c09fb76a|501f090>
#28 Update PWA theme color to #697F01
`#697F01` <|frontend/vue.config.js> Line 20 in </Disfactory/frontend/commit/501f090f504af8d477e2a3496cbe6eb8c09fb76a|501f090>
#29 iOS add to home screen banner
#29 iOS add to home screen banner
#31 Figure out why getLUIMAPLayer should be async
問自己呀 QQ 幹嘛這樣寫 <|frontend/src/lib/map.ts> Line 591 in </Disfactory/frontend/commit/4a432748885907df6fc5c1cf373c27abe52a8372|4a43274>
#31 Figure out why getLUIMAPLayer should be async
問自己呀 QQ 幹嘛這樣寫 <|frontend/src/lib/map.ts> Line 591 in </Disfactory/frontend/commit/4a432748885907df6fc5c1cf373c27abe52a8372|4a43274>