
Month: 2024-06


Slackbot 15:26:46
@peian would like to install the app *Zapier* on the workspace *g0v*

Reason for requesting:



Easy automation for busy people <|Full description>

36 permissions &amp; scopes required

_On behalf of the app:_ - View people in a workspace `<|users:read>` - Join public channels in a workspace `<|channels:join>` - Manage public channels that Zapier has been added to and create new ones `<|channels:manage>` - Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use `<|commands>` - View basic information about public channels in a workspace `<|channels:read>` - View the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces Zapier is connected to `<|team:read>` - View email addresses of people in a workspace `<|>` - View profile details about people in a workspace `<|users.profile:read>` - Send messages as @Zapier `<|chat:write>` - Upload, edit, and delete files as Zapier `<|files:write>` - Start direct messages with people `<|im:write>` - Start group direct messages with people `<|mpim:write>` - Send messages to channels @Zapier isn't a member of `<|chat:write.public>` - Send messages as @Zapier with a customized username and avatar `<|chat:write.customize>` - Add steps that people can use in Workflow Builder `<|workflow.steps:execute>` _On behalf of the user:_ - View messages and other content in a user’s private channels `<|groups:history>` - View files shared in channels and conversations that a user has access to `<|files:read>` - View emoji reactions in a user’s channels and conversations and their associated content `<|reactions:read>` - Search a workspace’s content `<|search:read>` - View messages and other content in a user’s public channels `<|channels:history>` - View people in a workspace `<|users:read>` - View information about a user’s identity `<|identify>` - Send messages on a user’s behalf `<|chat:write>` - Add, remove, or mark reminders as complete `<|reminders:write>` - Start group direct messages with people on a user’s behalf `<|mpim:write>` - Start direct messages with people on a user’s behalf `<|im:write>` - Manage a user’s private channels and create new ones on a user’s behalf `<|groups:write>` - Upload, edit, and delete files on a user’s behalf `<|files:write>` - View the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces a user is connected to `<|team:read>` - Manage a user’s public channels and create new ones on a user’s behalf `<|channels:write>` - View email addresses of people in a workspace `<|>` - View a user’s starred messages and files `<|stars:read>` - View basic information about a user’s private channels `<|groups:read>` - View custom emoji in a workspace `<|emoji:read>` - View basic information about public channels in a workspace `<|channels:read>` - Edit a user’s profile information and status `<|users.profile:write>`

All actions on a request will affect the entire workspace

Slackbot 15:26:46
@peian would like to install the app *Zapier* on the workspace *g0v*

Reason for requesting:



Easy automation for busy people <|Full description>

36 permissions &amp; scopes required

_On behalf of the app:_ - View people in a workspace `<|users:read>` - Join public channels in a workspace `<|channels:join>` - Manage public channels that Zapier has been added to and create new ones `<|channels:manage>` - Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use `<|commands>` - View basic information about public channels in a workspace `<|channels:read>` - View the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces Zapier is connected to `<|team:read>` - View email addresses of people in a workspace `<|>` - View profile details about people in a workspace `<|users.profile:read>` - Send messages as @Zapier `<|chat:write>` - Upload, edit, and delete files as Zapier `<|files:write>` - Start direct messages with people `<|im:write>` - Start group direct messages with people `<|mpim:write>` - Send messages to channels @Zapier isn't a member of `<|chat:write.public>` - Send messages as @Zapier with a customized username and avatar `<|chat:write.customize>` - Add steps that people can use in Workflow Builder `<|workflow.steps:execute>` _On behalf of the user:_ - View messages and other content in a user’s private channels `<|groups:history>` - View files shared in channels and conversations that a user has access to `<|files:read>` - View emoji reactions in a user’s channels and conversations and their associated content `<|reactions:read>` - Search a workspace’s content `<|search:read>` - View messages and other content in a user’s public channels `<|channels:history>` - View people in a workspace `<|users:read>` - View information about a user’s identity `<|identify>` - Send messages on a user’s behalf `<|chat:write>` - Add, remove, or mark reminders as complete `<|reminders:write>` - Start group direct messages with people on a user’s behalf `<|mpim:write>` - Start direct messages with people on a user’s behalf `<|im:write>` - Manage a user’s private channels and create new ones on a user’s behalf `<|groups:write>` - Upload, edit, and delete files on a user’s behalf `<|files:write>` - View the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces a user is connected to `<|team:read>` - Manage a user’s public channels and create new ones on a user’s behalf `<|channels:write>` - View email addresses of people in a workspace `<|>` - View a user’s starred messages and files `<|stars:read>` - View basic information about a user’s private channels `<|groups:read>` - View custom emoji in a workspace `<|emoji:read>` - View basic information about public channels in a workspace `<|channels:read>` - Edit a user’s profile information and status `<|users.profile:write>`

All actions on a request will affect the entire workspace