
Month: 2020-05


Slackbot 22:48:42
@luv.hsu would like to install Doodle Bot on *g0v*

Reason for requesting:


Doodle Bot

Find the best time to meet with teams inside and outside Slack <|See the full description>

Doodle Bot requires 3 permissions &amp; scopes:

- Add the ability for people to direct message or mention @doodle_bot `<|bot>` - View information about the user’s identity `<|identify>` - Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use `<|commands>`

All actions on a request will affect the entire workspace


Slackbot 01:10:44
@taco625652 would like to install Donut on *g0v*

Reason for requesting:



Grab a remote donut or coffee <|See the full description>

Donut requires 19 permissions &amp; scopes:

*On behalf of the app:* - View emoji reactions and their associated content in channels and conversations that Donut has been added to `<|reactions:read>` - View messages and other content in public channels that Donut has been added to `<|channels:history>` - Join public channels in the workspace `<|channels:join>` - View people in the workspace `<|users:read>` - Manage public channels that Donut has been added to and create new ones `<|channels:manage>` - View messages and other content in group direct messages that Donut has been added to `<|mpim:history>` - View messages and other content in direct messages that Donut has been added to `<|im:history>` - View messages and other content in private channels that Donut has been added to `<|groups:history>` - View basic information about public channels in the workspace `<|channels:read>` - View basic information about private channels that Donut has been added to `<|groups:read>` - View basic information about direct messages that Donut has been added to `<|im:read>` - View basic information about group direct messages that Donut has been added to `<|mpim:read>` - View the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces Donut is connected to `<|team:read>` - View email addresses of people in the workspace `<|>` - Send messages as @donut `<|chat:write>` - Start direct messages with people `<|im:write>` - Start group direct messages with people `<|mpim:write>` - Send messages to channels @donut isn't a member of `<|chat:write.public>` - Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use `<|commands>`

All actions on a request will affect the entire workspace


Slackbot 13:53:53
@tnstiger would like to install g0v summit 2020 on *g0v*

Reason for requesting:

oauth for g0v summit 2020 - by Howard

g0v summit 2020

<|See the full description> *Note:* Slack has not reviewed this app and does not endorse or certify it.

g0v summit 2020 requires 1 permissions &amp; scopes:

*On behalf of the user:* - View information about the user’s identity `<|identify>`


Slackbot 11:35:22
@jay904123 would like to install Zoom on *g0v*

Reason for requesting:



Easily start a Zoom video meeting directly from Slack. <|See the full description>

Zoom requires 9 permissions &amp; scopes:

- Add the ability for people to direct message or mention @zoom `<|bot>` - View people in the workspace `<|users:read>` - View information about the user’s identity `<|identify>` - Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use `<|commands>` - View the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces the user is connected to `<|team:read>` - View email addresses of people in the workspace `<|>` - Send messages as Zoom `<|chat:write:bot>` - View some URLs in messages `<|links:read>` - Show previews of URLs in messages `<|links:write>`

All actions on a request will affect the entire workspace


Slackbot 07:49:04
@little78926 would like to install awesome-g0v-projects on *g0v*

Reason for requesting:



<|See the full description> *Note:* Slack has not reviewed this app and does not endorse or certify it.

awesome-g0v-projects requires 1 permissions &amp; scopes:

*On behalf of the app:* - Post messages to specific channels in Slack `<|incoming-webhook>`

Slackbot 12:00:52
@little78926 would like to install awesome-g0v-projects on *g0v*

:warning: awesome-g0v-projects was previously approved, but now requires different permissions and scopes. Approved permissions &amp; scopes:

*On behalf of the app:* - Post messages to specific channels in Slack `<|incoming-webhook>`

Reason for requesting:


New permissions &amp; scopes required

*On behalf of the app:* - View messages that directly mention @awesomeg0vprojects in conversations that the app is in `<|app_mentions:read>` - View messages and other content in public channels that awesome-g0v-projects has been added to `<|channels:history>` - Manage public channels that awesome-g0v-projects has been added to and create new ones `<|channels:manage>` - View files shared in channels and conversations that awesome-g0v-projects has been added to `<|files:read>` - Join public channels in the workspace `<|channels:join>` - View people in the workspace `<|users:read>` - Start direct messages with people `<|im:write>` - Send messages as @awesomeg0vprojects with a customized username and avatar `<|chat:write.customize>` - Send messages to channels @awesomeg0vprojects isn't a member of `<|chat:write.public>` - Show previews of URLs in messages `<|links:write>` - View some URLs in messages `<|links:read>` - Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use `<|commands>` - Upload, edit, and delete files as awesome-g0v-projects `<|files:write>` - Post messages to specific channels in Slack `<|incoming-webhook>` - View profile details about people in the workspace `<|users.profile:read>` - View email addresses of people in the workspace `<|>` - View the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces awesome-g0v-projects is connected to `<|team:read>` - View basic information about direct messages that awesome-g0v-projects has been added to `<|im:read>` - View basic information about public channels in the workspace `<|channels:read>` - Send messages as @awesomeg0vprojects `<|chat:write>` *On behalf of the user:* - View messages and other content in the user’s direct messages `<|im:history>` - View files shared in channels and conversations that the user has access to `<|files:read>` - Search the workspace’s content `<|search:read>` - View people in the workspace `<|users:read>` - View information about the user’s identity `<|identify>` - View basic information about public channels in the workspace `<|channels:read>` - View basic information about the user’s direct messages `<|im:read>` - View the name, email domain, and icon for workspaces the user is connected to `<|team:read>` - View email addresses of people in the workspace `<|>` - View user groups in the workspace `<|usergroups:read>` - View profile details about people in the workspace `<|users.profile:read>` - Send messages on the user’s behalf `<|chat:write>` - Start direct messages with people on the user’s behalf `<|im:write>` - View some URLs in messages `<|links:read>` - Show previews of URLs in messages `<|links:write>`

All actions on a request will affect the entire workspace