
Month: 2023-10


Slackbot 16:17:19 would like to install the app *Clockwise* on the workspace *g0v*

Reason for requesting:



Automatically sync your work calendar with your Slack status <|Full description>

13 permissions &amp; scopes required

_On behalf of the app:_ - View messages and other content in direct messages that Clockwise has been added to `<|im:history>` - View people in a workspace `<|users:read>` - View messages that directly mention @Clockwise in conversations that the app is in `<|app_mentions:read>` - Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use `<|commands>` - View basic information about public channels in a workspace `<|channels:read>` - Send messages as @Clockwise `<|chat:write>` - Start direct messages with people `<|im:write>` - Send messages to channels @Clockwise isn't a member of `<|chat:write.public>` _On behalf of the user:_ - View information about a user’s identity `<|identify>` - View Do Not Disturb settings for people in a workspace `<|dnd:read>` - View profile details about people in a workspace `<|users.profile:read>` - Edit a user’s Do Not Disturb settings `<|dnd:write>` - Edit a user’s profile information and status `<|users.profile:write>`

All actions on a request will affect the entire workspace

Slackbot 16:17:19 would like to install the app *Clockwise* on the workspace *g0v*

Reason for requesting:



Automatically sync your work calendar with your Slack status <|Full description>

13 permissions &amp; scopes required

_On behalf of the app:_ - View messages and other content in direct messages that Clockwise has been added to `<|im:history>` - View people in a workspace `<|users:read>` - View messages that directly mention @Clockwise in conversations that the app is in `<|app_mentions:read>` - Add shortcuts and/or slash commands that people can use `<|commands>` - View basic information about public channels in a workspace `<|channels:read>` - Send messages as @Clockwise `<|chat:write>` - Start direct messages with people `<|im:write>` - Send messages to channels @Clockwise isn't a member of `<|chat:write.public>` _On behalf of the user:_ - View information about a user’s identity `<|identify>` - View Do Not Disturb settings for people in a workspace `<|dnd:read>` - View profile details about people in a workspace `<|users.profile:read>` - Edit a user’s Do Not Disturb settings `<|dnd:write>` - Edit a user’s profile information and status `<|users.profile:write>`

All actions on a request will affect the entire workspace