
Month: 2021-04


ael 10:40:36
You may want to check UD chat for translation developed by 青木秀仁 from Code for Japan

``` # UDChat - Group text chat with automatic translation ## How to run 1. npm install After "git clone" to repository, run command "npm install". 2. Make ".env" file and put at project root Put ".env fime" at project root after copying below. ``` ROOT_URL = "<http://localhost:3000>" FIREBASE_API_KEY = "" FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN = "" FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID = "" FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET = "" FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID = "" FIREBASE_APP_ID = "" MEASUREMENT_ID = "" GOOGLE_CLOUD_TRANSLATION_API_KEY = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_type = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_project_id = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_private_key_id = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_private_key = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_client_email = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_client_id = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_auth_uri = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_token_uri = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_auth_provider_x509_cert_url = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_client_x509_cert_url = "" ``` ### Accessing to firestore Copy values to enviroment values from code in order to accessing firestore. ``` var firebaseConfig = { apiKey: "xxxxx, authDomain: "xxxxx", projectId: "xxxxx", storageBucket: "xxxxx", messagingSenderId: "xxxxx", appId: "xxxxx", measurementId: "xxxxx" }; // Initialize Firebase firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);; ``` "xxxxx" is value, copy to here. ``` FIREBASE_API_KEY = "xxxxx" FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN = "xxxxx" FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID = "xxxxx" FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET = "xxxxx" FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID = "xxxxx" FIREBASE_APP_ID = "xxxxx" MEASUREMENT_ID = "xxxxx" ``` Like this. You might have some error messages in local running form firebase. In this case, make index in firestore console. You might see the URL for making index from the error message. ### Accessing to Google Translate API Publish API key from Google Cloud console. If this key is empty, UD Chat can run without translation feature. `GOOGLE_CLOUD_TRANSLATION_API_KEY = ""` ### Accessing to firebase admin Download service account secret key from firebase console, and copy values to each keys in ".env" file. In the firebase console, set enalbe "Email / Password" at Authentication &gt; Sign-in method. ``` FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_type = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_project_id = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_private_key_id = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_private_key = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_client_email = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_client_id = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_auth_uri = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_token_uri = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_auth_provider_x509_cert_url = "" FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_client_x509_cert_url = "" ``` ### Running domain Set your running domain. `ROOT_URL = "<http://localhost:3000>"` If you want to run UD Chat such as "Heroku" or other hosting services, set them to environment values. ".env" is authentication infomation. You should not add to repository. Notes: If you set environment key "FIREBASE_ADMINSDK_private_key" at Heroku, you have to replace "\n" letters to "\n" control letters. ```


Slackbot 02:14:20
@kcwu would like to install the app *Incoming WebHooks* on the workspace *g0v*

Reason for requesting:

I want to add notifications from uptimerobot

Incoming WebHooks

Send data into Slack in real-time. <|Full description> *Note:* This app was created by a member of your workspace.

2 permissions &amp; scopes required

- View information about a user’s identity `<|identify>` - Post messages to specific channels in Slack `<|incoming-webhook>`

Can anyone just approve? Haha sorry, not sure to protocol here :)