
Month: 2021-08


Slackbot 18:59:24
@chewei would like to install the app *揪松小幫手 Jothon Helper* on the workspace *g0v*

:warning: 揪松小幫手 Jothon Helper was previously approved, but now requires different permissions and scopes. Approved permissions & scopes:

- Add the ability for people to direct message or mention @review-bot `<|bot>` - View messages and other content in a user’s public channels `<|channels:history>` - View messages and other content in a user’s private channels `<|groups:history>` - View people in a workspace `<|users:read>` - View information about a user’s identity `<|identify>` - Post messages to specific channels in Slack `<|incoming-webhook>` - View basic information about public channels in a workspace `<|channels:read>` - View basic information about a user’s private channels `<|groups:read>`

Reason for requesting:

chewei 測試

New permissions &amp; scopes required

- View messages and other content in a user’s direct messages `<|im:history>` - View information about a user’s identity `<|identify>` - View basic information about a user’s direct messages `<|im:read>`